Pasig Catholic College. Grade School Department 103 S.Y Be with Jesus, be with the Poor. Science 5 SECOND QUARTER Activity Sheet # 1

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1 103 Be with Jesus, be with the Poor Activity Sheet # 1 TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Discussion on Animal Adaptations: Natural Habitat : Natural Habitat of Animals Learning Objectives : Describe the different natural habitats of animals. Identify animals living in a specific habitat. Contribute ways of keeping animals habitat safe. Discovering Futurebuilders Pub. Inc., 2012 Bonifacio Navarrete Jr., Malyn B. Enojado Pages : pp ; pp : Animals live in specific habitats where environmental conditions are favorable for growth and development. They also live in places where they can find food and shelter. Land habitat includes tropical animals like pythons, tamaraws, parrots; desert animals like camels, coyotes and scorpions; tundra regions like arctic fox, polar bears, penguins; temperate regions like squirrels, raccoons and moose. Aquatic animals depend on the water for nourishment, growth and reproduction. Freshwater animals are tilapia, catfish; marine animals live in saltwater environment like jellyfish, sharks, dolphins and whales. Proper practices must be observed to keep animals habitat safe.

2 103 Be with Jesus, be with the Poor Activity Sheet # 2 TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Discussion on Animal Adaptations: Structural and Behavioral in Obtaining Food : Structural and Behavioral Adaptation in Obtaining Food Learning Objectives : Classify animals according to what they eat. Describe body structures used by animals in getting food Explain animals behavior in luring their prey. Show care for animals by feeding his/her pet the appropriate food. Pages : pp ; : Animals are classified as meat-eater or carnivores, plan-eaters or herbivores and animal and plant-eaters or omnivores. Different body structures are used by animals in obtaining food. Birds use their beaks and claws; eagles, owls and bats use their sharp senses; insects use their proboscis, snakes have fangs, scorpions sting their prey and chameleons use camouflage. Tigers, lions and hyena use their canine teeth and sharp claws when hunting for food.

3 103 Be with Jesus, be with the Poor Activity Sheet # 3 TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Discussion on Animals Protective Adaptation : How Animals Protect Themselves Learning Objectives : Identify structures that protect animals from their enemies and competitors. Describe other animal characteristics that help protect them in their environment. Show compassion for animals by acknowledging their rights. Pages : pp ; : Animals have structures and characteristics that help protect them in their environment. Body structures are shells, quills and spines; horns, antlers, trunks and tusks; sharp teeth, bills, nails and talons Animal characteristics are body secretions, mimicry, bluffing and protective coloration or camouflage.

4 103 Be with Jesus, be with the Poor Activity Sheet # 4 TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Discussion on Classification of Animals: Vertebrates - Fish : Vertebrates: Fish Learning Objectives : Identify characteristic common to vertebrates. Describe the characteristics and parts of a fish. Cite ways of keeping the fish habitat clean Pages : pp ; : Animals can be generally described as organisms that are eukaryotic, multicellular, heterotrophic and with absent cell walls. Vertebrates are animals with backbones. Chordates are the only phylum making up the vertebrates. There are five classes of vertebrates namely: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Fishes are cold blooded animals. They are the only vertebrates with fins and gills. There are two kinds of fish: bony and cartilaginous. Bony fishes have bony skeleton like catfish, carp and milkfish. Cartilaginous fishes have flexible skeleton made up of cartilage tissues such as sharks, rays and skates.

5 Be with Jesus, be with the Poor Activity Sheet # 5 TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Discussion on Vertebrates: - Amphibians & Reptiles : Vertebrates: Reptiles and Amphibians Learning Objectives : Compare and contrast physical characteristics of reptiles and amphibians. Describe how reptiles and amphibians adapt to seasonal changes. Show concern for animals by reporting to proper authorities abuses done to them. Pages : pp ; : Amphibians and reptiles are cold-blooded animals that can be found both land and in water. Amphibians body have moist and scale less skin while the reptiles body is covered with scales. Some amphibians like frogs and toads undergo metamorphosis. There are two major groups of amphibians: the tailed amphibians and the tailless amphibians. Tailed amphibians include newts and salamanders. Tailless amphibians include frogs and toads Reptiles have dry scaly skin that lay shelled eggs. Reptiles include snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles, etc. Amphibians and reptiles adapt to seasonal changes by estivating during summer and hibernating during winter.

6 Activity Sheet # 6 TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Discussion on Vertebrates: - Birds : Vertebrates: Birds Learning Objectives : Describe the characteristics of birds. Identify the different parts of a bird. Give examples of flight and flightless birds. Use his / her freedom responsibly. Pages : pp ; : Birds are the only vertebrates whose body is covered with feathers. They are warm-blooded. Their bones are strong and light filled with many air spaces. They lay eggs. They have keen sense of sight and hearing. They have flexible necks. They have two pairs of limbs: the forelimbs are the wings and the hind limbs are the legs used for perching, walking, swimming hopping, climbing or prey-catching. Their bills or beaks tell what kind of food they eat. There are two major groups of birds: the flight birds like tern, eagle and hummingbird and the flightless birds like cassowary, ostrich and penguin.

7 Activity Sheet # 7 TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Discussion on Vertebrates: - Mammals : Vertebrates: Mammals Learning Objectives : Describe the characteristics of mammals. Determine the different kinds of mammals. Be thankful to God for creating us in His own image and likeness. Pages : pp ; : Mammals are warm-blooded vertebrates that produce milk to nourish their young. Mammals bodies are covered with hair. Groups making up the mammals are marsupials, chiropterans, cetaceans, sirenians, monotremes and primates. Marsupials are pouched-mammals lacking placenta like kangaroo, and wallaby. Chiropterans are flying-mammals like the bats. Cetaceans are aquatic mammals that develop fins for swimming. Some cetaceans are dolphins and whales. Sirenians are a small group of slow moving aquatic mammals like the dugong and manatees. Monotremes are egg-laying mammals consisting of platypus, spiny-anteater. Primates are mammals with rounded skulls and large brains in relation to their bodies. They are the most intelligent of the mammals. Primates consist of chimpanzees, gorillas and humans.

8 Activity Sheet # 8 : Characteristics of Animals, Vertebrates Learning Objectives : Answer each item in the quiz correctly. Follow directions in the test accurately. Observe honesty at all times. Pages : pp : Animals can be generally described as organisms that are eukaryotic, multicellular, heterotrophic and with absent cell walls. Vertebrates are animals with backbones. Chordates are the only phylum making up the vertebrates. There are five classes of vertebrates namely: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Fishes are cold-blooded vertebrates with fins and gills. Amphibians are cold-blooded vertebrates that lay soft unshelled embryos. Reptiles are cold-blooded vertebrates with dry scaly skin and lay shelled eggs. Birds are warm-blooded feathered vertebrates. Most has the ability to fly. Mammals are warm-blooded vertebrates that produce milk to nourish their young. Groups making up the mammals are marsupials, chiropterans, cetaceans, sirenians, monotremes and primates.

9 Activity Sheet # 9 TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Discussion on Invertebrates: - Sponges and Cnidarians : Invertebrates: Phylum Porifera & Phylum Cnidaria Learning Objectives : Identify the characteristic common among invertebrates. Describe the characteristics of sponges and cnidarians. Respect animals whether big or small. Pages : pp. 94 ; : Invertebrates are animals without backbone. The invertebrates consist of several phyla: porifers(sponges), Echinoderms, cnidarians, mollusks, annelids, platyhelminthes, nematodes and arthropods. Porifers are pore-bearing animals with primitive digestive system consisting of sponges and other related organism like the Venus flower-basket. They are sessile animals. Cnidarians are hollow-bodied animals consisting of corals and jellyfish. Some cnidarians are shaped like a vase, a bell or an umbrella. Some cnidarians like the corals and hydra are sessile while the jellyfish a motile. Both can reproduce sexually and asexually. Both have radially symmetrical bodies.

10 Activity Sheet # 10 TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Discussion on Invertebrates: - Importance of Coral Reefs : Importance of Coral Reefs Learning Objectives : Identify the importance of coral reefs. Explain the importance of coral reefs. Role play practices that cause destructions of coral reefs and their effects. Participate in efforts to save coral reefs. Pages : p. 95 : Corals are marine animals that belong to phylum cnidaria. Coral reefs are built when the exoskeletons of corals composed of calcium carbonate or lime accumulate in large quantities. Coral reefs are important for many reasons: They serve as breeding grounds of fishes and other forms of marine life. They are natural habitats for many sea animals. They provide rich source of marine food. They protect coastlines from strong waves and water currents. The following are leading causes of coral reef destruction: Water pollution, Destructive fishing practices, Global warming Coral bleaching is the whitening of corals due to the death of zooxanthellae.

11 Activity Sheet # 11 TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Discussion on Invertebrates: - Mollusk & Echinoderm Topic : Invertebrates: Phylum Mollusca & Phylum Echinodermata Learning Objectives : Describe the characteristics of mollusks and echinoderm Explain the importance of mollusks to humans. Protect water animals by keeping their habitat clean. Pages : pp. 98 ; : Mollusks are soft-bodied animals. They are bilaterally symmetrical. All mollusks have circulatory, respiratory, digestive and excretory system. There are three groups of mollusks: The cephalopods or valveless molluscs. They include squids, octopuses, cuttlefishes. The gastropods or univalves. They include snails and slugs. The bivalves have two shells connected with a hinge. They include scallop, oysters and clams. Some molluscs live on land others in water. Many types of molluscs are sources of food to humans. Echinoderms are spiny-skinned animals. Their bodies are radially symmetrical. All echinoderms have tube feet with suction disks. They have different shapes Echinoderms include sea stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers and brittle stars.

12 Activity Sheet # 12 TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Discussion on Invertebrates: - Worms ( Flatworm, Roundworm, Segmented Worm) : Invertebrates: Phylum Platyhelminthes Phylum Nemathelminthes and Phylum Annelida Learning Objectives : Recognize the different kinds of worms. Explain the benefits we get from earthworm. Identify the diseases we can get from parasitic worms. Keep his/her surroundings clean all the time. Pages : pp ; 105 : Flatworms have flat ribbon-like bodies. They have no digestive system. Some are free living like the planarian and many are internal parasites like the liver fluke and tapeworms Roundworms have long thin bodies that are pointed at both ends and covered by a tough cuticle. Examples are trichina, filarial, pinworm, hookworm and vinegar eel a harmless round worm that lives in vinegar. Annelids or segmented worms have bodies divided into segments. Examples are earthworm and leeches. Earthworms have cylindrical bodies. They have no eyes and ears and are sensitive to heat, light and touch. Earthworms help loosen and fertilize the soil. Leeches have suckers on both ends. They suck blood of water animals and humans.

13 Activity Sheet # 13 TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Discussion on Invertebrates: - Arthropods : Invertebrates: Phylum Arthropoda Learning Objectives : Describe the characteristics of arthropods. Identify the different classes of arthropods. Understand that all animals that God created has a purpose. Pages : pp ; : Arthropods are animals with jointed legs. Arthropods are the most numerous in all the phyla of the animal kingdom. Their bodies form three regions, the head, thorax and abdomen. Arthropods have classes according to pairs of legs present. The different classes of arthropods are arachnids, crustaceans, centipedes, millipedes and insects. Arachnids are arthropods with four pairs of legs consisting of spiders and scorpions. Crustaceans are arthropods with five pairs of legs like crabs, lobsters and shrimps. Chilopoda like centipedes have one pair of leg per segment. Diplododa like millipedes have two pairs of legs per segment. Insects are arthropods with six pair of legs like butterflies, bees, ants etc.

14 Activity Sheet # 14 TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Discussion on Invertebrates: - Arthropods: Insects : Invertebrates: Phylum Arthropoda - Insects Learning Objectives : Describe the characteristics and behavior of insects. Identify insects that are considered useful or parasite. Draw and label the major parts of an insect. Appreciate the benefits we get from useful insects by keeping their habitat clean. Pages : pp. 100 ; : Arthropods are animals with jointed legs. Insects are arthropods with three pairs of legs. The body of an insect is divided into three parts: the head, the thorax and the abdomen. Their different body shapes exhibit different kinds of movements. Insects undergo complete metamorphosis. Most insects develop wings when they become adults. Some insects are carriers of some diseases like mosquito, flies, locusts and others. Some insects are considered useful like butterflies, bees, dragonflies and others The insects make up the biggest group of arthropods.

15 Activity Sheet # 15 : Endangered Animals and How can they be Protected Learning Objectives : Identify endangered animals. Enumerate activities of people that cause animals to become endangered. Explain how endangered animals can be protected. : Discovering Futurebuilders Pub. Inc., 2012 : Bonifacio V. Navarette Jr., Malyn B. Enojado Pages : pp ; : Endangered animals are those whose population are in danger of becoming extinct. Extinct means that particular animal species no longer exist. Some of our endangered animals are tamaraw, sea cow or dugong, tarsier, Philippine Eagle, Philippine Crocodile, Philippine Duck, green sea turtles and others. Pollution, Habitat loss, illegal hunting of wildlife and other non-environmentally friendly practices cause animals to become endanger. There are different ways to help save endangered species. Protecting and conserving our wildlife is everyone s duty.

16 Activity Sheet # 16 : World of Animals Learning Objectives : Answer each item in the quiz correctly. Follow directions in the test accurately. Observe honesty at all times. Pages : pp : Animals are divided into two big groups: vertebrates and invertebrates. Invertebrates are animals without backbone. They have eight Phyla arranged from the simplest to the most complex: porifera, cnidarians, worms, mollusca, echinoderm and arthropoda. Vertebrates are complex in their body parts and functions. Vertebrates are chordates because they are animals with backbone. They can be classified as bony and cartilaginous fishes, amphibian, reptilian, aves and mammalia. Humans are stewards of God s creations. We should take care and love animals not abuse them. Animals have structural and behavioral adaptation to get food and for self-preservation.

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