MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

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1 Exam Name MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) Which of the following is a shared characteristic of all chordates? 1) A) dorsal, hollow nerve cord B) scales C) vertebrae D) jaws E) four-chambered heart 2) What is one characteristic that separates chordates from all other animals? 2) A) segmentation B) true coelom C) blastopore, which becomes the anus D) post-anal tail E) bilateral symmetry 3) Which of these are characteristics of all chordates during at least a portion of their development? 3) A) pharyngeal clefts B) post-anal tail C) a dorsal, hollow nerve cord D) A and B only E) A, B, and C 4) Chordate pharyngeal slits appear to have functioned first as 4) A) the digestive system's opening. B) portions of the inner ear. C) suspension-feeding devices. D) gill slits for respiration. E) components of the jaw. 5) Which extant chordates are postulated to be most like the earliest chordates in appearance? 5) A) amphibians B) reptiles C) chondrichthyans D) adult tunicates E) lancelets 6) A new species of aquatic chordate is discovered that closely resembles an ancient form. It has the following characteristics: external armor of bony plates, no paired lateral fins, and a suspension-feeding mode of nutrition. In addition to these, it will probably have which of the following characteristics? A) no jaws B) endothermy C) an amniotic egg D) legs 6) 1

2 7) What do craniates have that earlier chordates did not have? 7) A) post-anal tail B) partial or complete skull C) vertebrae D) brain E) bone The following questions refer to the description below. Terry catches a ray-finned fish from the ocean and notices that, attached to its flank, there is an equally long, snakelike organism. The attached organism has no external segmentation, no scales, a round mouth surrounded by a sucker and two small eyes. Terry thinks it might be a marine leech, a hagfish, or a lamprey. 8) Terry detaches the snakelike organism from the fish and uses a knife to cut off its head. In doing so, its brain slides out onto the deck of the boat. Terry peers into the cut end of the head and notices that the brain had lain in a sort of pan-like structure that only partially surrounded the brain. What is the structure Terry is observing, and what is it made of? A) vertebral column, bone B) skull, bone C) cranium, bone D) cranium, cartilage E) vertebral column, cartilage 9) Terry takes the body of the snakelike organism and slices it open along its dorsal side. If it is a hagfish, what should Terry see? A) a tube of cartilage (surrounding the notochord) with dorsal projections on both sides of the spinal cord B) a well-developed series of cartilaginous vertebrae surrounding the spinal cord C) a well-developed series of bony vertebrae surrounding the spinal cord D) a notochord, located underneath the spinal cord 10) The snakelike organism turned out to be a hagfish. Consequently, why should Terry throw the fish he caught overboard, rather than having it for dinner? A) The bite of the hagfish introduces paralytic neurotoxins, which Terry wants to avoid. B) If it had an ectoparasite, then it must also have endoparasites. C) It has mucus on its skin. D) It was already sick or dying; otherwise, the hagfish would probably not have attacked it. 11) Having caught and handled a hagfish, what will Terry's shipmates most likely require Terry to do before returning to further fishing? A) Cut up the remaining hagfish and share pieces of this highly sought-after baitfish. B) Dispose of the fishing tackle that had been poisoned by coming into contact with the hagfish. C) Clean the bucketsful of hagfish slime from the deck of the boat. D) Spend some time below deck; only someone who'd spent too much time in the sun would remove hagfish denticles for later "analysis." 8) 9) 10) 11) 2

3 12) What do hagfishes and lampreys have in common with the extinct conodonts? 12) A) their mode of feeding B) lungs C) the jawless condition D) bony vertebrae E) swim bladders 13) The endoskeletons of most vertebrates are composed of calcified 13) A) silica. B) dentin. C) cartilage. D) enamel. E) chitin. 14) In which of these extant classes did jaws occur earliest? 14) A) ray-finned fishes B) lungfishes C) chondrichthyans D) lampreys E) placoderms 15) According to one hypothesis, the jaws of vertebrates were derived by the modification of 15) A) one or more of the bones of the cranium. B) scales of the lower lip. C) one or more of the vertebrae. D) skeletal rods that had supported pharyngeal (gill) slits. E) one or more gill slits. 16) All of these might have been observed in the common ancestor of chondrichthyans and osteichthyans, except A) scales. B) a swim bladder. C) gills. D) lungs. E) a mineralized, bony skeleton. 16) 17) What is a distinctive feature of the chondrichthyans? 17) A) unpaired fins B) an acute sense of vision that includes the ability to distinguish colors C) an amniotic egg D) a mostly cartilaginous endoskeleton E) lack of jaws 18) The ray-finned fishes are characterized by 18) A) teeth that are replaced regularly. B) a bony endoskeleton, operculum, and usually a swim bladder. C) a cartilaginous endoskeleton. D) an amniotic egg. E) a lateral line system and ears with three semicircular canals. 3

4 19) The swim bladder of ray-finned fishes 19) A) developed into lungs in saltwater fishes. B) first appeared in sharks. C) provides buoyancy, but at a high energy cost. D) was probably modified from simple lungs of freshwater fishes. E) both C and D 20) Arrange these taxonomic terms from most inclusive (i.e., most general) to least inclusive (i.e., most specific). 1. lobe-fins 2. amphibians 3. gnathostomes 4. osteichthyans 5. tetrapods A) 3, 4, 5, 1, 2 B) 4, 2, 3, 5, 1 C) 3, 4, 1, 5, 2 D) 4, 3, 2, 5, 1 E) 4, 3, 1, 5, 2 20) 21) A trend first observed in the evolution of the earliest tetrapods was 21) A) feet with digits. B) the ability to move in a fishlike manner. C) the appearance of bony vertebrae. D) the appearance of jaws. E) the mineralization of the endoskeleton. The following questions refer to the description below. While on an intersession course in tropical ecology, Kris pulls a large, snakelike organism from a burrow (the class was granted a collecting permit). The 1-m-long organism has smooth skin, which appears to be segmented. It has two tiny eyes that are hard to see because they seem to be covered by skin. Kris brings it back to the lab at the field station, where it is a source of puzzlement to the class. Kris says that it is a giant oligochaete worm; Shaun suggests it is a legless amphibian; Kelly proposes it belongs to a snake species that is purely fossorial (lives in a burrow). 22) Which characteristic should permit the class to conclude that it is probably not a snake? 22) A) its presence in a burrow B) the absence of scales on its surface C) its length D) the number of eyes E) the size and condition of its eyes 23) The class decided to humanely euthanize the organism and subsequently dissect it. Having decided that it was probably not a reptile, two of their original hypotheses regarding its identity remained. Which of the following, if observed, should help them arrive at a conclusive answer? A) presence of a closed circulatory system B) presence of a nerve chord C) presence of lungs D) presence of a digestive system with two openings E) presence of moist, highly vascularized skin 23) 4

5 24) The adaptation of snakes to their body shape has resulted in one of their lungs having become vestigial. Another adaptation (to a fossorial lifestyle) is snakes' absence of limbs. If the "mystery organism" has also become adapted to a fossorial lifestyle, though its ancestors moved about on the surface, then which structures should one expect to find upon dissecting the organism? 1. reduced or absent pelvic and/or pectoral girdles 2. metanephridia 3. hydrostatic skeleton A) 1 and 2 B) 1 and 3 C) 1, 2, and 3 D) 2 and 3 E) 1 only 24) 25) The mystery organism probably belongs to which order, in which class? 25) A) order Urodela, class Ampihibia B) order Squamates, class Reptilia C) order Apoda, class Amphibia D) order Anura, class Amphibia E) order Tuatara, class Reptilia 26) What permits reptiles to thrive in arid environments? 26) A) A large number of prey and a limited number of predators are available in the desert. B) They have an acute sense of sight, especially in bright sunlight. C) Their bright coloration reflects the intense UV radiation. D) A cartilaginous endoskeleton provides needed flexibility for locomotion on sand. E) Their scales contain the protein keratin, which helps prevent dehydration. 27) Which of these is not considered an amniote? 27) A) nonbird reptiles B) birds C) placental mammals D) egg-laying mammals E) amphibians 28) Why is the amniotic egg considered an important evolutionary breakthrough? 28) A) It has a shell that increases gas exchange. B) It provides insulation to conserve heat. C) It prolongs embryonic development. D) It allows incubation of eggs in a terrestrial environment. E) It permits internal fertilization to be replaced by external fertilization. 29) Which of these characteristics added most to vertebrate success in relatively dry environments? 29) A) the ability to maintain a constant body temperature B) a four-chambered heart C) claws D) two pairs of appendages E) the amniotic egg 30) Which of the following is characteristic of most extant reptiles and most extant mammals? 30) A) ectothermy B) shelled eggs C) conical teeth that are relatively uniform in size. D) diaphragm E) keratinized skin 5

6 31) Which of the following are the only extant animals that descended directly from dinosaurs? 31) A) birds B) lizards C) mammals D) crocodiles E) snakes 32) Examination of the fossils of Archaeopteryx reveals that, in common with extant birds, it had 32) A) feathers. B) a long tail containing vertebrae. C) teeth. D) both A and B E) A, B, and C 33) Why is the discovery of the fossil Archaeopteryx significant? It supports the 33) A) phylogenetic relatedness of birds and reptiles. B) hypothesis that the earliest birds were ectothermic. C) idea that the first birds were ratites. D) contention that birds are much older than we originally thought. E) claim that some dinosaurs had feathers well before birds had evolved. The following questions refer to the phylogenetic tree shown in Figure Figure ) The organisms represented by 8 most likely are 34) A) mammals. B) all mammals except humans. C) aquatic reptiles. D) nonbird, terrestrial reptiles. E) birds. 35) Which organisms are represented by 6? 35) A) aquatic reptiles B) birds C) all mammals except humans D) mammals E) nonbird, terrestrial reptiles 6

7 36) During chordate evolution, what is the sequence (from earliest to most recent) in which the following structures arose? 1. amniotic egg 2. paired fins 3. jaws 4. swim bladder 5. four-chambered heart A) 3, 2, 4, 1, 5 B) 2, 1, 4, 3, 5 C) 2, 3, 4, 1, 5 D) 2, 4, 3, 1, 5 E) 3, 2, 1, 4, 5 36) 37) Differentiation of teeth is observed in 37) A) sharks. B) mammals. C) amphibians. D) reptiles. E) bony fishes. 38) Which is characteristic of all mammals, and only of mammals? 38) A) giving birth to live young (viviparous) B) parental care of offspring C) having glands to produce nourishing milk for offspring D) a four-chambered heart that prevents mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood E) using the rib cage to assist in ventilating the lungs 39) Which of these would a paleontologist be most likely to do in order to determine whether a fossil represents a reptile or a mammal? A) Examine the teeth. B) Because mammals are eutherians, look for evidence of a placenta. C) Look for the mammalian characteristics of a four-chambered heart and a diaphragm. D) Use molecular analysis to look for the protein keratin. E) Look for the presence of milk-producing glands. 39) 40) Which of these is a trend in hominin evolution? 40) A) well-developed claws for clinging to trees B) increased ability to switch back and forth between bipedalism and quadrupedalism C) a shoulder joint increasingly adapted to brachiation D) a shortened period of parental care of offspring E) increased brain to body ratio 41) How are primates different from all other mammals? 41) A) arboreal lifestyles B) opposable thumbs in many species C) hairy bodies D) placental embryonic development E) ability to produce milk 42) In which vertebrates is fertilization exclusively internal? 42) A) reptiles and mammals B) reptiles and amphibians C) chondrichthyans, osteichthyans, and mammals D) chondrichthyans, osteichthyans, and reptiles E) amphibians, mammals, and reptiles 7

8 For the following items, match the extant vertebrate groups with the descriptions. 43) Internal fertilization, amniotic egg, skin that resists drying, heavy bones 43) A) chondrichthyans B) mammals C) birds D) nonbird reptiles E) amphibians 44) Three major groups: egg-laying, pouched, and placental 44) A) amphibians B) birds C) mammals D) nonbird reptiles E) chondrichthyans 45) May have lungs, or gills, and may use skin as a respiratory surface 45) A) amphibians B) nonbird reptiles C) mammals D) birds E) chondrichthyans 46) No urinary bladder, females with one ovary, no teeth 46) A) nonbird reptiles B) chondrichthyans C) mammals D) birds E) amphibians 47) What is the single unique characteristic that distinguishes extant birds from other extant vertebrates? A) a hinged jaw B) a four-chambered heart C) flight D) feathers E) an amniotic egg 47) 48) Which of these hominin traits seems to have occurred before the others? 48) A) bipedalism B) increased brain size C) language D) tool use E) symbolic thought 49) The most primitive hominin discovered to date 49) A) walked on two legs. B) may have hunted dinosaurs. C) had a relatively large brain. D) lived 1.2 million years ago. E) closely resembled a chimpanzee. 8

9 50) Which of these species was the first to craft stone tools? 50) A) H. ergaster B) H. heidelbergensis C) H. sapiens D) H. erectus E) H. habilis 51) Which of these species was the first to have some members migrate out of Africa? 51) A) H. habilis B) H. heidelbergensis C) H. sapiens D) H. erectus E) H. ergaster 52) Which of these species demonstrates symbolic thought, art, and full-blown language? 52) A) H. habilis B) H. erectus C) H. sapiens D) H. heidelbergensis E) H. ergaster 53) With which of the following statements would a biologist be most inclined to agree? 53) A) Humans have stopped evolving and now represent the pinnacle of evolution. B) Humans and apes are the result of disruptive selection in a species of gorilla. C) Humans evolved from New World monkeys. D) Humans and apes represent divergent lines of evolution from a common ancestor. E) Humans evolved from chimpanzees. 54) Rank the following in terms of body-size differences that are attributed to sexual dimorphism, from most dimorphic to least dimorphic. 1. Homo sapiens 2. Chimpanzees and bonobos 3. Australopithecus afarensis 4. Homo habilis A) 1, 3, 2, 4 B) 2, 3, 4, 1 C) 4, 3, 2, 1 D) 1, 2, 3, 4 E) 3, 2, 4, 1 54) 9

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