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3 09/09/2010 To Whom It May Concern: Av. Chibarás, N505 - Moema Sao Paulo - SP - Brasil Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce rutrum, odio id consequat condimentum, ipsum erat sollicitudin arcu, eu tincidunt orci tellus sed nisl. In nisl mauris, elementum vitae euismod a, tincidunt vitae nisl. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque hendrerit, elit faucibus volutpat convallis, justo enim viverra neque, tristique blandit dui sem sit amet diam. Aenean purus nibh, imperdiet sit, iaculis sit amet dui. Etiam molestie pretium neque ut malesuada. Proin odio nunc, volutpat vel semper id, mollis eu felis. Phasellus eu mauris a sapien blandit pellentesque. Integer interdum, nibh quis sagittis volutpat, enim nisl pulvinar purus, vitae sodales odio lorem ac odio. Ut odio tellus, aliquet non auctor ut, dictum faucibus lectus. Phasellus congue diam aliquet eros pharetra at gravida sem euismod. Duis velit sem, tristique quis imperdiet a, consectetur vitae augue. Donec sodales turpis ac tellus dapibus sit amet blandit ligula consectetur. Proin vel urna diam, id tristique lorem. Fusce bibendum imperdiet adipiscing. Aliquam adipiscing luctus faucibus. Donec congue turpis eu urna cursus elementum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc ut nulla turpis. Praesent vitae urna libero, eu mattis dui. Curabitur vitae metus eu nisl convallis sodales eget sit amet ipsum. Praesent vitae urna libero, eu mattis dui. Pellentesque id nisi a lacus imperdiet varius. Mauris ornare sodales viverra. Praesent rhoncus dolor et ante hendrerit sagittis. Ut bibendum, sem ut vulputate accumsan, erat mi fringilla mi, sed adipiscing justo est vel lectus. Pellentesque sodales lobortis quam. Phasellus faucibus lorem vel erat posuere ut facilisis mauris blandit. Donec hendrerit tortor nec diam venenatis et posuere tortor bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc ut nulla turpis. Ut bibendum, sem ut vulputate accumsan, erat mi fringilla mi, sed adipiscing justo est vel lectus. Sincerely, DesignEchos Recardo Ruffo diretor de inovação Av. Chibarás, N505 - Moema Sao Paulo - SP - Brasil DesignEchos Identity: Letterhead & Business Cards

4 Collaborative Campaign for a Cultural Dinner & Entertainment Event: Poster

5 Augustana Tour Mini-Site

6 1200 N Park Avenue California, MO PHONE: FAX: N Park Avenue California, MO April 5, 2011 Nora Borgmeyer 1228 E Belmont Street, Apt B1 Springfield, MO Dear Nora, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed enim non nunc porta fermentum a in leo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla accumsan velit ut diam sollicitudin mattis. Nullam cursus lacinia nisl in lacinia. Morbi eu eros in felis fringilla interdum. Etiam consequat aliquam felis, ac suscipit velit cursus congue. Pellentesque porta, elit faucibus tempus porttitor, neque purus interdum sapien, a vulputate nisl lacus in nulla. Fusce lorem risus, egestas quis luctus nec, laoreet ut odio. Morbi quis metus interdum justo aliquet iaculis sed quis nunc. Maecenas in nibh sapien, eget fringilla nisi. Morbi vel nulla diam, in semper turpis. Etiam non consectetur felis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum at nisl lorem. Duis a nunc non nisl venenatis molestie non a massa. Nulla sapien nunc, imperdiet a tempor id, sollicitudin tincidunt tortor. Duis eu nibh nec felis sagittis accumsan. Quisque ante neque, dictum non lobortis vitae, consectetur id justo. Nunc magna leo, rutrum et faucibus ultrices, gravida a diam. Sed facilisis, dolor congue lobortis fermentum, enim libero porta justo, eu viverra odio neque non ligula. Donec rhoncus justo quis lectus mattis bibendum pharetra leo molestie. Mauris fermentum rhoncus nunc, eget tempor nisi bibendum sit amet. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin vitae nulla non urna tincidunt tempus rutrum non tortor. Morbi pretium nisi nec velit suscipit fermentum. Praesent at ante lacus, vitae adipiscing tortor. Curabitur convallis commodo malesuada. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla dapibus vehicula mi et rhoncus. Proin neque massa, placerat eget vehicula eu, consequat vitae ipsum. Vivamus magna neque, suscipit vel sagittis sed, accumsan a nunc. Fusce risus magna, adipiscing cursus placerat quis, suscipit rutrum metus. Vestibulum mauris metus, vehicula vitae pulvinar scelerisque, malesuada nec urna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed vitae justo non eros laoreet scelerisque. Vivamus in risus in libero blandit vulputate. Cras ut turpis elit. Suspendisse malesuada, odio ac semper ultricies, risus nibh dictum erat, non congue eros magna in quam. Vestibulum facilisis porta rutrum. Aliquam urna libero, cursus et sollicitudin et, feugiat tempor dui. Best Wishes, Roger Borgmeyer, D.V.M N Park Avenue California, MO PHONE: FAX: California Veterinary Clinic:: Logo, Stationery & Shopping Bag

7 Interesting Facts: Small Animals Hamsters. The hamster gets its name from a German word for storing food.. One of the hamster characteristics is the ability to stuff its cheek pouches with food.. During winter hibernation, the golden hamster s pulse rate drops from about 400 to 4 beats per minute.. Hamsters usually have from 4 12 young at one time.. Hamsters are color blind and usually have poor eyesight and depth perception. To compensate for their poor sight when in unfamiliar territory, hamsters have scent glands on their flanks (and abdomens in Chinese and dwarf hamsters). A hamster rubs these areas of his body against various objects, and leaves a trail of smells the hamster can follow to return to his home den. Guinea Pigs. The origin of the guinea pig is South America, where they are considered to be food in some places. Interesting Facts: Large Animals. Another name for a guinea pig is a cavy (cay-vee). Wild cavies live in social groups called herds.. A happy guinea pig may jump straight up and down; this is called popcorning in juvenile guinea pigs.. In the Middle Ages, cats were considered to be devils and were associated with witchcraft.. A guinea pig s teeth constantly grow, chewing on hard food or toys keep their teeth properly worn down.. A male guinea pig is known as a boar and the female guinea pig is known as a sow. A baby guinea pig is often called pup or piglet. Guinea pigs are not pigs but rodents and are not related to the pigs at all. Pigs. A male pig is called a boar, a female a sow and a baby a piglet.. Pigs are very intelligent animals. They are classed by scientists to be as Cats. Both males and females have two rows of nipples. The females use them to intelligent as dogs and are considered the most intelligent of livestock.. White cats with blue eyes are often deaf. nurse their young, but the nipples on a boar. Cats are useless. purr at about 26 cycles per second,. Pigs the have same a well frequency developed as an sense idling of smell. They can find things underground diesel engine. To purr, cats use extra tissue and have in the been larynx used (voice to find box). truffles, This a French delicacy, or to sniff out drugs. Cats sleep an average of 15 hours per. Pigs day, were and spend domesticated 30% of their around waking 7,000 b.c. They were the first animals to tissue vibrates when they purr. in service to policemen. hours grooming themselves. ever be used domestically.. Tests conducted by the University of. Pigs Michigan would concluded rather stay that clean while if given a dogs the opportunity. They frequently. Domestic cats first appeared in Egypt. A around domesticated 2500 b.c., pig they has approximately were treated 15,000 taste buds, which is more memory lasts no more than 5 minutes, wallow a cat s in can mud last because as long they as 16 have hours, not sweat glands, and the mud helps to like gods. Bastet was a cat goddess worshiped than any by other the mammal, Egyptians. including Killing a humans. exceeding even that of monkeys and keep orangutans. them cool and to avoid insects. cat in that time was a huge crime. To. Pigs mourn do not the have deaths the of ability their cats, to look upward. Ancient Egyptians shaved off their eyebrows.. Sir Isaac Newton invented the cat door. Goats. A cat s arching back is part of a complex body language system, usually associated with feeling threatened. The arch is able to get so high because the cat s spine contains nearly 60 vertebrae which fit loosely together.. Cats step with both left legs, then both right legs when they walk or run. The only other animals to do this are. A the group giraffe of goats and the is called camel. a trip, the female dairy Humans goat have is a doe; only the 34 vertebrae. male, a. Goats have only bottom front and side teeth, the top jaw does have a large buck; the young, kids; and a castrated male,. Black a wether. cat superstitions originated in America. back molar In for Asia crushing and England, things. a black. The stuff (allergens) that people are allergic to in cats is a protein in cat saliva. When the cat grooms and the. The saliva fat dries molecules it can become in goat milk airborn. are five This times cat smaller is considered than the lucky. fat molecules. Goat s eyes have rectangular pupils, this allows them to see very well in protein is ⅓ the weight of ordinary house in cow dust, milk. so Goat it can milk travel is farther. broken You down in. the Cats stomach are pure in carnivores. twenty minutes; the dark. They need a high protein levels in their diets, can find this allergen where cats have it never takes been. an hour for the stomach to break down around cow s 30%, milk. and lack the digestive equipment. A domestic to male do well is sometimes on a diet of called a billy; a female, a nanny. grains, fruits or vegetables. Hence, although dogs do just fine on a. A cat sees about six times better than. Ancient a human Greeks at night used because goat skins of the to make vellum and parchment. vegetarian diet, cats do not. tapetum lucidum, a layer of extra reflecting cells which absorb light. These cells reflect light, giving the impression that their eyes shine.. Orange and lemon rinds are offensive to cats. Lightly rubbing orange peel on furniture will discourage your cat from scratching it.. The domestic cat is the only species Sheep able to hold its tail vertically while walking. Wild cats hold their tail horizontally, or tucked between their legs. A cat uses its whiskers to determine if a space is too small to squeeze. Female sheep are called ewes, baby sheep are called lambs, and male sheep. When Woodrow Wilson was President, the First Lady had sheep graze on while they walk. through. The whiskers act as feelers or antennae, helping the cat to judge are called rams. A group of sheep is called a flock. the White House lawn to keep it neat and well trimmed. the precise width of any passage.. Kittens are born with both eyes and ears closed. When the eyes open, they. Sheep s milk is used to produce Roquefort cheese.. Sheep are ruminants. They have a four-chambered stomach, using the first are always blue at first. They change color over a period of months to the. A white cat sleeping outside your home on your wedding day is said to chamber to store quickly ingested food (cud) which they then bring back final color.. The sound that sheep make is called a bleat, bring which lasting is what happiness. a baby lamb can into their mouths to chew again before fully digesting it. Sheep spend about identify its mother by.. The Maine Coon cat is America s only natural breed of domestic feline. a third of their life ruminating and need peace and quiet.. Sheep have poor eyesight but an excellent sense of hearing. Dogs Donkeys. A frightened dog puts it s tail between it s legs because it covers the scent. Chinese Crested dogs can get acne. glands in the anal area. Since the anal. Donkeys glands carry don t personal like being scents kept that on their own although a single donkey will. The placement of a donkey s eyes in its head enables it to see all four feet at. When two dogs approach each other, the dog which wags its tail very slowly identify individual dogs, the tail-between live quite the-legs happily behavior with is goats. the canine all times. is in charge. equivalent of insecure humans hiding their faces.. In Greece donkeys were used for working on the narrow paths between. A female donkey s milk is closest to human milk.. French poodles did not originate in France. Poodles were originally used as. Newfoundland dogs are strong swimmers vines due and to their their work webbed in vineyards feet. spread as far as Spain. The donkey was hunting dogs in Europe. The dogs thick. A male coats donkey were a is hindrance called a Jack. in water A female donkey is called a Jennet or Jenny. associated with the Greek God of Wine, Dionysius.. Dachshunds are the smallest breed of dog used for hunting. They were bred and thick brush, so hunters sheared the Their hindquarters, offspring are with foals. cuffs left around to fight badgers in their dens. They. are Mules low are to the a product ground, of which breeding allows a male donkey the with ankles a female and hips horse. to protect the joints against rheumatism. Each hunter. Donkeys don t like being kept on their own although a single donkey will them to enter and maneuver through Hinnies tunnels are easily. bred from female donkeys and male marked horses. his dogs Mules heads are with a ribbon of his own color, allowing groups of live quite happily with goats. considered the stronger and more desirable cross. hunters Mules to tell and their hinnies dogs are apart.. The Chihuahua is the oldest breed of dog native to North America. both sterile.. Dogs eyes have large pupils and a wide field of vision, making them really. The membranes in a dog s nose, if unfolded and laid out, would be larger good at following moving objects. Dogs also see well in fairly low light. than the dog itself.. At the end of World War 1, the German government trained the first guide. Dogs have about 100 different facial expressions, most of them made with dogs to assist blind war veterans. their ears. Horses. Horses belong to the equus family. Equus comes. Police from dogs the are ancient trained Greek to react to commands. A female in horse a foreign is called language; a mare, a male horse a stallion. The general term for. The fastest dog, the greyhound, can reach word speeds meaning of upto quickness miles per commonly German but more recently a baby Hungarian horse is or a other foal; a Slavic male tongues. foal is called a colt and a female a filly. hour. The breed was known to exist in ancient Egypt 6,000 years ago.. The four natural gaits for the horse are the. walk, Dogs trot, cannot canter see and as well gallop. as humans and. Horses are considered have the largest color eyes blind. of A any dog land animal.. Boxers are named for their playful habit of using their front paws in frolic.. The underside of a horse s hoof is called a frog. sees The objects frog first peels by off movement, several second. Cars by with brightness, Horse and names third are by the shape. Ford s Mustang, Pinto, Bronco and the. Ancient Chinese royalty carried Pekingese times dogs a year in with the sleeves new growth. of their robes. Dodge s Colt.. You measure a horse s height in hands from the ground to the top of the withers. The measurement hand is 4 inches because that was considered to be the average width across a mans knuckles. If you say a horse is 16.2 hands high, the 2 stands for 2 fingers.. James Watt developed the term Horsepower because he wanted a measurement for his steam engine that would be readily understood. One horse power = 746 watts; one metric horsepower = 736 watts. Dogs have about 100 different facial expressions, most of them made with their ears. Pigs were domesticated around 7,000 B.C.E. They were the first animals to ever be used domestically. Cows. The average cow produces 40 glasses of milk each day, and nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime.. Cows spends 6 hours eating and 8 hours chewing cud, daily. A cow doesn t bite the grass, but curls its tongue around grabs the grass, as they have no upper front teeth.. A Holstein s spots are like a fingerprint or snowflake. No two cows have exactly the same pattern of spots.. A dairy cow drinks about gallons of water a day - about as much as a full bathtub.. A cow is a mature female and a bull is an adult male of a bovine family. A heifer is a female cow that hasn t had a calf yet. Cattle is the name for the whole cow family.. Cows have almost total 360 degree panoramic vision and are able to see colors, except red. They can detect odors up to 5 miles away. Cows can hear lower and higher frequencies better than humans.. A cow has one stomach containing four digestive compartments: the rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum. The rumen is the largest compartment and acts as a fermentation chamber. The abomasum is comparable in both structure and function to the human stomach.. Cows have cloven hooves. When running through boggy places or in deep mud, cattle can run faster than a horse. Their toes spread, and therefore their wide feet do not sink so deep as do those of the solid-hoofed horse.. A cow produces 200 times more gas a day than a person. These animals can be pets too. Female sheep are called ewes, baby sheep are called lambs, and male sheep are called rams. A group of sheep is called a flock. California Veterinary Clinic:: Waiting Room Posters & Coloring Book

8 Springfield egional Arts Council resents M a y 7--8 S a t 10 am 6 pm Su n 10 am 5 pm 31st Annual Springfield egional Arts Council resents place stamp here ON WALNUT STREET Fine Arts Festival 2011 $3 Advance Stickers, $5 At the Gate, FREE Children 10 & under Advance stickers available at area McDonald s restaurants ON WALNUT STREET Fine Arts Festival 2011 f S a turday 10 am 6 pm S u nday 10 am 5 pm For complete information visit W WW.SPRINGFIELDARTS.ORG or call Art Social Media The Origina inal $3 Advance Stickers, $5 At the Gate, FREE Children 10 & under Advance stickers available at area McDonald s restaurants. For complete information visit W WW.SPRINGFIELDARTS.ORG or call ON WALNUT STREET Collaborative Campaign for 2011 ArtsFest: Poster, Postcard (Front & Back) & Sticker

9 Springfield egional Arts Council resents 31st Annual Things to look for at Artsfest 2011 The Features Area Sponsored by Shelter Insurance Creativity takes flight with this largescale display of flags created by local 3rd, 4th and 5th graders. Look for the Features Area exhibit at the corner of John Q. Hammons Parkway and Walnut Street. The Clay Mobile Sponsored by Buzbee Dental Come play in clay! Don t miss your chance to learn how to throw a pot on the wheel with the professionals from Springfield Pottery. Look for the Claymobile at the corner of John Q. Hammons Parkway and Walnut Street. ON WALNUT STREET Fine Arts Festival 2011 Art Clay Sherri Alexander, Springfield Pottery, 3 Terri & Gordon Balden, Copperleaf Studio, 8 Social Willow & Luke Block, Media Crow Mountain Ceramics, Robert Briggs, Corvus Moon Pottery, 67 Kris & Al Clement, Clement Clayworks, 40 Jodi DeJong, Lilia Potter, 112 The Origina l Nancy Fairbanks, Fairbanks Studio 17 Nathan Ferree, Cyborg Claywork, 18 Jimmie Floyd, 76 Vicki & Ron Gauerke, 86 Lois Gress Neal, Yestare Creations, 30 Barry Jepson, Jepson Studios, Inc, 61 Richard & Jana Kausalik, J & R Pottery, 29 George Milne, Mudsmith, 52 Paul Pfrehm, 33 Bari Precious, Precious Pots,131 Barbara Radonovich, Sunshine Pottery, 27 John Schermbeck, 167 Jeanne Scott & Eric Zumwalt, Gone to Pot Art Studio, 152 Brent Skinner, 107 Jo Smith, Treenware and Pottery, 42 Leon Van Weelden, Crackpot Clay Works, 138 Jeff Walker, Pottery by Jeff Walker, 114 Fiber Gwendolyn Barber, Material Goods, 120 Ramona Buss, Wild Fibers, 9 Lisa Anne Doane, Jane Plain, 56 Barbara Espey, espebe, 164 Theresa Gallup, Kimono Designs, 45 Celeste Prussia, StarFire Weavers, 149 Von Rhodes, Turkey Creek Weaving Studio, 106 Metal Bill Brackett, Oak-N-Iron, 34 John Harriman, Francis Metal Works, 79 Mindy Johnson, Metalsmith Chic, 173 Jim & Cheryl Jones, Silver Wings, Kelvin Schartz, Celestial Ironworks, 141 Wayne Trinklein, Grand Natural Products, 148 Janet Weilbrenner, Jassi Designs, 144 rintmaking Deby Gilley, Turkey Creek Studio, 142 Alice Jaeger-Ashland, A. Jaeger-Ashland Originals, 122 f Art Downtown Sponsored by McDonald s Art-Town Downtown is just for kids and features hands-on activities, including Chalk-it-up. Be sure to check out the Art Market: For Kid s Only where kids 10 and under can purchase art for $5 or less! Win $250 By voting for your favorite artist! Vote for your favorite artist in the People s Choice award competition on Saturday. Turn your ballots in at the Midwest Family radio booth located in booth number 92 near the Showwagon Stage. Artist ooths M ewelry a y 7--8 John Albertsen, John the Ringman & Co., 121 Kate Baer, Kate Baer Fossils, 23 Mary Barge Hoar, Charming Designs, LLC, 168 Marilyn Barnes, Adornments by Marilyn, 89 S a turday 10 am 6 pm Ziegler Bart, Ziegler Designs, 11 Pat Bergman, Goldenrod, 35 S u nday 10 am 5 pm Peter Brenner, Jewelry Maker, 4 Nichole Collins, Nichole Collins Jewelry, 147 Dee Dee DeFabio-Lake, Detail Dee'signs, 171 Bridget Dierks, Spring Patch, 54 Genevieve Echols, Clezarie Beads, 105 Karen Euritt, Karen s Kaleidescope, 12 Cathy Evans, Big Nose Creations, 39 Nancy Fermanian, The Wrist Works, 119 Carol Flowers, Wolf Spirit Designs, 109 Barbara Foley, Yesteryears, 137 Lindy Freed, Lindy Freed Design, 165 Jeff Goodwin, Dauman Jewelry, 10 Marianne Hanson, Porcelain By Marianne, 49 Nancy Koehler, McKenzie's Jewelry, 20 Laurie Mellenbruch, Art Glass Designs, 21 Suzette Nesbitt, Rowdy Blonde Studio, 158 Donald Pekarek, 169 Lee Richards, Dzignz On You, 155 Heidi Sever, 132 Sherrie Householder, Earthworks Designs & Creations, 51 Diane Thaemert, Two Charming Chix, 44 Bob & Marguerite Vonesh, Vonesh Designs, 118 Robert Walden, 31 Suzanne Weatherman, Suzoom!, 83 Carol Whearty, Neck-Spressions, 13 Patricia Zeiche-Davison, PZ Originals, 80 Glass Terry & Gabe Bloodworth, Springfield Hot Glass Studio, 84 Steve Brooks, Brooks Art Glass, Inc, 117 Connie Calkins, 146 Eddie Hesalroad, The Olde Glass Factory, 156 Sharon Stoffel, Morning Star Glass, 163 Mi ed Media Dalia Ancevicius, Dalia Art Studio, 77 Jacob Burmood, 162 Ryan Burton, Only Walls, 172 Janet Byron, At Home & A Broad, 75 Kay Foley, Ampersand, 14 Jean McMullen, J. McMullen Studio, 153 Bill Merritt, Ozarklake Distint Décor, 108 Marilyn Peterie, The Meandering Gourd, 26 Ann Marie Rausch, AM Designs, 130 Linda Sutterer, Glass Compositions, 36 Tina Willis & Rick Hall, Silent Echoes, 16 Jennifer Wolken, The Artist Studio, 82 Other Bill Baunach, Face Art by Bill, 47 Barbara Beals, Blossoms of the Rockies, Inc., Stan & Connie Buss, Sturdy Oak Wood Crafts, 157 Hongyi Gao & Michelle Chang, Postmodern Art Center, 58 Doug Glasscock, The Wild Woodworks, 50 Holt Lewis, Interlock Woodworking, 71 Tom Mason, Mason Woodworking, 54 Marvin Smith, Treenware and Pottery, 41 Jay Thompson, Thompson Visual Design, 43 James Vander Lind, Woodworks, 111 Paul Zerjay, ZRJ Designs, 123 ainting Chris Abigt, M & J Art Gallery, 159 Peggy Aebi, Lord's Diversigned Inc., 19 Donna Brigman, Brigman Studio, 166 Kwang Cha Brown, Kwang Cha Studio, 32 James Crafford, The Dancing Lizard Art Gallery, 160 Nancy DeLapp, 37 Richard Dutton, Dutton Art Studio, 78 Holly Elkins Pushefski, 15 Renee Healy, Red Door Studio, 127 Miriam Krone, Krone Creatives, 87 Gavyn Sky Lyons, Gavyn Sky Studios, 113 Vic Mastis, Fine Art by Vic, 28 Maggie McCarthy, Margaret McCarthy, 22 Sean Miller, Crooked Creek Publishing, 161 Jim Rigg, Jim Rigg Paintings, 48 Kathleen Self, 53 Gary St. Ivany, Gary St. Ivany Fine Art, 57 Lindsey Tull, Lindsey Tull Oil Paintings, 139 Lisa Joele Tuttle, Lisa Joele Tuttle Studio, 68 Chun Wang, 116 hotography Michael Alan Bailey, 170 Bradley Bauer, Bauer Photography, 133 Gary Behrens, West Wind Vistas, 63 Nancy Blades, Nancy Blades Photography, 126 Michael Bloemke, Outside the Box Photography, 88 Malgorzata Borchardt, Highly Elevated Photography, 64 Rick Canham, Of Visual Interest, John Galbo, Impressionism by John Galbo, 7 Bill Krueger, 115 Jennifer Linders, Linders Photography, Etc., 24 Timothy Martin, Tim's Photographic Art, 62 Jim Mayfield, Jim Mayfield Photography, 140 Ryan McCoy, Shortleaf Photography, 55 Martha Moore, Martha Moore Images, 70 Karen Murray, Your Name in Architecture, 85 Martin Spilker, 81 James Stone, 38 Todd Tuttle, Nature's Lens Work, 69 Mike Tuziw, Annabran Imagery, 25 Bill Wright, Mariah Photo, 154 Ashleigh Yoder, Naturally Photography, 136 Saturday Dance Stage 10:00-10:30 USA Dance 10:30-11:30 Troupe Sarrab 11:30-12:00 12:00-12:30 Showtime Productions 12:30-1:00 Rhythm of Rountree 1:00-1:30 Petra Ballet 1:30-2:00 A&B Dance 2:00-2:30 Sonshine Performing Arts Academy 2:30-3:00 Ozark Dance Academy 3:00-3:30 Springfield Ballet 3:30-4:00 Starlighter s School of Dance 4:00-4:30 Ann s PAC 4:30-5:00 Willard Mini Tigerettes 5:00-5:30 Credo Dance Academy 5:30-6:00 andstand Stage 10:00-11:00 Lonesome Hollow Bluegrass Band 11:00-11:30 MSU Island Breeze Steel Band 11:30-12:30 Organic Soul 12:30-1:00 MSU Jazz Symposium 1:00-2:00 MSU Jazz Studies Ensemble 2:00-4:00 - Caduceus the Doctors Band 4:00-6:00 Home School Orchestra and Choirs Showwagon Stage 10:00-11:00 - Glen McKenzie and the Road Kings 11:30-12:30 Voices of Deliverance 12:30-1:00 Mariachi Feminil Nuevo Tecalitlan 1:00-1:30 The Skinny Improv 1:30-2:30 The Springfield Little Theatre Youth Performance Troupes 2:30-3:00 The Springfield Little Theatre Cast of Curtains 3:00-4:00 Pat s Clogging Studios, Celtic Fire Irish Dance Studios and the Crew 4:00-9:00 ArtsFiesta! Music at the nn 10:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 Banjo Billy Matthews 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:30 Jay Caughron 12:30-1:00 Stringfield 1:00-2:00 Reel Greene 2:00-3:00 Aunt Lulu and her Environmental Friends 3:00-3:30 Le Grande Dames 3:30-4:30 Jake Rogers 4:30-6:00 Canto 17 The Coffeehouse Stage 10:30-11:00 J.R. Top 11:00-12:00 Eddie Gumucio 12:00-1:00 Jackson Hunt Band 1:00-1:30 Nathaniel Carroll 1:30-2:30 Lee Ellen Starks 2:30-3:00 The Scribbles 3:00-4:00 Lija Fonner 4:00-6:00 Steam Jazz Sunday Dance Stage 10:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:00 12:00-12:30 12:30-1:00 High Voltage Competition Cloggers 1:00-1:30 Credo Dance Academy 1:30-2:00 A&B Dance Center 2:00-2:30 Springfield Ballet 2:30-3:00 Petra Ballet Company 3:00-3:30 Ozark Dance Academy 3:30-4:30 Troupe Sarrab 4:30-5:00 andstand Stage 10:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-12:00 12:00-1:00 - Abou Ben Adhem Shrine Temple Band 1:00-1:30 Missouri State Island Breeze Band 1:30-2:00 MSU Community Flute Choir 2:00-3:00 Republic Community Band 3:00-4:00 Little Hoover s Big Band 4:00-5:00 City of David Showwagon Stage 10:00-11:30 The Branchy Boys 11:30-12:30 Honky Tonk Renovators 12:30-1:00 A Cub Bella 1:00-1:30 American Kids United We Stand Cast 1:30-2:00 American Kids One Voice Cast 2:00-2:30 The Skinny Improv 2:30-3:30 Low Down Fancy 3:30-5:00 Denzil & Jonathan & Band Music at the nn 10:00-11:00 Polyrhythmic Percussion 11:00-12:30 Jay Caughron Food 12:30-1:00 Vendor 1:00-2:00 Reel Greene Amycakes 46 2:00-3:00 Lija Fonner Republic High School FFA Bratwursts 66 3:00-4:00 Le Grande Dames & Lou LeBrun Honey Heaven 90 3:30-5:00 J. W. Grisbee Coyote s Adobe Café & Mille s 100 Catering Creations 110 Tropical Treats The Florence Coffeehouse & Walnut Stage Gem of India 10:30-11:30 123b Ozarks Food Service 11:30-12:30 Hampton Jackson & Hunt Walnut Band Crosstown BBQ 12:30-1:00 Food Tent Phil & Will from Someone Still Loves you Boris Yeltsin Garbo s Pizzeria 1:00-2:00 Food Tent Dan Cogell Big Whiskey s 2:00-3:00 124a Lyal Strickland Andy s 124b 3:00-4:00 Brian Hom Corn Dude 4:00-5:00 124c Lee Ellen Starks Ozarks Country Kettle Corn 125 Just Nuts 130b The Coffee Ethic 151 Cash Award Sponsors Neanie Squires Ed & Phoebe Rice Gloria Galanes Lincoln Hough Jeanie Morris Noah DB Design Salon & Gallery Fast Frames Gallery The Great Frame Up Linda Brown & Debra Oman L & R Specialties Maschino s Ralph & Judy Rognstad Springfield Blue Print Touché Designs erformance Schedule 2011 Artsfest Committee John Albertsen, John the Ringman & Co., 121 Kate Baer, Kate Baer Fossils, 23 Mary Barge Hoar, Charming Designs, LLC, 168 Marilyn Barnes, Adornments by Marilyn, 89 Ziegler Bart, Ziegler Designs, 11 Pat Bergman, Goldenrod, 35 Peter Brenner, Jewelry Maker, 4 Nichole Collins, Nichole Collins Jewelry, 147 Dee Dee DeFabio-Lake, Detail Dee'signs, 171 Bridget Dierks, Spring Patch, 54 Genevieve Echols, Clezarie Beads, 105 Karen Euritt, Karen s Kaleidescope, 12 Cathy Evans, Big Nose Creations, 39 Nancy Fermanian, The Wrist Works, 119 Carol Flowers, Wolf Spirit Designs, 109 Barbara Foley, Yesteryears, 137 Lindy Freed, Lindy Freed Design, 165 Jeff Goodwin, Dauman Jewelry, 10 Marianne Hanson, Porcelain By Marianne, 49 Nancy Koehler, McKenzie's Jewelry, 20 Laurie Mellenbruch, Art Glass Designs, 21 Suzette Nesbitt, Rowdy Blonde Studio, 158 Donald Pekarek, 169 Lee Richards, Dzignz On You, 155 Heidi Sever, 132 Sherrie Householder, Earthworks Designs & Creations, 51 Diane Thaemert, Two Charming Chix, 44 Bob & Marguerite Vonesh, Vonesh Designs, 118 Robert Walden, 31 Suzanne Weatherman, Suzoom!, 83 Carol Whearty, Neck-Spressions, 13 Patricia Zeiche-Davison, PZ Originals, 80 Map Goes Here Special Thanks Springfield City Council, Springfield Police Department, Springfield Public Works, Springfield Greene-County Park Board, City Utilities, Sechler Electric, Springfield Convention & Visitor s Bureau, Missouri State University and Design Students, Artworx Studio, Empire Bank, Mark Steele Communications, Southwest Audio, Southern Missouri Containers, the Workshop 308, Craig Wagoner Brentwood Management, Waste Corporation of America, Walnut Street Inn, Body & Sole Spa, Bangkok City, Ebbet s Field, all media, exhibitors, performers and volunteers! Media Sponsors and Organizations Midwest Family Broadcasting City of Springfield Down Syndrome Group of the Ozarks First Friday Art Walk H.U. Lee Foundation National Avenue Christian Church News-Leader Moms Like Me Ozarks Chapter of the American Association of Zookeepers Ozarks New Energy, Inc. Ozarks Regional YMCA Spay and Neuter Assistance Program Springfield Convention and Visitors Bureau Springfield-Greene County Library District Springfield-Greene County Park Board Woodturners of Southwest Missouri Collaborative Campaign for 2011 ArtsFest: Program (Front, Inside & Back)

10 Magazine Spread: Teen Audience

11 Magazine Spread: Sophisticated Audience

12 Wedding Planner Smartphone App Pages

13 American Short Stories Series: Sophisticated Book Covers

14 North Korea & United States Article Magazine Spread

15 Wedding Invitation


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