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2 Station on page 12 and join Zoon in congratulating Ann vandyk, owner of De Wildt, on the publication of her book on page 24. 'n J

3 CHRISTMAS MESSAGE KERS500DSKAP ~~ Na die jaar 2000 Suid-Mrlka beleef tans sy mees opwindendste tydperk sedert Jan van Riebeeck 340 jaar gelede voet aan wal gesit bet. 'n Toekoms vol verwagtinge; 'n toekoms waarvan elke landsburger 'n integrate en onontbeerlike vennoot is en waarvan die suksesse deur elkeen van ons uitgekerf sal word. Die Nasionale Dieretuin vall Suid-Afrika het hom op 'n verantwoordelike wyse op hierdie uitdaging voorberei. Ons maak selfs daarop aanspraak dat ons op 'n beskeie wyse deel gehad het aan die argitektuur om ons land. ons Dieretuin en die begmsels waarvoor ons staan ver buite ons landsgrense gevestig kry. Op 21 Oktober 1999 sal die Nasionale Dieretuin sy honderdste bestaansjaar herdenk. Gestand aan die verwagtinge wat aan ons gestel word. het die Dieretuin op 14 November 1991 sy Meesterplan bekendgemaak. Hierdie Meesterplan maak voorsiening vir die herontwikkeling van die Dieretuin vir die volgende 30 tot 40 jaar. Die nuwe Dieretuln sal 'n eksotiese ondervinding aan ons besoekers bied. Die noodsaaklikheid van bewaring en opvoeding sal op 'n ontspanne wyse aan eikeen oorgedra word. Die aanvoorwerk is afgehandel. die tafel is gedek en ons is gereed om hierdie trotse erfenis met almal te deei. Ek bring hulde aan ons vortge direkteure. ons perso- Die 1991/92 U.aad van die Dieretufn bestaan uit: agter, van links: Prins Utlw, Mnr L U. Naidoo, Dr P R Smit:/-4 Mnr B J Swart, Mnr P J Jurgens. Mnr G E Morkel-Brink, Dr P F S Mulder en Me J de Vos (Sekretaris van die Raad). Voor sit van links: DrJ H Hojrneyr. Mnr W Labuschagne (Direktellr {Jarl die Di.eretuin). Dr G J Davidtsz (Voorsitter van die Raad), Prof J D SkiTuter en Dr J M Erasmus. Dr C E Muld.ff was me leenwoordig me. neel en aile lede van ons Raad wat met soveel ywer 'n onbaatsugtige bydrae tot die suksesverhaal van ons Dieretuin gelewer het. Ons is nou gereed om 'n nuwe dimensie te betree waarvan die toekoms op die hoekstene van die veriede gebou sal word. Maar ons lewe in geen gekkeparadys nie. Die finansieie implikasies van die Meesterplan is verrykend en sal die vindingrykheid van ons Raad en al ons personeel tot die maksimum beproef.. Ons aanvaar hierdie verantwoordelikhede. omdat ons onwrikbaar in ons eie vermoens vernou. Maar die tyd het ook aangebreek dat die gemeenskap 'n eiesoortige bydrae sal moet lewer vir die hand hawing van minimum standaarde in die uitdagende toekoms wat voor hande is. Ons by die Nasionale Dieretuin betree hierdie toekoms met besielende entoesiasme en 'n vaste oortuiging dat ons ons roeping ten volle sal uitleef; dit sal gestalte aanneem en voortleef lank na die jaar 'n Baie geseende Kersgety word u toegewens en ek vernou dat u die Nuwe Jaar met opwinding tegemoet sal-'gaan. ~~. WILLIE LABUSCHAGNE DlREKTEUR

4 / Beyond the The Masterplan for the redevelopment of the National Zoological Gardens of South Mrlca was launched at a glittering function on 14 November Dignitaries and VIPs were treated to a special video presentation of the "Impressions of the Future" as well as a brief overview of the Zoo's history. However, much hard work and planning preceded this evening. The Masterplan was bolti more than two years ago when the Deparbnent of Public Works commissioned the architectural firm, Dry & Joubert, to redesign the Zoo. The Zoo gratefully acknowledges the financial assistance it received from the Department of Public Works, which funded the entire project as, without their support, the Masterplan would never have seen the light. of day. John Dry, the architecht responsible for the basic design of the new Zoo presented his plan to the Department of Public Works about two months ago. A committee consisting of various members of staff was set up to assist him with this mammoth task which took almost two years. The audio-visual presentation was kindly sponsored by First National Bank and will be used as part of the fund-raising drtve to raise the estimated R120 million that the entire project will cost. The Zoo felt it was At the laucnhing junction of the Masterplan. Mr S F Burke. Deputy Director-General (Building Services) of the Department of Public Works presented DrJ G Garbers. Director-General oftlle Department ofnatwnal Education with a leather-bound copy of the Masterplan. / Mnr S F Burke. Adjunk Direkteur-Generaal (Boudienste) van die Departement van Openbare Werke het'n leergebinde kopie van die Meesterplan aan dr J G Garbers. Direkteur-Generaal van die Departement van Nasionale Opvoeding tydens die bekendstellingsjunksie oorhandig. important to have an audio-visual presentation which would highlight the Masterplan, the mission statement of the Zoo and the shape it believes the redevelopment plan will take. "Many people have asked us why we want to redevelop the Zoo if we are regarded as one of the ten best zoos in the world. It is only through the continued re-development of our facility that we can improve ourselves and strive to be the best in the world," explained the Director of the Zoo, Mr Willie Labuschagne. The Masterplan makes provision for 90 per cent of the existing Zoo to be rebuilt. The emphasis of this Masterplan is to exhibit the anilnals according to their zoogeographical distribution and habitat selection. The Zoo will be sub-divided into six continents or subcontinents and the visitor will be able to to "walk through" Mtica, Asia, Australia, Europe and other continents. The ani-

5 year 2000 MASTERPLAN mals displayed within these areas will be displayed according to their habitat selection so that the visitor may compare an animal from North America. for example. with its counterpart from another part of the world. The Zoo will however have a predominantly Afrtcan theme. The Masterplan has also been so designed that 50 per cent will be completed within five years. VI "This is the goal we have set ~ ourselves and the more expen-.g sive projects such as the noc-.s turnal complex and tropical for- ~ ests will be tackled later," ex- ~ plained Mr Labuschagne. ~ "Although this is in fact a ~ long-term project. it helps us to ~ structure our management poli- ~ cies for the long-term. As far as.a the implementation of the Mas- ~ terplan is concerned. a committee will be elected before the end of 1991 whose task it will be to set priorities according to budgetary considerations. "The sundial that Pretoria Portland Cement (PPC) is currently busy erecting at the Zoo,could be considered as the first item of the Masterplan that will be completed. 'When PPC approached the Zoo two years ago to build this sundial for their centenary. the Masterplan had soo not been finalised. The sundial should be completed by the beginning of 1992 and will be officially opened tocoinctde with the start ofppc's centenaryinapiil1992. "The second and most significant project that will be undertaken under the new Masterplan is the building of TIle first fund-raising project the Zoo initiated itself was the raffling of a car. More thanr was collectedfrom the sale of tickets. MrJanKies, a warden at Leeukop Prison walked away with the big prize of a Fiat Uno TIle money generatedfrom thts competition will be usedfor one of the Masterplan pr-c:yects. / Meer as R ts ingesamel met die Dieretuin se motorkompettste. Mnr Jan Kies, 'n Bewaarder van die Leeukop Gevangents het die groat prys, 'n Fiat Uno 1300, ontvang. Die geld sal vir een van die Meesterplan-prqJekte aangewend word. the new hospital. Construction will start in early 1993 and once again. the Zoo gratefully acknowledges the contributions made by the Department of Public Works as, without their financial assistance and technical input, this project would not have been able to get off the ground. "I would also like to use this opportunity to thank the committee that was involved in the compilation of the Masterplan video and arrangement of the function. The departments involved in forming the basis for the Masterplan function include the Higher Vertebrates, Lower Vetebrates. Public Services, Finance, Education, Works and Horticultural Departments. TIlls committee put in many hours to ensure that the launching of the Masterplan was an occassion to remember. The new committee will now take the project through to its ftna1 conclusion," explained Mr Labuschagne.."

6 Just in Christm Nature Conseroator Daan van der Berg introduces Nthandzani to VurhamL Clearly it was love atflrst sightjor these two little rhinos. Readers ofzoon will probably recall the articles that appeared in the second issue of this year about Vurhami, the white rhino that was donated to the Zoo by the National Parks Board on 17 February. Vurhami has grown from strength to strength and continues to draw the crowds. In September this year, the National Parks Board contacted the Zoo again because they had another orphan looking for a home. Nthandzani and her mother were caught up at Ship Moun-!ain in the Pretoriuskop area and arrived at the Songtmvelo Game ReseIVe in Kangwane on 18 September. They were placed in a boma and released into the wild a few days later. Unfortunately, the mother ran off into the wild, abandoning her youngster. There was no alternative but to hand-raise little Nthandzani, whose name means sweet one. Because of the difficulties surrounding the rearing of such an animal and owing to the resounding success the National Zoological Gardens had achieved with Vurhami, it was decided to donate Nthandzani to tlle Zoo as well. She arrived at the Zoo on 15 October and it is estimated that she is about ten months, making her almost the same age as Vurhami. From the beginning. Nthandzani adapted very well to her surroundings and immediately upon arrival, started to drink her milk from the modified self-feeder. This was a good sign as it indicated that she had not been stressed by her abandonment and move. At first, the two rhinos were kept apart. For the first five days Nthandzani was kept in her night quarters. They were then both let out on a rotational basis and on 30 October they were "officially introduced" to each other. Vurhami was at first a bit confused as he di~'t know what to make of her, but all in all, the introduction went very smoothly. particularly in rhino terms. From then on they were let ou t two to three times a day for half an hour at a time so that they could get accustomed to each other. There were a few scuffies, but nothing serious and Nthandzani soon became very anxious to be near Vurhami. At first he did not "welcome" her advances but they are now fast frtends. Vurhami has established his authority over her and she is content to spend all her time at

7 time for NUWE AANKOMELINGE NEW ARRIVALS~~~ as. ee (f) his side. ~ Although Vurhami has 2 started to graze, Nthandzani is :a still to be weaned. TIlls is quite a ~ slow process, but once both ani- ~ mals are a bit more mature, it is ~ hoped that they will breed. The ~ offspring will either be sold to ~ other zoos or be sent to augment ~ the Zoo's herd at Uchtenburg..s 9 a: "The success story of the rhinos is an excellent example of the successful partnership that exists between the National Zoologcial Gardens and the National Parks Board. It is obvious that such successful relations are of great benefit to nature conservation and should therefore be continually fostered," said Mr Willie Labuschagne, Director of the National Zoolgocial Gardens. Four-eyed wonders Eleven four-eyed fish were recently bool at the Aquarium and Reptile Park. These strangelooking fish are so-called because their eyes are sub-dmded, enabling them to see both above and below the water. The Aquarium received 10 juveniles a year ago from Stuttgart Zoo and they have acclimatised so well that three of the females have given birth already. Another feature which A pair of golden-lion tamartns were sent to the Zoo recently. These highly endangered primates are part of an international breeding programme and are on loan to the Zoo. They are not on view to the public and have already produced an qffspring. The Zoo hopes to follow up this success with many more. / 'n Paar goudleeuapies het onlangs by die Dieretuin aangek01n. Hulle vorm deel van 'n intemasionale teelprogram en word tans aan die Dieretuin geleetl Die diere word nie uitgestal nie en het alreeds aan een kleintjie geboorte geskenk. Die Dieretuin hoop om hierdie sukses weer in die toekoms te herhaa1. ~es these fish so remarkable is the fact that only certain males can mate with certainfemales. Should the male's intromittent organ be on the left side of his body, he can only mate with a female whose genital opening is on the right side of her body and vice versa. Luckily, the fish that came from Stuttgart were compatible. As soon as the babies were bool, they were removed from the tank because otherwise the other adults would have eaten them. No longer than a matchstick when bool, these foureyed fish are growing rapidly, thanks to a voracious appetite which includes brine shrimps, daphnia and flakes. TIle babies at tile Aquarium are kept in a special Uilik on a 'suspended tray and a screen has been placed around their tank to stop the babies from getting a fright when people walk past. They more than double their size in six months and in zoos, these fish breed all year round. BeSides the fact that their eyes are sub-divided, the lens of the eye is also specially modified so that they can see light both through water and air. Four-eyed fish originate from Central Amertca and live in brack water. I.,.,

8 Aangepas ODl te SKU55E: EN SKU==== LP~L FANGS AND FINS'===: oorleef deur Mike Penrith, Assistent Direkteur - Laer Werweldiere Sou u onlangs In besoek by die Akwarium afgele bet, sal U opmerk dat In nuwe uitstalling van brakwatervis aangebring is. Hierdie spesies kom veral in die vlak waters van riviermonde voor waar 'n mengsel van sout- en varswater aanwesig is. Twee van die spesies, die boogskuttervisse en die vieroogvisse is besonder interessant. Beide hierdie visse het uitsonderlike metocles ontwikke1 om kos buite die water te bekom. Die boogskuttervis sal naby die oppervlakte van die stroom swem en sodra hy byvoorbeeld 'n insek op 'n takkie sien, sal hy met 'n skoot water die insek afskiet. Hy ondeivind egter SOllS probleme om raak te skiet. Een Die vieroogvisse se Inetode is heelwat meer gesofistikeerd as die boogskuttervis s'n. Alhoewel hierdie vis die vieroogvis genoem word, het hy slegs twee oe llmar die oe is horisontaal verdeel dellr 'n swart skeidmgswand wat die indruk skep van 'n oog aan elke wand. Die vieroogvis sal ook net onderkant die wateroppervlak op sy prooi wag. Die boonste helfte van sy oe is gewoonlik bokant die water. Wanneer hy sy prooi gewaar spring hy tot 'n meter hoog ult die water en seus tot op die bank van die rivier om die insek te vang. Die vis sal ook afduik na die bodem van die rivier indien die onderste heine van sy oog prooi daar gewaar. Daar is egter 'n probleem. Oe wat goed aangepas is om bo uitsonderlike teelmetodes. Soos in die verwante guppies en swaardsterte beoefen die vieroogvisse ook int~rne bevrugling en skenk hulle geboorte aan Iewendige vissies en Ie hulle nie eiers nie. Maar in teens telling van die redes is dat ligstrale op die wateropperviak breek en die insek vanuit die vis se visie nie altyd is waar hy hom sien nie. Hierdie verskynsel staan as refraksie bekend. Die vis moet dus leer om refraksie in ag te neem wanneer hy korrel. Wetenskaplikes wat hierdie visse bestudeer, het gevind dat die ouer visse meer akkuraat sldet as die jongeres. die water te sien, fokus nie so goed onderwater nie en andersom. Die vieroogvis het egter hierdie struikelblok oorkom. hi plaas van die normale bolvorrnige oog wa t by ander visse aangetref word, het die vieroogvis 'n eiervormige oog wat dit vir hom moontlik maak om binne en butte die water te fokus. Benewens die vieroogvisse se eie.naardige oe, het hulle ook met die guppies groei dle manlike vieroogvisse se teelorgaan sywaarts. Die wyfie se geslagsorgaan groel ook sywaarts. I-lulle probleem is dat hierdie organe nie by almal in dieselfde rigting groel nie. Dit is dus noodsaaklik vir 'n manlike vis om 'n wyfie te vind wat se geslagsorgaan in die teenoorgestelde rigung as syne groel anders is paring ontmoontlik...;....

9 Raising Abel The National Zoological Gardens of South Africa is currently involved in an ex-situ breeding programme for the endangered ground hornbill. The Southern ground hoitlbill is widely distributed in the moist savanna of Africa south of II) the equator. However, less than ~ ~ two per cent of its total range ex-.2 tends into South Africa..s The ground hoitlbill occurs in small groups varying from ;,. ~ two to 11 birds. It occupies ter- ~ ritories of about 100km 2 per ~ group. A number of reasons been suggested as contributing ~ factors to their decline in South 0 Africa namely, dense human ] settlement., felling of trees, fores- Q,. tation of grasslands, direct persecution and indirect poisoning. In conjunction with Dr Alan Kemp, ornithologist at the Transvaal Museum and the National Parks Board, the National Zoological Gardens launched a breeding programme a number of years ago in an effort to increase the population. Besides the fact that their territories are so large, they only breed, on average, every 9,3 years and chicks reach maturity at about six years of age. It is thus of great importance to establish as many breeding groups as possible to maximise production. At the end of last year. the Zoo constructed an enclosure for the birds and they have settled down so well that in July this year, they started to excavate a nesting area in a stoney ridge. The ground lwmbill is a carnivorous bird which inhabits wooded savanna and steppe. It spends most of its day walking around in search of small prey animals but takes to trees and rocky outcrops to rest and nest. / Die bromvoel is 'n vleisetende voezsoort wat in die bosagtige grasvlaktes voorkom. Hulle spandeer die grootste gedeeue van hulle dag op die grond op soek na kelin prooi. hulle gebruik ook bome en klipagtige woude om in te rus en te broei. The netting used for this enclosure was sponsored by Alnet. At present, the Zoo has two pairs of these birds and is anxiously awaiting the hatching of the first chicks. The ground hornbill lays two eggs and after 40 days the first one hatches. A few days later, the second chick hatches but dies of staivation. 1l1is chick is known as the 'Abel' chick, after the story in the Bible about the two brothers. On the suggestion of Dr Kemp, it was decided to remove the second-hatched chicks and bring them to the Zoo where they will be hand-raised. Puppets are used to feed the birds so that they don't become human imprinted. In December 1991, Eugene Marais, Chief Nature ConselVator at the Zoo and co-ordinator of this project, will be going to the Kruger National Park to collect the second -hatched chicks which will then be brought back to the Zoo. The Zoo recently also received a donation of RIO 000 from the Endangered Wildlife Trust which will be used for the construction of a second unit at the Zoo. ";' 'A'

10 Meet the lilelllbers of the In Mrlca, there are four animal species that belong to the family Hyaenidae. Three of these can be seen at the De Wildt Cheetah Research and Breeding Centre. The species that is not represented is the striped hyaena which is found in North Africa, southwest Asia and India. The members of the family Hyaenidae have the following characteristics in common: * their shoulders are higher than their hindquarters; * the hair on their neck and shoulder rises when they become aggressive (this is to make them look larger and more dangerous); * they are nocturnal animals and take refuge in holes in the ground or in thick bushes during the day. TIle aardwolf, spotted and brown hyaenas are found in South Africa. Spotted Hyaena The spotted hyaena is wedknown, mainly because of its unearthly call which is so reminiscent of an African night. nley have extremely strong and muscled fore-quarters which enable them to tear off great chunks of meat from the bones of a carcass and to run away quickly. This is the reason why the front paw footprints are larger than those of their back paws. Some people erroneously believe that spotted hyaenas are hermaphroditic because the external sexual organs of the Brown hyaenas have long, pointed ears./ Bminhi nas het lang gepunte ore. males and females are quite similar. The females are usually larger than the males, possibly because the females have to defend their young. The brown hyaena is not Brown Hyaena seen as often as the spotted hyaena because it is a shy and silent animal. As the name indicates, it is mostly brown. It has long hair and no spots, but it does have dull stripes on its legs. Brown hyaenas can go for a long time without water and live in the dry parts of the counby where the spotted hyaena would not be able to suivive. They live in specific territories or demarcated areas. Because of the fact that food is scarce in dry regions, these areas can be as big as 480 square kilometres. They used to be plentiful but today are seldom seen further south than the Orange River. They are also listed in the Red Data Book as rare. Brown hyaenas are mostly scavengers but they also sometimes eat small mammals, reptiles, birds, insects and fruit. Farmers incorrectly believe that they kill their livestock and therefore eradicate them.

11 . ed fadllly FEITE FOKUS Hyaenlaezoo-M'N ~ by Elsabie Egan, Education Officer also killed on our roads as car headlights disorientate them. Although spotted hyaenas are active predators, the family Hyaenidae is benetlcial to man. The striped and brown hyaena, and to a lesser extent the spotted hyaena, fulfill an important function by removing carcasses. hi this way, they he]p with the control of pests and diseases. The aardwolf, on tl}(~ other hand, controls termites which cause extensive damage to farmers' fields..,.' ;. As their name indicates, spotted hyaenas are covered in spots and have short hair./ Gevlekte hienas het kort hare en is oomek met kolle. Aardwolf The aardwolf has also become rare. It is smaller than the hyaenas and eats insects, particularly termites. It therefore does not have as strong Jaws and teeth as the hyaenas but it has a thick, sticky tongue which enables it to eat as many as termites in an hour. Its numbers are rapidly decreasing because farmers also believe them to be sheep killers. In addition, many aardwolves are An aardwolfs diet consists mainly oftennites./ Die aardwolfvreet hoofsaaklik termiete.

12 De Wildtan animal haven Nestling in the foothills of the Magaliesberg range lies the De Wildt Cheetah Research and Breeding Station. Owner of the property, Ms Ann van Dyk has, in conjunction with the National Zoological Gardens of South Mrica been involved for many years in the breeding and rearing of various animals, the most well-known being that of the cheetah. Breeding cheetah It was decided in 1971 to start a breeding project for the then endangered cheetah. After four years of intensive study, six cheetahs gave birth to a total of 23 cubs. This was a breakthrough as these timid cats had proved extremely difficult to breed in captivity. To date, more than 400 cubs have been born at De Wildt which has contributed to this species' status being changed from endangered on the South Mrican Red Data List for Endangered Mammals. The birth of the king cheetah, which is a genetic variation, in 1981 was a world-first. Ten years later, the birth of the first king cheetah litter born of king cheetah parents heralded another world -first. Cubs are left with the mother until they are about four months when they will be removed and placed with cubs from other litters to fonn 'nurseries'. It sometimes also happens that some of the cubs must be hand-reared, a job Ann is very aujaitwith. It is of utmost importance that cheetahs are introduced to each other before six months as they will still accept each other. After this time, they will be very aggressive towards one another. Males and fenlales are kept together, but once the female comes into oestrus, they are separated, once again to prevent aggression and also to prevent inbreeding. The males are then examined and those with a high semen count will be used for breeding purposes. Each breeding female has a special enclosure which contains a little 'hut' in which she can give birth to her litter. Once the female has indicated that she is ready to mate, the males will be allowed into a passage from which each female will select her own mate. The gestation period is

13 90 days and females can give birth to between two and five cubs at a time. Most of the offspring is either sent to zoos and other conservation institutions around the world or are released back into the wild. Other breeding prograilldles Besides the breeding of the cheetah, the Centre has notched up many successes with the breeding of other endangered mammals such as the Cape hunting dog, the yellowbilled oxpecker, suni and South Africa's most endangered mammal, the riverine rabbit. The Cape hunting dog is 'one of Mrica's most endangered carnivores. This is mainly due to the fact that their staple diet, average-sized antelope, have been dwindling. Cattle farmers also kill wild dogs as they are unjustly regarded as a threat to livestock. In spite of their reputation as cruel hunters, wild dogs take care of all the members of the pack. The animals who partake in the kill eat large pontions of meat which they then regurgitate at the lair for those that did not go on the hunt and for the pups. Several litters have been raised at De Wildt, some of which have been released into the Hluhluwe Game Reserve and the Etosha Game Reserve. The breeding programme for the riverine rabbit has been so successful that a number of the offspring have been made available to the National Parks Board for reestablishment in Karoo National Park. The suni, a threatened antelope species, has also been successfully re-introduced into the Kruger National Park. A very successful vulture restaurant is also operated from De Wildt to which wild vultures from the nearby Magaliesberg, flock to feed on selected carcasses. In addition to these endangered animals, there are also various species of owls, nyala, zebra, impala and kudu kept at De Wildt. Tours of this very interesting facility are available to members of the public over weekends. On Saturdays, tours are given at 08:30 and 14: 15 and on Sundays at 09:00 and 14: 15. To book or for more information contact De Wildt at (01204) 'The king cheetah. wwt its distinctive heavy black 'stripes' and larger spots. / Die koningjagluiperd met sy kenmerkende swart strepe en groter kolle. 1he endangered riverine rabbit / Die hoogs bedreigde rtvierkonyn.,"... "

14 With this The National Zoological Gardens often receives letters and telephone calls from people from allover South M rica, Africa and even from overseas about ringed birds they have found. Often. injured birds are also brought to the Zoo. The Zoo has even received a. telephone call from a lady as far afield as Freemantle. West Australia who reported a bird she had found I But what is bird ringing and what is its purpose? Why ring birds? Bird ringing is a scientific method used to identify birds individually. Metal rings, which are stamped and engraved with a serial number and the address of a recognized ringing organisation, are used. The numbered rtngs make it possible to recognise each bird individually if it is found dead or recaught at a later date. Modern bird ringing began in 1899 when Hans Christian Mortensen of Denmark ringed 164 starlings with numbered and addressed rings. South African bird ringing began in 1948 when the then South African Orlliinological Society (SAOS) started issuing rings with Ule "lnfonn Zoo Pretoria" address. The SAOS continued to administer bird ringing untll1971.1n 1972 the South African Bird Ringing Unit (SAFRING) was established on the campus of the University of Cape Town and took over from the SAOS ringing scheme. Ringing birds enables us to learn abou t bird movelnents in order to identify and conserve important breeding sites, migration routes and wintering grounds. International co-operation is extremely important for fue conservation of migrant birds. There is little point in proctecttng the birds atone end of their range if fue habitat at the other is denied to Ulem tlrrough development or pollution. To date, approximately 1,25 million birds have been ringed with South African rings and there have been some recoveries, giving us an overall recovery rate of 1,03 per cent.

15 e rid --- The United Kingdom enjoys a recovery rate of 2,16 per cent. But what South Africa lacks in numbers, it makes up for in variety, with over 800 species ringed since the scheme's inception. Although bird ringing was originally intended as a tool for finding out about bird migration, it has a much wider application nowadays. Information such as the bird's lifespan, how many mates it has, how the populations change, mortality rates at different seasons and ages, the most likely causes of death,atwhatageitfirstbreeds and how far it flies to feed each day all come to the fore. Besides its scientific value, this ringing information is also important for conservation, particularly in the case of species of economic value. The technique ofbird-rining has been used to study the possible role played by birds in spreading human and animal diseases. Because of their migratory habits, certain birds could theoretically pick up ticks, or viruses in Africa and transport these back to Europe with them at the end of summer. However, scientists have proved that, in fact. birds are not important in spreading disease. What happens when a ringed bird is recovered? When a bird is found with a ring, the finder can either report it to the National Zoo in Pretoria or to SAFRING directly. The recovery information is matched with the original ringing information and the computer then calculates the time elapsed between ringing and recovery and the distance and direction the bird flew fronl the ringing site. It Con gratula tions Zoon would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Dr Gerhard Davidtsz, Chairman of the Council of the National Zoological Gardens on being granted honorary citizenship of Pretoria. tilen produces the printout which lists tllis information with the species, the name of the ringing locality. tile date of ringing, sex and age of the bird when ringed, and tile names and addresses of both ringer and fmder.,..,.'

16 Potgietersrus Voelkou-projek aangepak Die opngtlng van In deurloop-voelkou by die Potgietersrus Wildteelsentrunl is In langgekoesterde ideaal van die plaasuke tak van die Vnende van die Dieretuin. Die waarde van so In voeleenheid is opnuu t beklemtoon deur mnr LaUli!e Smith. President van die Vriende, tydens sy onlangse besoek en praa tj ie aan die Potgtetersrus Vriende. Die deurloop-voelkou sal In positiewe bydrae lewer tot die ontwikkeling van die Potgietersrus Wildteelsentrum. Die Wildteelsentrum is In voellielliebber se paradys en die nuwe voeieenhei sal die besoeker soveel nader aan die voelsoorte bring wanneer hulle die voels van nader kan besigtig. Verskeie fondsinsamelingsprojelde is vanjaar met die oog op die oprigtlng van die deurloop-voelkou geloods. Tydens die Vriende se byeenkoms op 20 September is die eerste trekking van gelukkige donateurs vir die kierie gehou. Die finale trekking vir die toekenntng van die kierie sal tydens die volgende byeenkoms van die Vriende plaasvind en die finaliste sal per pos van die betrokke datum in kennis gestel word. Die fondasies van die beoogde voeleenheid is reeds gegooi en die oprigting van die 12 meter hoe maspale sal eersdaags aandag geniet. Die konstruksie van die nuwe eenheid sal hopelik teen die einde van die jaar voltooi wees, waarna aandag aan die afronding van looppaadjies en sitbankies vir besoekers gegee sal word, asook die uitleg van die tuln, fonteine. voerplekke, ensovoorts. Persone wat In bydrae wil maak in kontant of boumateriaal kan die sekretaresse, Janet du Plooy by (01541) 4227 kontak. Naweekuitstappie na Percy Fyfe Dit het nou al In instelling geword dat die Potgietersrus Vriende in Januarie van elke jaar In naweek by die Percy Fyfe Natuurreservaat gaan uitspan, mekaar leer ken en van mekaar leer. Ons gaan weer so Inaak op 24,25 en 26 Januarie Elkeen an1veer op 24 Januarie op sy eie tyd en sorg vir sy eie bring-en-braai terwyl ons heerlik om die kampvuur kuier. Saterdag, 25 Januarie roer ons vroeg vir koffie en beskuit en In staproete saam met Loffie Malherbe in die natuurreservaat, waarna ons In laatontbyt nuttig. Nadat ons In bietjie gerus en gekuier het, leer ons van mekaar en toets ons ons kennis van die veld, voels en dierelewe. Almal dra by en help om In potjiekos vir aandete aan die gang te Joy en ons sluit die dag se venigtinge af met In filmvertonlng. Sondag 26 Januarie vertrek almal op hulle eie tyd. Kom geniet die naweek saam by Percy Fyfe. Akkommodasie pas elkeen se sak, R2.50 per persoon per nag vir gebruikvan rue slaaphut en Rl.50 per persoon pt;r H~~ vir diegene wat van hulle eie tent of karavaan gebruik lnaak. Bydraes vir die aankoop van ander benodighede vir die gesamentllke etes sal afhang van hoeveel persone die naweek sal bywoon. Die voorlopige raming hiervoor bedra RIO. 00 per persoon. OOITlagfasiliteite in die slaaphut is beperk tot 20 beddens terwyl die kampeerfasiliteite onbeperk is. Insktywings moet die sekretaresse nie later as 7 Januarle 1992 bereik nie. Pretoria Thank you to all our sponsors TIle following companies supported the Friends with sponsorships during 1991.: Annique; Cape Wine, Silverton; Dairybelle: Afrikom: Gerries Flowers: Gift World: Hatfield Plaza: Golden Lay Farms Ltd: Hen~ules Cold Storage: I & J Roodepoort; Pick & Pay stores: -Doringkloof -Faerie Glen -Tram Shed -Hatfield Plaza: The Banana Board: Protea Agents (Pty) Ltd SACCA (Pty) Ltd Slnoville Meat Market: Citrus Exchange Board: Soleil Cut Roses: The Dairy Board: and the

17 NUUS5ROKKIES SNIPPETS following shops in fue Sunnypark Centre: -Arthur Kaplan; -CN1\; -Dandoosh; -Hollywood Nailbar; -Sunnypark Chemist; -WoolworUls. The Friends would like to extend a warm thank you for fueir support and wish their sponsors a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year. 'n Brief aan aile Vriende van die Pretoria-tak Geagte Vriende Soos u moontlik bewus is, het ons vorige VoorsiUer, Lourens Aucamp tydens die laaste jaruvergadering aangedui dat hy weens ander verpligtinge nie langer beskikbaar is om as Voorsitter te dien rue. Die Bestuurskomitee bet my op 20 November 1991 as Voorsitter verkies. Ek vertrou dat ek die belange van u Vereniging met nougesetheid op die hart sal dra. Ek is bewus daaivan dat die funksies en uitstappies wat die afgelope jaar deur die Bestuurskomitee gereel is oor die algemeen groot byval gevind het. iets waaroor die Komitee bale bly is. Daar het in die proses egter sekere probleme opgeduik wat in die nuwe jaar ons ernstige aandag sal geniet. As voorbeelde kan ek die volgende noem: Nagtoere Uit die aard van die saak is ons verplig om van die Nasionale Dieretuin se opgeleide personeel as toerleiers gebruik te maak waatvoor hulle vergoed moet word. Daar is dus besluit om voortaan tydens nagtoere 'n fooi van R5.00 per volwassene en R3.00 per kind te hef. Dit sluit die braaivleisvure en ander fasiliteite in. Die fooi vatl RI per persoon wat tot dusver gdlef is, was heeltelnal onvoldoende om die gepaardgaande uitgawes te dek. As daar in ag geneem word dat gewone lede van die publiek R15.40 per volwassene en R13.20 per kind vir nagtoere betaal. is die voorgesteide fooi na my Inening uiters redelik. Die aantal toerleiers word bepaal deur die aantallede wat aangedui het dat' hulle 'n toer wil meemaak. Indien persone egter om een of ander rede nie 11leer 'n toer kan Ineenmak nie en nalaat OIn vroegtycug hul besprekings te kanselleer kan dit maklik gebeur dat daar vir te veel toerleiers gereei word. wat op vrugtelose uitgawe neerkom. Uitstappies per bus Wanneer uitstappies gereel word, moet daar vroegtydig met 'n busmaatskappy gereel word vir busse aan die hand van die aantal pers()ne wat bespreek het. Die maatskappy verlang egter dat 'n deposito voorafbetaal moet word wanneer die busse bespreek word en wat dan ook altyd gedoen word. Andermaal kan dit gebeur dat 'n toer op 'n verlies uiuoop indien persone wat bespreek het nalaat om te laat weet dat hulle nie langer kan saamgaan nie. Dit is nie net die verlies wat pia nie maar ook die feu dat 'n atlder per soon moontlik 'n geleentheid ontneem is om saam te gaan. Besprekings en betalings vir nagtoere en ander uitstappies moet vooraf by die Mdeling Openbare Dienste van die Nasionale Dieretuin, Boomstraat gedoen word. As gevolg vall die probleme wat in die voorafgaande paragrawe aatlgedui is, het u Vereniging die afgelope jaar vrugtelose uttgawes van bykans R2 100 eivaar, geld wat atldersins aangewend kon gewees het om ons doel van R te bereik vir die oprigung van 'n broeikamer. U word ook vriendelik versoek om by ontvatlgs van die nodige kennisgewing dat u lidlnaatskap versttyk het. onverwyld te reel vir die hemuwing daatvan andersins loop u gevaar om u uitgawe van Zoon te verbeur. Ek kan nie nalaa t om die talle vriende wat telkemale tydens funksies spont.aatl hand bysit om die verrtgtinge te laat vlot. van harte bedank en die vertroue uit te spreek dat ons in die nu we jaar steeds op u gewaardeerde hulp sal kan staatmaak. U word een en alnm.1 'n geseende Kersfees en 'n voorspoedige Nuwe Jaar toegewens. COERT VAN HEERDEN VOORSITTER

18 Vriende is propvol waarde Aangeheg vind u hiermee posorders synde my ledegeld vir Ek het julle funksies altyd so geniet en uitgesien daarna, maar vind dat ek weens my huidige omstandighede nie aan die aandfunksies kan deelneem nie, tog so jammerl Oft is ~d 'n voorreg om al die voordele van die Vriende van die Oieretuin se lidmaatskap te geniet. MARGARET BETZ An apology I refer to your publication and in particular the article relating to the new elephant quarters. Despite a substantial contribution by the Department of Public Works in the erection and commissioning of this facility, no credit whatsoever is given to the Department in your article. In the final paragraph you refer to the Zoo's contribution towards limiting construction costs, yet many hours were spent by professionals and technicians in the Department's employ to solve mechanical, electrical and structural problems and to ensure that a quality final product would be provided. It would have been appreciated by those involved if even some indirect acknowledgement of their efforts was made in a widely read publication such as yours. SFBURKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Mrs Sarita Cronje, Curator: Public Services at the National Zoological Gardens, replies. Dear Mr Burke I agree with you that not enough credit was given to the Department of Public Works' contribution and I would like to take this opportunity to thank your Department most sincerely for all its hard work. It is true that this project would not have been so successfully completed without both the professional input from various members of the Department of Public Works and the financial assistance from your Department. The Zoo would really like to thank each and every person from your staff who was involved for their dedicated support as well as the Department's financial assistance which amounted to R Not only are the elephant night quarters definitely something that the Zoo can be very proud of but are also witness to the Zoo's desire to keep abreast of the most modern of zoo-keeping practices. Your Department's contributions are of cardinal importance to us in our endeavours to implement projects such as this one. Thank you once again for your continued support of our Zoo. w pj}s ~~e~t:ted to be at the super new Zoo Restaurant recently - and really congratulate you most heartily on the superb breakfast you and your stafl" organised. for Barbara van Eck's charity function. It was a supermonling and thank you all. JOY OLDRIDGE THE TUESDAY FORUM What's new at Lappies Zoovenier shop? The Zoo's curio shop, Lappies Zoovenier, has a whole array of new merchandise in, just in time for Chrtsbnas. From sweets, tobacco and soft toys through to the most beautiful wooden birds and hand-painted jewellery. In fact. something for every member of the family as well as that special 'something' for the person who has everything. The Management of the Zoo regrets to inform the Friends however that, as a result of VAT, the 13 per cent discount no longer is available to them. In spite of this, we trust that you will continue to support our curio shop.

19 Water and EARTH MATTERS GROEN GE.DAGTES air 'Earth Matters' is a new column that will be appearing in Zoon from now on. We start of with extracts from the lectures delivered at the ZOo's very successful 1991 Environment Day and thereafter will concentrate on environmental issues. What is happening to our dwindling water resources? Dr Peter Ashton, of the CSIR's Division of Water Technology, presented a paper on ourcountry's water quality problems. As water is one of our most precious and scarcest of commodities, his paper certainly highlighted the plight this country faces if we don't start looking, after these precious supplies. TIrroughout the world. water is essential to live, to social development and to economic progress. Its value is probably best appreciated in underdeveloped communities where lndividuals must cany heavy loads of water, often of doubtful quality, over long distances to meet their basic needs. In contrast, more developed societies with higher standards of living often take it for granted tilat adequate supplies of cheap. safe water will always be available at the turn of a tap. Overall, South Africa is classified as a semi-arid region with an annual average rainfall below the world average. Because of South Africa's location at the southern point of the African continent, rainfall is distinctly seasonal and is distributed unevenly over the counby. The east-west climatic change and seasonal rainfall ~ patterns give rise to rivers whose ~ flow rates vary widely through- ~ out the year. often drying up ~ during the dry seasons and over- 0 flowing during the rains. The.a situation is further complicated ~ in southern Africa because much of tile economic development has taken place away from perennial livers in areas where rainfall is low. Consequently, water has to be imported to the population centres from areas where supplies are more plentiful or more reliable. This problem has largely been met by the construction of a large number of dams or reservoirs on many of our rivers. Such reservoirs store water during drought periods and decrease the flood peaks after heavy rains. Together with their associated canals and pipelines, they ensure that regular supplies of water reach tlle agricultural, industrial and urban centres of the counby. Because South Africa's most limiting natural resource is freshwater, each of these sectors of the economy must compete for its share of water. Expanding population le- This stream at Sabie River below Lone Creek Falls in the eastern Transvaal is an excellent example of a stream affected by forestry which still has a very pleasing appearance. / Hierdie stroom by Sabierivier in die Dos-Transvaal is 'n goeie voorljeeld van 'n stroom wat deur bosbou beinvloed is, auwewel die effek nog baie rrwoi is. vels. combined with improving living standards, exert even greater demands on our water resources. Inevitably, human needs will come into conflict with those of the natural water ecosystems; man's influence on the aquatic environment is seen and felt in its effects, not only on water supply, but also on water quality. The phrase 'water quality' is used to describe a variety of (Continued overleaf)

20 Creating a different conditions, though it usually relates to the acceptability of the water for a particular use. At present. three major water quality problems challenge South Africa's water managers, namely: salinization, eutrophication (increase in enrichment with plant nutrients, nitrogen and phosphorus) and pollution. Natural lakes and rivers contain a great variety of organisms that range in size from t:: minute bacterial and algal cells ~ up to the very large crocodiles < and hippopotamuses. Between these two extremes, there exists an immense array of plants and animals each of which is adapted to exist in a particular habitat within the river or lake, each requtrtng a particular range of foods and being preyed upon by particular types of predators. All natural lakes and manmade reservoirs undergo a natural process of enrichment and infilling. Plant and animal populations increase in response to the increased nutrients. However, poor farming practices can increase the rate of erosion and cause very rapid infilling. Additional sources of nutrients, whether they be from fertilisers or emuent discharges promote the development of very high populations of plants and animals. Continued enrichment eventually leads to a dramatic change in the variety of numbers of organisms in the lake. In some cases, populations of unwanted water plants (wa- A dense infestation of water hyacinth which had been growing in the HartbeespoortDam since The photo slwws a zone ojjlowertng plants along the lake margin. '!his infestation was successfully controlled with herbicide sprays in / Waterhiasinte groei sedert 1977 welig in die HartbeespoortdUTTL Die foto toon 'n area langs die oewer waar die plante in blom is. Die plante is s ukses vol deur middel van 'n onkruiddoder in 1978 uitgeroel ter weeds) and certain types of algae undergo an extremely rapid increase in numbers untll they totally dominate the available habitat and eliminate virtually all the other species in the lake. An additional feature of these emiched lakes is their very large populations of micro-organisms. These organisms can use up much of the oxygen dissolved in water, which in turn, leads to several changes in the chemistry of the water. These chemical changes cause a marked drop in the quality of the water, which requires careful treabnent before it can be used for household purposes. One of the biggest problems in South Africa is the development of unwanted growths of water weeds on reservoirs, ponds, lakes and rivers. TIle high levels of nutrients in most of these waters promote rapid growth rates which make it very difficult to control these plants by manual or mechanical means. The excessive growth of water plants also leads to dramatic changes in water chemistry. The worst water weed problems in southern A1i1ca are those

21 better earth caused by alien plants that have been imported without their natural insect and pathogen control agents. These plants have a great advantage over indigenous species which are controlled naturally by a vartety of insect and fish species. Chemical techniques are very effective for the control of must water weeds in southetn Africa although there are also a number of drawbacks. They are expensive and. unless vigilant follow-ups are conducted. chemical spraying is rarely 100 per cent effective. At this stage. it is vital that the public be educated and wellinfonned as to the importance of conserving our scarce water resources. Furthermore. the rapid growth in our population emphasises the urgent need for innovative technologies to recycle. purify and disinfect water for re-use. Education about health and safety aspects should be stressed. Several of the problems facing the water uruanagers of today can be solved by careful scientific research into the basic biological and chemial processes involved. In uruany cases. problems are so complex that purely tech Incal answers alone are not sufficient. The management of Sou th Africa's water resource to produce the greatest food for the country as a whole depends on the integration of social. political and economic goals. The implementation of these goals relies on developing technology to address these multidisciplinary problems. Energie - non en in die toekoms: Die effek daarvan op die omgewing Henk van Tonder van Omgewingsinvloedbestuur by ESKOM, het oor die uitwerking wat energie, nou en in die toekoms, op dieomgewing het, gesels. Energte is die een enkele aspek waarsonder ons voortbestaan op aarde nie moontlik is nie. Fossielbrandstof is tans die vernaamste energiebron in Suid-Afrika. Dit word hoofsaaklik as steenkool ontgin en in kragstasies en ander nywerhede tot brulkbare energie omskep. Dit word ook direk in bale huishoudings as Wttebron tngespan. Hierdie grootskaalse ontgtnning en verbranding van steenkool en steenkoolprodukte veroorsaak noodwendig dat lug en watergehalte beinvloed word. Selfs al word die proses korrek bestuur. 'n Ander belangrike bron van energte is hout. In plattelandse gebiede. waar elektrtsiteit nog nie gebruik word nie. veroorsaak die grootskaalse gebruik van brandhout ook groot omgewingskade. byvoorbeeld ontbosstng en bale tyd gaan ook verlore aan die insameling van hout. Die ne:tging in SUid-Afrika is toenemende verstedellking van die bevolking. Na beraming sal ongeveer 70 persent van die bevolking teen die einde van die eeu verstedelik wees. Dit sal natuurlik tot gevolg he dat basiese dienste in die stede skerp sal toeneem. Die gebruik van elektrtsiteit kan die verbranding van steenkool. hout en paraffien uitskakel wat sal bydra tot 'n vermindering van die rookmis wat so tipies van ons stede is. Na beraming sal die laaste steenkoolkragstasle in Suid Afrika teen ongeveer 2040 gebou word en sal steenkool as brandstof teen 2080 van die toneel verdwyn. Dit beteken dat die Republiek op ander tans bekende bronne moet staatmaak. Hierdie bronne is beperkte hidrovermoe en dan natuurlik kernkrag. watt as dit reg bestuur word. die mees omgewtngsvrtendelike energiebron is. Kernkragstasies sal langs die kus opgeng word sodat seewater vir verkoeling gebruik kan word. 'n Verdere geleentheld wat tans ontwlkkel word, is die vestiging van 'n tussengekoppelde streeksnetwerk in die sub Sahara in Afrika. Met 'n kombinasie van skoon plaaslike energtebronne soos ketn- en hidrokrag en tor 'n kleiner mate sonenergte, gekoppel aan 'n redelike mate van energte-invoere kan die natuurlike omgewtng daarby baat. Elkeen kan ook 'n bydrae lewer deur elektrisiteit. en ander energte, oordeelkillldig en sonder vermorsing te gebrulk. I. "1, '4'

22 Kleur verskaf die Mdeling Tuinbou. Nege maande van die jaar word spandeer om twee maande se kleur te bewerkstellig. U sal u afvra of dit die moote werd is - na aanleiding van die talle kompliinente wat ontvang word, is dit dubbel en dwars die moeite werd. Aangesien blomplantjies so duur is, kweek die Dieretuin sy eie voorraad elke seisoen. Gemiddeld R8 000 Se blomsaad wordjaarliks aangekoop. 12m3 grondmengsel word Jaarliks in die kweekproses gebtuik Blomplantjiepraktyk in die Diere tudn Die saaibeddlng waarin saad gesaal word vir uitplant in kissies. / The seedbeds in which the seedlings are sown before they are planted out into seedling trays. D at Ideur altyd In ge-' weldige impak maak op enige persoon is In voldwonge felt. SeHs in tuinbou is hierdie felt In deurslaggewende faktor van sukses in tuinmaak in die Dieretuin. Elemente belangrik in die keuse van blomplantjies Alhoewel daar op biaarkleur en tekstuur staatgemaak word om impak te verkry dwarsdeur die jaar, is kleur altyd 'n bepalende faktor. In die Dieretuin word geweldige klem gele op seisoenale kleur met blomplantjies omdat die effek soveel meer drama ties is, asook dat gereelde besoekers seisonaal verras kan word met nuwe kleurgebruik, plantkeuses asook komposisies. BlomplanfJies is sekerlik die mees arbeidsintensiewe aktlwiteu op die jaarprogram van Voor die aanvang van elke seisoen word deegl1k.e navorsing gedoen om alle moontlik beskik. bare soorte saad in oorwegtng te neem. Plante wat die vorige seisoen goeie resultate behaai het, word maklik weer gebruik. Ons glo daaraan om by 'n wenresep te bly. Vernuwing is egter nodig en elke seisoen word nuwe variteue gekoop en op die proef gestei. Die Walt Disney Worldkompleks in Florida, Amerika gebruiksoveelsa~geperjaar dat hulle tans 'n ampteuke saadproefnemingsinstansie' vir die Amerikaanse blomplantjiekwekers is. Die hele proses begin sodra die grondtemperature in die saadbeddings gedaai of gestyg het tot op die spesifieke seisoen se saad se ontkiemtngstemperatuur. Saadbeddings kry volson gedurende die dag, maar word elke aand bedek om te voorkom dat reen die saad uitwis of Jong

23 TUINTAKTIEK _ GREEN FINGERS deur Jan Hagen, Hoof Tuinboukundige -5~jiu flev 2ffism~~pli fj1:d~;g Iovai -'!}d rno ~i1il~il.'lla:h~:tiio:a 3bl~n:d die nuwe set~~gj>~g. jeljjvo~ah~ b~td. -~bls1a.tljaewrifbikmti~xmjttpmljts ~digw~ tyd~l amei%rn1n.f5ojjg~ f~<p~e:tun;fl:lid f:wanrdtel!ame~~ ::;vergiJis ejke.-tsdsderbsb b~- 3th~gfvDkloencdJi!jbel~glss, -ltnchg 1:5bf!oe~d 2'isod5b,-oo\v

24 50EKWURM RIGHT READS The Cheetahs of De Wildt by Ann van Dyk PubHsher:Struik Autlwr Ann van Dyk The Cheetahs of De Wlldt is Ann van Dyk's story of the stiumte to save the cheetah from the verge of extinction. Unlike many other wildlife stories, this one tens the tale of one woman's personal contribution towards conservation, bullt on the rea1isation that without innovative action, severn1 of sou, _1 Africa's wildlife s~es ' ~;f' sure extinction. --, The book is written in a most '~ ot style and evety page is '-*) Ann'Sdff love of the ailiil. t... Jier c3j TIlls book is.l.. for those in the co, field and students but also for the man CL. in the street who has evb of making a dtlie-rence. Woordeboek vir Tuinboukunde Ui~e1Ver: Staats~er 'n Nuwe woordeboe~ die Woordeboek vir Tuinboukunde met Plantname. is so pas deur die Nasionale Vakterminologiediens van die Depariement van Nasionale Opvoeding VIYgestel. Benewens vir die student. dosent. navorser in tuinboukunde, vertaler en joernalis sal hierdie woordeboek ook vir die gewone tuinmaakentoesias en kwekery-eienaar van nut weese Die Woordeboek vir Tuinboukunde met Plantname bestaan uit twee dele. naamjik 'n deel wat algemene tuinboukundeterme bevat en 'n subgedeelte met pjantname. Die woordeboek bevat ongeveer terme in totaal. Die gebn.tiker van die WOOTdeboek kan dus verwag om tenne wat onder andere tuishoort by genetika. plantbiotegnologie. plantfisiologie. plantsiektekunde. akkerbou. grondkunde. landbou-ingenieurswese en landskapontwerp by die aigemene tuinbouirundetenne aan te tree. Daar ibvolgebruikgemaakvan uitgebrelde konteksinligtlng om begrippe teverklaar. Ole subgedeelte met p1ant:ttame het drie onderafdelings. Die feit dat die bencunings. die Engelse en Afiikaanse voiksname van plante om die beurt as trefwoorde aangedui word. maak hierdie woordeboek beqonrler g...:.rui- kersvnendelik. Die Woordeboek vir Tuinboukunde met Plantname is by die Staatsdrukker verktygbaar teen R23.38 per eksemplaar. Managelllen t Guidelines for the Welfare of Zoo Anilllals PubHsher: The Federation of Zoological Gardens The Federation of Zoological Gardens of Great Britain and Ire1and has recently brought out a senes of Management Guidelines for the welfare of animals. concentrating on the giraffe and the ratites. These are a first in a series aimed at making the extensive data currently scattered tlnuughout the literature or held unpublished within the records of individuals or institutions. widely available to all those who would benefit from it. The Guidelines are divided into three sections. The first contains concise information of the biology of the species. while the second contains pertinent and practical information on the keeping of the animals while the thud section gives references and recommended reading. The abovementioned Guidelines are available from the Federation and also includes an Introduction which provides a useful overview of the Guidelples.

The Influence ofdietary Protein Levels on Growth Curve Parameters of Quail

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