~ I. I OFFICIAL GUIDE tl. I r~ TO ~ ~ The National Zoological ~ r~ Gardens of South Africa ~ PRETORIA,1928. Pretoria, South Alri~p

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1 - i~)jitc~)=;:-c~]ic~;:)::~:::~)=~~:::~)jtc~::~:::~)=:~c~:::~:::~)=c~1 ~ I I OFFICIAL GUIDE tl I ~ ~ I r~ TO I ~! The National Zoological ~ r~ Gardens of South Africa ~ ~ 0 I W - - PRETORIA,1928 Pretoria, South Alri~p -

2 The Pretoria Publicity Association ---- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIIIIIIIIIII ~ To Visitors: «I HEN Visiting PRETORIA please con sider the Publicity Bureau and Rest ~i~~~~~ ~~~~ Room as dedicated to your service. ~;~~~~ ~Uf Here you may secure any desired ~ information. Writing and reading rooms are at your disposal, and advice and assistance regarding the best way to spend the time at your disposal will gladly be given you. The Pretoria Publicity Association, whose business it is to provide these facilities, seek no return save the satisfaction of serving those who are visitors or newcomers to Pretoria. The Publicity Offices and Visitors Bureau and Restroom is situated on the 1 st floor of Du Toit Buildings next to the Imperial Hotel in Pretorius Street. Use the entrance to the Oxford Bioscope Cafe.

3 11 II - II I I Official Guide TO The National Zoological Gardens of South Africa BY R. BIGALKE, M.A. (Cape Town) ; Ph.D. (Berlin), Director First Edition, New Ser,ies. II II - II Offisieele Gids VAN.. Die Suidafrikaanse.. N asionale Dieretuin.. DEUR R. BIGALKE, M.A. (Kaapstad); Ph.D. (Berlyn), Direkteur Eerste Uitgawe van die Nuwe Serie. PRETORIA, I~==================~====~ I -

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7 The NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS of SOUTH AFRICA. DIE SUIDAFRIKAANSE NASIONALE DIERETUIN. 4 j HISTORY. The National Zoological Gardens of South Africa came into existence as an offshoot of the "Staatsmuseum der Zuid Afrikaansehe Republiek", and their establishment is due almost entirelv to the efforts of the late Dr. J. W. B. Gunning. Previous to t.he erection of the museum buildings in Boom Street, the museum collections were housed in the small Market Hall on the Market Square of Pretoria. Live animals were occasionally presented to. the Staatsmuseum, and by the commencement of 1898 about a dozen live animals and fifty small birds were on hand. With this nucleus Dr. Gunning desired to commence a zoological garden, but his proposal did not meet with the approval of the Trustees of the :Museum. Dr. Gunning was not discouraged, however, and very soon he approached the Trustees again, and obtained permissio!l to have a fe,,, simple bird-cages made, so that the large number of small birds offered alive to the Museum from time to time, could be kept until t.heir plumage had become suitable for mounting. These few animals, together with others that were purchased or donated, were kept in a small yard at t.he back of the museum on Market Square. As the Jlublic desired access to the animals, an entrance fee of 6d for adults and 3d for children was levied, and t.he revenue obtained in this manner contributed towards the maintenance of the animals. Donations were also received from various gentleman, and a donation of 500 from the Nederlands Zuidafrikaansche Spoorweg Maatschappij shortly before the outbreak of the Anglo-Boer War, was of inestimable value to the Zoo a.t that stage of its history. Towards the latter part of 1899 Dr. Gunning obtained permission to remove his small collection.of animals to "Rus in Urbe", the present site of the Gardens. After the British occupation of Pretoria, Dr. Gunning was taken over as Director of the Museum and Zoological Gardens, and with increased assistance for the combined institutions the Zoo made rapid progress. In 1909 the area of the Gardens was increased by the cession of a portion of the Town Lands of Pretoria measuring 13 morgen 274 square roods, lying on the uorth si(le of the Apies Ri, er. As the result of a. reorganisation undertaken by the {'nion Government, the GESKIEDENIS. Die Suidafrikaanse Nasionale Dieretuin het as 'n tak van die "Staatsmuseum der Zuidafrikaansche Republiek" ontstaan, vernaamlik deur die poginge van die oorlede dr. J-. W. B. Gunning. Voor die museum in Boomstraat gebou was, is die verskillende versamelings in die klein marksaal op Markplein vertoon. Nou en dan het die Staatsmuseum lewendige diere van die pllbliek gekry, en by die begin van 1898 het die museum omtrent 'n dosyn lewendige soogdiere en vyftig klein voels besit. Met hierdie klein versameling was dr. Gunning van plan 'n dieretuin te stig, maar die kuratorium het sy plan nie goedgekeur nie. dr. Gunning was nie ontmoedig nie, en kort daarna het hy die saak " 'eer voor die kuratorium gebring, en verlof gekry om ' n paar eenvoudige voelhokke te laat Jllaak, sodat die museum in staat was om die getal klein voels, wat denr die publiek nul tyd tot tyd aangebied was, aan die le,,"o t o hou tot hulle vir opstelling geskik,, as. Hierdie paar diere, tesame met andel's ",at aangekoop of geskenk was, was in 'n klein rllimte agter die museum op die Markplein yan Pretoria gehou" Daar die publiek toegang tot die diere vereis het, was 'n toegangsfooi nul Gd. vir volwassenes en 3d. vir kindel's vasgestel, en die inkomste van hierdie bron het tot die onderholld van die diere bygedra. Verskillende here het ook met donasies gehelp, en 'n gif van 500, wat van die Nederlands Zuidafrikaansche Spoorweg ~raatschappij ontvang is kort voor die hegin yan die twede Vryheidsoorlog, was van groot hnlp vir die jong dieretuin. Teen die einde van 1899 het dr. Gunning veri of gekry om sy klein versameling van lewendige diere na "Rus in Urbe" te bring, \Vaal' die dieretuin nou nog staan. Na die Britse inneming van Pretoria, het dr. Gunning sy pos van direkteur van die l\'luseum en Dieretuin behou, en ten gevolge van meer hulp vir die twee inrigtings het die dieretuin gou vooruitgegaan. In 1909 is die terrein vergroot deur 'n stuk land 13 morge en 274 vierkante roede groot,,,,at ten nool'de van die Apiesrivier Ie. Die Unieregering het 1913 'n hervorming onderneem, met die gevolg dat die 'l'ransvaalse :Museum en die Dieretuin van mekaar geskei, en elke inrigting met sy eie komitee en direkteur voorsien was. Na 'n lang siekte is dr. Gunning 1913 oodede. Fly op"olger was dr. A,." K 5

8 State Library Staats Biblioteek PRETORIA -=====- Books for Town & Country at moderate rates of subscription Boeke vir Stads of Buitelede in matige intekenprys SPECIAL PROVISION MADE FOR COUNTRY MEMBERS. SPESIALE GERIEWE VIR BUITELEDE. For terms apply: STATE LIBRARIAN Doen aansoek by: - STAATS BIBLIOTEKARIS 6

9 DIE SUIDAFRIKAANSE NASIONALE DIERETUIN. Trans,vaal :\1useum and Zoological Gardens were separated from one another in 1913, and eaoh rece ived its own Committee of Management and its own Director. In June 1913 Dr. Gunning passed away after a protracted illness. He was succeeded by Dr. A. K. Haagner, who se rved as Director from January 1914 until November > Haagner, \VIe van Januarie 1914 tot, November 1926 die pos van direkteur beklee het. ADMINISTRATION. The National Zoological Gardens are administered by a Committee of Management, which recei\'es an annual co ntribution from the Union Government towards the funds of the institution, and which is responsible to the Minister for the Interior. The Committee is at present constituted as follows:- Norman Spencer E sq., Trader, Chairman; D. E. Malan Esq., M.A. Ph.D. (Zurich), Professor of Zoology at the Transvaal (:niyersity College, Vice-Chairman; C. J eppe E sq., Water-Board Judge ; J. N. de Villiers E sq., Agriculturist; 1. Solomon Esq., Councillor; Col. R. Edwardes, Councillor ; T. Ziehn E sq., Veterinary Surgeon ; P. B. Haak E sq., Motor Engineer ; Dr. G. de Kock, Veterinary Research Officer ; F. van Gass E sq., Retired Bank Manag8r ; P. 1. Hoogenhout Esq., Head Examiner to the Education Department; J. Gray Esq., Editor of the "Pretoria News"; C. \Vallach E sq., Chairman of the Pretoria Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The personnel of the Gardens is as follows:,. Dr. R. Bigalke, Director. Miss M. van Rooyen, Clerk and Typiste...-\T. Combrink, Foreman and Storekeeper.,(J. Korthals, F.R.H.S., Head-Gardener. J. Bruinslich, Assistant Gardener. I,\- K. de Waard...t L. \Y. \Y. l\1adin. % "V. JlI Plessis. Keepers. J( F. Schluter. B. Carlisle. ) O. "an Zwam. Blacksmith. AJ. Bakker, Carpenter. F. S. Park, Gate-keeper. Capt. F. C. Simpson, M.R.V.S.N. Veterinary Adviser. In addition to the above about forty natives are employed by the institution. GENERAL. The grounds of the Gardens extend over about 70 acres, of which approximately 28 acres lie on the north side of the Apies River. The latter portion is at present not in use for the exhibition of animals: hut 7 BESTUUR. Die bestuur van die Nasionale Dieretuin Ie in die hande van 'n komitee, wat elke jaar van die Vnieregering ' n bydrag kry tot die fonds van die inrigting, en wat aan die Minister van Binnelandse Sake verantwoordelik is. Op die oomblik bestaan die komitee uit volgende here :-Mnr. Norman Spencer, Koopman, Voorsitter; dr. D. E. Malan, Professor van Dierekunde op die Transvaalse Vniwersiteitskollege, Vise Yoorsitter; lvinr. C. J eppe, Regter van die Waterhof; lvinr. J. N. de Villiers, Landboner; ~1nr. 1. Solomon, Lid van die Stadsraad ; Kol. R. R. Edwardes, Lid van die Stadsraad ; :Mnr. T. Ziehn, Veearts; Mnr. P. B. Haak, lviotoringenienr; Mnr. F. van Ga ss, Gepensioneerde Bankbestuurder; :Mnr. P. 1. Hoogenhout, Hoof eksaminator van die Onderwys Departement; Mnr. J. Gray, Redakteur van die "Pretoria Ne\\'s" ; lvinr. C. W allach, VOOl'sitter van di e Pretoriase Genootskap tel' Voorkoll1ing van Wreedheid teen Diere ; dr. G. de ~Koek, Ondersoekbeampte, Onderstepood. Die staf bestann uit volgende lede:- Dr. R. Bigalke, Direkteur. l\iej. )if. van Rooyen, Klerk en Tikster. T. Co mbrink, Voorman en Stoorman..T. Korthals, F.R.H.S., Hooftuinier. J.Brninsli ch, Ondertninier. K. de Waard, J L. W. W. ~~ar t in, ~ \V. rlu PleSS IS, \ Opsigters. F. Schlliter, 13. Carlisle, O. van Zwam, Smid. J. Bakker, Timmerman. F. S. Park, Hekbewaarder. Kapt. F. C. Simpson, M.R.V.S.N., Raadgewende Veearts. Ol11trent veertig kleurlinge staan ook in die diens van die inrigting. ALGEMEEN. Die oppervlakte van die dieretuin is omtrent 70 akkers, en daarvan Ie omtrent 28 akkers ten nool'de van die Apiesrivier. Op hierdie noordelike deel word nog geen diere vertoon nie, maar die plan is om dit te ontwikkel sodra as die finansiele toestand

10 TilE NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS OF SOUTH AFRICA. will be thrown open to t.he public a s soon as the finances of the institution permit. The koppies occurring here are ideal for the purpose of putting large animals, such as the large carnivords and ungulates out into the open, and thu s i~itating the natural conditions more closely. ADMISSION. The entrance to the Gardens is in Boom Street. From May to August the Gardens are open from 8 a.m. to p.m., and from September to April from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. The admission fees are 9d. for adults (6d. on Wednesdays), and 3d. for children. van die dieretuin dit toelaat. Die koppies wat daar te vinde is, is uitstekend vir die doel om groot roofdiere en g roat wildbokke op uitgebreide oppervlaktes buite te hou, en am op him die manier nader aan die natuurlike toe stand te kom. TOEGANG. Die ingang tot die dieretuin is in Boom. straat. Van Mei t.ot. Augustus is die tuin van 8 uur v.m. tot 5.30 n.m. oop, en van September tot April van 8 uur v.m. tot 6 nul' n.l11. Vir volwassenes is die toegangsfooi 9d. (Woensdae 6d.), en vir kindel's 3d. The Sea-lion Pond. Die Seeleeudam. In addition to the ordinary admission fee, annual Season-Tickets are issued. The tariff for these tickets has recently been revised, and considerable reductions have been m.ade. It is as follows:- For one adult per annum For family of two or more " For the benefit of visitors to Pretoria,.weekly and monthly tiokets for adults may also be obtained at greatly reduced prices, the price of a weekly ticket being 2/6, and of a monthly ticket 7/6. Every reasonable precaution is taken to ensure the safety of visitors, but the management does not hold itself respon- 8 Seisoenkaartj ies is ook verkrybaar, en onlangs is 'n groot prysvermindering deur die Komitee goedgekeur. Die tarief is nou soos volg:- Vir een persoon Vir 'n famielie van twee of meer lede per jaar " " W eeklikse en maandelikse: kaartjies vir volwassenes, wat spesiaal vir besoekers van Pretoria bedoel is, kan teen die voordelige pryse van 2 / 6 en 7 / 6 stuk gekoop word. Elke moontlike voorsorgmaatreel word geneem om die veiligheid van die publiek te waarborg, maar die bestuur onderneem

11 DIE SUIDAFRIKAANSE NASIONALE DIERETUIN. sible for any accidents t hat may occur. Dogs are not allowed wit hin the Gardens, but if they are provided with chains they may be tied up near t he entrance ent irely at owners' risk. Owners will be held responsible for any damage which m ay be caused by their dogs. FREE ADMISSION. The Committee is conscious of t he fact that the institution plays an important part in the education of scholars and students, and has therefore drawn up the fobo-wing regulat ions for free admi ssion:- (a) Schola r s from primary a nd seconda ry geen verant\\'oordelikheid vir ongelukke nie. Honde word in die t uin n ie toegelaat nie, maar as hulle met kettings voorsien is, k a n hulle naby die hek vasgemaak word, heeltemal op die eienaar se riesiko. Die eienaars is verant woordelik vir eni ge skade wat hulle honde veroorsaak. V RY TOEGANG. Die Komitee besef dat die inrigting ' n groot 1'01 in die opvoeding van skoolkinders en studente speel, en het dus die volgende r eels vir vry toegang opgetrek :- (a) Behalwe Sondae en Publieke Vakansiedae kan primere- en sekondere- Greater Flamingo. Groot-Flamingo. (b) schools a re to be admi tted free on all days (including school holidays), except Sundays and Public Holidays. An appli cation from t h e Principal of the school stating t he number of schola r s must be made in adva nce, a nd the scholars must be under the supervision of at least one teacher. All friends and parents accompanyirg -sch ola r s must pay t he usual entrance fee, With regard to Colleges, students of art a nd of biology will be adr.li tted free on all days except Sundays and Public H olidays, if t hey produce a pass provided with the official stamp $) (b) skoolkinder s enige dag (skoolvakansies ingesluit ) vry toegelaat word. Die hoof van d ie skool moet voor die tyd ' n applikasie instuur, waarin die getal aangegf'e is, en die skoolkind el's moet onder die toesig van tenminste een onderwyser wees. Ouers en vriende wat saam k om, moet die gewone toegangsfooi betaal. In die geval van k olleges sal kunse n biologiestudente vry toegelaat word op enige dag, behalwe Sondae en Publieke Vakansiedae, as hulle 'n pas wys wat met die offisiele st empel van die besondere inrigting voor-

12 THE NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS OF SOUTH AFRICA. (c) of the particular institution, and signed by t he professor or lecturer concerned. Patients from the Military Hospital will be admitted free if they are wearing the convalescent uniform. (d) Free admission is granted on the strict understanding, that the National (c) (d) sien is, en deur die betreffende profe.'so1' of lek tor getek en is. P asiente van die Militere Hospitaal sal vry toegelaat word as hulle die spesiale uniform dra. Vry toegang word net op die \"00 1' waa1'de gegee, dat die Nasionale Die1'e- Australian Pelican. Zoological Gardens do not hold t hemselves responsible for a ny accidents that may occur to scholars or visitors within the Zoo. CARE OF ANIMALS. Except in cases in which s'pecial notices have been erected, visitors are permitted to feed animals as follow s :- 10 Australiese-Pelikaan. tuin geen verantwoordelikheid onde'l' neem vir ongelukke wat skoolkinders of besoekers binne die dieretuin mag kry nie. VERSORGING VAN DIERE. Met uitsondering van gevalle waar spesiale kennisgewings opgesit is, is dit toegelaat om diere te voer soos volg :- Pappe-

13 DIE SUIDAFRIKAANSE N ASIONALE DIERETUIN. P a rrot - P ea-nut ', fruit. Tortoise - Lettuce, bananas, carrots. Squirrels Nut " acorns, biscuits. Monkeys- Bananas, apples, orange, peaches, dates, grapes, carrots, pumpkin, nuts, biscuits, buns, sugar. Antelopes, Camels, Llamas gaaie-grondboont jies, vrugte. Skilpaaie Slaai, pie angs, wortels. E ekhorinkies N eute, akker, beskuit. Bobbejane-Appels, lemoene, perskes, datels, druiwe, wortels, pampoen, neute, beskuit, bolletjies, suiker. Wildbokke, Kamele en Lamas Marks' Fountain. - Apple, bananas, biscuits, carrots. Z ebras, D eer- Biscuits, carrots, apples. Elephant - Bread, buns, biscuits, fruit. Bears-Bread, buns, biscuits, fruit, sugar, honey, treacle. Porcupines-Pumpkins carrots. 11 Die Marksfontein. - Appels, pie 'angs, be sku it, wortels. Kwaggas en Takbokke---Beskuit, wortels, appel, Olifante- Brood, bolletjies, beskuit, vrugte. Bere- Brood, bolletjies, beskuit, vrugte, suiker, heuning, stroop. Ystervarke- Pampoen, wortels. Leeus,

14 THE NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS OF SOUTH AFRICA. Lions, Tigers, Wild Cats of all kinds and Otters may not be f d, and tobacco must not be offered to any animals. Visitors are warned that t he K eepers have instructions and authority to request persons found molesting, teasing, or injuring the animals in any way, to leave t he Gardens. 1. ENTRANCE. The ; Main Entrance to t he Gardens is -situated in B oom Stre~t, and t his is t he start ing-point of the. route described in t his g*ide (see plan.) Tiere, wilde Katte en Otter s mag nie gevoer word nie. Tabak moet nooit aan enige dier gegee word nie. Die aandag van besoekers word daarop gevestig, dat opsigters die reg het om enige persoon, wat die diere pi a of seermaak, te vra om die t uin te verlaat. 1. INGANG. Die hoofingang Ie in B oo mstraat, en dit is die uitgangspunt van di e wandeling wat in hierdie gids beskrywe word (refereer na die bygevoegde k aart.) Ground-Squirrel. For the convenience of visitors a bicyclestand has been erected near t he main entrance, and bicycles may be left there at the risk of owners. W aaierstertmeerkat. Vir die gerieflikheid van besoeker s is 'n bereplek vir rywiele naby die hoofingang opgerig, en daar kan rywiele op die eienaar se r iesiko gelaat word. 2. PARROTS. 2. PAPPEGAAIE. On entering the Gardens the visitor is Die besoeker word begroet deur die harde greeted by the piercing cries of various geskree van verskillende soorte pappegaaie, members of the parrot-tribe, a number of wat op sitstokke en in koue langs die hooflaan which are exhibited on perches and Jll vertoon word. cages along the main avenue. Parrots occur in the warmer regions of the globe, but nowhere are they found in P appegaaie is in die warm dele van die wereld t uis, maar nerens word so baie verskillende soorte gevind as in AustraWi nie. suoh variety as in Australia. In the In die natuurlike toestand word hulle gewoonlik natural state they generally feed Jll large in groot swerms aangetref, en hulle 12

15 DIE SUIDAFRIKAANSE NASIONALE DIERETUIN. flocks, and in most cases their food consists of fruits, nuts and seeds. Members of the parrot-tribe may be recognised at once by their large and powerful beaks, in which the upper bill is strongly curved and always overlaps the lower one. Owing to their brilliant plumage and capacity for imitating human speech, parrots are great favourites among the public. Among the specimens generally on exhibition are gaudily-coloured Macaws, such as the l~ed and Green Macaw (Ara macao), the Red and Green Macaw (A. chloroptera), the Blue and Yellow Macaw (A. a rarauna), and the Military Macaw (A. kos bestaan vernaamlik uit vrugte, neute en saad. V oels wat aan die pappegaai-groep behoort, is dadelik aan hulle groot sterk snawels te erken, waarvan die boonste dee 1 sterk gebuig, en altyd langer as die onderdeel is. Weens hulle skitterende kleure en vermoe om die gesprek van mense na te aap, is pappegaaie besonder aantreklik. Onder die verskillende soorte wat in die versameling verteenwoordig is, is gewoonlik die volgende:- die Rooi-en-blou-Ara (Ara macao), die Rooi-en-groen-Ara (A. chloroptera), die Blou-en-geel-Ara (A. ararauna) en die Militere-Ara (A. South A frican Porcupine. militaris), all hailing from the dense forests of South America. Macaws are poor talkers, but with their cries of "Hallo", "Good-bye" etc., are a const.ant source of amusement for the little ones. Cockatoos are readily distinguished from other members of the parrot-tribe by the presence of a crest of feathers on the head, and these can be erected at will. They are natives of the Australian region. The Rose-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua moluccensis), the Rose-breasted Cockatoo or Galah (C. roseicapilla), the Greater Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (C. galerita) and ot.hers are generally represented in the collection. 13 Ystervark. militaris), wat almal uit die dik bosse van Suid-Amerika kom. Ara-pappegaaie kan nie veel praat nie, maar nietemin veroorsaak hulle die kinders baie pret met hul uitroepe van "Hallo", "Goodbye" ens. Dit is maklik om kaketos van ander voels van die pappegaai-groep te onderskei, omdat hulle 'n kuif op die kop het, wat willekeurig opgerig kan word. Hulle word in Australie gevind. Die Kroon-kaketo (Cacatua moluccensis), die Rooiborskaketo of Galah (C. roseicapilla), die Groot-geelkuifkaketo (C. galerita) en ander is gewoonlik verteenwoordig.

16 THE NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS OF SOUTH AFRICA. Of all parrots the Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus) from West and Equatorial Africa is perhaps the most familiar in captivity. This species is usually also looked upon as being the best talker. Houth America is the horne of the Amazon Parrots, of which the intelligent Blue-fronted Amazon (A. aestiva) is the best-known species. Amazons are great favourites in captivity. 3. TH E CAT HOUSE. Near the last parrot-perch on the left of the main avenue, is a house divided into three sections, in which medium-sized cats suoh as the Serval, Caracal etc. are kept. Die Gry pappegaai (Psittacus eritha cus) van Wes-Afrika is miskien die besbekende pappegaai in die gevangeskap, en word gewoonlik ook as die be te prater beskou. Van die Amasone-pappegaaie, wat in Suid-Amerika voorkom, is die intelligente Blouband-pappegaai (A. aestiva) die be - bekende soort. Amasone-pappegaaie word dikwels in die gevangenskap gehou E KATTEH UIS. Op die linkerhand van die hooflaan, naby die laaste pappegaaie, staan 'n huis wat in drie dele verdeel is, en waarin katte van middelmatige grootte, soos die Tierbo k at, die Rooikat ens. te vinde i. Common Aguti. Gewone-Aguti. The Serval (Felis serval) is a longlegged, black-spotted cat about 20ins. high at the shoulders. It is nocturnal and terrestrial, but takes to trees when hard pressed. The Caracal (F. caracal), less correctly termed the South African Lynx, has a bad reputation among farmers owing to the destruction which it causes among sheep. Though not a tree~weller, it will frequently seek refuge in a tree when pursued by dogs. 4. OWL CAGES. Close to the Oat House is a series of ten small, old cages for Owls etc. Owls are carnivorous birds which hunt for 14 Die Tierboskat (Felis serval) is 'n swartgevlekte kat met lang bene, wat omtrent 20 duim hoog staan by die skouer. Dit is 'n nag- en landdier, maar in die nood klim dit ook in borne. Onder die boere het die Rooikat (F. caracal) 'n slegte naam, omdat dit so baie skape vernie!. Alhoewel Rooikatte nie in borne tuis is nie, sal hulle dikwels in borne klim as hulle met honde gej aag word. 4. UILKOUE. Digby die Kattehuis is 'n blok van tien klein ou koue vir uile ens. Uile is vleisetende voels, wat by skemer-

17 DIE SUIDAFRIKAANSE NASIONALE DIERETUIN. their prey in twilight and at night time. They feed on various kinds of small rodents, the bones and hair of which are disgorged in the form of pellets. The pretty little White-faced Owl (Ptilopsis leucotis ) is widely distributed north of the Orange River. Other birds ex;hibited here are the Lilacbreasted Roller (Coraciura caudata), the Crested Barbet (Trachyphonus vaillanti), the Pied Barbet (Notopogonius leucomelas), the Laughing Jackass (Dacelo gigas) etc. The Lilac-breasted Roller is a very beautiful South African bird with a peculiar habit of turning over in its flight, like a tumbler-pigeon. The Laughing Kingfisher or Laughing Jackass is a giant kingfisher from Austra- lig en nags hulle kos vang. Hulle leef van klein knaagdiere, en spuug die bene en hare in die vorm van bolle uit. N ool'delik van die Grootri vier word die mooi klein Wituil (Ptilopsis leucotis) orals gevind. Onder die ander voels wat hier vertoon word, is Moselekatsestroupand (Coraciura caudata), die L evaillanthoutkapper (Trachyphonus vaillanti), die Bonthoutkapper (N ot opogonius leu comelas), die Groot-ysvoel (Dacelo gigas) ens. Moselekatsestroupand is 'n pragtige Suidafrikaanse voel, met 'n eienaardige gewoonte om in die lug om te slaan. Angolan Vervet. A ngola-blouaap. lia. Its remarkable, loud cry, which can frequently be heard in the Zoo, is supposed to resemble the human laugh, and hence the name. 5. TH E SEA-LION POND. Directly opposite the Owl Cages is a large pond for Sea-lions, but occupied at present by Pelicans and other aquatic birds. Pelicans are massive birds, which fly well and are good swimmers. They occur along the sea-coast, and on the estuaries of large rivers and marshes, and feed almost exclusively on fi sh. The most interesting point about pelicans is the large elastic pouch, which is fixed to the lower jaw of the enormous beak. This pouch is a r 'ceptruble in which fish is stored to be 15 Die Groot-ysvoel is 'n inwoner van Aust ralie. P arty beweer dat die harde geskree van hierdie voel, wat dikwels in die tuin kan gehoor word, net so klink as die gelag van 'n mens. 5. DIE SEELEEUDAM. Teenoor die Uilkoue Ie 'n dam wat vir seeleeus bedoel is, maar wat op die oomblik deur pelikane en ander watervoels bewoon is. P elikane is groot, swaar voels wat goed kan vlieg en swem. Hulle word gevind langs die kus, op riviermonde en in moerasse, en leef amper net van vis. Die baie lang snawel, met die groot elastiese sak op die onderkaak is, sonder twyfel, die mees opvallende kenmerk van pelikane. In

18 HIE NATIONA L ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS OF SOUTH AFRICA. devoured at leisure, or for the purpose of feeding the young. 6. TH E CROCODI LE ENCLOSU RE. Behind the Sea-Lion Pond is the Crocodile Enclosure, in which there is a large specimen of the Nile Crocodile (Crocodilus niloticus). This animal was presented to the Zoo in 1906 by the Portuguese Governor in LourenQo Marques, and is therefore one of the oldest inhabitants of the Zoo. 7. TH E LARGE DUCK POND. Next to the Sea-Lion Pond is a large pond containing a collection of water-birds, including the Greater Flamingo (Phoenieopterus major), the Spurwing Goose (Plectropterus gambiensis), the Egyptian hierdie sak word vis gehou om op die gemak van die voel geeet te word, of om long voels te yoer. 6. KROKODILOMHEINING. Die Krokodilomheining Ie agter die Seeleeudam, en bevat 'n groot Afrikaansekrokodil (Crocod ilus niloticus.) Hierdie dier is 1906 van die Portugese Goewerneur in LourenQo Marques aan die tuin geskenk, en dit is dus een van die oudste inwoners van die dieretuin. 7. DIE GROOT-EENDEDAM. Langs die Seeleeudam is 'n groot dam met 'n versameling van watervoels soos die Groot-flamingo (Phoenicopterus major), die Wildemakou (Plectropterus gambiensis), die Berggans (Alopochen Chacma Baboon. Goose (Alopochen aegyptiacus), the South African Shelduck (Casarca cana), the Yellow-billed Duck (Afranas undulata), the Red-billed Teal (Paecilonitta erythrorhyncha ), the Pied Goose (Anseranas m ela noleuca) etc. The Greater Flamingo has a long neck and long legs, and a peculiarly bent beak, which is provided with small ridges along the edges, by means of which small particles of food are strained from the muddy water taken into the mout h. Though essentially a wader, the flamingo is able to swim well in deep water. When it spreads its wings the beautiful crimson colour becomes visible. The Egyptian or Nile Goose is a wellknown species, which is of interest because it was domesticated by the ancient 16 G ewone-bobbej aan. aegyptiacu s), die Bergeend (Casarea cana), die Geelbekeend (Afranas undulata), die Rooibekeend (Paecilonitta erythorhyncha), die Halfvliesigegans (AnsE'ranas melanoleuca) en anders. Die Groot-flamingo het 'n lang nek, lang bene en 'n krom snawel, wat met klein tandjies langs die kante voorsien is. Met hierdie tandjies is die voel instaat om klein stukkies kos van die modderige water uit te sif. Die Flamingo is veral 'n waadvoel, maar kan ook goed swem in diep water. As die voel sy vlerke oopmaak, kom die pragtige rooi kleur te voorskyn. Die Berggans is 'n bekende wilde gads, en is van belang omdat dit duisende jare gelede 'n huisdier van die ou Egiptenare was. Dit word in Egipte en die hele

19 DIE SUIDAFRIKAANSE NASIONALE DIERETUIN. Egyptians several thousand years ago. It is found in Egypt and throughout Africa south of t he Sahara. The Yellow-billed Duck is probably the commonest of South African Wild Ducks, and is found in most parts of South Africa. 1'he Au. tralian Pied Goose is remarkable for the fact that t he toes are webbed for about half t heir length only. It is t herefore not a good swimmer, and does not enter water readily. 1'he foot is adapted for perching. 8. MARKS' FOUNTAIN. This fountain was presented to Pretoria by t he late Mr. Samuel Marks, and was erected on Church Square, t he water having been t urned on for the first t ime Afrika ten suide van die Sahara gekry. Onder die wilde eende wat in Suidafrika te vinde is, is die Geelbekeend miskien die besbekende soort. Die Halfvliesigegans van Australie is interessant, omdat die swemvliese op die tone nie ten volle ontwikkel is nie. Die voel kan dus nie goed wem nie, en gaan ook ' me g raag in die water nie. 8. DIE MARKSFONTEIN. Die oorlede Mnr. Samuel Marks het hierdie fontein aan Pretotria gegee, en dit het verskeie jare op Kerkplein gestaan. Op die 19 April, 1906, het die water vir die eerste keer uit die fontein gespuit. Teen die end van 1910 is die fontein van Kerkplein in die dieretuin verplaas. Sable Antelope. on t he 19th April, Towards the latter part of 1910 the fountain was removed from Church Square and re-erected in the Zoological Gardens. 9. THE CIRCULAR ENCLOSURE. Near Marks' Fountain is a large circular enclosure constructed in 1921 from the granite base of the fountain. It contains an assortment of Lizards and Tortoises, and occasionally a few snakes as well.. Among the inmates of the enclosure are specimens of the peculiar Frilled Lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii) Bl ue-tongued Lizards from Australia, and some South African tortoises, such as t he large Leopard Tortoise (Testudo pardalis), the 17 Swartwitpens. 9. DI E RONDE-OMHEINING. In die buurt van die Marksfontein is 'n ronde omheining, wat 1921 van die graniet platform van die fontein gebou was. Daarin is 'n versameling van akkedisse en skilpaaie, en soms ook 'n paar slange. Onder ander vind ons hier die Boordjieakkedi s (Chlamydosaurus kingii), Bloutongakkedisse van Australie, en verskillende soorte van Suidafrikaanse skilpaaie, soos die Bergskilpad (Testudo pardalis), die gewone Waterskilpad (Pelomedusa galeata), die Modderskilpad (Sternotherus sin~at u s ) en s. Die Boordjieakkedis, wat van Australia k om, kry sy naam van ' n plooi van sy vel wat soos 'n boordjie om die nek gespan

20 THE NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS OF SOUTH AFRICA. Angulated Tortoise (T. angulata), the Water-tortoise (Pelomedusa galeata), the Mud Tortoise (Sternotherus sinuatus) etc. The Frilled Lizard is an inhabitant of Australia, and derives its name from the remarkable frill-like fold of skin around the neck and throat, which is extended when the animal is alarmed, and gives it a forbidding appearance. It is able to raise its body a nd to run on t he two hind-legs f.or considerable distances, after the manner of some of the extinct Dinosaurs. Blue-tongued Lizards are large-bodied, sluggish lizards, with small legs, and derive their name from their blue tongue; they become very tame in captivity. word, a s die dier geskrik het. Die dier kan lang distansies op sy twee agterpote loop, min of meer soos verskillende uitgesterwe reptiele kon doen. Bloutongakkedisse, wat hulle naam van hulle groot blou tong kry) is lui akkedisse met klein bene; in die gevangensikap word hulle baie mak. 10. DIE LUISLANGHOK. Een of meer Luislange. (Python sebae) word in 'n glas hok naby' die Ronde-Omheining vertoon. Die Luislang is die grootste soort slang wat in Suidafrika gekry word. Dit is nie Sitatunga. Waterkoedoe. 10. TH E PYTHON CAGE. giftig nie, maar druk lewendige diere dood The largest species of snake found in deur sy groot krag. Terwyl die slang hom South Africa is the P ython (Python aan 'n dier vas byt, rol hy sy lyf vinnig sebae), several specimens of which are on exhibition in a small glass-fronted cage om die dier, en druk dit dood. Net soos near the Circular Enclosure. by ander slange sluk die Luislang sy kos The Python is non-poisonous, and kills af sonder om dit te kou, en die onverteerbare dele, soos vere, hare ens. word son its prey by constriction. With its recurved t p.eth t he snake fastens onto t he body of its vict im, and swiftly throwing several dei' verandering ontlas. Dit is interessant coils around the animal crushes it to dat uile, wat dikwels ook hulle kos heel death. Like all snakes, P ythons swallow their insluk, die vere, hare en bene later in die food whole without mastication,and t he indigestible con stituents su ch as feathers, hairs etc. pass through the digertive tract vorm van bolle uitspuug. In die geval van slange is die vertering and are voided unchanged. It is of in- 18 so st erk, dat die bene ook opgelos word.

21 DIE SUIDAFRIKAANSE NASIONALE DIERETUIN. terest t o note that in owls, which frequently also d evour their prey whole, the feathers and hairs as well as bones are periodically thrown up through the mouth in the form of pellets. The digestion of snakes is so powerful.t hat even the bones are dissolved. 11. DIE PAPPEGAAIHUIS. Die Pappegaaihuis Ie teenoor di'e Groot E endedam, en bevat verskillende Soorte van pappegaaie en ander voels, en ook 'n paar soogdiere. Hier kan die besoeker die P ennantparkiet Crowned Crane. Mahem. 11. T H E PARROT HOUSE. Opposite the Large Duck Pond is the Parrot House, in which various members of the parrot-tribe and other birds, and one or two mammals are housed. Here specimens of the gorgeous Pennant's P arrakeet (Platycercus pennanti) and Rosella Parrakeet (P. eximius) may, be admired. Other species exhibited are the 19 (Platycercu s pennanti) en die Rosellaparkiet (P. eximius) met hulle pragtige kleure bewonder. Ander soorte wat hier vertoon word is die Gekuifde-parkiet (Calopsitta novaehollandiae), die Koningpappegaai (Aprosmictus scapulatus), die Rooiborskaketo (Cacatua 1'0 eicapiua) ens.

22 THE NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS OF SOUTH AFRICA. Cockatoo Parrakeet (Calopsitta novae-hollandiae), the King Lory (Aprosmictus scapulatus), the Rose-breasted Cockatoo (Cacatua roseicapilla) etc. In one cage there is a specimen of a lourie w.hich is rarely seen in captivity, namely the Angola Red-crested Lourie (Turacus erythrolophus.) The Currasows (a corruption of the Spanish word Curac;ao) are large arboreal birds related to the pheasant family, and occurring in South America. The Civet (Viverra civetta) is of interest because it produces an odoriferous, oily secretion in glands beneath the tail. This substance, which is the civet of commerce, was at one time much used in the preparation of perfumes. In een hok word 'n Loerie gehou wat seide in die gevangenskap te sien is, naamlik die Angola-rooikuifloerie (Turacu s eryhrolophus. ) Die Hokkos is groot Suid-Amerikaanse voels wat in bome leef, en met die fi santfamielie verwant is. Die Muskuskat (Viverra civetta) is bekend vir die olieagtige vloeistof, wat van kliere onder die stert afgeskei. word. V roeer was hierdie stof baie gebruik vir die voorbereiding van leventels. 12,13. WESTELIKE-SOOGDIERHOKKE Onderkant die t rappe wat by die Pappegaaihuis staan, op die regterhand, is twee Black Wildebeest (81 month old). Swartwildebeest 8:1- maande oud). 12, 13.-WESTERN SMALL MAMMALS' CAGES. If the visitor proceeds down the steps at the bottom end of the Parrot House, and turns to the right, he meets with two small cages, in one of which there is a Marmoset, and in the other several Bushbabies and Genets. Marmosets are tiny primates indigenous to South America.. They are tree-dwellers, and subsist on fruit and insects. The Night Ape (Galago moboli), or Moholi Lemur, is an arboreal and nocturnal mammal, which is common in the wooded districts of tbe Transvaal and is frequently kept as a pet. 20 klein hokke, waarvan die een 'n Syapie, en die ander verskillende N agapies en Muskejaatkatte bevat. Syapies is klein ape wat in Suid-Amerika tuis is. Hulle leef in borne en eet vrugte en insekte. Die Nagapie (Galago moholi) is 'n nagdier wat in borne leef, en in die bosryke dele van die Transvaal orals te vinde is. Die Grysnagapie (G. monteiri) is 'n groter soort van Wes-Afrika. Hierdie diere het 'n snaakse gewoonte om hulle groot ore op te vou.

23 DIE SUIDAFRIKAANSE NASIONALE DIERETUIN. 'The Gray or Monteiri's Bushbaby (G. monteiri) is a larger species from West Africa. These animals are able to fold their large ears at will. 14. SMALL RODENTS' CAGES. On the left of the above-mentioned steps are three small cages containing various kinds of small rodents. 14. HOKKE VIR KLEIN-KNAAG DIERE. Op die linkerhand van die bogenoemde trappe is drie klein hokke met verskillende soorte van klein-knaagdiere. 15. DIE YSTERVARKHOK. 15. THE PORCUPINE ENCLOSURE. Die grootste knaagdier wat in Suidafri The South African Porcupine (Hystrix ka gevind word, is die Ystervark (Hystrix africae-australis ) is the largest of South africae-australis). Met sy lang skerp pen African rodents (i.e. gnawing animals like squirrels, rats, mice etc.), and is so well- ne is dit so welbekend, dat dit nie nodig known with its armour of long sharp is om iets daarvan te se nie. In die na- American Bison. quills, that a description is unnecessary. Under natural conditions it is a nocturnal animal, and as every farmer knows it does much damage ill vegetable gardens. An allied species occurs in Southern Europe and North Africa. 16. MONKEY POLES. A little further on there are eight iron poles for Monkeys. Of all animals exhibited in zoological gardens, there are none in which the public are more interested than in monkeys. This is due to their active habits and peculiar antics, and no doubt partly also to an Instinctive realisation of the zoological relationship between monkeys and man. 21 Amerikaanse-Buffel. tuurlike toe stand is dit 'n nagdier, en dit doen baie kwaad in groente tuine, soos elke boer weet. In Suid-Europa en Noord-Afrika word 'n verwante soort gevind. 16. DIE BOBBEJAANPALE. 'n Bietjie verdei' staan agt yster pale vir bobbejane. Daar is geen ander wilde diere nie, waarin die publiek so baie belang stel as in bobbejane, en die oorsaak daarvan is die lewendige gewoontes en snaakse kaskenades van die diere, en waar-

24 THE NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS OF SOUTH AFRICA. Contrary to the general belief, monkeys very rarely harbour fleas on their bodies. Their very habit of searching one another 's furs so carefully makes it imrpossible for fleas to escape det ection for long. In most cases a monkey searching the fur of another is therefore not looking for fleas, but for small masses of a salty substance secreted by the skin, and for particles of scurf. The specimens exhibited on the poles include t he Chacma Baboon (Papio. porcari u s), the Yellow B 3iboon (P. cynocephalus), the Common Vervet (Lasiopyga pygerythra) and the Angolan Vervet ( silacea. ) The Chacma Baboon, the name of which is a corruption of the Hottentot T 'Chati- skynlik ook gedeeltelik 'n instinktiewe gevoel, dat daar 'n verwantskap tussen die mens en ape bestaan. Die populere idee, dat bobbejane baie met vlooie besmet is, is v61m:eerd. Die diere ondersoek mekaar se pelse so noukeurig, dat dit onmoontlik is vir vlooie om lank onontdek te bly. In die meeste gevale soek 'n bobbe j aa~ glad nie vlooie in sy maat se pels nie, maar klein klont jies van 'n souterige stof wat van die vel afgeskei word, en stukkies roof. Onder die verskillende soorte wat vertoon is, is die Gewone~bobbejaan (Papio porcarius), die Geelbobbejaan (P. cynocephal u s ), die Gewone-blouaap (Lasiopyga pygerythra) en die Angola-Blouaap (L. silacea) te vin-cle. Mountain Zebra. k3imma, is the common baboon of South Africa, and is frequently kept as a pet. Vervets are also frequent ly found in homes as pets, but are inclined to be t reacherous. Bergkwagga. Die Gewone-bobbejaan i die be bekende soort in Suidafrika, en word dikwels a s 'n lieflingsdier gehou. Blouape word ook gehou, maar hulle het 'n neiging om te byt, en is dus nie te vertrou nie. 17. TH E RODENT ENCLOSU RE. This large enolosure contains t he common South African Ground-Squirrel (Geosciurus capensis), various squirrels, and the Common Aguti (Dasyprocta aguti.) The Ground-Squirrel is no doubt the best known of the smaller mammals of South Africa. Recently it has been de JJlOnstrated that Ground-Squirrels and KNAAGDIER-OMHEINING. Hier vind ons die Waaierstertmeerkat (Geosciurus capensis), verskillende soorte van eekhorinkies, en die Gewone-aguti (Dasyprocta aguti.) Die Waaierstertmeerkat is seker die bekendste van die kleiner soorte van Suidafrikaanse soogdiere. Onlangs is die bewys gelewer dat Waaierstertmeerkatte en ander knaagdiere aan die builepes kan siek

25 DIE SUIDAFRIKAANSE NASIONALE DIERETUIN. other veld-rodents may cont ract bubonic plague, and that this virulent disease may be transferred to human beings, part icula.rly natives, by t he fl eas that t hese animals harbour. The Common Aguti, which comes from t he northern parts of South America, is a nocturnal forest-d.welling r oden-:;, whlch breeds freely in the Zoo. 18. TH E OTTE'R CAG E. Otters are carnivorous mammals with more or less completely webbed!'oes, by virtue of which they are adapted to an aquatic existence. Otters are very agile swimmers and divers, and live principally on fi sh. Their skins are much in demand for fur coats. word, en dat die vlooie wat op hierdie diere leef in staat is om die vreeslike siekte aan mense, vernaamlik naturelle, 001' te dra. Die Gewone-agut i is 'n nagdier, wat in die bosse van die noordelike dele van Suid Amerika t uis is. In die D ieretuin teel dit aan. 18. DIE OTTERHOK. Otters is roofdiere met min of meer volledig ontwikkelde swemvliese op die tone, waardeur hulle laan 'n waterlewe aangepas is. Otters kan baie goed swem en duik, en leef vernaamlik op vis. Van die velie word pelsjaste gemaak. Twee soorte Black-backed Jackal. Rooijakkals. T WCl species occur in South Africa, namely t he Cape Otter (Lutra cl:i,pi:ms:s ) and the Spotted-necked Otter (L. maculicollis. ) word in Suidafrika gekry, naamlik die Kaapse-otter (Lutra capensis) en die Gevlekte-otter (L. maculicollis.) 19. WESTERN SMALL ANTELOP ES' 19. WESTELIKE-KAMPE VIR KLEIN- PADDOCKS. ANTI LOP E. On the opposite side of t he ave I~U ~, a little further back, t here are a number of camps for small and large Antelopes. The first of t hese consists of two divisions containing specimens of small antelopes, such as the Red Duiker (Cephalophus natalensis) and the Klipspringer (Oreotragus oreotragus. ) The Term "antelope" cannot be strictly defined, but is u sed as a convenient general term to comprise such h0;iowhorned ruminants which are nc.i tlwr cat- 23 Teenoor die Knaagdier - omheining is daar 'n aantal kampe vir klein- en groot-antilope. Van him'die k ampe is die eerste in twee dele verdeel vir klein wildbokke, so os die Rooiduiker (Cephalophus natalensis) en die Klipspringer (Oreotragus oreotragus.) Dit is nie moontlik om die term "antiloop" presies te defineer nie. Die woord word as 'n algemene uitdrukking gebruik, vir sulke herkouende soogdiere met flol

26 TIlE NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS OF SOUTH AFRICA. t Ie, sheep nor goats. In general antelopes are characterised by their graceful build, 'and by the fact that the head is carried considerably above the level of the back. 'Dhe beautiful little Red Duiker is an inhabitant of thick bush, and occurs in Natal, the Eastern 'l'ransvaal, and the 'southern portion of Portugese East Africa. In December 1927 a female gave birth to a young one in the Zoo and reared it successfully. The graceful little Klipspringer is an inhabitant of rocky koppies and mountains, but is becoming scarce in many parts of South Africa. It differs from other horings, wat nie beeste, skape of bokke is nie. Algemene kenmerke van antilope is hulle fraai vorm, en 'n kop wat baie hoer staan as die rug. D ie mooi klein Rooiduiker is 'n inwoner van die d ik bosse van Natal, die Oostelike Transvaal, en die Suidelike deel van Portugees Oos-Afrika. In Desember 1927 was 'n R ooiduikertjie in die tuin gebore en groot gemaak. Die bevallige klein Klipspringer word op rotsagtige koppies en berge gekry, maar in baie dele van Suidafrika word dit nou skaars. Met sy klein hoewe, wat nie soos by ander hoefdiere skuins, maar regop antelopes in having vertical hoofs, by means of which it jumps from rock to rock with great agility. Its hair is coarse, thick and brittle. 20, 21. THE LARGE ANTELOPES' PADDOCKS. A representative collection of the larger species of Antelopes is always on exhibition, and most of these are housed in two blocks of paddocks situated next to and opposite the Western Small Antelopes' Paddocks (19). Here there are specimens of the Red Hartebeest (Bubalis caama), the Sable Antelope (Hippotragus niger), the Eland (Taurotragus oryx) the Bles- staan, spring die diertjie rats van klip tot Idip. Die hare van hierdie bokkie is dik, grof en bros. 20,21. KAMPE VIR GROOT-ANTILOPE Van die groot-antilope is 'n goeie versameling altyd voorhande, en die meeste van hulle word in twee groepe van kampe gehou, wat langs en teenoor die Westelike Kampe vir Klein-Antilope Ie (19). Verteenwoordig is die Rooihartbees (Bubalis caama» die Swartwitpens (Hippotragus niger), die Eland (Taurotragus 24

27 DIE SUIDAFRIKAANSE NASIONALE DIERETUIN. buck (Damaliscus albifrons ) t he Impala (Aepyceros melampus ), t he Grey Rhebuck (Pelea caprolus ), the Bushbuck (of whi ~h various sub-species are recognised), the Sitat unga (Limnotragus selousi), t he L echwe (Onot ragus leche) and t he Kudu (Strepsiceros strepsicero.) The Eland is t he largest of all antelopes. L arge bulls in good condit ion are said to weigh up to 2,000 lbs. They breed freely in the Zoo. oryx), die Blesbok (Damaliscu s albifrons), die Vaalribbok (Pelea capreo!us), die Rooibok (Aepyceros melampus), die Bosbok (waarvan verskillende rasse erken word), die Waterkoedoe (Limnotragus selousi), die L echwe (Onotragus leche), en die Koedoe (Strepsiceros strepsiceros ). Die E land is die grootste bekende antiloop. Dit word beweer dat ou bulle in 'n goeie toestand tot 2,000 pond k an weeg. In die t uin teel hulle goed aan. White-headed Vulture. The Grey Rhebuck is confined to the mountain ranges and koppies of South Africa, where it occurs in small troops. This species is becoming very scarce. The Sitatunga is of interest because of its greatly lengthened hoofs, which prevent the animal from sinking too far into t he marshy ground that it frequents. The long hoofs make it difficult for t he animals to progress rapidly on dry land. Wi tkopaasvoih. Die Vaalribbok word in klein klompies op berge en koppies in Suidafrika gevind. Dit word nou baie skaar s. 'n Interessante punt van die Waterkoedoe is die baie lang hoewe, wat die dier in staat stel om 001' die moerassige grond waar dit tuis is, te loop. W eens die lang hoewe kan die dier op droe land nie goed hardloop nie. '2'2. PALM-COU RT TEA-ROOM. 25 '2'2. PALM-TEEKAMER.

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