Food After The Fall. Table of Contents

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2 Table of Contents First thoughts... 4 Self-sustainability a safe choice... 5 Benefits of Aquaponics Systems...6 What you need to know....9 How does it work?... 9 Consider your location What kind of food you can grow Make your own Aquaponics System Basic elements (fish, plants, materials) Before you start building...19 Start Building Your System Step 1 Prepare your tanks Step 2 Connect PVC pipes to the grow bed Step 3 Connect the return pipes Step 4 Assemble the venture aeration ports Step 5 Add water Step 6 Prepare the floats Step 7 Add fish Step 8 Add plants Step 9 Test and optimize your system

3 Harvesting.29 Blending Aquaponics with Soil-Based Gardening.30 Fortifying your system...31 Sick Fish..32 Power outage...34 Leaks in tank...36 Smart Valves and the Autopot Systems...37 Growing Duckweed..39 Temperature...41 PH. 41 Conclusion

4 First Thoughts In this modern world, health concerns and the ability to access food are becoming more and more important. People who live in the city are looking for easy and effective ways to produce food and take care of their families without having to rely on conventional food sources for sustenance. Self-sufficiency has become not only a trend but also a concern among our society. Growing your own food and vegetables is much cleaner and healthier than consuming products you buy in the supermarket. Every grocery dealer in the market is talking about fresh, clean, and healthy eating. But we all know that this is not entirely true. Just think about it; the food in the supermarket is being 4

5 touched by many hands and passes through various places, before you get to buy and consume it. Moreover, with the recent inflation over the past few decades, food prices have drastically increased. This raises the need for people to change their l i f e s t y l e. It encourages people to try to provide their own food, in a healthier and organic way. It may seem q u i t e discouraging at first, but growing your own vegetables and fish farming in order to have a reliable food source is practical. The solution to this problem is a simple Aquaponics System in your very own backyard. 5

6 Self-sustainability A Safe Choice Aquaponics is basically a clean, green method of both growing fish and plants in one integrated system; a combination between aquaculture (raising fish) and hydroponics (growing plants). The fish are raised in tanks and their waste provides an organic food source for the plants that are growing in the system. The plants take up the waste produced by fish as nutrients and food, and the water used for the plants is recycled. These plants do not need fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides and the water is regularly recycled rather than being lost in the soil. The result from these two integrated systems produce healthier and cleaner food than food at supermarkets, and at a fraction of the cost. 6

7 Moreover, Aquaponics offers more flexibility than conventional farming; the fish and vegetables can be produced almost anywhere. Warehouses, rooftops, basements or even brownfield sites are great locations to house your Aquaponics system. Despite these benefits, aquaculture and hydroponics possess a few drawbacks. Growing plants in a soil-less environment demands expensive nutrients and periodic cleansing of the systems, which can result into waste dumping problems. When raising fish, you need to be very careful when removing excess nutrients from the system in order to recirculate the water. A significant amount of water is extracted from the system constantly and changed with fresh, nutrient free water (usually, this is a daily routine). Combining aquaculture and hydroponics is a very efficient method of producing your own fish, vegetables and fruits. 7

8 Benefits of Aquaponics Systems 1. Plants grow faster In Aquaponics system, plants have constant access to nutrients (high level nitrates that are in the water) that make them grow faster than in soil. Lettuce, for example, takes almost 2 months to grow when planted in soil, but when it is grown in an Aquaponics system, it has been proven to mature in approximately one month. That cuts the grow cycle in half. 2. Your food is cleaner and healthier Vegetables grow bigger and healthier compared to those grown in soil. This is one of the main reasons why people are starting to create their own food sources, as the food products in supermarkets are full of many different chemicals that endanger our health. 8

9 3. You ll have a sustainable system Using an Aquaponics system, you can maintain a certain level of production without consuming natural resources as it simulates nature s natural cycle. Aquaponics is based on a natural process of animals and plants, and this makes it an eco-friendly method of growing food. This gives people peace of mind knowing that they are not polluting the environment. 4. No pesticides are being used Aquaponics systems are free from soil pests. These pests destroy the plants and the only way to eliminate them is by using pesticides. Consequently, pesticide toxins can be absorbed easily by plants. Eating these plants can result in potential health risks. Using only water to grow your vegetables and fruits will significantly reduce the risk of using pesticides. Pesticides cannot be used in Aquaponics systems as they could harm or even kill the fish. Therefore, it offers 9

10 you a great way to grow plants without the menace of a pest infestation or pesticide toxins. 5. No more watering Using an Aquaponics system you ll discover that there will be a significant reduction is the usage of water, because they constantly recycle and recirculate the water. Thus, you will no longer need to water your plants. 6. Less work and energy use Aquaponics systems require less energy than the conventional gardening because there is no more digging, weeding or bending down on the ground to harvest the crops. Moreover, maintaining such a system is very convenient as it pretty much takes care of itself. By providing a suitable environment for both fish and plants to grow there is very little work involved. However, there 10

11 is occasional cleaning (once or twice a month) required for the fish tanks and the pumps. 7. Saving money An Aquaponics system is much more productive and efficient. It is easy to significantly increase the food production using very little space. Moreover, building a system like this is incredibly cheap and easy. Within a year, you will recoup the initial cost investment. What you need to know Before you start building your own simple Aquaponics systems, there are s o m e i m p o r t a n t things t o n o t e. I t is recommended to start with a simple system in order to learn how it works out before upgrading. Once you have a bit more experience you can modify your system in many ways to fit your families survival food needs. 11

12 How does it work? Building an Aquaponics system is not very hard. First, what you need is a simple water container filled with fish. Remember that the water needs to be aerated so that the oxygen levels can be optimally dissolved; check the ph level of the water at least once a week to make sure it remains at an optimal level. An Aquaponics system is based on three fundamental elements: fish, plants and useful bacteria. In simple terms, the fish bred in tanks excrete waste and then the bacteria turns this waste into nutrients for plants. The plants then filter and clean fresh water for the fish. Another important element to keep in mind is that your fish need a c o n s t a n t s u p p l y o f o x y g e n. This means that you need to be very careful to aerate the water for optimal dissolved oxygen levels. You can do this either by using a small air pump 12

13 that is linked to multiple air stones, at the bottom of the fish tank. Or you can install a smaller extra energy saving air pump. Aeration is very crucial for the fish to breathe and survive, and this is why it is important to consider building another back-up system, in case of a power shortage. Another important element that we need to consider when starting an Aquaponics system is the bacteria. This bacteria is important to maintain the functionality of the system. The waste that comes from the fish contains ammonia. In nature (lakes or oceans), the huge quantity of water reduces ammonia concentration. Keeping fish in a small area like a tank makes it very toxic for them. By cleaning the water container periodically, ammonia is converted into nitrites 13

14 and nitrates. In an Aquaponics system, it might take up to 3 months for the nitrates to show up naturally. In order to keep your plants healthy, you might need to use certain additives such as potassium/calcium carbonate or iron chelate/carbonate. These carbons give additional calcium and potassium to the plants and raise their ph when it s needed. Yellowing of plants means that they might have a deficiency in iron. This is when these additives are beneficial. The best way to understand what is happening in an Aquaponics system is by frequently testing it. In the beginning, you might need to test it thoroughly. But once you completely understand how your system works daily testing becomes less important. What to test? Dissolved Oxygen (DO) 80% saturation is the recommended goal, this allows for maximum nitrification rates (not less than 4ppm). 14

15 Temperature between F (25-30 C); The majority of fish can endure the cooler water the plants require. ph considering the fact that you need to pay careful attention to all the elements (plants, fish and bacteria), you need to be very careful with your water solution. Plants grow better in a lower ph medium and fish tolerate a higher ph, this is why it s recommended to go for a ph between 6.0 and 8.0. If the ph level is getting too low, you can supplement the water with Phosphoric Acid, Calcium Carbonate or mono-sodium and di-sodium phosphate. Ammonia levels the optimal level is less than 1ppm, as ammonia is a source of food for the plants. The ammonia levels should not top 6 ppm, which is already weighed as toxic. Nitrates and nitrites they are toxic to the fish, like ammonia however, they are vital for plants to grow. 15

16 The optimal nitrates level is between 10-20ppm. As for nitrites you should keep the levels below 1ppm. Consider your location When planning to build an Aquaponics system, you should pay attention to the environment that you live in. Weather is a crucial factor to consider. This determines the kind of plants suitable for growing in your system. It also impacts your fish options. Weather can also determine where you place your system (indoor or outdoor). The sun is an important source of alternative light as it can warm the water in your system. This can be a good thing as you wont need to pay to heat the water, but it can also heat the water too much. That is why it is recommended to place the system in a small greenhouse or even a garage so that you can protect it from the intense heat in summer or the cold in winter. You won t need more than 20sq ft. 16

17 What kind of food you can grow? The fish and plants you select for your Aquaponics system should have similar needs as far as the temperature and ph is concerned. There will always be some compromise to the needs of the fish and plants but, the closer they match, the more successful you will be. As a general rule, for warm and fresh water, fish and leafy crops such as lettuce and herbs will do best. In a system heavily stocked with fish, you may have better luck with fruiting plants such as tomatoes and peppers. 17

18 Make Your Own Aquaponics System When making an Aquaponics system, you should keep in mind that you are aiming for a highyield crop with minimal basic care and maintenance required. You should also aim to have your system take up as little space as possible even if you have ample space. Once your system is set up and running smoothly you can make improvements and modifications to fit you and your families need. Basic elements The first thing is to have all the components needed for an Aquaponics system: plants, fish and materials. 18

19 Fish There is a wide variety of common fresh water fish that can be raised in an Aquaponics system such as: Carp Large-mouth bass Tilapia Sunfish Crappie Koi Goldfish or other ornamental fish (angelfish, guppies, swordfish, tetras, mollies, etc.) Barramundi Silver, golden or yellow perch 19 Local authorities dictate only certain type of fresh water fish, thus you might need to verify at your local Agricultural institutions or even pet stores, in order to determine what is allowed to be raised in your geographical area.

20 Another decision you have to make is weather to purchase fry or fingerling fish. Although, fish fry might cost you less, they will take longer to grow and mature. This extends the duration of time to reach the optimal nitrate level of your system. On the other hand, fingerlings are a little more expensive but because they produce more excrement they will make growing vegetables quicker and easier. The recommended option is to buy a mature fish directly. But, if you want to mix the fry fish with the mature fish you have to be very careful because the little ones might be eaten. This is why the best thing you can do is to breed your own fish using a hatchery tub. 20

21 Plants After making a concrete decision on the type of fish and the phase of their maturity, you will have to consider your options for plants. You can either begin with a young plant which is already seeded in the floats. Or you can move the shoots from a seedling bed connected to the system from an ordinary seedling tray. Usually, the fish tank is separate from the grow bed and water flows constantly between these two tanks. The plants require a surface on which to attach themselves such as the underside of the float, pipes, the walls of the tanks and even the roots of other plants. Separating the plant and fish tanks provides an extra quality to the water. Raft systems are the best choice when it comes to optimizing floor space and maximizing the growing space. 21

22 In order to do that, you need to grow your plants in a different grow bed and only move them once their roots are strong and long enough when cleaning the water for the fish. It is recommended to use coconut fiber seedling pots. These pots keep the air and water circulation at an optimal level: use net pots that are filled with coconut fiber, then put the seeds inside and water twice a day. After 2 or 3 weeks, the plants will reach maturity and then it will be safe for you to transfer the young plants to the grow beds. Don t forget: your main objective is to acquire a crop base that is regularly producing while seedlings are growing. Luckily, Aquaponics systems impose little restrictions in cultivating plants, vegetables and fruits: Tomatoes 22

23 Cucumbers Cabbages Carrots Dark leafy greens Silver beets Green onions Chives Leeks Lettuce Broccoli Melons Strawberries Peppers Basil Mint Flowers 23

24 Materials Besides the fish and plants needed for your Aquaponics system, you will also need to purchase materials such as: piping, valves, an aerator, tanks, and water pumps. Most of these materials can be found at any local hardware store. Purchasing the tank is the t r i c k y part as they have to be specially designed u s i n g s p e c i f i c materials; t h e y a r e a v a i l a b l e online (on special sites) or even at animal feed store (for cattle, sheep or other livestock). Tanks are the most expensive elements of Aquaponics systems. 24

25 Before you start Now that you know the basic components of an Aquaponics system let s talk about some rules that you should follow when creating your system. The first thing you have to consider is the climate. Having optimal sunlight and temperature is crucial to having an efficient growing system. Your residence and the climate is an important factor when deciding whether you want to build the system indoors or outdoors. If the temperature varies extremely from one season to another, you will need to use indoor housing, water heaters or greenhouses so that the fish and plants will be protected from extreme temperatures. There are many species of fish that can live in almost freezing temperatures, but unfortunately plants can t grow in such conditions. If you chose to use the Aquaponics system in cold weather you will have to place a mechanical bio-filter or change the percentage of the fish tank water 25

26 on a regular basis. Without plants, the ammonia levels will rapidly increase making it very toxic for the fish. This being said, if you desire constant production it is best to place your system in a greenhouse or indoors to ensure that the plants have proper exposure to sunlight through windows or other lighting systems. The size of your Aquaponics system depends on your needs, but in the beginning, 20 sq ft. will be enough. Keep in mind that this system is entirely flexible. If you want to expand your crops you just need to duplicate the same model upwards or expand the size of the essential fish tank. For a person just starting out it is recommended to have the same volume of planting bed space and fish tank space. Another thing you need to consider when building your Aquaponics system is the water level. Once you achieve the optimal water levels for your tank, you may need to add more water periodically due to evaporation. You may 26

27 need to add a few gallons every week or two depending on how much has evaporated. Now is the time to decide what sort of system is best for your needs. There are basically two types of Aquaponics systems: the ones that require a grow bed medium such as sand, clay or gravel for fixing the roots of the plants in slow- moving waters. The other is a system based on floats, where the plants are attached to floats in quick-moving waters. What materials you need Tanks preferably 100 gallon tank for fish and 50 gallon rectangular plastic tank for plants. Fish Hardware PVC pipes, pumps, aerator/air pumps, floats. Miscellaneous PVC cement, lumber to back the grow bed that is placed on top of the fish basin, net pots, coconut fiber, fish food 27

28 Water Chemistry nitrifying bacteria, chlorine neutralizer or remover, test strips for ph, calcium carbonate for raising ph if necessary, ammonium chloride tablets to support the initial bacterial startup process. Tools pipe cutter tool (such as hacksaw), channel lock pliers, drill and drill bit. Start Building Your System Step 1 Prepare your tanks The first step in building an Aquaponics system is e n s u r i n g y o u h a v e t w o tanks ( 1 fish tank and 1 grow bed). The fish tank sustains the grow bed, and the grow bed recycles the filtered water back into the fish tank. For this reason, you have to place the smaller tank for the vegetables above the bigger tank for the fish. This will also save space. 28

29 Moreover, placing the fish container beneath the grow bed will not only save space, but it will also save you money on piping material. You may have to build a simple shelf to place the grow bed on. Make sure you leave small space in the middle of the uprights before placing the fish tank. Also, you will need a flat surface that supports the weight of the grow bed. You can use any strong counter top or s h e l f that can hold the grow bed. Depending on the material that your counter or shelf is made from, you may need to reinforce it so that it doesn t fall on top of your fish tank. Step 2 Connect the PVC feed pipes to the grow bed With the two tanks in the right position, now you need to connect them with PVC pipes. Keep in mind that when choosing a PVC pipe you will also need to take into 29

30 consideration the pumps output characteristics. Given the fact that the pipes will not be under high pressure, it is recommended to use medium grade clear PVC pipe cement for the fittings and joints. The length and measurements of the pipes varies from one system to another, based on the layout and design you choose. 1. Assemble the water pipe from the pump to the grow bed and place the pump at the bottom of the fish tank. 2. Measure the distance from the installed water pipe to the midway of the grow bed that is above the fish tank. 3. Glue a piece of cut PVC tubing to the pump coupling and add the inline valve at the midway of the grow bed. 30

31 4. Complete the pipe with additional PVC pipes on the outside facing of the grow bed. 5. When the pipe reaches the top, add a 90 degree elbow so that the pumped water from the fish tank is redirected back into the grow bed tank. 6. If you want to manually control the water flow to the grow bed, you can add a valve on the vertical side of the pump. Step 3 Connect the return pipes Make a drain for each grow bed by drilling a small hole in the center bottom of each tank. This drain hole has to be placed on the counter side from where the water enters the tank; then cover the drain hole by fitting a bulkhead adapter. Cut a PVC piece and glue it into the 31

32 female adapter that is inside the tank section of the grow bed. Drill 8 small holes around the standpipes circumference. Doing this, you will create a standpipe that fixes the water depth of the grow bed. The extra pipe that remains above the vertical ring of holes will prevent the floats from blocking the return. This allows nutrients to circulate throughout the water and helps the plants to grow on the grow bed. On the base of the grow bed, connect the threaded female coupler to the threaded male end of the bulkhead. Step 4 Assemble the venture aeration ports 32 Cut the PVC pipe that is connected from the grow bed at the desired length, almost 5 inches above the water level in the tank.

33 Compressing the water and drilling a single aeration hole at the half of the PVC pipe, it will immediately create an aeration suction port that will pump oxygen to the water as it returns. For the final procedure, cut the rest of the PVC pipe in order to take the return water to the base of the tank and then put a 90 degree elbow so that the water can enter the fish tank. Step 5 Add water To begin with, fill up the grow bed until you reach the maximum height where you drilled the holes. After filling it up, it s time to add water to the fish tank, as well. Since all the pipes are empty, you ll have to turn on the pump shortly after the water level in the fish tank drops. Therefore, add extra water in the fish tank until you 33

34 attain the desired height. This is a good way o f t e s t i n g if the system has any leaks, cracks or holes. Another thing you need to be careful about is the chlorine in the water. You can either dissolve it with Sodium Thiosulfate or you can let it dissolve naturally by letting the system settle for two days. When there are no traces of chlorine in the water, you will have to add some nitrifying bacteria so that the ammonia that is in the water reaches an optimal level. You will have to supplement the water with a few tablets of ammonia chloride; the ammonia component serves as food for the nitrifying bacteria you just added in the water. Ammonia and nitrates are the two species of bacteria that are necessary to the system. Be careful not to expose them to sunlight, as they are photo sensitive, by keeping the floats on the grow bed. After adding the nitrifying bacteria, the nitrates will begin to develop in 4 or 5 days. You will have to wait a 34

35 little bit of time before putting the fish into the tank. While you re waiting for the water to reach the optimal condition, you ll have to keep the ph level between 6.0 and 8.0; the ideal level for both fish and plants is 7.0. Step 6 Prepare the floats The floats for the grow beds can be made of any kind of floating material that preserves its flexibility and quality when you drill several plant holes. A good choice for floats is closed insulation boards that are thick enough to resist numerous holes drilled for the plants. Because of the continuous moving, seedling and harvesting the floats might shed small pieces. For this reason it is recommended to use closed-cell mats so that the floats can keep their quality when drilled and moved. Moreover, if you consider gardening heavy plants like broccoli you can put the cell mat in two layers or leave them in a single layer for light weight plants such as herbs or lettuces. 35

36 Step 7 Add fish After adding the water and necessary bacteria, it is time to add the fish. To begin with, it is recommended to add one fish so that you can test the water and the entire system. Eventually you can fill the tank with almost 15 pounds of fish, depending on the dimensions of your system and your needs. However, over time you might need to harvest some of the fish in order to maintain the ideal ratio which is approximately one pound of fish for every 4 gallons of water. Remember to make sure the water the fish is in is getting proper degassing and aeration. Moreover you will have to verify that the float beds are added into the grow beds, so that you minimize light exposure for the nitrifying bacteria. 36

37 Step 8 Add the plants Now that the whole Aquaponics system is complete, it s time to carefully move the young plants, seedlings, into the float beds. Step 9 Test and optimize your system Now that you have everything in its place, is time to test your system and optimize it for proper functioning. You will need two weeks to learn the functionality of your system. This should be enough time for you to find out what works best for you. The basic elements you need to keep an eye on are: low ammonia levels, proper dissolved oxygen/aeration, optimal nitrite and nitrate levels and well-fed fish, but not over fed. Learn what your fish like eating, in this way your crops will grow faster and your Aquaponics system will be much more productive. 37

38 Harvesting Harvesting is an important part of keeping a healthy Aquaponics system. One important note is to remove as much of the root system of any vegetable you harvest. You don't want to leave any clumps behind. If it is something like kale, then this would not apply because you are only taking a few leaves from the plant and leaving it to continue producing. You will discover it only takes about 6 38

39 to 7 weeks for lettuce to be ready for harvest if you start from seed. If you transplanted the lettuce, harvest will happen in about half that time. Keep a close eye on your plants. If you start to notice any disease, like powdery mildew, on a plant, remove the entire thing. Do not let it stay in the system and contaminate the rest of your plants. You want to harvest plants on somewhat of a schedule so you always have food coming out of your system. You don't want to have one big harvest and then nothing for weeks. Harvesting your fish is another regular activity. Living a fish in the tank to fatten up isn't a good idea. Fat, big fish take up more space. They can become aggressive and kill the other fish. In a small system, you can expect to harvest a fish every couple of months. 39

40 Blending Aquaponics with Soil- Based Gardening Are you one of those people who really like getting your hands dirty in the garden, but really like the idea of raising your own fish? You can have the best of both worlds by marrying the two ideas. You should consider trying adding an aquaculture system to your soil-based garden in order to get the benefits of each system. As you may have noticed, Aquaponics is not going to work with root-based crops. That doesn't mean you cannot still use the nutrient-rich water from an Aquaponics system to water your root crops in a soil-based garden. Your plants will thrive on the chlorine-free water that comes from your hydroponics system. You are saving water, by using it to grow fish (food) as well as watering your garden. And, you won't have to spend money buying fertilizers because your plants are getting the nutrients they need via the water. 40

41 Now, if you have researched Aquaponics, you know there are some who are not excited about where the nitrate-rich water is dumped after it has circulated through the plant system. Some environmental agencies feel the nitrates are not healthy for the ground or sewer system. However, you can eliminate the debate by using the water to feed your soil-based plants. It is truly an answer to the problem and gives everybody the chance to get the best of both worlds. Fortifying Your System Aquaponics systems are not bullet proof. There are going to be a few things you want to do to protect your system from some of the most common hazards. 41

42 The following are some of the issues that could arise and threaten to ruin all of your hard work. Fish become ill or contract a disease Power outage Leaks in your tank or tank breaks Ammonia or nitrate levels become too high Sick Fish Fish are prone to certain diseases that can kill them fairly quickly if not treated right away. One of the most common illnesses to affect fish is something known as ICH (Ichthyophthirius multifiliis) pronounced ick. It is a protoazoan disease that tends to be very common in freshwater aquariums. This could be because of the close contact with other fish or stress that many aquarium dwelling fish experience. 42

43 ICH can be identified by the following characteristics; Fish rubbing against the side of tank Loss of appetite White spots, they may start out tiny but clusters can make them look bigger Fish appear agitated If the ICH is not treated, the fish can become so stressed they actually die. Respiratory problems and severe agitation are dangerous to the fish. Killing the ICH is tricky. It has to be killed when the ICH has left the fish and is getting ready to reproduce and attach to other fish in the tank. It cannot be killed when it is on the fish. 43

44 To treat the water, heat it up to about 77 degrees. If the water is cold, it will take longer to treat the disease. You can buy various treatments for the ICH. However, adding salt to the water is the best option if you eat the fish. Before you add salt, disconnect the water to your growing system. Your plants will not appreciate the saltwater. While you are increasing the temperature of the water, you also need to increase the aeration to keep up with the warmer water and oxygen levels. It isn't helpful to move an infected fish to a new tank. That tank would just become infected. Your best bet is to treat the entire tank and the fish in it. It won't hurt the unaffected fish. As with anything, prevention is your best treatment. You can keep ICH from being introduced into your tank by following these practices. Quarantine all new fish for 21 days Only buy fish from a reputable dealer Avoid having fish shipped if at all possible to eliminate any additional stress 44

45 Watch any new fish very closely Avoid adding new fish to a tank with existing, older fish Keep the temperature in the tank at the same level Monitor ammonia and ph levels Feed fish appropriate food Power Outages Power outages are probably the most common problem for your Aquaponics system. Without electricity, your air pump will not operate. This means the water in the tank will not have proper aeration and you are at risk for Dissolved Oxygen levels dropping and becoming a serious problem. As if that wasn't a big enough concern, the decreased DO levels will result in increased ammonia levels if the outage is extensive. If your Aquaponics system includes a sump pump that moves the water from your grow beds to 45

46 the tank, it will no longer be functioning as well. This means the water from the grow beds is not pushed into the tank and the water levels will decrease along with the oxygen levels. It is also going to leave you a big mess on the floor. As the outage persists and the DO levels drop, the fish will become stressed. If it continues, the fish will die. Now, the DO level sill depend on the number of fish you have in the tank and the actual size of your tank. The less fish you have and the bigger tank you have will give you a longer period of time before the oxygen levels reach a critical point. Often times, the power goes out in the middle of the night or while you are at work. Your system could be down for hours with you completely unaware. You can create a backup power system to prevent any serious damage to your garden. You will need the following; 12 volt air pump 12 volt deep cycle car battery-- a normal one will 46

47 work Relay that will switch to back up power Battery charger 12 volt water pump Investing in a backup power system can save you a great deal of frustration and stress. You won't have to worry about losing all of your hard work to a power outage that is out of your control. Another option you should consider adding is an alarm that sounds when the power is lost to your system. This will alert you that you need to switch to back up power. Having a generator on standby to keep your pump running could also prevent any loss. Leaks in the Tank A leak or a complete fracture in the tank is going to create a huge mess. You will lose all of the water in the tank, whether it happens slowly or in one giant burst. A 47

48 burst pipe or a blocked pipe can also wreak havoc. You can add a float switch to your system to help prevent it from running dry should there be a leak or busted pipe. When the tank reaches a certain level, the pump will be shut off. Your best bet is to use your float switch with an alarm that lets you know when the water level has dropped too low. Water levels that are low are going to decrease the DO levels in the tank. High Ammonia Levels When there is too much ammonia in the water or the nitrate levels are too high, your fish are going to suffer. It damages their gills and could actually kill them. You can avoid toxicity by preventing the levels from crossing into the danger zone. Toxicity isn't something that happens in an instant or even overnight. It happens over a period of days, which is why you need to closely monitor your system. If you haven't tested the water, but suspect something 48

49 is off balance, stop feeding and start testing. You can prevent your fish being harmed by quickly fixing the problem. Adding more fresh water is all that is typically necessary to balance out the levels. Using Smart Valves and the Autopot Systems Jim Fah created something that is known as the Smart Valve. The valve is part of the Autopot system that essentially regulates the amount of water to give plants a very precise amount of water. Plants are placed into a tray. The smart valve fills the tray with a preset amount of water. Once all of the water is soaked up by the plants, the smart valve will allow more water into the tray. This is a great idea to help plants that need more water, like a tomato plant in bloom, to get the water they 49

50 need while preventing another plant from getting too much water. Jim Fah has taken his idea and perfected it. In his aquaponics setup, he has 1500 plants in Autopots. The plants are fed with water from a fish tank. In the winter, they receive 1000 liters of water and in the summer, they require 2000 liters. Fish are grown in the tank, but because the water is constantly being circulated, there is no risk of ammonia concentrates becoming too much. Since he doesn't have to worry about ammonia, he doesn't need to mess around with bio filters, grow beds and regular water tests. The plants are each fed the right amount of water filled with nutrients with the help of a pump as it moves the water from the tank into the Autopot units. Fah focuses his attention on his plants and the fish that he grows are the 50

51 extra perk versus many aquaponics users who focus on the fish and the output of the plants. While some folks will argue the Autopot system isn't truly hydroponics, it is still an effective way to grow plants and fish, which is what truly matters, right? Growing Duckweed Duckweed is another perk to having your own Aquaponics system. It is pretty easy to grow and can be used in a number of ways. One of the main reasons you will want to have duckweed is its ability to remove nutrients from the water. If you are looking for a natural way to control ammonia levels in your water, duckweed is the answer. Duckweed has an extremely fast growth rate. In fact, it can double in mass about every 24 to 48 hours if the conditions are just right. This can produce enough feed for chickens and fish for most of the year. 51

52 Duckweed has about 35 to 40 percent more protein than soybeans and a higher concentration of essential amino acids like methionine and lysine than the majority of plant proteins. This is very good news for your backyard chickens and their egg production. The trace minerals also make it a very good additive to any animal feed. Duckweed is too easy, inexpensive and valuable NOT to grow in your prepper garden. It is incredibly easy to grow and requires very little work on your part. You will want to purchase your initial supply at your local aquarium shop. You can grow it in any open water vessel. A backyard pond, a fish tank or a large tub will all work. You will want to place smaller vessels in the shade to keep the water from becoming too hot. It helps to recirculate the water from your fish tank. This will save you the effort of scooping the water from your tank as well as ensure the nutrient levels in your duckweed container are level and ideal for growth. 52

53 Your duckweed should cover the entire water surface. If the cover is too thin, you risk algae blooming below it. Too thick and it will self mulch. Self-mulching will result in a lower production level. If the water is fast moving or if the container is placed where it is exposed to high wind, you will experience the same issue. Keeping a good cover will also prevent the water from evaporating quickly. You can add a few goldfish to your pond to help eliminate or at least keep the mosquito population to a minimum. Feeding the duckweed can be done with a variety of organic materials. However, aquaponics is your best, free source. The duckweed will thrive on the unionized ammonia in the water of the aquaponics system. It prefers trace elements of nutrients and not large doses. 53 Another aspect to proper duckweed growth is to make sure the plant has enough nutrients. Duckweed that has

54 long roots is not going to have the same protein level. You will also run into this problem if you keep the same strain of duckweed too long. Inbreeding will result in a lower crude protein level. Temperature Temperature plays a big role in the production levels of duckweed. It can't be too hot or too cold. Temperatures above 91 degrees Fahrenheit result in the plant dying off. Optimal temperature range is between 64 and 75 degrees. However, it can grow in temperatures as low as 42 degrees. ph The duckweed will grow in ph levels between 5 and 9, but ideally, you want to aim for 6.5 to 7.5. This is actually perfect, because this is the same level you want in your aquaponics system. 54

55 Conclusion Now that you have your own aquaponics system, you will not only have an endless food system but also it will give you much healthier and cleaner products than what you find in the supermarkets. Moreover, in case of a disaster storing up, dried and canned food is not only expensive but it also takes long time to fill your stock. An aquaponics system is a great plan for long-term survival, as well. If something devastating happened that can change our society forever, stockpiles will eventually finish, no matter how much you stored. Aquaponics gardening is something that will benefit your family right away, and will also be crucial in the event of a long-term food crisis. 55

56 Growing your own organic fruits and vegetables, and fish can save you a lot of money. Besides the fresh taste, the best part is that they generate around five to ten times more food per square foot than a traditional garden. 56

57 57 Food After The Fall

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