Treatment Protocol Rubric. 50 Points

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1 Treatment Protocol Rubric 5 Points You will create a treatment protocol similar to ones that you will complete as an RT. An intervention in this case should be thought of as a specific group / overall session theme, as a one-shot intervention. In other words, think of it as what you are carrying out over the semester s period of time, in a session. It includes information about the target group, literature that supports the intervention, and appropriateness for the patient population, etc. You will choose your target population. You must have several citations on your target group (population and age). You will need to cite reputable sources (at least ) to support your chosen as well. Your textbook es that theses and dissertations are good sources of supportive literature. You may also e if literature is supporting these methods. Things to take in to consideration when writing are included on your Protocol Template and your Protocol Rubric. References: You must have at least six references. All of your references must follow strict APA style. Protocol Template for RT Interventions Title: Target Population and Purpose (write the purpose from the perspective, e.g., what is the expected to gain from this intervention?): Brief Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) for Alzheimer s For this intervention, I am focusing on older adults with Alzheimer s disease. Because Alzheimer s can be early onset, there is a specific age that s need to be to take part in this intervention. The main purpose of using this intervention for these s is to focus on reality orientation and increase memory. It has been shown that dementia patients normally have cognitive and mood disorders as well. The use of AAT can be used as an emotional stimulus and has been shown to improve mood. This intervention will be used to improve the moods of the and cognitive function by interacting with the animal and being involved in an AAT group focusing on reality orientation for patients with Alzheimer s. Along with this, AAT has been shown to help individuals with dementia by decreasing agitation, aggressiveness and depression. This intervention is also beneficial because it is low-cost when many patients are normally paying a lot for other modes of therapy and medication. This intervention will focus on improving memory and reality orientation. In

2 Description (brief overview of the intervention): Staff Requirements (how many staff with what qualifications; staff to ratio): Entrance Requirements (how are s placed in this intervention; are there referrals?): order to do this, s will be asked to recall certain characteristics of the dog along with the different aspects of caring for a dog. As the intervention progresses, s will move towards telling stories of their own personal experiences with dogs they have owned in the past and then introducing the dog to other people. This intervention will require the presence of recreational therapist that will run the group, the therapy dog, and the assistance of a nurse that works in the facility. The recreational therapist will need to have the proper certifications to provide animal assisted therapy as well as the dog being certified as a therapy dog. The therapist can obtain an Animal Assisted Therapy certification from a variety of programs. They must complete the required courses for the specific program that they choose to get the certification through. Some of the courses that could be required are things such as training your dog, animal behavior, psychology, human-animal bond and several other courses related to working with animals. The dog must be trained and have necessary credentials as well as an acceptable health certification. The recreational therapist must also have the correct insurance coverage for the animal. The staff to ratio will be staff member to 5 participants. The group will be composed of s; the recreational therapist will need a nurse to assist. In order to be able to participate in this program, s must be residents of the nursing home and be diagnosed with Alzheimer s disease. Age, gender, and severity of disease will be specific. Along with this, s must have an interest in animals with no fears or allergies unless they are controlled by medications. Prior to starting the program, the recreational therapist will post flyers in the nursing home to make residents aware. After the flyers have been in place for weeks, the recreational therapist will have an interest meeting for residents and family of residents in order to provide information on the program and allow for individuals to ask questions regarding treatment. For families and residents that are interested, consent forms will be sent home with family members due to the risk of harm that can be done to the while attending the program. If the consent forms are approved, signed and returned, the resident will be signed up for the program and will have their spot reserved. Referrals by doctors are needed but s with allergies do need to have medication and be cleared by a doctor to attend.

3 Exit Requirements (under what conditions do s complete the intervention goals or when are they discharged?): Group Size (minimum and maximum): Duration (how many sessions for how long over how many weeks, or is it a one-time intervention): Safety Considerations (detailed safety information for involvement/eng agement): Facility and Equipment (describe specific facility and equipment ): The program will only run for weeks and all s will have finished the program after the weeks are complete. If the individuals meet the goals and objectives of the program, they will receive a certificate of completion. For s that did receive a certificate for completing the program goals, they will be given the opportunity to take part in aher program that will be provided following this one. The group size of this intervention will be a maximum of participants and a minimum of 5. If there is an influx of s wanting to join the group, it will be run a second time later in the day for individuals who could participant in the first group. Each group will do the same intervention each week. This program will run time per week for hour each time for a total of weeks. This will give the s sessions with the intervention. Some safety issues that need to be taken into consideration are the risk of infections that can be spread as well as the risk for dog bites and scratches. Older adults typically have thinner and more sensitive skin therefore they would be more at risk to receive an injury if the dog were to bite or scratch them. Other things that need to be considered are allergies to the animal and even fear of the animal. People who have allergies or fear of this animal should take part in this intervention unless a doctor clears them after taking appropriate allergy medication. The facility that this intervention is taking place in is a nursing home. It has been shown that bringing an animal into this setting helps to comfort, and motivate the residents of the nursing home. Each week, the program will be held in the same room of the facility. It will be a central location activity room with space to allow s to move around in wheelchairs as well as room for the dog to walk freely in the room. The chair in the room will be set up in a circle so that all the individuals can have an open discussion during group. There will also be tables towards one side of the

4 room with chairs so that s can use them to write as they progress through the intervention. There will need to be chairs for s that do use a wheelchair. Other materials that will be needed are tables for s to do activities such as writing and drawing as well as paper, pencils and crayons/ colored pencils/ markers. Other materials that will be needed and are provided by the recreational therapist are dog treats. Other than the tables and chairs, the recreational therapist will bring all materials to the program. Methods (detailed stepby-step procedures for involvement in each session, including any warm-up or transition activity at beginning of each session, main learning content, closing or ending transitions. If multiple sessions are involved, explain the methods of each session): Week. As s enter the room, the dog will be on a leash and s will be able to come and pet the dog as desired while the CTRS holds the leash.. Chairs will be in the room arranged in a circle all facing the inside so the group can have an open discussion. Clients will be able to freely decide where they want to sit.. When the group starts, the CTRS will prompt all s to find their spot or their seat in the room and the CTRS will sit down with the dog still on the leash.. To begin the group, the CTRS will introduce themselves and let everyone in the group do the same. Clients will go around in the circle and tell the group their name. 5. After introductions, the group will play an icebreaker game called toilet paper. The CTRS will pass around a roll of toilet paper and s will tear off as many squares as they wish. Once everyone has gotten a turn to tear off the paper, each person will have to tell one thing about him/herself for every square they tore off. ( minutes) 6. When the icebreaker is complete, the CTRS will tell the individuals that the group will focus learning the characteristics of the dog such as name, gender, age, breed, etc. 7. The CTRS will start by telling the individuals what the dogs name is and then give them the opportunity to guess what the breed is. 8. After discussing the breed of the dog, each will get to guess the age of the dog. The person with the closest guess gets to have the dog sit beside him/her so they can pet it while the group continues to talk. ( minutes) 9. The CTRS will then go around the room and ask the s if they ever had a dog and if so, what kind and the name. This will prompt the s to think back to previous years and recall information.

5 . As this is happening, the CTRS will help s make connections to others by asking them if anyone else in the room had the same kind of dog as them by saying do you recall if anyone else in the room has ever had the same kind of dog as you? ( minutes). After this, the CTRS will ask s what kinds of responsibilities go into caring for a dog. Acceptable answers would be food, water, walking, vet care, grooming, taking outside and showing love to the dog. If a says one of these answers, they will get to give the dog a treat. (5 minutes). For the next minutes, the group will review the name, age, breed and gender of the dog. Clients will be handed a dog treat for getting the answer to any of these questions right.. For the last 5 minutes, the s will be asked to say one thing we talked about during group. This could be anything from a fact that someone shared about him/herself, a characteristic of the dog, a responsibility that goes into caring for a dog, or anything that was discussed.. After everyone has had the chance to speak, the CTRS will close the group by thanking everyone for coming and asking them to take the week to think about a memory with an animal to share with the group next week. If they did have a pet, it can be a happy memory of any kind. Clients will be able to freely pet the dog as they leave the group. Week. Steps - from week will be repeated for this session.. The opening game for this week will be would you rather? The CTRS will ask each would you rather and give the different options. (List of options can be found online). ( minutes). After the opening game, the CTRS will ask if anyone remembers the name of the dog and if so to share. The same will happen for gender, age and breed.. Each will then be asked to tell the group about the memory that they came up with from previous years that involved a pet. As each tells their memory, the therapy dog will walk over to sit beside them so they can pet it if they choose to. ( minutes) 5. After each person has had the chance to share a memory, each will be asked to recall one thing from all the stories shared. This can be the name of someone s dog or a part of the story that stood out to them. ( minutes) 5

6 6. For the last minutes, the CTRS will show the s the different commands that the therapy dog can do. After showing all the commands, each will get the chance to ask the dog to do one command and then give him/her a treat. 7. Throughout the week, s will need to tell one person they encounter about the memory they shared with the group. 8. The CTRS will thank everyone for coming to the group to end the session and then allow for s to freely pet the dog before they leave. Week. Steps - from previous weeks will be repeated. (Tables will need to be in the room for s to draw on.). After each tells their name, they will also need to tell the group about the encounter where they had to tell someone about the memory they had with a pet. They can explain to the group whom they shared the memory with and how the encounter played out. After explaining their encounter, they will get to give the therapy dog one command and then a treat (5 minutes). The CTRS will explain that today s focus will be to practice telling someone else about the therapy dog. Next week, they will need to go into the nursing home with the dog and tell someone about its name, gender, breed, age, command that the dog knows and responsibilities that go into taking care of it.. Each will get a piece of paper and crayons. 5. Everyone will start by making a list of everything they know about the dog. This can be things that we have talked about in the group as well as new things they have come up with. 6. After they have made a list of things they know about they dog, they will start at the upper left side of the paper and draw a picture to aide them in remembering something about the dog. They will continue to do this for about minutes so that they can draw as many pictures as they would like or one big picture that helps them remember things about the dog. 7. After everyone is done with their pictures, we will go around the room and each person will get the chance to describe the therapy dog using the pictures that they drew. As they are speaking, the therapy dog will sit next to them. (5 minutes) 8. Once everyone has had a chance to share, the CTRS will explain that throughout the week, the should use these pictures to 6

7 tell at least one person everything they know about the therapy dog. Next week, they will be asked the share their experience talking about the dog to someone. 9. The CTRS will then thank everyone for being here and explain that next week is our last week of therapy. The therapy dog will be available for s to pet as they leave the room. Week. Steps - from previous weeks will be repeated.. For the warm up today, everyone will have to go around the room and introduce someone else by name. If they know an interesting fact about them they can also share that. (5 minutes). The CTRS will then allow each person to talk about how they used their pictures from last week to tell someone else in the home about the therapy dog. (5 minutes). The CTRS will explain that today we will be working in partners. The partners have already been decided by the CTRS randomly. Once the CTRS reads off the partners, the nurse and therapist will assist individuals in grouping together with their partners. 5. Each partner group will be instructed to face each other. The room will have rows of residents facing each other. One person from each partner group will be in the left line facing the matching partners from the group on the right side. 6. Once everyone is matched up in front of their partner, the CTRS will explain that they will be pretending that this is the first time they have met this person. They will have to introduce themselves, the dog, and then have a conversation about the dog and talk about a memory they had with a dog in the past. This will give the s the chance to practice meeting someone knew and starting up a conversation with them while also practicing recalling past events. 7. As each group gets the chance to have conversation, the person that is explaining the dog will get to hold the leash. After they have had a turn, they will pass the leash to the person beside them and the next group will have a turn. This will continue until everyone on the right hand side has had a chance to hold the leash and talk about the dog. 8. After the right hand side has gone, we will start back at the left hand side. Each person on this side will get a chance to talk about the dog and start a conversation with their partner. After one person has gone, they will pass the leash to the person beside 7

8 them just as before. It should take about minutes for everyone to go. This would allow ample time for people to talk about the dog and share good conversation with their partner. 9. After everyone in the room has had a chance to hold the leash and talk about the dog, the CTRS will take back the leash and assist individuals in getting back into the group circle.. For the next 5 minutes, the group will spend time reflecting on the program and the last few weeks that they have been together. The CTRS will ask a few questions to close the session. a. What did we focus on this week? b. How did having the dog in the room help you with communicating with others? c. Did you find the descriptive pictures of the dog useful when you were talking with others? d. Did it help to repeat the characteristics of the dog each week? e. Was it helpful to be able to go out into the nursing home and practice what we had done in the group? f. If you could change one thing about this program what would it be? g. How do you think this group has benefitted you after attending? h. Do you think you will be able to go out and talk to others about what we did here? i. Do you feel more confident in remembering certain information if you practice it? j. Are there other strategies that you would share with the group that could be used to help remember important information? k. Would you attend this program again?. For the last 5 minutes, the CTRS will present each individual with a certificate of completion. After everyone has received this, the CTRS will thank them for attending the program and allow time for them to pet the dog as the leave the room. Possible Client Objectives or Outcomes (what are the intended outcomes By the end of the intervention, s should be able to verbalize the main characteristics of the dog such as name, breed, gender and age. They will also be able to explain the different responsibilities that go into caring for the dog such as feeding, walking, grooming and vet visits. Clients will be able to introduce the dog to other people that they encounter in the 8

9 from engaging in this intervention? What are they supposed to be able to do at the end): References (references relate to the intervention content, research or theoretical evidence for the use of this RT intervention): facility. By attending this group, s will have be challenged to recall information from their past by talking about experiences with animals that they have had throughout their life. This will work to increase their cognitive functioning, memory and reality orientation. By being able to do these things, s will be more inclined to recall other memories from their past as well as be able to think through the steps to doing activities by using picture lists. They will also be able to start conversations with others while incorporating a memory from their past. Grubbs, B., Artese, A., Schmitt, K., Cormier, E., & Panton, L. (6). A Pilot Study to Assess the Feasibility of Group Exercise and Animal- Assisted Therapy in Older Adults. Journal Of Aging & Physical Activity, (), -. Mani, I., & Weese, J. S. (6). Pet Therapy: Enhancing Patient Care Through Time with Animals. American Family Physician, 9(9), Menna, L. F., Santaniello, A., Gerardi, F., Di Maggio, A., & Milan, G. (6). Evaluation of the efficacy of animal-assisted therapy based on the reality orientation therapy protocol in Alzheimer's disease patients: a pilot study. Psychogeriatrics: The Official Journal Of The Japanese Psychogeriatric Society, 6(), -6. doi:./psyg.5 Moretti, F., De Ronchi, D., Bernabei, V., Marchetti, L., Ferrari, B., Forlani, C., &... Atti, A. R. (). Pet therapy in elderly patients with mental illness. Psychogeriatrics, (), 5-9. doi:./j x Stapleton, M. (6). Effectiveness of Animal Assisted Therapy after brain injury: A bridge to improved outcomes in CRT. Neurorehabilitation, 9(), 5-. doi:./nre-65 Swall, A., Ebbeskog, B., Hagelin, C. L., & Fagerberg, I. (5). Can therapy dogs evoke awareness of one's past and present life in persons with Alzheimer s disease?. International Journal Of Older People Nursing, (), 8-9. doi:./opn.5 9

10 Protocol Rubric Target Population And Purpose Emerging Developing Achieving Exemplary Points Target Population or purpose is absent Target population or purpose is appropriately cited Target population or purpose is described well but is logically connected to the or contains other errors Target population and purpose is well described, cited and connected with Brief Description of the Intervention Brief description is absent Brief description is appropriately cited Brief description is described well but is logically connected to the or contains other errors - Brief description is well described, cited and connected with Staff Staff description is absent Staff description is lacking description of training needed or inadequately describes correct personnel Staff description is reaching accuracy but misses some key points Staff description is clear and exceptional ly describes needs of qualified staff

11 Entrance Entrance are absent Entrance may be inadequately there may be a clear miss of a person who should have been admitted Entrance may be nearing accuracy but completely clear - Entrance requiremen ts are clear and accurate Exit Requirements Exit Requirement s are absent Exit may be inadequately there may be no indicators of discharge Exit may be nearing accuracy but completely clear Exit requiremen ts are clear and accurate Group Size Group size is absent or fully erroneous Group size is appropriate for the chosen - Group size may be somewhat adequate but could be better chosen for the Group size chosen is fully appropriate for the Duration Group duration is absent of fully erroneous Group duration is appropriate for the chosen Group duration may be somewhat adequate but could be better chosen for Group duration chosen is fully appropriate for the

12 the Safety Consideration s 5 Safety consideration s are absent or fully erroneous Safety consideration s lack either the physical or emotional risk component - Safety consideration s may be somewhat adequate but are missing some key points - Safety considerati ons are clear and accurate 5 Facility and Equipment Facility and equipment consideration s are absent or fully erroneous Facility or equipment consideration s may be inadequately do e appropriate circumstance s Facility or equipment consideration s are somewhat adequate but missing some key points - Facility and equipment considerati ons are clear and accurate Methods ( individual sessions) Methods are absent or fully erroneous Methods may be inadequately do e how to facilitate the treatment protocol -6 Methods are approaching accuracy. They describe they describe how to facilitate the treatment protocol. 7- Methods accurately describe how to facilitate the treatment protocol and could be replicated by aher RT. Possible outcomes Possible outcomes Possible outcomes Possible outcomes Possible outcomes

13 (suggested to be in behavioral objective form) are absent or fully erroneous are inadequately measurable follow a connected path but may be missing an element. follow a logical path, are measureab le, and are clearly connected to the APA citation Citations are absent in text and/or reference list or fewer citations; Citations usually used in text and reference list and/ or several lapses in APA style At least five citations; Citations always used in text and reference list; few lapses in APA style 7 or more citations Citations always used in text and reference list; follow strict APA style.5

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