All About Mrs. Fremouw

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1 All About Mrs. Fremouw Hi. My name is Mrs. Fremouw. My favorite ice cream is cookies and cream. For fun, I like to play with Hudson, go on our boat, swim, take pictures and just have fun!!! My favorite drink is a latte. No I have never lost a job. If I could go anywhere in the world, it would be to Costa Rica. My favorite food is Italian. I was hired to be a teacher 10 years ago when I applied for a job as a Kindergarten teacher. I have been to Mexico, Arizona, Oregon, Ohio, Florida, California, Idaho, Montana, Georgia, North Carolina, Utah, England, Scotland, Paris, Amsterdam and many other places. My favorite color is blue. My favorite animal is an elephant because they are big and fun to watch.

2 All About Ethan My name is Ethan. I have a sister named Elizabeth. I have been to Hawaii 5 times. After school, I play with my new Lego set. Yes I like Football. My favorite team is the Vikings. I like to go fishing at Beaver Lake for fun. I have not been to Lego Land. My favorite super power is Laser Eye Balls. I do not have any pets. If I had $100, actually I have $100, so I would buy 2,000 Lego Sets. With $400, I would buy 1,000 classes about Football. I am 7 years old. My favorite color is blue. I am bus after school.

3 All About Walker My name is Anthon Walker McFadden. I am 7 ½ years old. My favorite color is black. My favorite cake is strawberry cake with white frosting. Yes, I do like Legos. No, I have never been to Hawaii. My favorite thing is my brother s Iphone. I have 3 brothers, 3 sisters and a mom and dad. I kind of like school. I have a pet dog named Willis. Yes, I like to go on boats. I went tubing once. My favorite sport is football. I like the Giants. My favorite toy ever is my monster truck car. It is remote control. My favorite vacation that I have ever been on is to my grandmas in Utah. I stayed there for a week. No, I have never been on a cruise.

4 All About Natalia My name is Natalia. Sometimes I like to watch TV. My favorite show is Pound Puppies. I love horses! I have gone swimming just for fun a lot of times. No, I have never lived on a farm. No, I don t play Barbies. My favorite toy is my horse and cat Legos. My favorite ice cream is Chocolate Chip. Yes, I like kittens. I don t have any kittens but I am going to get one when my dog dies. My dog doesn t like kittens. My favorite book is Wishes were Horses. I have one brother named Grayson. No, I do not have my own phone. My favorite animal is a Clydesdale Horse. Then I like a cat and a puppy. Yes, I have been to California once. My dog has run away a bunch of times but we always found it. My favorite pet is a kitten. I have two dogs and one Beta fish. My favorite would be my dogs. Yes I like sports. My favorite sport is soccer because I am playing soccer tonight.

5 All About Ian Hi. My name is Ian. Yes I have a dog and the dog s name is Bella. No I do not live on a farm. Yes I do like Legos. My favorite is my Werewolf Lego set. I have one brother named Kade. I have never been to the Lagoon in Utah. I do not have chickens. I have tons of remote control cars. Of course I do! Yes I have a DS. My favorite game is probably the Star Wars game. If I had to eat only bacon or eggs, I would eat bacon. My favorite toy is my brother s huge remote control car. My favorite animal is a Komodo Dragon. Yes I do like gold. No I do not like cake. No I do not like Army guys. Yes I do like peas. My favorite drink is Diet Soda.

6 All About Neal Hi. My name is Neal. I like to write a little bit. I don t watch any football so I don t have a favorite player. I do watch it on the Xbox. No I don t like spiders because they are creepy. Yes I like school. My favorite part about school is going to recess. I have lost 4 teeth. My favorite electronic thing that I have is my video camera. No I don t like to go fishing. I am not a meat eater. No I don t have a pet. Yes I do like cars. Yes I like Legos. I do like books. I like to read non-fiction. Yes I like going swimming. No I do not have a best friend. After school I play with my friends in my neighborhood. I have a brother named Chirag. My favorite animal would be a dog because they are cute.

7 All About Cole Hi. My name is Cole. My favorite color is red. When I was smaller, I used to like purple but now I like red. My favorite animal is a dog because I have a dog and it is a golden retriever and she is really nice. I can hold my breath for maybe 20 seconds. I have never been to Coeur d'alene and I have never heard of it. My favorite toy is new at the Toys R Us. It is the remote control tarantula. I like all kinds of animals but I don t have a favorite pet or animal. My favorite video game is on my DS and on my Wii. It is called Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. My favorite book is Mo Williams. Yes I like school, I love school! My favorite movie is ParaNorman. Yes I like sports. My favorite sport is dirt bikes. Yes I like baby kittens. Yes I have planted a seed before with myself and my brother. My favorite drink is Slush Magic. My favorite part of school is learning math with my teacher and everyone else.

8 All About Charlotte Hi. My name is Charlotte. My favorite sport is every type of sport there is except basketball. I don t love pink. I like boy colors like red and yellow. I like my toy dolphin that I got for my birthday. It is a stuffed animal. I moved from New Zealand to here. I have also moved from close to a park to not close to a park. My favorite food is an apple and cereal. I like every type of cereal that I try and eat. I don t eat candy. I only eat organic stuff. My favorite movie is My Little Pony. I do not love baby kittens because they hug too much. No I don t ever play with Barbie s. I have been on an airplane lots of times. I go to visit my grandma on airplanes. She lives in Germany. Yes I know my alphabet. Everyone knows their alphabet except babies. Yes I have been once to learn how to ride horses. I am going to learn how to horseback ride. I don t like chicken burgers or hamburgers. My favorite drink is organic milk. Yes I love my teacher. No I have never been to a rodeo.

9 All About Sophie Hi. My name is Sophie. No I do not like Legos. I do like the girl Legos. My favorite color is blue. Yes I like flowers. Yes I play Barbie s sometimes. Yes I like recess playing with my friends especially when I get to jump rope. My birthday is July 3 rd. My favorite toy would be my Webkinz. If I could have a pet I like bunnies. I do love Mrs. Fremouw. I kind of like school. My favorite is Pegasus s not unicorn because some have horns and wings. My favorite thing to do is go golfing because I like mini golfing because there are all of these things you have to hit the ball through. I have been to a ranch. My favorite animal is a bunny. Yes I love cupcakes! Yes I have been on a beach many times.

10 All About Luke Hi. My name is Luke. Yes, I have a lot of video games. My favorite is Missionaries 2. My favorite toy is a Star Wars Guy. No I do not have Legos. My favorite sport is soccer because I play it on my field every Monday and Wednesdays. My favorite shape is a square not a sphere. My favorite football player is Ethan. I do have a friend that is a girl named Jillian. Yes I do like boats. No I haven t been on one before. Yes I like first grade. My favorite thing is recess. My favorite thing to eat is rice. My favorite number is 2,012. Yes I have a dog. Her name is Molly. Yes I do like to read. My favorite thing to read is Hot Wheels. Yes I do like cars.

11 All About Kalea Hi. My name is Kalea. My favorite food is macaroni and cheese because I like cheese. Yes I love the teacher! My favorite toy is a Fidget. Her name is Willa. My best friends in first grade are Olivia and Adeline. My favorite colors are blue, red and yellow. My favorite book is The Magic Puppy. No I don t really like ducks. Yes I have a dog named Piper. Yes I love apples. I like red better. Yes I love horses. It is my favorite animal. If I had to choose a pony or horse, I would say a horse because I have never seen a pony. Yes I moved from Seattle to here. No my house has never been on fire but it once had a plastic fire smell. Yes I like The Very Hungary Caterpillar. My favorite flower is a Daffodil or a Rose.

12 All About Jessica My name is Jessica. I am 6 years old. My favorite letter is J. I have horses, dog, cat, goat and chickens. I would rather eat beans if I had spinach or beans. My favorite animal is a horse. I have two dogs named Crazy Zeke and Zoe. If I had no food, I would eat my hair first because it is like noodles. I have been to two fairs. I have been on vacation a lot of times. My favorite vacation was to Disneyworld. Yes I like school and my favorite thing is my teacher. I do love Mrs. Fremouw. I love to climb trees. I have climbed them like 100 times. If I was to go on a trip, I would bring most of my stuffed animals. At recess, I like to do the monkey bars climbing across. No I don t like the number 1,000. I like both school and home.

13 All About Stormy Hi. My name is Stormy. Yes I love my teacher. I have a rug at my house that I can race cars, so yes, I like racing cars. I have never jumped off a diving board and I don t think I would like it. If I was 7, I wouldn t do it but if I was 10 I would do it. Yes I like cars. No I don t like soccer. Sammy is my best friend in this class and Sophie is my second. If I was moving, the toy I would bring is a video game. Yes I have 2 dogs, 1 cat and 2 fish. Yes I have been to a beach, Hawaii. I have a medium sized bed. No I don t like Pegasus s. No I don t live on a farm. No I don t really like horses, just a little bit. Yes I like to read but not chapter books. Yes I like calendar. I am going to start playing football and I think I might like it when I start playing it.

14 All About Sammy My name is Sammy. Yes I like cake but I do not like chocolate. No I don t love ponies. I kind of like boys. Sophie is my best friend in this class. No I do not like writing. Yes I like ice cream. Vanilla with a cherry on top is my favorite. My mom and my dad and brothers are my best friends, my whole family. My favorite toy is a stuffed animal bunny that has a carrot in his hand. My birthday is February 18 th. Yes I like math in 1 st grade. I could do it all day long. There are at least past 10 horses on our property, but they are not my horses. Yes I Love Love Love Love Love Mrs. Fremouw. I like McDonald s food. My best friend that is not in this class is Ginger. My favorite color is yellow.

15 All About Brandon Hello, my name is Brandon. No I don t like broccoli not even with cheese. Yes, I have a pet. He is a dog. His name is Chunk and he is a black lab. If I had to go somewhere, I would bring my Leap pad. My best friend is named Ryan. If I had to choose between noodles and ice cream, I would chose bow-tie noodles. Yes I like activities at school and anywhere I go. No I don t know how to yo-yo. Yes I have been on a beach and my favorite one would be the one in Hawaii. It was on a cliff with a nice patio and I used binoculars and I saw a military someone. We all walk the dog at my house, sometimes dad, mom and sometimes the 4 of us. My favorite TV show at home is Phinus and Ferb. Yes I have played kickball at school. Yes I like to play and have fun.

16 All About Aidan Hi. My name is Aidan. My favorite thing at home is Bey Blades. My favorite animal is a tiger because they are soft. My favorite spider is a poison spider. My favorite shape is a circle because it is round. My favorite kind of drink is Vanilla Orange Hi-C. I have only moved once in my whole life. I was at the corner of Washington and then I moved down. My dad does the best breakfast for me in the morning. It is Cinnamon Toast. I have 4 pets, 2 goldfish, a bunny and a dog. My mom cooks for me at dinner and my dad makes my breakfast. Yes I love, love, love, love Mrs. Fremouw. My favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip because I like the mints. They are my favorite and I once got a very big mint. No I don t have a brother, I have 3 sisters. My favorite color is black. My favorite thing in the whole wide world is video games. Yes I do like volcanos.

17 All About Frank Hi. My name is Frank. Yes, I love, love, love Mrs. Fremouw. Yes I have been to Disneyland one time. My favorite board game is Checkers. Yes I like candy. My favorite candy is these little caramel things. My favorite person in my family is my dad. No I do not have or live on a house boat but we are going to buy a Bass Boat. My favorite thing to do at recess is play on the spider web. No I have never been stung by a bee before. I kind of like lions. My most favorite color is black. No I do not have pet but I used to have two cats. Yes I have been camping. My teacher last year was Mrs. Johnson. I have a brother named Brett and Josie Bear in my family. No I haven t seen a Boa Constrictor up close.

18 All About Hayden My name is Hayden. No I am not a teenager so I don t have a girlfriend. I love Mrs. Fremouw to much that I could die. Yes my BFF s are Bubbie and Ava. I don t prefer bacon or pancakes, I prefer bacon and pancakes, pancakes under bacon and bacon dipped in pancakes. My favorite food is every kind of pizza. My favorite color is yellow. My best friend in this class is all of you. No I have not earned a SOAR bucks this year yet. Creamed spinach, I like the cream but I don t like the spinach. I have never been to Kids Bounce. I only like the space ships that are like race cars. Yes I like rainbows. I have a lot of friends, all of my friends at preschool, kindergarten and first grade. I have so much friends and one looks like Henry but instead he is older. The table that I like is both the snakes and eagles. My thing to do is play Harry Potter, read books and play outside too. I am good at Karate. My favorite ice cream is Banana Smoothie. My favorite animal is every animal.

19 All About Henry I am Henry. I kind of love my sister. My favorite toy is the Armatricks. Yes I love to see new places. I ran 41 laps in the Walk a Thon. I pretty much like to play with my sister at home. No I have never been camping. I am 6 years old. The oldest person in my family is my dad Bill. My mom is my favorite family member. Yes I feel happy today. No I don t have a best friend that doesn t live in this state. Josh was my best friend at my old school. No I have never been to Hawaii before but I am soon. Yes I have a bunch of Bay Blades. I have 16 of them. No I don t have a cat or dog but I do have a hamster. My favorite drink is milk. Yes I like school. Yes I love Superheros. I love Superman and Ben Ten.

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