Level six. Reading sheet 1

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2 Reading sheet 1 Level six This is a kangaroo. She is looking for some food. She is hungry but is going to make sure it is safe before she starts to eat. The kangaroo has a baby with her. She has the baby in her pouch. The baby kangaroo likes to be in it s mother s pouch. A baby kangaroo is called a joey. When his mother is moving along, the joey is safe in the pouch. After the joey is born it climbs into the mothers pouch, where there is milk to drink. The joey will be safe in the pouch until it is big enough to look after itself. When the mother kangaroo finds some good grass to eat, the joey will hop out of the pouch and eat grass too. Kangaroos live in Australia.

3 Comprehension sheet 1 1.What animal is this? 2. Where is the baby? 3. What does the kangaroo like to eat? 4. What will the baby kangaroo do when his mother is eating? 5. What is a baby kangaroo called? Write something you have learnt from the information.

4 Activity sheet 1 Level six Write whether the information is true or false 1. The kangaroo is eating meat. True or false 2. The baby kangaroo likes to ride in the pouch 3. Kangaroo s like to skip in the grass. 4. The kangaroo has a joey in the pouch. 5. The dog is hungry. Put a circle around the correct answers (A) Kangaroos live in Australia. (B) Kangaroos can swim fast. (C) Kangaroos use their long feet to jump along. (D) A joey will stay in the pouch to keep it safe.

5 Reading sheet 2 Koalas are bear like animals, but they are not bears. The koala is often grey in colour. They look soft and cuddly, but have sharp claws which they will use to protect themselves. This mother koala has her baby on her back. Koalas carry their babies this way so that their hands and feet are free to climb trees. The mother koala has a pouch for her baby too. The pouch is not like the kangaroos, it is at the back. This is so the koala can climb trees and the baby can stay safe. Did you know a baby koala is called a joey the same as the kangaroo. The mother gives her baby milk to drink. Koalas live in gum trees. They go from tree to tree eating only one sort of gum leaf. Koalas live in Australia.

6 Comprehension sheet 2 1. Where does the koala live? 2. Where is the baby? 3. What does the koala like to eat? 4. What is a baby koala called? 5. Where is the koalas pouch? Write something you have learnt from the information.

7 Activity sheet 2 Level six Write whether the information is true or false 1. The koala only eats gum leaves True or false 2. The koala has no pouch. 3. Koalas do not live in Australia. 4. The Koala feeds its baby milk. 5. The koala is a sort of bear. Put a circle around the correct answers (A) Koalas carry the joey on its back (B) Koalas eat all sorts of leaves. (C) A baby koala is called a joey. (D) A koala is often black in colour.

8 Reading sheet 3 This animal is a platypus. It lives near rivers in many parts of Australia. The platypus is not like other animals. It has a bill just like a duck and webbed feet like a duck too. The platypus has fur like a kangaroo. The platypus lays eggs but it feeds its babies milk. The platypus lays her eggs deep in long winding tunnels by river banks. When the platypus is happy that it s eggs will be safe, she lays her eggs. When the eggs hatch, the platypus feeds her babies milk until they are big enough to look after themselves. The platypus hunts and eats insects, worms and shellfish. The platypus is a shy animal. It is very hard to spot her as she swims in by the river bank.

9 Comprehension sheet 3 1. What country does the platypus live in? 2. What sort of feet does a platypus have? 3. What does the platypus like to eat? 4. Where does the platypus lay her eggs? 5. What does the platypus feed her babies? Write something you have learnt from the information.

10 Activity sheet 3 Level six Write whether the information is true or false 1. The platypus does not live in Australia. True or false 2. The platypus lays her eggs in the river. 3. The platypus eats insects. 4. The platypus feeds her babies milk. 5. The platypus is an Australian animal. Put a circle around the correct answers (A) Platypuses have bills like a duck. (B) A platypus is a type of kangaroo. (C) A mother platypus lays eggs. (D) The platypus eats leaves.

11 Reading sheet 4 The saltwater crocodile is an Australian reptile. It lives in rivers in the North of Australia. A reptile is a cold blooded animal like lizards and snakes. Crocodiles have a hard scaly skin a long tail and big sharp teeth. The crocodile lays eggs in the sand and mud near the river, and when the eggs hatch the baby crocodiles have to make their own way down to the water. Crocodiles stay in the deep water of rivers so that they look like logs. They use their tails to swim and with only their eyes showing. The crocodile will often use it s tail to knock it s prey into the water, where it can then be eaten by it s strong teeth. People have to be very careful when swimming in places where crocodiles like to swim.

12 Comprehension sheet 4 1. A crocodile is from what family? 2. Where would you find a crocodile? 3. How does a crocodile catch it s prey? 4. Where does the crocodile lay her eggs? 5. What sort of skin does a crocodile have? Write something you have learnt from the information.

13 Activity sheet 4 Level six Write whether the information is true or false 1. Crocodiles have live babies. True or false 2. The crocodile is an animal. 3. The crocodile is a reptile. 4. Crocodiles swin on top of the Water. 5. Crocodiles can be found in the Northern part of Australia. Put a circle around the correct answers (A) Crocodiles are an Australian reptile. (B) A crocodile has a little tail. (C) Crocodiles are fun to play with. (D) Crocodiles have big sharp teeth.

14 Reading sheet 5 An echidna is an egg laying mammal. It has a short nose and short strong legs. The legs have powerful claws to help the echidna dig the hard ground. The back of the echidna is covered with stiff spines. The echidna s stiff spines help to protect it from other animals. The echidna has a mouth with a long sticky tongue which it uses to catch ants. The echidna lays one or two eggs which the mother echidna puts into a pouch of skin where it hatches. Echidna s love to eat ants. They dig down until they find ants and then pick them up with their long tongues. The echidna is very useful where there are a lot of ants and some people even keep them as pets.

15 Comprehension sheet 5 1. How does an echidna protect itself? 2. What helps the echidna dig the hard ground? 3. Where does the echidna keep her eggs? 4. What do echidnas eat? 5. What does the echidna use to catch ants? Write something you have learnt from the information.

16 Activity sheet 5 Level six Write whether the information is true or false 1.Echidnas lay eggs. True or false 2. The echidna eats meat. 3. The echidna eats ants. 4. The echidna has long legs 5. An echidna will make a good pet. Put a circle around the correct answers (A) Echidnas have long tails. (B) An echidna lays eggs. (C) Echidnas have soft furry coats. (D) Echidnas have short strong legs.

17 Reading sheet 6 Lizards are reptiles. They have dry scaly skin and most have claws on their feet Most lizards are small with four legs and a long tail. Their tails break easily but can grow back again. Lizards move in different ways. Some run very quickly while others move slowly taking the time to sit in the sun. Some lizards climb trees and some lizards can run across water. Lizards are cold blooded and need to sit in the sun to get warm. Most lizards live on insects but some eat bird eggs and very small animals. Lizards lay eggs which are left to hatch by themselves. Most lizards are harmless and good to learn about. Australia has lots of different sorts of lizard.

18 Comprehension sheet 6 1. What sort of skin does a lizard have? 2. How many legs do lizards have? 3. What happens if a lizard loses it s tail? 4. What do most lizards eat? 5. How do lizards make themselves warm? Write something you have learnt from the information.

19 Activity sheet 6 Level six Write whether the information is true or false 1. Lizards are warm blooded. True or false 2. Lizards are cold blooded. 3. Most lizards are harmless. 4. Lizards have live babies 5. A lizard is good to learn about. Put a circle around the correct answers (A) Lizards have two long legs. (B) Most lizards eat meat. (C) Lizards can grow a new tail. (D) Lizards have dry scaly skin.

20 Reading sheet 7 Snakes are reptiles. That means they are cold blooded animals. They mostly lay eggs, but some snakes have live babies. Snakes sleep in the cold winter months and like to come out and lay in the sun when the days become warm. Australia has many different kinds of snakes. Most of them are not harmful, but there are some that will bite to protect themselves. Snakes are very hard to spot in the long grass, so people need to take care when they are out walking. Snakes need to be near water so it is important to be careful around places where there is water. Some lizards look like snakes but have eye lids that move and lizards have short legs.

21 Comprehension sheet 7 1. What is a reptile? 2. What does a snake do in winter? 3. When do people need to watch for snakes? 4. What do snakes do to get warm? 5. What country has lots of snakes? Write something you have learnt from the information.

22 Activity sheet 7 Level six Write whether the information is true or false 1. Snakes have legs. True or false 2. Australia has no snakes. 3.Australia has many snakes. 4. Snakes sleep in summer. 5. Snakes lay eggs. Put a circle around the correct answers (A) Snakes sleeps in winter. (B) Snakes have long legs. (C) Snakes like to sleep on roads in the warm sun. (D) Snakes are warm blooded.

23 Reading sheet 8 Turtles are reptiles with a hard shell. They have been alive on earth even before the dinosaurs came. Turtles carry their homes on their backs and can protect themselves by pulling their heads into their shell. Turtles have no teeth and mostly eat green vegetation in the sea. Turtles lay eggs in deep holes and if the baby turtle makes it into the ocean after hatching can live a very long life. Turtles have webbed feet which helps them to swim. They spend most of their time in the water and only come on land to lay their eggs. The turtle is an endangered animal and people need to protect them.

24 Comprehension sheet 8 1. What is a turtle? 2. What does a turtle have on it s back? 3. Where do turtles lay their eggs? 4. What helps a turtle to swim? 5. How long do turtles live? Write something you have learnt from the information.

25 Activity sheet 8 Level six Write whether the information is true or false 1. Turtles are endangered. True or false 2. Turtles have live babies. 3. Turtles eggs are laid in holes. 4. Turtles like to swim in the sea. 5. Turtles only live for a short time. Put a circle around the correct answers (A) Turtles were on earth before dinosaurs. (B) Turtles are reptiles. (C) Turtles have soft shells. (D) Turtles lay their eggs in deep holes on the sand.

26 Reading sheet 9 Turtles and tortoises are the names for reptiles that have a hard shell that encloses the insides of the body. In some countries the name turtle means the animal that lives in the ocean, while tortoise is the name of the animal that lives on the land. Turtles, those who live in the sea are mostly meat eaters. Tortoises, those who live on land, mostly eat vegetation. Both species lay eggs, which they bury in holes. Both turtles and tortoises live long lives, some for more than 100 years. Tortoises can come in many different sizes. Some are small enough to fit into a hand, while others grow big enough to ride on.

27 Comprehension sheet 9 1. What is a tortoise? 2. What is the hard shell for? 3. Where do tortoises live? 4. What do tortoises eat? 5. How small could a tortoise be? Write something you have learnt from the information.

28 Activity sheet 9 Level six Write whether the information is true or false 1. Tortoises live in the ocean. True or false 2. Tortoises lay eggs in a nest. 3. Tortoises dig holes in which to lay their eggs. 4. Tortoises have a hard shell. 5. Tortoises can live until over 100. Put a circle around the correct answers (A)Tortoises are reptiles. (B)Tortoises can grow a new shell. (C)Tortoises eat meat. (D)Tortoises eat vegetation.

29 Reading sheet 10 This strange looking animal looks a lot like a dog, although it was alive more than 213 million years ago. It had powerful jaws, with three kinds of teeth, which were used for biting, stabbing and shredding its food. This animal was a reptile and liked to live in warm places, because it was cold blooded and depended on the environment for warmth. If this reptile did live in a cold climate it probably hibernated during the cold winter months and that might be why it is now extinct as it was hard to survive in really cold weather. Most reptiles today are found in the warmer or tropical places around the world. They like to lay around on warm rocks where they make the most of the warm sunlight.

30 Comprehension sheet When was this animal alive? 2. How many sets of teeth did it have? 3. What would it do in cold climates? 4. Why might this animal be extinct now? 5. Where do reptiles like to be? Write something you have learnt from the information.

31 Activity sheet 10 Write whether the information is true or false 1. This animal was like a dog. True or false 2. This animal had no teeth. 3. This animal is now extinct. 4. This animal lives in rainforests. 5. This animal lives more than 213 million years ago. Put a circle around the correct answers (A)This animal is alive today. (B)This animal was a reptile. (C)This animal lived 213 million years ago. (D)This animal eats only vegetation.

32 Reading sheet 11 People have dogs for many different reasons. Some dogs help people who are blind. Some dogs are working dogs and some are racing dogs. There are dogs who keep people company and dogs that guard property. Dogs are great to have whatever they are used for. It is important that dogs are looked after well. They need to be trained to do whatever they have been asked to do. They need to be checked by a vet to make sure they stay healthy. They need to be fed good food every day and they need exercise. It is good to have a dog, but they do need lots of attention. Some people get dogs because they are cute when they are puppies, but when they grow big they can become a problem and then are not wanted. It is very important to look after dogs properly.

33 Comprehension sheet Name one reason for having a dog? 2. How can a dog help people? 3. What do people need to do to look after a dog? 4. Name one thing dogs need? 5. Why do some people get dogs? Write something you have learnt from the information.

34 Activity sheet 11 Write whether the information is true or false 1. Dogs are not useful animals. True or false 2. Some dogs help blind people. 3. All dogs look the same. 4. Dogs make good pets. 5. Dogs train themselves. Put a circle around the correct answers (A)Some dogs make good guard dogs. (B)Dogs need lots of training. (C)Dogs can never be trained. (D)Dogs do not make good pets.

35 Reading sheet 12 Cats come in all shapes and sizes. There are many different breeds of cat and each breed is quite different. Some people keep cats because they make good pets. They love to cuddle up close or sit on laps. Some cats are kept as working cats. They often sleep in barns and hunt for mice and rats. That is their job. Some cats are show animals. They have their coats brushed every day and are taken to cat shows. The people who own them like to come home with a blue ribbon, which means they have won. Cats are good to have for a pet, but they need to be looked after. They need to go to the vet every year to make sure they stay healthy. They need to have fresh food every day and also fresh clean water. Cats make really good pets.

36 Comprehension sheet What would a working cat do? 2. How do people get a show cat ready for a show? 3. What do pet cats like to do? 4. Name one thing a cat needs? 5. Why do you think a cat would be a good pet? Write something you have learnt from the information.

37 Activity sheet 12 Write whether the information is true or false 1. Cats are not good pets. True or false 2. Some cats are working animals. 3. There is only one sort of cat. 4. Cats don t have cat shows. 5. Cats like to sit on peoples laps. Put a circle around the correct answers (A)Cats are good pets to have. (B)Cats do not eat mice or rats. (C)Cats chase mice and rats. (D)People feed cats to dogs.

38 Reading sheet 13 Goldfish are good pets to have. They are easy to look after and fun to watch. It is important to clean a goldfish bowl when the water starts to get dirty. It is also important not to put too many fish into one small bowl, because there will not be enough room for them all to swim freely. Fish need to be fed only a small amount each day. Fish flakes are often used. They are sprinkled on top of the water and the fish will eat what they want. At the pet shop people can buy different things to put into a fish tank or bowl, and the fish will swim in and out of them. It is fun to watch fish swimming in the tank. Some people spend lots of money setting their tanks up with very special fish from other countries. Whether a big tank or a small bowl, fish can be fun to have.

39 Comprehension sheet Why is it good to have goldfish? 2. Where do people keep goldfish. 3. Why would you not put too many fish into a small bowl or tank? 4. Where can people get things to put in fish tanks? 5. When would a fish tank need to be cleaned? Write something you have learnt from the information.

40 Activity sheet 13 Write whether the information is true or false 1. Goldfish are kept as food for cats. True or false 2. Goldfish make good pets. 3. A fish tank does not need cleaning. 4. Fish tanks can hold lots of fish. 5. Goldfish like to eat meat. Put a circle around the correct answers (A)Goldfish make good pets. (B)Fish are kept in a cage. (C)Fish are kept in a bowl or tank. (D)We can only see fish In the sea.

41 Reading sheet 14 Guinea pigs are great little animals to have as pets. They are small and cuddly and as long as they are handled properly are friendly. Guinea pigs need to be kept in a clean, warm cage. The cage needs to be cleaned out every week and fresh hay or paper needs to be put in the bottom of the cage. Guinea pigs like to eat fresh fruit and vegetables every day and need to be fed pellets and given fresh water to drink. The pellets can be bought at pet shops. Guinea pigs usually have two or three babies at a time. The babies when they are born are almost like small adults. They are born with their hair and with their eyes open. They look very sweet. Guinea pigs do get sick very easily, so it is important to keep their cages clean and fresh. Guinea pigs can have long or short hair and are often several different colours. Guinea pigs are fun to keep as pets.

42 Comprehension sheet Where would a guinea pig live? 2. How do people keep the cages clean? 3. What do guinea pigs eat? 4. What do baby guinea pigs look like? 5. Why do cages need to be clean? Write something you have learnt from the information.

43 Activity sheet 14 Write whether the information is true or false 1. Guinea pigs are all the same. True or false 2. Guinea pigs live in cages. 3. A guinea pig eats only meat. 4. Baby guinea pigs have no hair. 5. Guinea pigs make good pets. Put a circle around the correct answers (A)Guinea pigs need to have clean cages. (B)Baby guinea pigs are just like the adults.. (C)Guinea pigs lay eggs. (D)Guinea pigs have scaly bodies.

44 Reading sheet 15 Many people keep birds as pets. They enjoy watching them fly around the cage and like looking at their lovely colours. Most pet birds are budgerigars or canarys, but some people like to keep other types of birds. Birds are usually kept in cages or avaries. If there is only one or two birds they would probably stay in a cage, but when people have lots of birds, they need more room to fly around. It is fun to watch birds fly around. They can be trained to sit on fingers or shoulders. Some birds can be taught to talk too. Birds need to have clean cages and be fed fresh fruit and vegetables to keep them healthy. They also need a mixture of seeds that the bird would find in the wild. Birds make good pets. If people are careful they can fly around in houses, but they need to be trained to come back to their cage first.

45 Comprehension sheet Why would people keep birds as pets? 2. Where would a bird be kept? 3. What might a bird eat? 4. Why is it important to feed fresh food? 5. Why do people need to be careful when a bird is flying around the house? Write something you have learnt from the information.

46 Activity sheet 15 Write whether the information is true or false 1. Only budgerigars are kept as pets. True or false 2. Birds make good pets to have. 3. Pet birds can fly anywhere. 4. Birds only eat seeds. 5. Pet birds need fresh fruit to eat. Put a circle around the correct answers (A)Birds live in cages. (B)Birds do not make good pets. (C)Birds can be trained to sit on fingers. (D)A pet bird can be trained to talk to people.

47 Reading sheet 16 Chickens are baby hens or roosters. When they are born they hatch out of eggs. They are usually yellow in colour and are cute and cuddly. Chickens grow very quickly. They soon lose their soft downy feathers and grow strong colourful coats. Hens are useful farm animals as they provide people with eggs and also with meat. Some hens are kept as egg birds, while others are bred to use for chicken meat. Hens lay eggs even if there is no rooster. These are the eggs people eat. If a rooster mates with the hen and she sits on her eggs after they have been laid, they will hatch into baby chickens. There are special show chickens with curly fancy feathers. People compete to win prizes. These chickens are bathed and groomed to prepare them for the shows.

48 Comprehension sheet Why do people keep chickens? 2. What happens when chickens lose their soft downy coat? 3. What do chickens come out from? 4. What happens if a rooster mates with a hen? 5. Where might chickens be found? Write something you have learnt from the information.

49 Activity sheet 16 Write whether the information is true or false 1. Chickens always hatch out of eggs. True or false 2. Chickens are born with downy yellow coats. 3. Chickens provide people with meat. 4. Hens are adult chickens. 5. Eggs are good to eat. Put a circle around the correct answers (A)All chickens grow into roosters. (B) Female hens lay eggs. (C) Some chickens are good to take to shows. (D) Hens live on farms.

50 Reading sheet 17 Cows are farm animals. They are kept either for their meat or for milk. Milk cows live on dairy farms. They need to have good green grass to eat so that they produce lots of creamy milk. The cows are milked twice a day. They come into a barn. Their udders are cleaned. A machine is then fitted to the udders and the cow produces the milk. The milk then goes into a big tank, before being sent to the factory. From there it is made into cheese, yoghurt or ice-cream. The finished products then go to the supermarket for people to buy. Meat cows are kept in grassy paddocks until they are ready to be transported to a place where they are killed and cut up into meat. The meat is then packed into freezers, before being packaged and sent to the supermarket or butchers for people to buy. Cows provide people with good food to eat.

51 Comprehension sheet What sort of farm are milk cows kept on? 2. Where does the milk go after the cows have been milked? 3. What is made from milk? 4. Where do the finished products go? 5. Why are cows useful animals? Write something you have learnt from the information.

52 Activity sheet 17 Write whether the information is true or false 1. All cows produce milk. True or false 2. Dairy farms are for milk production. 3. Some cows provide people with meat. 4. Cows are milked once a week. 5. We buy meat at a supermarket. Put a circle around the correct answers (A)Cows live on farms. (B) Cows need their udders cleaned before milking. (C) People feed cows with milk. (D) People buy cows meat to eat.

53 Reading sheet 18 Sheep live on many different types of farm. In some places the farm is hundreds of acres and there would be thousands of sheep. People check on them by motor bike or even helicoptors. In other places they might live in one small paddock, where the farmer can just walk over and check on them. Sheep are kept for their meat and wool. Sheep are sheared every year, when their coats are thick and heavy. Shearers work quickly to cut the wool from the sheep. The wool is packed into big bags and sent off to factories, where it is made into clothing for people to wear. Sheep also provide people with meat. The sheep are killed and the meat is put into freezers, where it is then sent to supermarkets and butchers, ready to be cut and packeged for people to buy.

54 Comprehension sheet What are sheep used for? 2. Where do sheep live? 3. What happens to wool after it is cut off the Sheep? 4. Where can people buy meat from a sheep? 5. Why are sheep shorn? Write something you have learnt from the information.

55 Activity sheet 18 Write whether the information is true or false 1. Sheep give people milk to drink. True or false 2. Sheep have thick woolly coats. 3. Sheep always live in small paddocks. 4. People keep sheep as pets. 5. Sheep provides people with meat and wool. Put a circle around the correct answers (A) Sheep are farm animals. (B) People keep sheep for fun. (C) Farmers breed sheep for their meat and wool. (D) Farmers shear sheep every year.

56 Reading sheet 19 Some farmers keep pigs but there are not as many pig farms as there are sheep and cows. Pigs are bred for their meat. They grow quickly and they have a large number of babies. These babies are called piglets. They also eat many different foods which makes them easy to feed. Pigs used to live in the wild, but after a long time have become used to being on farms. A pigs skin is used for making leather bags, footwear, gloves and handbags. This type of leather is called pigskin. Pigs have bristles on their skin which is used for making brushes. People enjoy eating pig meat. Ham is made from pig meat and so is bacon. Pork meat is often eaten as a roast at Christmas as well. So you can see that pigs have a lot of uses for people.

57 Comprehension sheet What is something that can be made from pigskin? 2. Where do pigs live? 3. What is the name of a type of meat from a pig? 4. When is a favourite time to eat pork? 5. Why are pigs easy to feed? Write something you have learnt from the information.

58 Activity sheet 19 Write whether the information is true or false 1. Pigs are bred only for their skin. True or false 2. Pigs have many piglets. 3. Pigs grow very quickly. 4. Pigs are hard to feed. 5. Pork is a type of meat from a pig. Put a circle around the correct answers (A) Pigs are farm animals (B) Pigs have only one baby (C) Piglets are the name for baby pigs. (D) Pigs provide people with meat.

59 Reading sheet 20 Turkeys are becoming a very good type of farming as more people are eating turkey meat. Turkeys are raised in huge barns, where they are fed with special grains which helps to fatten them quickly. At first turkeys were sold whole and eaten at special times such as Christmas. As more people started to eat turkey meat, butchers sold different parts of the bird. Turkeys are called poultry as are chickens and ducks. Poultry meat is becoming cheaper to buy and so more people are eating it. The meat from a turkey has less fat then beef lamb or pork, and many people choose to eat that rather than a fattier meat. Turkeys lay eggs. When they hatch the babies grow into more turkeys. Turkey meat is white in colour and looks and tastes very like chicken.

60 Comprehension sheet What sort of animal is a turkey? 2. Where do people keep turkeys? 3. What is the colour of turkey meat? 4. Why do some people prefer turkey to beef or lamb? 5. What does turkey meat taste like? Write something you have learnt from the information.

61 Activity sheet 20 Write whether the information is true or false 1. Turkeys are bred for their eggs. True or false 2. Turkeys are bred for their meat. 3. Turkey meat is red and fatty. 4. Turkey meat tastes like chicken. 5. Poultry is a name for turkeys and chickens. Put a circle around the correct answers (A) turkeys provide people with meat (B) turkeys have white meat like a chicken (C) turkeys have live babies (D) turkeys lay eggs

62 Reading sheet 21 Bears are found in many countries around the world. There are eight different types of bear, but they all have heavy bodies, short rounded ears and short tails. Bears have flat padded feet with five toes. All types of bear are similar although they have developed some differences to suit their habitat. Polar bears eat mainly seals and fish, while grizzly bears eat berries, grasses and nuts as well as dead or living animals. Bears live on all continents except for Australia, Africa and Antartica. While bears are the largest meat eating animal they are all able to climb trees, which they do to escape preditors and to find food to eat. Black, brown and polar bears all hibernate during the winter months. The hibernation usually lasts for between 3 to 5 months, when they go without food or water.

63 Comprehension sheet How many types of bear are there? 2. What is the same about all bears? 3. What do polar bears eat? 4. What is something all bears can do? 5. Which bears hibernate? Write something you have learnt from the information.

64 Activity sheet 21 Write whether the information is true or false 1. Bears live in Australia. True or false 2. Polar bears eat seals and fish. 3. Brown bears eat berries and nuts. 4. All bears hibernate. 5. Bears have long pointy ears. Put a circle around the correct answers (A) bears are all the same (B) there are eight different types of bear (C) bears do not live in Australia or Africa. (D) bears hibernate during the summer months.

65 Reading sheet 22 Camels are desert animals coming from Asia and northern Africa. There are two types of camel, with either one hump or two. The humps are full of flesh and fat, which is stored for when food is scarce. A camel can survive without water for several days. The camel has been used by people for thousands of years. They have become used to carrying heavy loads and adapt easily to conditions in desert countries. Camels are still used as pack animals in many countries. Australia has many feral camels which were introduced into the country between 1840 and They were used to transport goods across the country, until the train lines were built. The camels were turned loose into the desert when they weren t needed any more, where they have grown in numbers. They are now a problem as they eat and drink what the native animals need.

66 Comprehension sheet What is the differences between camels? 2. What is stored in a camels hump? 3. Where did camels come from? 4. When were camels introduced into Australia? 5. Why are camels a problem in Australia? Write something you have learnt from the information.

67 Activity sheet 22 Write whether the information is true or false 1. Camels came from Australia. True or false 2. Camels carry flesh and fat in Their humps. 3. Camels are not used any more. 4. Camels are feral animals in Australia. 5. Camels never drink water. Put a circle around the correct answers (A) Camels came to Australia during 1840 to (B) there are two different types of camel. (C) Camels are still used as pack animals. (D) Camels are good to keep in australia.

68 Reading sheet 23 Cheetah is the common name for a large cat. They are mostly found in Africa. They are similar to a leapard, but have a longer body, much longer legs and a smaller head. The coat is yellowish brown with black spots. The cubs also have spotted coats The female cheetah is pregnant for 3 months and she has between two and four cubs, which she looks after for between 13 and 20 months. The body of the cheetah is made for running and it takes prey in this way. The cheetah has good eyesight which is used when searching for prey. The cheetah stalks its prey until it is close and then the chase begins. Over short distances the cheetah is the fastest animal in the world. In tropical Africa where the cheetah now lives on the open plains, it is an endangered species.

69 Comprehension sheet What does the name cheetah mean? 2. Where are cheetahs found? 3. How many cubs does a female cheetah usually have? 4. How does a cheetah catch its prey? 5. Why is the cheetah a special animal? Write something you have learnt from the information.

70 Activity sheet 23 Write whether the information is true or false 1. Cheetahs are endangered. True or false 2. A cheetah will smell out its prey. 3. Cheetahs come from Africa. 4. A cheetah cub is born black. 5. A female cheetah will have 2-4 cubs. Put a circle around the correct answers (A) the cheetah is increasing in numbers. (B) the cheetah is an endangered animal. (C) cheetah cubs are born with a spotted coat. (D) cheetahs are the fastest animals on earth.

71 Reading sheet 24 There are many different types of deer and they live in many countries. All male deer grow antlers, but with the reindeer both male and female deer have antlers. The male reindeer have antlers that are long and branched, while the female has smaller simpler ones. The reindeer comes from subartic and Artic regions of Europe and Asia The reindeer are sturdy, short legged animals with a dark brown coat in summer. This coat gets lighter in colour in winter The reindeer feed on vegetation and grasses, which in winter they find by scraping away the snow and ice with their hooves and antlers. The male reindeer is called a stag and the female a doe For many years reindeer have been domesticated to wear harnesses and used for pulling sledges.

72 Comprehension sheet Where do reindeer come from? 2. What is the name of a male reindeer? 3. How do reindeer find food in winter? 4. What have reindeer been taught to do? 5. Why are reindeer different to other deer? Write something you have learnt from the information.

73 Activity sheet 24 Write whether the information is true or false 1. All deer are the same. True or false 2. Reindeer live in the Artic. 3. Female reindeer grow horns. 4. A reindeer has a black coat. 5. The reindeer can be used to tow sledges. Put a circle around the correct answers (A) the reindeer female is called a doe. (B) the male reindeer is called a stag. (C) reindeer hibernate in winter. (D) in winter reindeer have light coats.

74 Reading sheet 25 There are two types of elephant. One is the African and the other the Indian elephant. They are quite different to look at. The African elephant is bigger and has longer ears than the Indian elephant. Both the Indian and the African male elephant have tusks. The female African elephant has tusks as well. An elephants skin hangs in folds and is very wrinkled. To cool itself down the elephant needs to flap its ears or hose itself with its trunk. Rolling in mud helps to keep the elephants cool and also acts as a sunscreen. A female elephant usually has one calf at a time which she feeds for about two years. Elephants only movel slowly on land, but can swim for a long time without getting tired.

75 Comprehension sheet How many types of elephant are there? 2. How is the African elephant different to the Indian elephant? 3. How does an elephant keep cool? 4. Where can an elephant move for a long time? 5. What is a baby elephant called? Write something you have learnt from the information.

76 Activity sheet 25 Write whether the information is true or false 1. African elephants are smaller than Indian elephants. True or false 2. Some elephants live in India. 3. Female elephants have more than one baby at one time. 4. A baby elephant is called a calf. 5. An elephant likes to swim. Put a circle around the correct answers (A) elephants live in Africa and India. (B) elephants hibernate in winter. (C) elephants like to run. (D) A baby elephant is called a puppy.

77 Reading sheet 26 The fox is the smallest member of the dog family and is one of a group of mammals including wolves, coyotes and jackels. Foxes have short legs, a pointed muzzle, thick fur and a long bushy tail. Most foxes feed on mice, rabbits, birds eggs, large insects and fruit. Because they are small foxes tend to hunt by themselves rather than in packs. The red fox is the most common. This fox has a reddish coat. It lives close to humans and hunts for animals that can be found around houses. Chickens are often targeted by the red fox, which was brought to Australia to help rid the country of rabbits. Unfortunately the fox has adapted well to the Australian climate and has now become a threat to the native animals in this country.

78 Comprehension sheet What group of animals does the fox belong to? 2. What other animals are in this group? 3. What does a fox look like? 4. What do foxes mostly eat? 5. Why were foxes brought to Australia? Write something you have learnt from the information.

79 Activity sheet 26 Write whether the information is true or false 1. A fox is the smallest animal in the dog family. True or false 2. Foxes come from Australia. 3. Foxes were brought to Australia to kill rabbits. 4. Foxes have short stubby tails 5. Foxes kill native animals. Put a circle around the correct answers (A) Foxes have long bushy tails. (B) Foxes only eat fruit. (C) Foxes hunt by themselves. (D) The red fox has black fur.

80 Reading sheet 27 The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world. It has a long neck which enables it to reach up into the high branches of trees for the leaves. All giraffes have between two and four short blunt skin-covered horns. They have long movable tongues and strong lips which they use to rip leaves from branches. They also eat twigs and fruit. Giraffes usually have brown splotches on their bodies with creamy background that blend with the shadowy tree branches. Giraffes usually live for about 26 years, they have good hearing and a good sense of smell. They also have excellent eyesight. Giraffes tend to move around in herds, led by an adult bull. They travel hundreds of miles, getting their water from the leaves on trees. Female giraffes give birth to only one calf at a time. The calf matures at about 4 years of age. Giraffes are now a protected species.

81 Comprehension sheet Why does a giraffe have a long neck? 2. How many horns does a giraffe have? 3. Why do giraffes have long movable tongues? 4. How long do giraffes live? 5. How far are giraffes likely to travel? Write something you have learnt from the information.

82 Activity sheet 27 Write whether the information is true or false 1. A giraffe has one horn on its head. True or false 2. Giraffes have long flexible necks. 3. A giraffe has a long neck to reach birds nests in trees. 4. A giraffe only has one calf at a time. 5. Giraffes only live for about 10 years. Put a circle around the correct answers (A) giraffes have two to four horns on their heads. (B) giraffes do not eat leaves on trees. (C) giraffes have cream coats with brown splodges. (D) giraffes have two or more calves at a time.

83 Reading sheet 28 Gorillas are the largest and most powerful apes. They have black course hair and a short muzzle with a flat nose and strong powerful jaws. The skeleton is similar to humans, but the arms are longer and the legs shorter. At times the gorilla can walk on its two back legs, but generally walks using its knuckles to support it. Gorillas live in small groups usually with an older male, a couple of young males, some females and the young. At night gorillas make a camp after a day searching for berries and leaves, which is what they eat. Sometimes the females and young gorillas sleep in trees while the males sleep in the grasses underneath. All gorillas beat their chests, but if there is any fear of danger the adult male will charge while the female and young run for safety. The gorilla is now an endangered species as their habitat is shrinking.

84 Comprehension sheet What animal group does a gorilla belong to? 2. How is a gorilla like a human? 3. Where do gorillas sleep at night? 4. What do gorillas eat? 5. Why are gorillas endangered? Write something you have learnt from the information.

85 Activity sheet 28 Write whether the information is true or false 1. Gorillas have black course hair. True or false 2. Gorillas have short arms and legs. 3. Gorillas live in small groups. 4. Only male gorillas beat their chests. 5. Gorillas are an endangered species. Put a circle around the correct answers (A) gorillas belong to the ape family. (B) gorillas are not at all like humans. (C) gorillas eat small animals (D) Female gorillas sleep in trees with the young.

86 Reading sheet 29 Lions are often called the king of beasts because of their size, power and bearing. Lions are members of the cat family, mostly living in Africa although there are some in India. Lions in Africa are now an endangered species and in some parts are so small that they are almost extinct. This has come about as humans and domestic animals have spread out across the land. When lions are spotted they are shot by hunters. Many lions are now kept in sanctuaries where they are under no threat and where tourists can go to see them. The male lion has a mane which covers its head and neck. The roar is usually heard before the lion hunts, after a successful hunt and in the early morning. Lions do not hunt every day, spending much time sleeping in the sun.

87 Comprehension sheet What name is often given to lions? 2. Where do most lions live? 3. Why are lions becoming endangered. 4. Where are lions kept for tourist to see? 5. What do lions do before hunting? Write something you have learnt from the information.

88 Activity sheet 29 Write whether the information is true or false 1. All lions have manes. True or false 2. Lions roar after hunting. 3. Lions hunt for food every day. 4. Lions spend a lot of time sleeping. 5. Lions are endangered animals. Put a circle around the correct answers (A) There are lots of lions everywhere. (B) Male lions have manes. (C) Lions roar all the time. (D) Lions mainly live in Africa.

89 Reading sheet 30 A mule is an offspring of a jackass (male ass) and a mare ( a female horse). It is much valued in many countries as a beast of burden. The head, ears, hindquarters and tail are like those of an ass, but the bulk and size resemble that of a horse. The mule is very sure footed and can travel for long distances, which is why it is much valued. People often used to travel over mountains by mule. They were considered safer than horses because they were sturdy and sure footed. Male mules cannot produce babies, so the jackass and mare are kept to produce mules. Mules are often used in countries such as India and Mexico, where they not only carry heavy loads, they are also used to help with farming. Mules are bred for their strength and are much valued by farming communities.

90 Comprehension sheet What is a mule? 2. Why are mules valued? 3. What is it a mule cannot do? 4. Which countries use mules? 5. When are mules used instead of horses? Write something you have learnt from the information.

91 Activity sheet 30 Write whether the information is true or false 1. A mule is a name for a horse. True or false 2. Mules are very strong. 3. Mules are valued in some Countries. 4. Mules have foals. 5. Mules are good to ride over mountains. Put a circle around the correct answers (A) mules are part horse and part ass. (B) mules carry heavy loads. (C) mules are good on farming areas. (D) mules are useless animals.


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