Sikh. Seek. Buy. Meat. Meet /miːt/ To come together at an agreed place or time. Bee. Sea. Quay. Key. Flee. Pee. Need. Knead. Pea. /baɪ/ /siːk/ /biː/

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Download "Sikh. Seek. Buy. Meat. Meet /miːt/ To come together at an agreed place or time. Bee. Sea. Quay. Key. Flee. Pee. Need. Knead. Pea. /baɪ/ /siːk/ /biː/"


1 Heir Air /eə/ /eə/ A person who inherits or has a right to inherit from another person who dies. By /baɪ/ Near to or next to; not later than; before: I'll be done by five o'clock. Sea /siː/ The salt waters that cover the greater part of the earth's surface. Key /kiː/ A small metal instrument specially cut to fit into a lock and move its bolt. Pee /piː/ The mixture of nitrogen, oxygen. Buy /baɪ/ To purchase something. «See /siː/ «To view (something) with the eyes. ± ± Quay /kiː/ A landing place, as of stone or concrete, built near the edge of a body of water. µ Pea /piː/ Seek /siːk/ To go in search of. Meet /miːt/ To come together at an agreed place or time. Bee /biː/ An insect known for its sting and for making honey. Flee /fliː/ To run away (from), as from danger; escape. Knead /niːd/ ª ª ª Sikh /siːk/ A member of a monotheistic religion founded in the Punjab c1500 by the guru Nana. Meat /miːt/ The flesh of animals used for food. Be /biː/ To exist or live. ² ³ Flea /fliː/ ² ³ A small, wingless, bloodsucking insect noted for its ability to leap. Need /niːd/

2 µ The round, green edible seed of a To urinate. widely grown plant of the legume family. Week» ¼ Weak /wiːk/ /wiːk/ A period of seven days. Hole /həʊl/ An opening through something; gap. Write /raɪt/ To form (letters, words, etc.), esp. on paper, with a pen or pencil. Weight /weɪt/ The noun of the verb to weigh.» ¼ Opposite of strong. Ø Whole Ø Ĩ Ĵ Ĩ Ĵ Ŋ ŋ Ŋ ŋ /həʊl/ The entire; all. Right /raɪt/ Correct; just. Wait /weɪt/ The time spent before you have an appointment if you are early. To make (dough, clay, etc.) into a uniform mixture by pressing, folding, and stretching. Leek /liːk/ A plant of the amaryllis family, related to the onion, having a rounded bulb and leaves. Flour /ˈflaʊə/ The finely ground meal of grain, esp. wheat, used in baking and cooking. Byte /baɪt/ A group of bits, usually eight, processed by a computer as a unit. Bear /beə/ To hold up or support; to give birth to; a large, mammal with thick fur and a very short tail. ½ ¾ To require; urgent want. Leak /liːk/ ½ ¾ An unintended hole, crack, through which liquid or gas, enters or escapes. Ħ Flower /ˈflaʊə/ Ħ Ŀ Ł Ŀ Ł Ō Ř Ō Ř A plant grown for its blossoms. Bite /baɪt/ Grip with your teeth. Bare /beə/ Naked; empty.

3 Stair /steə/ One of a flight or series of steps for going from one level to another. Fare /feə/ The cost of a journey. Peace /piːs/ The opposite of war. Steel /stiːl/ A form of iron made with carbon. To /tuː/ Used to express motion or direction toward a place, person, or thing. Ť Ŧ Ť Ŧ Ůű Stare /steə/ To look intensely and for a time at something, someone. Fair /feə/ Ůű Right; just; where there are rides for children. ŷÿ ŷ Ÿ Piece /piːs/ Part of something. ž ſ Steal /stiːl/ ž ſ ƒǻ ƒǻ To take something that isn t yours. Two /tuː/ 2 Where /weə/ Used to introduce a question in, at, or to what place? There /ðeə/ In or at that place (opposed to here). Sight /saɪt/ Your vision; a memorable or beautiful place. Dew /djuː/ Moisture from the atmosphere, esp. at night, and deposited in small drops upon a cool surface. You re /jɔ/ Part of the verb to be. ŧ Ū ŧ Ū Ŵ Ŷ Ŵ Ŷ Ź Ż ŹŻ ǻǿ ǻǿ Wear /weə/ To have clothes on you. Their /ðeə/ Used before a noun to indicate that the noun is possessed by a word that can be replaced by they. Site /saɪt/ A place; a place under construction; a website. Due /djuː/ Expected to happen, arrive (train). Your /jɔ/ Belonging to you and is used before a noun.

4 Bore /bɔː/ A dull or uninteresting person; something that causes boredom. Brake /breɪk/ To slow down a vehicle. Die /daɪ/ To stop living. Tort /tɔːt/ A wrongful or illegal act resulting in injury to another's person. Sauce /sɔːs/ A liquid food, such as gravy, put on food. Boar /bɔː/ A male pig. Ώ Δ Break /breɪk/ Ώ Δ ΞΟ A pause. Dye /daɪ/ ΞΟ A colouring material. Τ Φ Taught /tɔːt/ Τ Φ teach. ά έ Source /sɔːs/ ά έ Anything or place from which something comes or is obtained; origin. Soar /sɔː/ To fly upward, such as a bird. Sleigh /sleɪ/ ; A light vehicle on Θ Ι runners used for transporting people over snow. Coarse /kɔːs/ Vulgar; obscene. Caught /kɔːt/ catch. Hear /hɪə/ What your ears do. Sore /sɔː/ ; Painful skin or eyes etc. Θ Ι Slay /sleɪ/ To kill by violence. ΠΣ Course /kɔːs/ ΠΣ Part of a meal; a set of lessons you do when you study a subject. ΧΨ ΧΨ ΰβ Court /kɔːt/ Where you play tennis or basketball; where people are put on trial. Here /hɪə/ ΰβ In this place ; as opposed to there.

5 Deer /dɪə/ δ ε Any of several cudchewing animals, δ ε the males of which usually have antlers. Not /nɒt/ Used to negate the verb. Sew /səʊ/ To join or attach (one or more things) by stitches. Four /fɔː/ 4 Raise /reɪz/ Increase. θ λ θ λ π ρ π ρ υ φ υ φ Ё Ђ Ё Ђ Dear /dɪə/ Used as a conventional greeting of a letter as an expression of respect, friendship; Expensive. Knot /nɒt/ A tying tightly together of the two ends of a cord, rope. So /səʊ/ In that or this manner; thus; very or extremely. For /fɔː/ With the object or purpose of: She likes to run for exercise. Rays /reɪz/ A narrow beam of light. Know /nəʊ/ To be aware of something; to have the knowledge of. Knew /njuː/ to know. Tow /təʊ/ To pull or haul (a car, etc.) by a rope, chain, etc. Wore /wɔː/ to wear. Steak /steɪk/ A slice of meat or fish, cooked by boiling, grilling, or frying. ζ η No /nəʊ/ ζ η The opposite of yes. μξ New /njuː/ μξ The opposite of old. ςσ ςσ ωώ ωώ Ѓ Є Ѓ Є Toe /təʊ/ One of the fingers on your feet. War /wɔː/ When two countries violently attack each other. Stake /steɪk/ A bet in a game; an investment in business, with the hope of financial gain.

6 Peak /piːk/ The top of something a mountain. Eye /aɪ/ The part of the body you see with. Hair /heə/ Many small, thin, tiny, threadlike pieces growing from the skin of mammals. Board /bɔːd/ Ѕ Ї Peek /piːk/ Ѕ Ї ЊЋ To have a quick look or a secret look at something, someone. I /aɪ/ ЊЋ Refers to the speaker or writer. Џ В Џ В Hare /heə/ A long-eared animal similar to a rabbit but usually larger. И Й Bored /bɔːd/ Meddle /ˈmɛdl/ To involve oneself in a matter without right or invitation. Ate /ɛt/ to eat. Way /weɪ/ Manner, mode; a direction. One /wʌn/ ЈЉ Medal /ˈmɛdl/ ЈЉ ЌЎ ЌЎ A round metal award given for winning something (a race, a war). Eight /ɛt/ 8 ДЖ Weigh /weɪ/ ДЖ To measure how heavy something is. МН Won /wʌn/ To get on a ship, plane. И Й Made tired by dullness. 1 МН to win. Feat /fiːt/ A noteworthy act or achievement. ФЦ ФЦ Feet /fiːt/ Plural of foot. Grown /grəʊn/ Past participle of to grow. Ч Ш Groan /grəʊn/ Ч Ш A low, mournful sound made in response to pain. A similar sound made to express contempt, dislike, disapproval.

7 Queue /kjuː/ A line of people waiting their turn. Male /meɪl/ Opposite of female. Knight /naɪt/ ЫЭ ЫЭ (In the Middle Ages) A б ф mounted soldier serving under a lord or king and having an honourable rank. Heal /hiːl/ To get better (a cut). Idle /ˈaɪdl/ Lazy. Cue /kjuː/ Anything said or done, on or off stage, followed by a specified speech or action. Mail /meɪl/ Post. б ф Night!!!! /naɪt/ The opposite of day. Heel /hiːl/ The part of the foot below the ankle; the part of a shoe covering this part of the foot. Idol /ˈaɪdl/ An image worshiped as a; a greatly admired person. Waist /weɪst/ The narrow part of the human body between the ribs and the hips. Tale /teɪl/ A story. Serial /ˈsɪərɪəl/ Anything published or broadcast in parts at regular times. Flu /fluː/ Ill with a temperature and weakness. Maid /meɪd/ A female servant. ЩЪ Waste ЩЪ ЮЯ ЮЯ /weɪst/ To use up or spend to no profit; squander: wasting money. Tail /teɪl/ The hindmost part of an animal, esp. the part that forms a distinct, flexible growth on the trunk. Cereal /ˈsɪərɪəl/ A plant of the grass family, such as wheat, that gives grain that can be eaten. Flew /fluː/ to fly. Made /meɪd/ to make.

8 Oar /ɔː/ A long pole with a wide blade, used for rowing a boat. Mane /meɪn/ The long thick hair around the neck of the horse or lion. Pray /preɪ/ To ask God for help. Bury /ˈbɛri/ To put under the ground (a body). Horse /hɔːs/ Or /ɔː/ Used to connect words or phrases that represent or stand for choices, alternatives, or options. Main /meɪn/ The principle; main; most important. ⅜ ⅝ ⅜ ⅝ Ƽ A large beautiful Ƽ mammal humans ride. Prey /preɪ/ An animal hunted for food. Berry /ˈbɛri/ Any small, soft, round, juicy fruit growing on a bush or tree (strawberry.) Hoarse /hɔːs/ Having a raucous, husky voice. Plane /pleɪn/ An airplane. Pour /pɔː/ To move a liquid from one container to another. Haul /hɔːl/ Drag; something taken or acquired: The thieves made off with a haul of two million in jewels. Blew /bluː/ to blow. Wring /rɪŋ/ To twist, squeeze, or compress something to force out a liquid. l l ⅛ ⅛ ⅞ ⅞ Plain /pleɪn/ Evident; clear; ordinary; unattractive; completely. Poor /pɔː/ Opposite of rich. Hall /hɔːl/ A corridor; the large entrance room of a building; a large room or building for public gatherings. Blue /bluː/ The colour of the sky. Ring /rɪŋ/ A piece of jewellery you wear on a finger.

9 Read /rɛd/ to read. Wood /wʊd/ The hard substance that makes up most of the stem and branches of a tree. Pause /pɔːz/ A break. Pain /peɪn/ Physical suffering. Pole /pəʊl/ A long, rounded, often narrow piece of wood, metal. Red /rɛd/ The colour of fire. Would /wʊd/ Auxiliary (modal) verb. Paws /pɔːz/ The foot of an animal that has claws or nails. Pane /peɪn/ One of the divisions of a window, made of a single plate of glass in a frame. Poll /pəʊl/ A sampling of opinions on a subject, taken from a group of people, as for analysis. Pear /peə/ The rounded fruit of a tree of the rose family. Tee /ti/ (Golf) to tee off. Pale /peɪl/ Lacking strong or natural colour; colourless or whitish. Roll /rəʊl/ Similar to a sandwich; to move along a surface by turning over and over. Creek /kriːk/ A stream smaller than a river. Pair /peə/ Two things that are the same, that match. ʭ Tea /ti/ ʭ A traditional drink the English have with milk. Ϡ Ϡ Pail /peɪl/ A container with a handle; bucket. Role /rəʊl/ A part played by an actor or singer. Creak /kriːk/ To (cause to) make a sharp, scraping, or squeaking sound.

10 Nit /nɪt/ The egg of an insect that lives off a larger animal, esp. of a louse; the young of such an insect. Flaw /flɔː/ A defect; weakness. Fir /fɜː/ An evergreen tree of the pine family, having flat needles and erect cones. Hi /haɪ/ Hello Him /hɪm/ The form of the pronoun he. Knit /nɪt/ To create something with yarn and long needles. Floor /flɔː/ The part of a room that upon which one walks; one level of a building. Fur /fɜː/ The hair of animals. High /haɪ/ Tall Hymn /hɪm/ A song sung in church. Carrot /ˈkærət/ The long, orange to yellow root of this plant, eaten raw or cooked. Teem /tiːm/ To have plenty of. Roar /rɔː/ The noise a lion makes. Higher /ˈhaɪə/ more tall. Hour /ˈaʊə/ 60 minutes. Carat /ˈkærət/ A unit of weight (Gold). Team /tiːm/ A group of people forming a side in a game or contest. Raw /rɔː/ Not cooked (sushi). Hire /ˈhaɪə/ Rent; employ. Our /ˈaʊə/ A form of the pronoun we used to show possession.

11 In /ɪn/ Into some place, position, state, relation; within. Jeans /ʤiːnz/ A type of trousers. Knows /nəʊz/ (3 rd person) To be aware. Ad /æd/ Advert. Beat /biːt/ To hit; to be victorious. Inn /ɪn/ A small hotel; a place where alcohol is served; a tavern. Genes /ʤiːnz/ The basic physical unit of heredity. Nose /nəʊz/ The part of the face above the mouth through which a person breathes and smells. Add /æd/ To increase to. Beet /biːt/ A plant having a fleshy red or white root. Lead /lɛd/ Led /lɛd/ A heavy, soft, bluish-grey metal that can be to lead. shaped easily. Band /bænd/ A music group. Read /riːd/ To look at to understand the meaning of something written. Aren t /ɑːnt/ The negative of the verb to be. Berth /bɜːθ/ Ж Banned /bænd/ Forbidden. Reed /riːd/ Ж The straight stalk of a type of tall grass, growing in marshy places. Aunt /ɑːnt/ Your mother or father s sister. Birth /bɜːθ/ A shelflike sleeping space on a ship; a space assigned to a ship in which to dock. An act or instance of being born; the act or process of bringing forth young.

12 Cede /siːd / To yield or formally surrender to another. Sent /sɛnt/ the verb to send. Cheep /ʧiːp/ The pleasant noise a bird makes. Flare / fleə/ To blaze with a burst of flame. Been /biːn/ Past participle of the verb to be. Seed /siːd / The small, hard part of a plant that grows into a new plant. Scent /sɛnt/ A special smell, especially when pleasant. Not expensive. Flair / fleə/ A natural talent or ability; a sense of style. Bean /biːn/ The nutritious seed of various plants of the legume family: a can of beans. Cell /sɛl/ A small room, such as in a convent or a prison; mobile. Cellar /ˈsɛlə/ A room for the storage of food under a building. Chews /ʧuːz/ (3 rd person) To crush or grind (something) with the teeth: She was chewing gum. Find /faɪnd/ To locate by search or effort. Sole /səʊl/ Being the only one; only: the sole living relative; a kind of edible flatfish. Sell /sɛl/ To do or perform (services) in exchange for money. Seller /ˈsɛlə/ Somebody who sells something. Choose /ʧuːz/ To select; pick. Ɣ Fined /faɪnd/ Ɣ (Past) Money imposed as a penalty for an offense. Soul /səʊl/ The principle of life. Something separate from the body; the spiritual part of humans.

13 Per /pɜː/ for or in each or every; a or an: Membership costs $100 per year. Oh /əʊ/ Used to express surprise, pain, disapproval, sympathy, agreement, and other emotions. Purr /pɜː/ The low, continuous, vibrating sound a cat makes, as when contented. Owe /əʊ/ To be obligated to pay, repay, or give (something). Ewe /juː/ A female sheep. Towed /təʊd/ to tow. You /juː/ The pronoun of the second person singular or plural. Toad /təʊd/ An animal like a frog. This is another free game supplied by for teachers. Cut the cards up and get the students to match the vocabulary and their definitions. It is probably best to divide the cards into more than one bundle since there is so much vocabulary to deal with. Explain to students that the symbols are to help them match the cards up if they are in difficulty.

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