Grzimek s. Animal Life Encyclopedia. Second Edition. Volume 12 Mammals I

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1 Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia Second Edition Volume Mammals I Devra G. Kleiman, Advisory Editor Valerius Geist, Advisory Editor Melissa C. McDade, Project Editor Joseph E. Trumpey, Chief Scientific Illustrator Michael Hutchins, Series Editor In association with the American Zoo and Aquarium Association

2 Contents Foreword... ix How to use this book... xii Advisory boards... xiv Contributing writers... xvi Contributing illustrators... xx Volume : Mammals I What is a mammal?... Ice Age giants... 7 Contributions of molecular genetics to phylogenetics... 6 Structure and function... 6 Adaptations for flight... 5 Adaptations for aquatic life... 6 Adaptations for subterranean life Sensory systems, including echolocation Life history and reproduction Reproductive processes... 0 Ecology... Nutritional adaptations... 0 Distribution and biogeography... 9 Behavior... 0 Cognition and intelligence... 9 Migration... 6 Mammals and humans: Domestication and commensals... 7 Mammals and humans: Mammalian invasives and pests... 8 Mammals and humans: Field techniques for studying mammals... 9 Mammals and humans: Mammals in zoos... 0 Conservation... Order MONOTREMATA Monotremes... 7 Family: Echidnas... 5 Family: Duck-billed platypus... Order DIDELPHIMORPHIA New World opossums Family: New World opossums... 9 Order PAUCITUBERCULATA Shrew opossums Family: Shrew opossums Order MICROBIOTHERIA Monitos del monte Family: Monitos del monte... 7 Order DASYUROMORPHIA Australasian carnivorous marsupials Family: Marsupial mice and cats, Tasmanian devil Family: Numbat... 0 Family: Tasmanian wolves For further reading... Organizations... 6 Contributors to the first edition... 8 Glossary... 5 Mammals species list... 0 Geologic time scale... 6 Index Volume : Mammals II Order PERAMELEMORPHIA Bandicoots and bilbies... Family: Bandicoots... 9 Subfamily: Bilbies... 9 Order NOTORYCTEMORPHIA Marsupial moles Family: Marsupial moles... 5 Order DIPROTODONTIA Koala, wombats, possums, wallabies, and kangaroos... Family: Koalas... Family: Wombats... 5 Family: Possums and cuscuses Family: Musky rat-kangaroos Family: Rat-kangaroos... 7 Family: Wallabies and kangaroos... 8 Family: Pygmy possums Family: Ringtail and greater gliding possums... Family: Gliding and striped possums... 5 Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia v

3 Contents Family: Honey possums... 5 Family: Feather-tailed possums... 9 Order XENARTHRA Sloths, anteaters, and armadillos... 7 Family: West Indian sloths and two-toed tree sloths Family: Three-toed tree sloths... 6 Family: Anteaters... 7 Family: Armadillos... 8 Order INSECTIVORA Insectivores... 9 Family: Gymnures and hedgehogs... 0 Family: Golden moles... 5 Family: Tenrecs... 5 Family: Solenodons... 7 Family: Extinct West Indian shrews... Family: Shrews I: Red-toothed shrews... 7 II: White-toothed shrews Family: Moles, shrew moles, and desmans Order SCANDENTIA Tree shrews Family: Tree shrews Order DERMOPTERA Colugos Family: Colugos Order CHIROPTERA Bats Family: Old World fruit bats I: Pteropus... 9 II: All other genera... Family: Mouse-tailed bats... 5 Family: Sac-winged bats, sheath-tailed bats, and ghost bats Family: Kitti s hog-nosed bats Family: Slit-faced bats... 7 Family: False vampire bats Family: Horseshoe bats Family: Old World leaf-nosed bats... 0 Family: American leaf-nosed bats... Family: Moustached bats... 5 Family: Bulldog bats... Family: New Zealand short-tailed bats... 5 Family: Funnel-eared bats Family: Smoky bats Family: Disk-winged bats... 7 Family: Old World sucker-footed bats Family: Free-tailed bats and mastiff bats... 8 Family: Vespertilionid bats I: Vespertilioninae II: Other subfamilies For further reading Organizations... 5 Contributors to the first edition... 5 Glossary... 5 Mammals species list Geologic time scale Index Volume : Mammals III Order PRIMATES Primates... Family: Lorises and pottos... Family: Bushbabies... Family: Dwarf lemurs and mouse lemurs... 5 Family: Lemurs... 7 Family: Avahis, sifakas, and indris... 6 Family: Sportive lemurs... 7 Family: Aye-ayes Family: Tarsiers... 9 Family: New World monkeys I: Squirrel monkeys and capuchins... 0 II: Marmosets, tamarins, and Goeldi s monkey... 5 Family: Night monkeys... 5 Family: Sakis, titis, and uakaris... Family: Howler monkeys and spider monkeys Family: Old World monkeys I: Colobinae... 7 II: Cercopithecinae Family: Gibbons Family: Great apes and humans I: Great apes... 5 II: Humans... Order CARNIVORA Land and marine carnivores Family: Dogs, wolves, coyotes, jackals, and foxes Dogs and cats Family: Bears Family: Raccoons and relatives Family: Weasels, badgers, skunks, and otters... 9 Family: Civets, genets, and linsangs... 5 Family: Mongooses and fossa... 7 Family: Aardwolf and hyenas Family: Cats Family: Eared seals, fur seals, and sea lions... 9 Family: Walruses Family: True seals... 7 For further reading... 7 Organizations... Contributors to the first edition... Glossary... 5 Mammals species list Geologic time scale Index... 9 Volume 5: Mammals IV Order CETACEA Whales, dolphins, and porpoises... Family: Ganges and Indus dolphins... vi Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia

4 Contents Family: Baijis... 9 Family: Franciscana dolphins... Family: Botos... 7 Family: Porpoises... Family: Dolphins... Family: Beaked whales...59 Family: Sperm whales... 7 Family: Belugas and narwhals... 8 Family: Gray whales... 9 Family: Pygmy right whales... 0 Family: Right whales and bowhead whales Family: Rorquals... 9 The ungulates... Ungulate domestication... 5 Order TUBULIDENTATA Aardvarks Family: Aardvarks Order PROBOSCIDEA Elephants Family: Elephants... 6 Order HYRACOIDEA Hyraxes Family: Hyraxes Order SIRENIA Dugongs, sea cows, and manatees... 9 Family: Dugongs and sea cows Family: Manatees Order PERISSODACTYLA Odd-toed ungulates... 5 Family: Horses, zebras, and asses... 5 Family: Tapirs... 7 Family: Rhinoceroses... 9 Order ARTIODACTYLA Even-toed ungulates... 6 Family: Pigs Family: Peccaries... 9 Family: Hippopotamuses... 0 Family: Camels, guanacos, llamas, alpacas, and vicuñas... Family: Chevrotains... 5 Family: Deer Subfamily: Musk deer... 5 Subfamily: Muntjacs... Subfamily: Old World deer Subfamily: Chinese water deer... 7 Subfamily: New World deer Family: Okapis and giraffes Family: Pronghorn... For further reading... 9 Organizations... Contributors to the first edition... 6 Glossary... Mammals species list... 8 Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia Geologic time scale... 7 Index... 7 Volume 6: Mammals V Family: Antelopes, cattle, bison, buffaloes, goats, and sheep... I: Kudus, buffaloes, and bison... II: Hartebeests, wildebeests, gemsboks, oryx, and reedbucks... 7 III: Gazelles, springboks, and saiga antelopes... 5 IV: Dikdiks, beiras, grysboks, and steenboks V: Duikers... 7 VI: Sheep, goats, and relatives Order PHOLIDOTA Pangolins Family: Pangolins Order RODENTIA Rodents... Family: Mountain beavers... Family: Squirrels and relatives I: Flying squirrels... 5 II: Ground squirrels... III: Tree squirrels... 6 Family: Beavers Family: Pocket gophers Family: Pocket mice, kangaroo rats, and kangaroo mice Family: Birch mice, jumping mice, and jerboas... Family: Rats, mice, and relatives I: Voles and lemmings... 5 II: Hamsters... 9 III: Old World rats and mice... 9 IV: South American rats and mice... 6 V: All others... 8 Family: Scaly-tailed squirrels Family: Springhares Family: Gundis... Family: Dormice... 7 Family: Dassie rats... 9 Family: Cane rats... Family: African mole-rats... 9 Family: Old World porcupines... 5 Family: New World porcupines Family: Viscachas and chinchillas Family: Pacaranas Family: Cavies and maras Family: Capybaras... 0 Family: Agoutis Family: Pacas... 7 Family: Tuco-tucos... 5 Family: Octodonts... Family: Chinchilla rats... Family: Spiny rats... 9 Family: Hutias... 6 Family: Giant hutias Family: Coypus... 7 vii

5 Contents Order LAGOMORPHA Pikas, rabbits, and hares Family: Pikas... 9 Family: Hares and rabbits Order MACROSCELIDEA Sengis Family: Sengis For further reading... 5 Organizations Contributors to the first edition Glossary Mammals species list Geologic time scale Index viii Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia

6 Vol. : Mammals I Family: Echidnas. Long-beaked echidna (Zaglossus sp.);. Short-beaked echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus). (Illustration by Barbara Duperron) Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia 9

7 6 5. Bare-tailed woolly opossum (Caluromys philander);. Bushy-tailed opossum (Glironia venusta);. Water opossum (Chironectes minimus);. Patagonian opossum (Lestodelphys halli); 5. Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana); 6. Thick-tailed opossum (Lutreolina crassicaudata). (Illustration by Jonathan Higgins) Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia 55

8 5 6. Alston s woolly mouse opossum (Micoureus alstoni);. Pygmy short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis kunsi);. Gray slender mouse opossum (Marmosops incanus);. Mexican mouse opossum (Marmosa mexicana); 5. Red-legged short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis brevicaudata); 6. Gray four-eyed opossum (Philander opossum). (Illustration by Jonathan Higgins) 56 Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia

9 . Silky shrew opossum (Caenolestes fuliginosus);. Chilean shrew opossum (Rhyncholestes raphanurus). (Illustration by Brian Cressman) Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia 69

10 5 6. Speckled dasyure (Neophascogale lorentzi);. Southern dibbler (Parantechinus apicalis);. Mulgara (Dasycercus cristicauda);. Brown antechinus (Antechinus stuartii); 5. Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus laniarius); 6. Chuditch (Dasyurus geoffroii). (Illustration by Emily Damstra) Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia 9

11 5. Pig-footed bandicoot (Chaeropus ecaudatus);. Northern brown bandicoot (Isoodon macrourus);. Raffray s bandicoot (Peroryctes raffrayana);. Eastern barred bandicoot (Perameles gunnii); 5. Rufous spiny bandicoot (Echymipera rufescens). (Illustration by Gillian Harris) Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia

12 . Common wombat (Vombatus ursinus);. Southern hairy-nosed wombat (Lasiorhinus latifrons);. Northern hairy-nosed wombat (Lasiorhinus krefftii). (Illustration by Brian Cressman) 5 Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia

13 Sulawesi bear cuscus (Ailurops ursinus);. Common spotted cuscus (Spilocuscus maculatus);. Scaly-tailed possum (Wyulda squamicaudata);. Black-spotted cuscus (Spilocuscus rufoniger); 5. Small Sulawesi cuscus (Strigocuscus celebensis); 6. Common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula); 7. Ground cuscus (Phalanger gymnotis). (Illustration by Bruce Worden) 6 Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia

14 Northern bettong (Bettongia tropica);. Rufous bettong (Aepyprymnus rufescens);. Long-footed potoroo (Potorous longipes);. Boodie (Bettongia lesueur); 5. Long-nosed potoroo (Potorous tridactylus); 6. Gilbert s potoroo (Potorous gilbertii); 7. Tasmanian bettong (Bettongia gaimardi); 8. Brush-tailed bettong (Bettongia penicillata). (Illustration by Bruce Worden) Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia 77

15 Agile wallaby (Macropus agilis);. Parma wallaby (Macropus parma);. Bennett s tree kangaroo (Dendrolagus bennettianus);. Rufous harewallaby (Lagorchestes hirsutus); 5. Matschie s tree kangaroo (Dendrolagus matschiei); 6. Banded hare-wallaby (Lagostrophus fasciatus); 7. Gray dorcopsis (Dorcopsis luctuosa); 8. Papuan forest wallaby (Dorcopsulus macleayi); 9. Eastern gray kangaroo (Macropus giganteus); 0. Red kangaroo (Macropus rufus). (Illustration by Marguette Dongvillo) Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia 9

16 Bridled nail-tailed wallaby (Onychogalea fraenata);. Brush-tailed rock wallaby (Petrogale penicillata);. Swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor);. Nabarlek (Petrogale concinna); 5. Red-legged pademelon (Thylogale stigmatica); 6. Yellow-footed rock wallaby (Petrogale xanthopus); 7. Quokka (Setonix brachyurus). (Illustration by Marguette Donvillo) 9 Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia

17 . Little pygmy possum (Cercartetus lepidus);. Eastern pygmy possum (Cercartetus nanus);. Mountain pygmy possum (Burramys parvus). (Illustration by Amanda Smith) Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia 09

18 Greater glider (Petauroides volans);. Rock ringtail (Petropseudes dahli);. Common ringtail (Pseudocheirus peregrinus);. Pygmy ringtail (Pseudochirulus mayeri); 5. Lowland ringtail (Pseudochirulus canescens); 6. Green ringtail (Pseudochirops archeri); 7. Lemuroid ringtail (Hemibelideus lemuroides); 8. Herbert River ringtail (Pseudochirulus herbertensis). (Illustration by Marguette Dongvillo) 8 Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia

19 . Sugar glider (Petaurus breviceps);. Yellow-bellied glider (Petaurus australis);. Leadbeater s possum (Gymnobelideus leadbeateri );. Striped possum (Dactylopsila trivirgata). (Illustration by Bruce Worden) 0 Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia

20 . Feather-tailed possum (Distoechurus pennatus);. Pygmy glider (Acrobates pygmaeus). (Illustration by Joseph E. Trumpey) Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia

21 . Pale-throated three-toed sloth (Bradypus tridactylus);. Monk sloth (Bradypus pygmaeus);. Brown-throated three-toed sloth (Bradypus variegatus);. Maned sloth (Bradypus torquatus). (Illustration by Amanda Humphrey) 66 Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia

22 . Silky anteater (Cyclopes didactylus);. Northern tamandua (Tamandua mexicana);. Southern tamandua (Tamandua tetradactyla);. Giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla). (Illustration by Joseph E. Trumpey) 76 Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia

23 Yellow armadillo (Euphractus sexcinctus);. Pink fairy armadillo (Chlamyphorus truncatus);. Small hairy armadillo (Chaetophractus vellerosus);. Greater naked-tailed armadillo (Cabassous tatouay); 5. Giant armadillo (Priodontes maximus); 6. Nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus); 7. Southern three-banded armadillo (Tolypeutes matacus). (Illustration by Jacqueline Mahannah) 86 Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia

24 Malayan moonrat (Echinosorex gymnura);. Lesser gymnure (Hylomys suillus);. Mindanao gymnure (Podogymnura truei);. Long-eared hedgehog (Hemiechinus auritus); 5. Indian desert hedgehog (Paraechinus micropus); 6. Western European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus); 7. Southern African hedgehog (Atelerix frontalis); 8. Daurian hedgehog (Mesechinus dauuricus). (Illustrated by Marguette Dongvillo) 08 Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia

25 . Hottentot golden mole (Amblysomus hottentotus);. Grant s desert golden mole (Eremitalpa granti);. Stuhlmann s golden mole (Chrysochloris stuhlmanni);. Large golden mole (Chrysospalax trevelyani). (Illustration by Jacqueline Mahannah) Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia 9

26 . Large-eared tenrec (Geogale aurita);. Common tenrec (Tenrec ecaudatus);. Nasolo s shrew tenrec (Microgale nasoloi);. Dobson s shrew tenrec (Microgale dobsoni). (Illustration by Gillian Harris) Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia

27 Elegant water shrew (Nectogale elegans);. American least shrew (Cryptotis parva);. Eurasian water shrew (Neomys fodiens);. Chinese short-tailed shrew (Blarinella quadraticauda); 5. Mérida small-eared shrew (Cryptotis meridensis); 6. Northern short-tailed shrew (Blarina brevicauda); 7. Himalayan water shrew (Chimarrogale himalayica); 8. Mole-shrew (Anourosorex squamipes). (Illustration by Emily Damstra) Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia 5

28 Alpine shrew (Sorex alpinus);. American water shrew (Sorex palustris);. American pygmy shrew (Sorex hoyi);. Common shrew (Sorex araneus); 5. Giant shrew (Sorex mirabilis); 6. Desert shrew (Notiosorex crawfordi); 7. Hodgson s brown-toothed shrew (Soriculus caudatus); 8. Eurasian pygmy shrew (Sorex minutus). (Illustration by Emily Damstra) 5 Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia

29 5. Ruwenzori shrew (Ruwenzorisorex suncoides);. Kelaart s long-clawed shrew (Feroculus feroculus);. Forest musk shrew (Sylvisorex megalura);. Piebald shrew (Diplomesodon pulchellum); 5. Schouteden s shrew (Paracrocidura schoutedeni). (Illustration by Gillian Harris) Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia 69

30 5. Forest shrew (Myosorex varius);. Armored shrew (Scutisorex somereni);. Pearson s long-clawed shrew (Solisorex pearsoni);. Savi s pygmy shrew (Suncus etruscus); 5. Common European white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula). (Illustration by Gillian Harris) 70 Grzimek s Animal Life Encyclopedia

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