Volume 10, No. 3 and 4, 2000 Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery 65

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1 CUMULATIVE TITLE INDEX BY SUBJECT Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians Bulletin of the ARAV, Volume 1 (1991) through Volume 9 (1999) Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery, Volume 10 (2000) ARAV Annual Proceedings, 1994 through 2000 AMPHIBIANS Chrom om ycosis in an African Bullfrog, Pyxicephalus adspersus (2):4. M yiasis in a Green Tree Frog, Litoria caerulea (1):4. Transponder Implants for Frog Identification (1):4. A m putation o f the Tail of a Tw o-toed A m phium a, Amphiuma means (1):5. Captive Management of the Endangered Wyoming Toad at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo (1):6. Select Protozoal Diseases in Amphibians and Reptiles: A Report for the Infectious Diseases Committee. AAZV (1): 19. Rear Leg Amputation and Subsequent Adaptive Behavior During Reintroduction of a Green Tree Frog, Hyla cinerea (2):6. B lood C ollection and H em atological T echniques in Amphibians (2):8. Tricaine Anesthesia in Amphibia: A Review (2): 11. Amphibian Medicine, ARAV Proc, 59. Amphibian Therapeutics ARAV Proc, 65. Cyanoacrylate Treatment for Comeal Ulcers in Kokoe-Pa Poison Dart Frogs. Dendrobates histrionicus ARAV Proc, 67. Successful Treatment of Dermal Lesions in the Microhylid Frog, Scaphiophryne gottlebei (3):6. Astronewts in Space: Observations on Pathology and Early Development of Japanese Newts, Cynops pyrrhogaster onboard the Space Shuttle, Columbia (3): Oral Paste, A New Bandage for the Treatment of Skin Lesions in Amphibians. 1996(4):4. T he H usbandry of P o iso n -D art Frogs (Fam ily Dendrobatide) Proc ARAV, 1. The Diagnosis of Nutritional Metabolic Bone Disease and the Treatment of Hypocalcemic Tetany in an Argentine Homed Frog, Ceratophrys omata Proc ARAV, 7. The Use of Polyvinyl Chloride Glues and Their Potential Toxicity to Amphibians Proc ARAV,11. Protozoans in Dendrobatid Frogs: Identification, Clinical Assessments and Indications for Treatment Proc ARAV, 15. Ocular Problems of Frogs Proc ARAV, 19. Successful Induction of Metamorphosis in a Banjo Frog, Limnodynastes dumerilii (1):5. Endoscopic Removal of Gastric Foreign Bodies in an African Bullfrog, Pyxicephalus adspersus (2):7. Foreign Body Removal by Gastrotomy in a Budgett s Frog, Lepidobatrachus laevis ARAV Proc, 135. Chromomycosis in M arine Toad, Bufo marinus (3): Parasitic Conjunctivitis and Lacrimal Adenitis in Two Tiger Salamanders, Ambystoma tigrinum mavortium (1):9-12. Nutrient Composition of Whole Green Frogs, Rana clamitans and Southern Toads, Bufo terrestris (3): Pain and Analgesia in Reptiles and Amphibians ARAV Proc, 1-5. Soft Tissue Sarcoma and Possible Eosinophilic Leukemia in a Tiger Salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum (2): Effect of Intracoelomic Propofol in W hite s Tree Frogs, Pelodryas caerulea (3):7-8. Natural History, Captive Husbandry and Medicine, and Field Laparoscopy for Sex Determination in the Hellbender, Cryptobranchus alleganiensis ARAV Proc, Use of Synthetic Human Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone for Induction of Breeding in the Cricket Frog, Acris crepitans (l):7-8. Medication Administration in Amphibia, A Clinical Review (l): Captive Care and Breeding of White s Tree Frog, Pelodryas caerulea (2): Cystic Calculi in the Frog, Phyllomedusa sauvagei ARAV Proc, 3-5. Fatal Systemic Herpesvirus Infection in Three Mexican Giant Tree Frogs, Pachymedusa dacnicolor ARAV Proc, 7. Renal Myxosporidia in Asian Horned Frogs, Megophrys nasuta ARAV Proc, Evaluation of Clinical and Cardiopulmonary Effects of Clove Oil (Eugenol) on Leopard Frogs, Rana pipiens ARAV Proc, Anamnesis, Physical Examination, Handling, and Restraint of Reptiles and Amphibians ARAV Proc, ANESTHESIA and ANALGESIA Clinical Anesthesia of Reptiles (2):10. M idazolam Fails to Sedate Painted Turtles, Chrysemys picta (1):7. C urrent Techniques in Reptile A nesthesia and Surgery Proc ARAV, 27. Use of Telazol in Eastern Box Turtles, Terrapene Carolina Carolina (1):4. Tricaine Anesthesia in Amphibia: A Review (2): 11. Pulse Oximetry as a Tool for Monitoring Reptilian Patients Proc ARAV, 81. Tricaine Methane Sulfonate (MS-222) Anesthesia in Spiny and Florida Soft-shell Turtles, Apalone spinifera and Apalone ferox (2):9-ll. The Use of Propofol in Reptile Anesthesia Proc ARAV, 57. Development of Anesthesia in Crocodilians Proc ARAV, 61. C apture and C hem ical Im m obilization of the N ile Crocodile, Crocodylus niloticus, in South Africa Proc ARAV, 63. C onstipation in Snakes with P articular R eference to Surgical Correction in a Burmese Python, Python molurus bivittatus ARAV Proc, 67. Volume 10, No. 3 and 4, 2000 Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery 65

2 Ketamine Sedation followed by Propofol Anesthesia in a Slider, Trachem ys scripta, to F acilitate R em oval of an Esophageal Foreign Body (1): P relim inary E v alu atio n of M edetom idine/k etam ine C om binations fo r Im m o b ilizatio n and R eversal w ith Atipamezole in three Tortoise Species (4):6-9. Pain and A nalgesia in Reptiles and Amphibians ARAV Proc, 1. Understanding Local Analgesics: Practical use in the Green Iguana, Iguana iguana ARAV Proc, 7. Evaluating Pulse Oximetry in the Green Iguana, Iguana iguana ARAV Proc, 11. Cardiopulmonary and Anesthetic Effects of Propofol for Induction and Maintenance of Anesthesia in Green Iguana, Iguana iguana ARAV Proc, 13. C ard io p u lm o n ary P h ysiology and A n esth esia in Crocodilians ARAV Proc, 17. Medetomidine and Ketamine Anesthesia with Atipamizole Reversal in Private Free-ranging Gopher Tortoises, Gopherus polyphemus ARAV Proc, 25. Assessment of Propofol as an Anesthetic Agent in Brown Tree Snakes, Boiga irregularis ARAV Proc, 29. Cardiopulmonary Effects and Efficacy of Propofol as an Anesthetic Agent in Brown Tree Snakes, Boiga irregularis (2):9-15. Effect of Intracoelomic Propofol in W hite s Tree Frogs, Pelodryas caerulea (3):7-8. Anesthesia (4): The Effect of FI02 on Post Anesthetic Recovery Times in the Green Iguana ARAV Proc, Evaluation of the Effects of Three Neuromuscular Blocking Agents on Pupil Size in the Red-ear Slider, Trachemys scripta elegans ARAV Proc, Evaluation of Clinical and Cardiopulmonary Effects of Clove Oil (Eugenol) on Leopard Frogs, Rana pipiens ARAV Proc, CHELONIANS Vitamin A Toxicity (1):2. Nematodes in Chelonians (1):3. Chelonian Shell Infection (1):3. Use of Oral Allopurinol and Saline Dialysis in Management of Hyperuricemia in a Chilean Tortoise (1):7. Common Problem s of Box Turtles, Terrapene spp., in Captivity (1):9. Aquatic Turtle Care (2): 13. Box Turtle Care (1): 14. M idazolam Fails to Sedate Painted Turtles, Chrysemys picta (1):7. The Desert Tortoise and Upper Respiratory Tract Disease (1):6. C onsiderations in Form ulating Captive Tortoise Diets (1):8. Desert Tortoise Care (1): 12. Tortoise Care (1): 16. Use of Computed Tomography as a Diagnostic Aid in the Diagnosis of an Abdominal Mass in a Box Turtle ARAV Proc, 45. Use of Telazol in Eastern Box Turtles, Terrapene Carolina Carolina (1):4. Per-Cloacal Worming of Tortoises (2):4. Comparison of Plasma Biochemical Values in Blood and Blood-Lymph Mixtures from Red-eared Sliders, Trachemys scripta elegans (2):7-9. Chlorhexidine Toxicosis in a Pair of Red-Bellied Short- Necked Turtles, Emydura subglobosa (4):6-7. Nutrition of the Tortoise ARAV Proc, 21. Captive Husbandry of Mediterranean Tortoises, Testudo graeca and Testudo hermanni ARAV Proc, 31. The Box Turtle: A Practitioner s Approach ARAV Proc, 37. Partial Plastronectomy in a Testudo graeca ARAV Proc, 40. The Effects of Tem perature, Sex and Sample Type on Hematology and Serum/Plasma Chemistry Values for Captive New Guinea Snapping Turtles, Elseya novaeguineae ARAV Proc, 43. Morphologic and Cytochemical Characteristics of Blood Cells from the Desert Tortoise, Gopherus agassizii ARAV Proc, 51. Inadvertent Administration of Ivermectin to Two Spurred Tortoises, G eochelone sulcata, W ithout A pparent Toxic Effects (1):4. Suspected Intoxication of a Loggerhead Musk Turtle with Metronidazole (3):6-7. Treatment O f An Esophageal Foreign Body in A Kemp s Ridley Sea Turtle, Lepidochelys kempii (l):6-9. B acteriological Features of Rhinitis in Captive Greek Tortoises, Testudo graeca (2): Turtle Scute Condition after Prolonged Covering by PC-7 epoxy - An Interim Note. 7(3):7 Treatment with Allopurinol and Probenecid for Visceral Gout in a Greek Tortoise, Testudo graeca (4):4. Treatm ent of A rticular G out in a M editerranean Pond Turtle, Mauremys leprosa (4):5. Post-Hibernation Anorexia in M editerranean Tortoises, Testudo spp., in the UK ARAV Proc, 67. A C linician s Approach to Dystocias of M editerranean Tortoises, Testudo spp ARAV Proc, 69. Post-mortem of the Mediterranean Tortoise, Testudo spp ARAV Proc, 73. A Clinician s Approach to Liver Disease in Tortoises ARAV Proc, 75. Coagulation Parameters of Clinically Normal Radiated, Geochelone radiata and Leopard, Geochelone pardalis babcocki, Tortoises ARAV Proc, 89. Pharyngostomy Tube Placement, Management and Use for Nutritional Support in the Chelonian Patient ARAV Proc, 93. Chelonian Mycoplasmosis ARAV Proc, 99. Collecting Laboratory Samples from and Treating Large Tortoises ARAV Proc, 105. The Rank Order System of the Chinese Three-Keeled Reeves Turtle, Chinemys reevesii: An Ethological Approach to Captive Management ARAV Proc, 107. Observations of Urinalyses of Clinically Normal Captive Tortoises ARAV Proc, 109. Chelonian Diasters As Seen in a Referral Practice ARAV Proc, 113. Caring for Herp Outlaws: Chelonian Pediatrics ARAV Proc, 117. Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery Volume 10, No. 3 and 4, 2000

3 Intraosseous Fluid Administration in Sea Turtles: ARAV Proc, 125. Aspects of Ultrasonography of Chelonia ARAV Proc, 127. Techniques for Sexing Juvenile Chelonians with Comments on Clinical Applicability ARAV Proc, 131. Common Ophthalmic Problems seen in Chelonia ARAV Proc, 175. Hepatic Abscess due to Corynebacterium sp., in a Desert Tortoise, Gopherus agassizii (1): Hemogram Values, Morphological Characteristics of Blood Cell and Morphometric Study of Loggerhead Sea Turtles, Caretta caretta, in the First Year of Life (3):8-16. Shell Lesion Management in Two Loggerhead Sea Turtles, Caretta caretta, with Employment of PC-7 Epoxy Paste (4): The U se o f a G oretex M esh to R ep air a T raum atic Coelomic Fistula in a Juvenile Green Sea Turtle, Chelonia mydas ARAV Proc, 85. Surgical Removal of Cystic Calculi via the Inguinal Fossa and other Techniques Applicable to the Approach in the Desert Tortoise, Gopherus agassizii ARAV Proc, 87. A Review of Mycoplasmosis Infections in Tortoises and Options for Treatment ARAV Proc, 89. Placement of Cardiac Access Ports for Repeated Blood Sampling in Chelonians ARAV Proc, 93. The Diagnosis and Treatment of Lower Respiratory Tract Disease in Tortoises with Particular Regard to Intrapneumonic Therapy ARAV Proc, 95. Omphalectomy in a Galapagos Tortoise, Geochelone nigra spp ARAV Proc, 99. Assessing the Body Condition of the California Desert Tortoise, Gopherus agassizii, using Morphometric Analysis ARAV Proc, 103. Current Research Trends in the Desert Tortoise, Gopherus agassizii Proc ARAV: 105. The Effects of Headstarting Redbelly Turtles, Pseudemys rubriventris, in Massachusetts ARAV Proc, 109. The Role of Veterinarians in Monitoring the Health Status of Free-ranging Chelonians ARAV Proc, 111. Chelonian Venipuncture Techniques (l): Bilateral Calcium Phosphate Ureteroliths and Spirorchid Trematode Infection in a Red-eared Slider Turtle, Trachemys scrip ta elegans, w ith a R eview o f the P athology of Spirorchiasis (3): Serratia m arcescens Infection in a G opher Tortoise, Gopherus polyphem us, and use of M agnetic Resonance Imaging in Diagnosing Systemic Disease (4):8-ll. D evelopm ent of an ELISA and an Immunoperoxidase Based Test for Herpesvirus Exposure Detection in Tortoise ARAV Proc, Iso latio n and Id en tificatio n of H erpesvirus and Papillomavirus from Tortoises in Great Britain ARAV Proc, Evidence for a New Herpesvirus Serotype Associated with Stomatitis in Afghan Tortoises, Testudo horsfieldi ARAV Proc, Cystic Calculi in the California Desert Tortoise, Gopherus agassizii. Evaluation of 100 cases ARAV Proc, P rotocol for A ssessm ent of W ild Sea T urtles at the marathon Sea Turtle Hospital ARAV Proc, Intranuclear Coccidiosis of Tortoises ARAV Proc, Temperature Dependent Sex Determination Chelonians and Studies with Neonate Captive Hatched and Reared Hood Island Galapagos Tortoises, Geochelone nigra hoodensis ARAV Proc, Gross Necropsy and Histopathological Findings in Recently Imported Impressed Tortoises, Manouria impressa: 11 Cases ARAV Proc, Bilateral Blepharitis Externa in an African Snake-necked Turtle, Chelodina expansa, complicated by Diatom Infestation ARAV Proc, Spontaneous A utoim m une Pancreatitis and D iabetes Mellitus in a Western Pond turtle, Clemmys m. marmorata ARAV Proc, C haracterization of Soluble Shell Scute P roteins of California Desert Tortoises, Gopherus agassizii ARAV Proc, Intravenous Urography and Cystography in Tortoises ARAV Proc, Surgical and M edical M anagement of Gastrointestinal Obstruction in an Aldabra Tortoise, Geochelone gigantean ARAV Proc, Evaluation of the Effects of Three Neuromuscular Blocking Agents on Pupil Size in the Red-ear Slider, Trachemys scripta elegans ARAV Proc, An Epizootic of Amoebiasis in a Mixed Species Collection of Juvenile Tortoises (1):9-15. Effect of Cisapride, Erythromycin, and Metoclopramide on Gastrointestinal Transit Time in the Desert Tortoise, Gopherus agassizii (1): C aptive C are of B ell s H ingeback Tortoise, K inixys belliana (l): Diagnosis and Treatment of Aural Abscesses in Turtles ARAV Proc, Urinalysis in Tortoises ARAV Proc, Mandibular Damage and Repair in Tortoises ARAV Proc, Gas Bubble D isease in M alaysian Painted Terrapins, Callagur bomeoensis ARAV Proc, Significance and Control of Exotic Ticks on Imported Reptiles ARAV Proc, Two Techniques for E ndoscopic E valuation of the Chelonian Lung ARAV Proc, Diagnostic Tools for Herpesvirus Detection in Chelonians ARAV Proc, An U pdate on M ycoplasm al R espiratory D isease of Tortoises ARAV Proc, Head Trauma in a Green Sea Turtle, Chelonia mydas ARAV Proc, 133. O variectom y, C ystotom y, L iver Biopsy, and Esophagostom y Tube Placem ent in a Red-eared Slider, Trachemys scripta ARAV Proc, Plastron Osteotomy and Intestinal Foreign Body Removal in an African Spur Thighed Tortoise, Geochelone sulcata ARAV Proc, Urinalysis in Box Turtles, Terrapene spp ARAV Proc, Volume 10, No. 3 and 4, 2000 Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery 67

4 CROCODILIANS Liver Enzymes and Pathology in Runt Crocodiles, C. Porosus ARAV Proc, 57. Phlebotomy Techniques in Crocodilians (3): GENERAL VETERINARY M EDICINE Co-operation (1):5. Client Education (1):5. Bacterial Culture and Sensitivity (1):6. Usefulness of Hematology and Serum Chemistry (1):7. Monitoring Weight of Patients (1):8. Substrate Hazards (1):8. No UV B from Tungsten Filament Incandescent Lamps (2):5. Cotton Tipped Applicators as Oral Speculums (1):5. Rubber Spatulas as Oral Speculums (1):5. Housing Reptiles in Veterinary Hospital (1):6. MR of Bowel Using Mineral Oil as a Contrast Agent: A Viable Option in Reptiles with Long Transit Times ARAV Proc, 59. A Review of Allometric Scaling with Considerations for its Application to Reptile Therapeutics ARAV Proc, 62. Technician Support (1):4. Warm Water Soaks for Hospitalized Reptiles (3):4. Incorrect Ultraviolet Light Usage (3):4. Pulse Oximetry as a Tool for Monitoring Reptilian Patients ARAV Proc, 81. Treatment of Chronic Coxofemoral Luxation By Femoral Head and Neck Excision (1): Care of Neonate Squamates with Special Reference to Umbilical Problems (1):4. The Biology of Reptilian Hepatozoon Species and their Potential Influence on the Health Status of Captive Reptiles (3):8-12. The Veterinarian and the Reptile: An Introduction to the Conservation of Amphibians and Reptiles (3): A Soaking Regimen for Selected Reptiles (4):5. From a Clinical Case to a Publication ARAV Proc, 81. Predation of Captive Reptiles in Southern California by the Introduced Argentine Ant, Linepithema humile (3):4. Two P roducts useful for T ube-feeding H erbivorous Reptiles (3):5 Salmonella and Reptiles: Veterinary Guidelines (1): 14. Salm onella B acteria and Reptiles: C lient Educational Handout (1):15. M anagem ent of Common R eptile Em ergencies ARAV Proc, 67. Photography in the Veterinary Practice ARAV Proc, 73. Put some POW into your Practice ARAV Proc, 77. The Reptilian Renal Portal System - A Review (l):4-9. Ophidian Paramyxovirus (l): Isolation of Clostridium spp. from the Blood of Captive Lizards; Real or Pseudobacteremia? (2):4-8. Cryptosporidiosis (3): Anesthesia (4): Ectoparasites (3&4) Management of Large Collections of Reptiles for Infectious Diseases ARAV Proc, Practice Management: Ensuring Client Satisfaction ARAV Proc, Renal Disease (l): Dystocia (2):8-17. In clu sio n B ody D isease in C ap tiv e Palm Vipers, Bothriechis marchi ARAV Proc, Anamnesis, Physical Examination, Handling, and Restraint of Reptiles and Amphibians ARAV Proc, Reptile Behavior ARAV Proc, 183. Clinical Techniques in Reptiles ARAV Proc, Diagnosis of Reptilian Viral Diseases ARAV Proc, Reptile Parasites ARAV Proc, 193. Understanding Cardiopulmonary Systems in Reptiles ARAV Proc, Reptilian Ophthalmology ARAV Proc, LIZARDS Interspecific (Lizard: Human Sexual Aggression in Captive Iguanas (1):4. Efficacy of Vercom in the Treatment of Oxyurid Nematodes in Green Iguanas (1):7. Common Problems of Green Iguanas, Iguana iguana (1):8. Green Iguana Care, Iguana iguana (1): 12. Adverse Iverm ectin R eaction in the Prehensile-Tailed Skink, Corucia zebrata (2):6. Use of Ivermectin in the Prehensile-Tailed Skink, Corucia zebrata (2):6. Treating Parasites in Savannah Monitors, Varanus exanthematicus (2):6. Dermatophilosis in a Savannah Monitor, Varanus exanthematicus (2):7. Salmonella Enteritis in a Green Iguana, Iguana iguana (2):7. Handling Green Iguanas (1):8. Preventing Dysecdysis in Lizards (2):8. Use of Calcitonin in Green Iguanas, Iguana iguana, with Metabolic Bone Disease (1):5. Medical Management of the Solomon Island Prehensile- Tailed Skink, Corucia zebrata (1):9. Captive Husbandry of the Solomon Island Prehensile-Tailed Skink, Corucia zebrata (1): 18. Soft Paws For Green Iguanas, Iguana iguana (1):4. Two Cases of Anem ia in Reptiles Treated with Blood Transfusions: (1) Hemolytic Anemia in a Diamond Python Caused by an Erythrocytic Virus: (2) Nutritional Anemia in a Bearded Dragon ARAV Proc, 47. Successful Treatment of a Urolith Associated with a Fungal Cystitis in Iguana iguana ARAV Proc, 52. Clinical Approach to the Chameleon Patient ARAV Proc, 66. Declawing Iguanas (1):4. Fracture Repair in Iguanas (1):4. Azalea, Rhododendron sp., Toxicity in a Green Iguana, Iguana iguana (2):4. Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery Volume 10, No. 3 and 4, 2000

5 Green Iguana, Iguana iguana, Strangulation by Human Hair (3):4. Hypocalcemia and Hyperphosphatemia in a Green Iguana, Iguana iguana, with Concurrent Elevation of Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase (3):5. Monitor Lizard Husbandry (3):9 The Bengal Monitor, Varanus bengalensis: A M odel for Insectivorous Feeding Strategies, ARAV Proc, 1. Herbivory in Lizards, ARAV Proc, 38. DNA Testing for Sex Identification in the Green Iguana, Iguana iguana, Proc ARAV:80. Treatment of Chronic Coxofemoral Luxation By Femoral Head and Neck Excision Arthroplasty in a W hite Throated Monitor, Varanus albigularis (1): E n te ric C ry p to s p o rid io s is in a P a n th e r C h am eleo n, Chameleon pardalis, a Colony of Indigo Snakes, Drymarchon co ra is sp p., and a S av an n a h M o n ito r, Varanus examthematicus (l):5-9. T re atm en t w ith P ro p ra n o lo l and P ro sta g la n d in F 2 0 Stimulates Nesting Behavior but not Oviposition in a Gravid Green Iguana, Iguana iguana (2):4-5. Ivermectin for the Treatment of Pentastomids in a Tokay Gecko, Gekko gecko (2):5-6. Cryptosporidiosis in a Juvenile Freckled Monitor, Varanus tristis orientalis (2):6. H em atology and Serum Chem istries o f C aptive-r aised F em ale P an th er C ham eleons, C ham aeleo p a rd a lis, w ith Hepatocellular Lipidosis (2): Lymphoblastic Leukem ia in an Inland Bearded Dragon, Pagona vitticeps (4): C lin ico p ath o lo g ic F inding o f Tw elve C ases o f R enal Failure in Iguana iguana Proc ARAV: 113. The Safety and Efficacy of Fenbendazole in Green Iguanas, Iguana iguana Proc ARAV:115. Injectable Calcium Dynamics and Calcitonin Response in Green Iguana, Iguana iguana ARAV Proc, 117. M edical and Surgical Treatm ent o f P re-ovulatory Ova Stasis and Post-ovulatory Egg Stasis in Oviparous Lizards ARAV Proc, 119. C haracterization o f the Inflam m atory R esponse in the Green Iguana, Iguana iguana ARAV Proc, 125. Ovarian Teratoma in a Green Iguana, Iguana iguana ARAV Proc, 127. Adenovirus in the Bearded Dragon, Pogona vitticeps ARAV Proc, 131. Ivermectin for Treatment of Pentastomids in the Standing s Day Gecko, Phelsuma standingi (1):5. Sarcocystis - Like Parasite in a Black Headed M onitor, Varanus tristis tristi (2):6-7. U n iq u e E x tern a l F ix a tio n fo r a F rac tu re o f a V eiled Chameleon s, Chamaeleo calyptratus, Casque (1):8. H u sb an d ry N o tes on a Ju v e n ile C ro c o d ile S kink, Tribolonotus gracilis (4):9. Hematology and Plasma Chemistry of the Inland Bearded Dragon, Pogona vitticeps (4): Hands Free, N on-chem ical R estraint o f Iguanidae for Radiography ARAV Proc, 1-4. Clinician s Approach to Renal Disease in Lizards ARAV Proc, Volume 10, No. 3 and 4, 2000 Husbandry and Medical Management of Komodo Dragons, Varanus komodoensis, at the White Oak Conservation Centre ARAV Proc, T re atm en t o f C ry p to sp o rid io s is in G ila M o n sters, Heloderma suspectum, with Paromomycin ARAV Proc, 23. Hexam etra Transmission Between Wild Caught Panther Chameleons, Chamaeleo pardalis, and Captive Bom Veiled Chameleons, Chamaeleo calyptratus: A Case Report ARAV Proc, 25. C aptive M anagem ent, B reeding and Common M edical Problems of the Veiled chameleon, Chamaeleo calyptratus ARAV Proc, 29. Think Up : Meeting the Needs of Arboreal Lizards ARAV Proc, 41. Nematode Parasites of Iguanine Lizards ARAV Proc, 57. Xanthomatosis in Geckos: Five Cases ARAV Proc, 61. Evaluation of Sedative and Cardiopulmonary Effects of M edetom idine and Atipam ezole in Green Iguanas, Iguana iguana: Preliminary Data ARAV Proc, 63. Here We Go Again? Reptile-Associated Salmonellosis in Humans. ARAV Proc, 65. Old World Chameleons: Captive Care and Breeding (2):4-10. Pharmacokinetics of Metronidazole in the Green Iguana Iguana iguana (3):4-7. Gender Determination in Mature Gila Monsters, Heloderma suspectum, and M exican Beaded Lizards, Heloderma horridum, by U ltrasound Im aging of the Ventral Tail (4):4-5. Introduction to a Reptilian Ophthalmology ARAV Proc, 115. Diseases of the Spectacle ARAV Proc, 119. Two Case Reports of Reptile Mycobacteriosis ARAV Proc, 133. Captive Propagation of the Green Iguana, Iguana iguana, in Costa del Sol, El Salvador ARAV Proc, 139. A Minimally Invasive Procedure for Renal Biopsies in the Green Iguana, Iguana iguana ARAV Proc, 141. Understanding Thermal Bums in Reptile Patients ARAV Proc, 143. The Use of Through and Through Coelomic Drains for a Refractory Case of Peritonitis in a Green Iguana, Iguana igua na ARAV Proc, 151. Cryptosporidium Infection in a Colony of Leopard Geckos, Eublepharis macularius ARAV Proc, 157. A n terio r C oelom ic R habdom yosarcom a in a C entral American Banded Gecko, Coleonyx mitratus (1):2325. Isolation of Clostridium spp. from the Blood of Captive Lizards; Real or Pseudobacteremia? (2):4-8. Dermatophilosis in Furcifer (Chamaleo) pardalis (3):9-ll. Orbital Abscess in a Green Iguana, Iguana iguana (3): Leopard Gecko, Eublepharis macularius, Captive Care and Breeding (3): A Preliminary Feeding Study in Bearded Dragon Lizards, Pogona vitticeps (3): Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery 69

6 External Skeletal Fixation of Bilateral Sacroiliac Luxations in a Savannah Monitor, Varanus exanthematicus (4):4-7. General Husbandry and Captive Propagation of Bearded Dragons, Pogona vitticeps (4): Establishing the Time of Death in Reptiles and Amphibians ARAV Proc, Two Cases of Firefly Toxicosis in B earded D ragons, Pogona vitticeps ARAV Proc, Functional P ancreatic G lucagonom a in a R hinoceros Iguana. C yclura c. fig g e n si, C h aracterized by Immunohistochemistry ARAV Proc, Husbandry and Reproduction of the Panther Chameleon, Chamaeleo (Furcifer) pardalis ARAV Proc, A typical N on-alim entary C ryptosporidiosis in Three Lizards ARAV Proc, Hypertrophic Osteopathy Associated with Renal Gout in a Green Iguana, Iguana iguana ARAV Proc, Ovarian Teratoma in a Green Iguana, Iguana iguana ARAV Proc, U nique B iology of Old W orld C ham eleons (Fam ily: Chamaeleonidae) ARAV Proc, T esticular and O varian Tum ors in a H erm aphroditic Savannah M onitor Lizard, Varanus exanthematicus ARAV Proc, Intraspecific Allometry of Standard metabolic Rate in the Green Iguana, Iguana iguana ARAV Proc, Detection of Salmonellae in the Green Iguana, Iguana iguana, using the Polymerase Chain Reaction Technique ARAV Proc, A Com parative Assessm ent of Therapeutic Efficacy of H yperim m une B ovine C olostrum T reatm en t A g ain st Cryptosporidium Infections in Leopard Geckos, Eublepharis macularius, and Savannah Monitors, Varanus exanthematicus ARAV Proc, Clinical Laboratory Evaluation of D ystocia in Lizards ARAV Proc, Changing Trends in Diseases of the Green Iguana, Iguana iguana ARAV Proc, Using Nuclear Scintigraphy to Quantify Kidney Function in Green Iguanas, Iguana iguana ARAV Proc, Fungal Periodontal Osteomyelitis in a Chameleon, Furcifer pardalis ARAV Proc, The Effect of FI02 on Post Anesthetic Recovery Times in the Green Iguana ARAV Proc, G lu tath io n e P ero x id ase A ctiv ity and V itam in E Concentrations in Bearded Dragons, Pogona vitticeps (l): Renal Disease (l): Dystocia (2):8-17. A Review of the Morphology of Lizard Leukocytes with a Discussion of the Clinical Differentiation of Bearded Dragon, Pogona vitticeps, Leukocytes (2): Cryptosporidium in a Green Iguana, Iguana iguana ARAV Proc, Polyostotic A ppendicular O steitis Deform ans (Paget s Disease) in an Ornate Uromastyx Lizard, Uromastyx ornata ARAV Proc, Coelomitis Secondary to Intestinal Impaction of Calcisand in a Leopard Gecko, Eublepharis macularius ARAV Proc, Uremic Encephalopathy in a Leaf-tailed Gecko, Uroplatus henkeli ARAV Proc, Femoral Gland Biology and Possible Medical Concerns in the Green Iguana, Iguana iguana ARAV Proc, Ossifying Fibroma in a Green Iguana, Iguana iguana ARAV Proc, M yocardial Abscess and H em opericardium in a Green Iguana, Iguana iguana ARAV Proc, Mast Cell Tumor in a Common Green Iguana, Iguana iguana ARAV Proc, 45. Igor s Journey - and Interesting Case Involving a Savannah M onitor, Varanus exanthem aticus, a V eterinarian, and a Difficult Colon ARAV Proc, M icrosporidiosis in a C losed Colony of Pink-tongued Skinks, Hemisphaeriodon gerrardi ARAV Proc, P aram y x o -lik e V irus In fectio n in C aim an L izards, Draecena guianensis ARAV Proc, 59. Renal Disease in the Green Iguana, Iguana iguana ARAV Proc, B irth C ontrol in L izard s? T h erap eu tic In h ib itio n of Reproduction ARAV Proc, Preliminary Findings of Salmonella spp. in Captive Green Iguanas, Iguana iguana, and their Environment ARAV Proc, Suspected Adenoviral Hepatitis Transmission form Juvenile to Adult Bearded Dragons, Pogona vitticeps ARAV Proc, Cheilitis in Lizards of the Genus Uromastyx Associated with a Filamentous Gram-positive Bacterium ARAV Proc, Spinal Osteomyelitis in a Green Iguana, Iguana iguana: Cerebrospinal Fluid and Myelogram Diagnosis ARAV Proc, 77. Early Neutering of Male Green Iguanas, Iguana iguana-an Experiment ARAV Proc, NUTRITION C onsiderations in Form ulating C aptive Tortoise Diets, (1):8. Nutrient Composition of W hole Prey Commonly Fed to Reptiles and Amphibians ARAV Proc, 3. C linical N utrition of R eptiles and Am phibians ARAV Proc, 16. An Illum inating Discussion of Vitamin D, Ultra-Violet Radiation and Reptiles ARAV Proc, 40. Nutritional Support ARAV Proc, 43. Methods of Tube-feeding, Force-feeding and Assist-feeding Reptiles ARAV Proc, 50. Fact vs. Fiction: Clarifying and Verifying the Literature and Conversations on the Internet ARAV Proc, 55. Evaluating Commercial Diets ARAV Proc, 74. Nutrition of the Green Iguana, Iguana iguana ARAV Proc, 99. Food preference, feeding practices and nutritional problems of captive reptiles ARAV Proc, 107. Assessing the risk factors for development of metabolic disease in juvenile Green Iguana, Iguana iguana ARAV Proc, 111. P relim in ary O b serv atio n s on N u trien t C om position Differences Between Adult and Pinhead Crickets, Acheta domestica (1): Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery Volume 10, No. 3 and 4, 2000

7 Post-hibernation A norexia in M editerranean Tortoises, Testudo spp in the UK ARAV Proc, 67. Nutrient Composition of Whole Green Frogs, Rana clamitans and Southern Toads, Bufo terrestis (3): A Preliminary Feeding Study in Bearded Dragon lizards, Pogona vitticeps (3): Iron Storage in Reptiles ARAV Proc, 3-4. The Effect of Environmental Temperature on the Feeding Response of Baby Com Snakes, Elaphe guttata guttata ARAV Proc, 7. G lu ta th io n e P e ro x id a se A c tiv ity and V itam in E Concentrations in Bearded Dragons, Pogona vitticeps (l): Rodents and Rabbits as Food Animals ARAV Proc, Understanding Calcium ARAV Proc, 153. Feeding C arnivorous and O m nivorous R eptiles ARAV Proc, Feeding Herbivorous Reptiles ARAV Proc, REPRODUCTION Vasotocin-The Reptilian A lternative to Oxytocin? (1):5. Breeding Season Anorexia in Male Snakes (1):6. E n d o sco p ic E x am in atio n o f th e U ro g e n ita l T ra ct in Reptiles ARAV Proc, 60. Reproductive Biology of Reptiles ARAV Proc, 96. DNA Testing for Sex Identification in the Green Iguana, Iguana iguana Proc ARAV: 80. Reproductive Problems of Reptiles ARAV Proc, 101. Late Embryonic Death of Oviparous Reptiles ARAV Proc, 106. Aspects o f Ultrasonography o f the Lizard ARAV Proc, 179. Gender Determination in Mature Gila Monsters, Heloderma suspectum, and M exican Beaded Lizards, Heloderma horridum, by U ltrasound Im aging o f the Ventral Tail (4):4-5. The Effect of Headstarting Redbelly Turtles, Pseudemys rubriventris, in Massachusetts ARAV Proc, 109. Captive Propagation of the Green Iguana, Iguana iguana, in Costa Del Sol, El Salvador ARAV Proc, Leopard Gecko, Eublepharis macularius, Captive Care and Breeding (3): General Husbandry and Captive Propagation of Bearded Dragons, Pogona vitticeps (4): The Use of Outdoor Snake Enclosures for Maintenance and Breeding of D ifficult Snakes, Rehabilitation of Snakes for Release, and the M edical Problems of Snakes kept in this Manner ARAV Proc, Husbandry and Reproduction of the Panther Chameleon, Chamaeleo (Furcifer) pardalis ARAV Proc, Temperature Dependent Sex Determination in Chelonians and Studies with Neonate Captive Hatched and Reared Hood Island Galapagos Tortoises, Geochelone nigra hoodensis ARAV Proc, Natural History, Captive Husbandry and M edicine, and Field Laparoscopy for Sex Determination in the Hellbender, Cryptobranchus alleganiensis ARAV Proc, Volume 10, No. 3 and 4, 2000 Use of Synthetic Human Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone for Induction of Breeding in the Cricket Frog, Acris crepitans (l):7-8. C ap tiv e C are o f B e ll s H in g eb ack T o rto ise, K in ixys belliana (l): Captive Care and Breeding of White s Tree Frog, Pelodryas caerulea (2): B irth C o n tro l in L iza rd s? T h erap eu tic In h ib itio n o f Reproduction ARAV Proc, Early Neutering of Male Green Iguanas, Iguana iguana-an Experiment ARAV Proc, SNAKES Trichlorfon Spray for Snake Mites, Ophionyssus natricis (1):2. Respiratory Changes Before Ecdysis (1):2. Use of Atropine for Eliminating Excessive Mucus in Boids (1):6. U se o f C h lorhexidine in the T reatm ent o f In fectio u s Stomatitis (1):6. Ivermectin as a Treatment for Snake Mites (1):7. Ivermectin as a Spray for Treatment of Snake Mites ( 1): 8. A Com parison of Fenbendazole and Iverm ectin for the Treatm ent of Nematode Parasites in Ball Pythons, Python regius (2):5. Dysecdysis in Boid Snakes with Neurologic Disease (2):7. Breeding Season Anorexia in Male Snakes (1):6. C hem otherapeutic Treatm ent o f as Sarcom a in a Corn Snake ARAV Proc, 46. Two Cases o f A nem ia in R eptiles Treated w ith Blood Transfusions: (1) Hemolytic Anemia in a Diamond Python Caused by an Erythrocytic Virus; (2) Nutritional Anemia in a Bearded Dragon, ARAV Proc, 47. Snake Mite, Ophionyssus natricis, Eradication Utilizing Permectrin Spray, (1):4. Captive Care of the Common Kingsnake, Lampropeltis getula (1):9. Veterinary Care of the Common Kingsnake, Lampropeltis getula (1):11. Providing Adequate Hydration in Neonate Arboreal Snakes (2):5. PVC Perches for Arboreal Snakes (2):5. F ibrosarcom a in a Corn Snake, Elaphe guttata (3):7. Venomous Reptiles: An Overview of Families, Handling, Restraint Techniques and Emergency Protocol ARAV Proc, 83. E n te ric C ry p to sp o rid io sis in a P a n th e r C h am eleo n, Chameleon pardalis, a Colony of Indigo Snakes, Drymarchon corais spp., and a Savannah Monitor, Varanus exanthematicus (l):5-9. T re atm en t w ith O v ic e n te sis, P ro sta g la n d in E 2 then Prostaglandin F2 To Aid Oviposition in a Spotted Python, Antaresia maculosa (4):4. Echocardiography Anatomy (2D) and Scanning Technique of the Burmese Python, Python molurus ARAV Proc, 71. Captive Husbandry of Colubrid Snakes ARAV Proc, 73. Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery 71

8 The Captive Husbandry of the Boa constrictor, Boa constrictor spp ARAV Proc, 77. The Ball Python, Python regius: A practitioner s approach ARAV Proc, 83. Cryptosporidia serpentis ARAV Proc, 87. Idiopathic C hronic Pneum onia and Throm boem bolic Disease in Captive Burmese Pythons, Python molurus bivittatus ARAV Proc, 89. Dystocia in Colubrid Snakes ARAV Proc, 93. Mycotic Gastroenteritis in a Diamond Python, Morelia spilota spilota and Two Honduran M ilksnakes, Lampropeitis triangulum hondurensis ARAV Proc, 97. A Simple Method of Preventing Self Inflicted Injury When Feeding a Dicephalic California Kingsnake, Lampropeitis getulus califomiae. 1997: 7(3):6. Understanding the Snake Mite and Current Therapies for Control Proc ARAV: 137. Osteomyelitis in Reptiles ARAV Proc, 149. Emergency Care of the Critically 111 Reptile ARAV Proc, 153. N uclear Scintigraphic Evaluation of the Renal Portal System of the Yellow Rat Snake, Elaphe obsoleta ARAV Proc, 163. An Update on Inclusion Body Disease of Boid Snakes ARAV Proc, 165. The Effect of Tem perature on Organ Perfusion in the Yellow Rat Snake, Elaphe obsoleta ARAV Proc, 167. Cryptosporidium Controversy: When do you Consider a Reptile Crytpto-Free? 1997 ARAV Proc, 169. Aspects of Ultrasonography of the Snake ARAV Proc, 183. Use of N ystatin to R educe Suspected O vergrow th of Enteric Fungal Organisms in a Diamond Python, Morelia spilota spilota and Two Honduran M ilksnakes, Lampropeitis trianqulum hondurensis (l):4-7. Nematodes found in the Boelens Python, Morelia boeleni (1):8. Treatment of Interrupted Parturition with Delivery of Viable Young in a B razilian R ainbow Boa, E picrates cenchria cenchria (2): Regurgitation in Snakes ARAV Proc, 123. Partial Hepatectomy in a Snake ARAV Proc, 127. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukem ia in a Diamond Python, Morelia spilota spilota ARAV Proc, 131. Ophidian Paramyxovirus (l): Cardiopulmonary Effects and Efficacy of Propofol as an Anesthetic Agent in Brown Tree Snakes, Boiga irregularis (2):9-15. Inclusion Body Disease (2): Cryptosporidiosis (3): Anesthesia (4): Gastric Adenocarcinoma in a Carpet Python, Morelia spilota variegata (4): Phlebotomy Techniques in Snakes (4): Iron Storage in Reptiles ARAV Proc, 3-4. Studies with Retroviruses Isolated from Boa Constrictors, Boa constrictor, with Inclusion Body Disease ARAV Proc, 5-6. The Effect of Environmental Temperature on the Feeding Response of Baby Com Snakes, Elaphe guttata guttata ARAV Proc, 7. The Use of Outdoor Snake Enclosures for Maintenance and Breeding of Difficult Snakes, Rehabilitation of Snakes for Release, and the M edical Problems of Snakes kept in this Manner ARAV Proc, New Approaches for Diagnosis of Entamoeba Infections in Captive Reptiles ARAV Proc, An Outbreak of Fungal Dermatitis and Stomatitis in a Wild Population of Pigmy Rattlesnakes, Sistrurus miliarius barbouri, in Volusia county, Florida ARAV Proc, Surgical A natom y of the Serpentine (C olubridae and B oidae) K idney w ith P a rticu lar R egard to Surgical Nephrectomy ARAV Proc, C orn Snake, E laphe g u tta ta, E ggs P red ated Under Laboratory Conditions by Polyphagous Dipteran Larvae of the Family Phoridae (l):4-6. Identification of Adenovirus-and Dependovirus-like Agents in an O utbreak of Fatal G astroenteritis in C aptive Born California Mountain Kingsnakes, Lampropeitis zonata multicincta (2):4-7. System ic F usarium Infection in Two Snakes, Carpet Python, Morelia spilota variegata and a Red-bellied Black Snake, Pseudechis porphyriacus (2): The Biology, C linical Significance and Control of the Com m on Snake M ite, O phionyssus natricus, in Captive Reptiles (3&4):4-10. Ovarian Teratoma in a Garter Snake, Thannophis sirtalis (3&4): Husbandry of North Am erican Colubrid Snakes (3&4):24-33 Lym phosarcom a in Snakes: Two C ase Reports ARAV Proc, 21. Fungal Dermatitis in a Large Collection of Brazos Water Snakes, N erodia harteri harteri, H oused in an Outdoor Enclosure, and a Possible Association with Slugs ARAV Proc, Intranuclear Inclusion D isorder in M orelia spp ARAV Proc, Venom G land H erpesvirus Infection of Snakes ARAV Proc, 93. In clu sio n B ody D isease in C ap tiv e Palm Vipers, Bothriechis marchi ARAV Proc, Preliminary Report on the Survival, Growth, and Problems of Captive Bom Brazos Water Snakes, Nerodia harteri harteri, Released in the Wild, with Implications for Head Starting and Species Survival ARAV Proc, Cloacal A denocarcinom as in Three Juvenile Diamond Pythons, Morelia spilota ARAV Proc, T reating P en tasto m id s in an E astern Indigo Snake, Drymarchon corais ARAV Proc, Husbandry of Colubrid Snakes, New Trends and Concerns ARAV Proc, THERAPEUTICS and DIAGNOSTICS Trichlorfon Spray for Snake Mites, Ophionyssus natricis, (1):2. Vitamin A Toxicity (1):2. Nematodes in Chelonians, (1):3. Chelonian Shell Infection, (1):3. Efficacy of Vercom in the Treatment of Oxyurid Nematodes in Green Iguanas (1):7. Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery Volume 10, No. 3 and 4, 2000

9 V asotocin-t he R eptilian A ltern ativ e to O xytocin?, (1):5. Silvadene Cream as a Topical Medication (1):5. Use of Enrofloxacin, (1):5. Use of Atropine for Eliminating Excessive Mucus in Boids (1):6. Use of C hlorhexidine in the Treatm ent of Infectious Stomatitis (1):6. Adverse Iverm ectin Reaction in the Prehensile-Tailed Skink, Corucia zebrata (2):6. Use of Ivermectin in the Prehensile-Tailed Skink, Corucia zebrata, (2):6. Treating Parasites in Savannah Monitors, Varanus exanthematicus, (2):6. Use of Oral Allopurinol and Saline Dialysis in Management of Hyperuricemia in a Chilean Tortoise, (1):7. Ivermectin as a Treatment for Snake Mites, (1):7. Use of Amino Acid Supplem entation in C linically 111 Reptiles, (1):8. Ivermectin as a Spray for Treatment of Snake Mites, (1):8. A Comparison of Fenbendazole and Ivermectin for the Treatment of Nematode Parasites in Ball Pythons, Python regius, (2):5. Use of Calcitonin in Green Iguana. Iguana iguana, with Metabolic Bone Disease, (1):5. Physical Examination of Reptiles and Amphibians ARAVProc, 1. Common Infectious Diseases of Reptiles and Amphibians: An E tio lo g ic R eview, D iag n o stics and T reatm ent Recommendations ARAV Proc, 6. Common Parasitic Diseases of Reptiles and Amphibians ARAV Proc, 11. Basic Principles of Therapeutics Used in Reptile Medicine ARAV Proc, 18. Diagnostic Techniques in Reptile Medicine ARAV Proc, 27. Common Non-infectious Diseases of Reptiles ARAV Proc, 34. Current Techniques in Reptile Anesthesia and Surgery ARAV Proc, 36. Common Infectious Diseases of Reptiles and Amphibians: An E tio lo g ic R eview, D iagnostics and T reatm ent Recommendations, ARAV Proc, 6. Basic Principles of Therapeutics Used in Reptile Medicine, ARAV Proc, 18. Chem otherapeutic Treatment of as Sarcoma in a Corn Snake ARAV Proc, 46. Two Cases of Anemia in Reptiles Treated with Blood Transfusions: (1) Hemolytic Anemia in a Diamond Python Caused by an Erythrocytic Virus; (2) Nutritional Anemia in a Bearded Dragon ARAV Proc, 47. A Review of Allometric Scaling with Considerations for its Application to Reptile Therapeutics ARAV Proc, 62. Snake Mite, Ophionyssus natricis, Eradication Utilizing Permectrin Spray, (1):4. Select Protozoal Diseases in Amphibians and Reptiles: A Report for the Infectious Diseases Committee. AAZV (1): 19. Per-Cloacal Worming of Tortoises (2):4. Nutritional Support ARAV Proc, 43. Methods of Tube-feeding, Force-feeding and Assist-feeding Reptiles Proc ARAV:50. Amphibian Therapeutics ARAV Proc, 65. Cyanoacrylate Treatment for Corneal Ulcers in Kokoe-Pa Poison Dart Frogs, Dendrobates hisstrionicus ARAV Proc, 67. T reatm ent w ith O v icen tesis, P ro stag lan d in E2 then Prostaglandin F 2 0Cto aid Oviposition in a Spotted Python, Antaresia maculosa (4):4. Oral Paste, A New Bandage for the Treatment of Skin Lesions in Amphibians (4):4-5. A Soaking Regimen for Selected Reptiles (4):5. Inadvertent Administration of Ivermectin to Two Spurred Tortoises, Geochelone sulcata, without apparent Toxic Effects (1):4. Ivermectin for Treatment of Pentastomids in the Standing s Day Gecko, Phelsuma standingi (1 ):5. Treatment of an Esophageal Foreign Body in a Kemp s Ridley Sea Turtle, Lepidochelys kempii (l):6-9. The Use of C ryosurgery in a D iam ond Python w ith Fibrosarcoma and Radiotherapy in a Common Death Adder with Melanoma (3):9-12. Treatment with Allopurinol and Probenecid for Visceral Gout in a Greek Tortoise, Testudo graeca (4):4-5. Treatm ent of A rticular Gout in a M editerranean Pond Turtle, Mauremys leprosa (4):5-8. Lactated Fluid Use in Reptiles: Is there a Better Solution? ARAV Proc, 83. T reatm ent of C ryptosporidiosis in G ila M onsters, Heloderma suspectum, with Paromomycin ARAV Proc, 23. Intraosseous Fluid Administration in Sea Turtles ARAV Proc, 125. Aspects of Ultrasonography of Chelonia ARAV Proc, Techniques for Sexing Juvenile Chelonians with Comments on Clinical Applicability ARAV Proc, Nuclear Scintigraphic Evaluation of the Renal Portal System of the Yellow Rat Snake, Elaphe obsoleta ARAVProc, 163. Aspects of Ultrasonography of the Lizard ARAV Proc, Aspects of Ultrasonography of the Snake ARAV Proc, Treatment of Interrupted Parturition with Delivery of Viable Young in a B razilian Rainbow Boa, Epicrates cenchria cenchria (2)rl Shell Lesion Management in Two Loggerhead Sea Turtles, Caretta caretta, with Employment of PC-7 Epoxy Paste (4): Clinical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques ARAV Proc, 35. An Introduction to Reptile Endoscopy ARAV Proc, 41. Ultrasound in Reptiles ARAV Proc, 47. The Use of Com puterized Tomography and M agnetic Resonance Imaging in Chelonian Medicine ARAV Proc, 51. Laboratory Sampling in Reptile Patients- Do s and Don ts ARAV Proc, 55. Volume 10, No. 3 and 4, 2000 Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery 73

10 The Effects of Sample Dilution on the Plasma Chemistry Values in Reptiles ARAV Proc, 61. Tissue and Plasma Enzyme Activities in the Common Green Iguana, Iguana iguana ARAV Proc, 63. Chelonian Venipuncture Techniques (l): Phlebotomy Techniques in Crocodilians (3): Phlebotomy Techniques in Snakes (4): Intraspecific Allometry of Standard metabolic Rate in the Green Iguana, Iguana iguana ARAV Proc, Detection of Salmonellae in the Green Iguana, Iguana iguana, using the Polymerase Chain Reaction Technique ARAV Proc, A C om p arativ e A ssessm en t o f T h erap eu tic E fficacy of H yperim m une B ovine C olostrum T reatm ent A gainst Cryptosporidium Infections in Leopard Geckos, Eublepharis macularius, and Savannah Monitors, Varanus exanthematicus ARAV Proc, Clinical Laboratory Evaluation of Dystocia in Lizards ARAV Proc, Changing Trends in Diseases of the Green Iguana, Iguana iguana ARAV Proc, Intravenous Urography and Cystography in Tortoises ARAV Proc, Effects of Cisapride, Metoclopramide, and Erythromycin on the Prokinetic passage of Ingested markers in the Desert Tortoise, Gopherus agassizii ARAV Proc, Antibiotic-Im pregnated Polym ethylm ethacrylate Beads as a Treatment for Osteomyelitis in Reptiles ARAV Proc, C om parison o f L eu k o cy te C ounts U sing Two D ifferen t Methods ARAV Proc, M edication Adm inistration in Amphibia, A Clinical Review (l): Effect of Cisapride, Erythrom ycin, and Metoclopramide on Gastrointestinal Transit Time in the Desert Tortoise, Gopherus agassizii (1): A Review of the M orphology of Lizard Leukocytes with a Discussion of the Clinical Differentiation of Bearded Dragon, Pogona vitticeps, leukocytes (2): Sensitization-Dependent Skin Swelling Responses to Topical 2, 4-Dinitro-l-Fluorobenzene in the Carolina (Green) Anole, Anolis carolinenesis (3&4): The Use of Lasers in Reptile Medicine ARAV Proc, S alm onella D iagnostic Testing in the A bsence of a Gold Standard ARAV Proc, Ovariectomy, Cystotomy, Liver Biopsy, and Esophagostomy Tube Placement in a Red-eared Slider, Trachemys scripta ARAV Proc, Early Neutering of M ale Green Iguanas, Iguana iguana-an Experiment ARAV Proc, Biosist Skin Grafts in Reptiles ARAV Proc, Understanding Calcium ARAV Proc, 153. Plastron Osteotomy and Intestinal Foreign Body Removal in an African Spur Thighed Tortoise, Geochelone sulcata ARAV Proc, The Reptilian Hematocrit ARAV Proc, Urinalysis in Box Turtles, Terrapene spp ARAV Proc, Eye Disorders in Reptiles ARAV Proc, Clinical Techniques in Reptiles ARAV Proc, Diagnosis of Reptilian Viral Diseases ARAV Proc, Understanding Cardiopulmonary Systems in Reptiles ARAV Proc, Reptilian Ophthalmology ARAV Proc, Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery Volume 10, No. 3 and 4, 2000

11 Seminars in Avian & Exotic Pet Medicine Alan M. Fudge, DVM, Editor Seminars in Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine provides concise, topical, and authoritative reviews that address the problems you face in your practice. Guest Editors all selected for their expertise in treating birds and exotics prepare every issue and invite contributors to survey optimal diagnostic methods, therapeutic strategies, follow-up, and health maintenance. These concise, clinically oriented issues concentrate on a single topic, so you can refer to them continually in your daily practice. A rapid publication schedule ensures that you receive current, clinical information long before it appears in monographs and traditional references. Each issue is devoted to a single topic in avian medicine. In addition, a non-avian column included in every issue will keep you informed of therapies of choice for a single exotic species, such as rodents, lagomorphs, cavids, pot-bellied pigs, reptiles, ornamental fish, exotic carnivores, and amphibians ISSUES January April July October Anesthesia &. Analgesia (J. Comick-Seahom) Renal Diseases (D.N. Phalen) N utrition and Nutritional Disorders (S. Donoghue) Endoscopic Surgery (M. Taylor) SUBSCRIPTION RATES Domestic: Individuals: $95.00 Institutions: $ Students: $54.00* Outside U.S.: Individuals: $ Institutions: $ Students: $ *To receive the student rate, orders must be accompanied by the name of affiliated institution, dates of your term of study, and the signature of your academic advisor on school letterhead. Orders will be billed at the individual rate until proof of status is received. TO ORDER Please Direct Orders to the Following Addresses: In the U.S.: W.B. Saunders Company, Periodicals Department, 6277 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, FL Agents for Australia: Harcourt Brace & Company Pty, Ltd., Locked Bag 16, Marrickville, New South Wales 2204, Australia. Agents for Europe: Harcourt Brace & Company Ltd., Oval Road, London, NW1 7DX, England. Agents for Japan and Korea: Harcourt Brace Japan, Inc., Ichibanco Central Building, 22-1 Ichibanco, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 102, Japan. All Other Countries: Contact the U.S. address. Or visit our home page: W.B. SAUNDERS COMPANY A Division ofharcourt Brace & Company 1998 W.B. Saunders Company. All prices subject to change without notice. Add the applicable sales tax for your area.

12 e r i n X rj m I The Official Journal of the A mat: ( o %>[ Veterinary Sur^t n>h. hn., ih< \uitn fiffalegjf^of Yeterinary Anesthesiologists, c *Khe Mdjtopeari College of Veterinaryfiich. Editor-m-Chief: Pmhp B. Vasseur, DVM A subscription to V e t e r in a r y SURGERY brings you more than original, peer-reviewed articles and developm ents in veterinary surgery and anesthesia. It gives you th e inside track on how to u se th is info rm atio n to m ake your w ork reflect th e state-of-the art and save lives. S u b s c r ip t io n R a t e s : E very issue brings you articles from leading veterinarians in the U nited States and abroad. Coverage ranges from surgical techniques and diagnostic aids to advances in surgically related diseases of small and large animals. In addition, detailed illustrations underscore key concepts and clinical techniques, making it easier for you to apply new procedures in your practice. E a c h is s u e o f V e t e r in a r y S u r g e r y : Correlates research with clinical applications to ensure greater accuracy in treatm ent and diagnosis. Addresses significant problems in veterinary surgery and anesthesiology, providing relevant case histories and observations. Places developm ents in perspective, encom passing new concepts and com m entary, to help you better understand and evaluate your surgical patients. I n s i d e US O u t s i d e US Individuals $ Individuals $ Institutions $ Institutions $ Students* $81.00 Students $ *To receive the student rate, orders must be accompanied by the name of the affiliated institution, dates of study and the signature of program coordinator on institution letterhead. Orders will be billed at the individual rate until proof of status is received. P l e a s e d i r e c t o r d e r s t o t h e f o l l o w in g ADDRESSES: In t h e US: W.B. Saunders Company, Periodicals Department, 6277 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, FL Ag e n t s f o r A u s tr a lia : Harcourt Brace & Company Pty. Ltd., Locked Bag 16, Marrickville, New South Wales 2204, Australia A g e n t s f o r E u r o p e : Harcourt Brace & Company Ltd., Oval Road, London NW1 7DX, England A g e n t s f o r Japan a n d K o r e a : Harcourt Brace Japan, Inc., Ichibancho Central Building, 22-1 Ichibancho, Ghiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 102, Japan A l l O t h e r C o u n t r ie s: Contact the US address O r v is it o u r h o m e pa g e: Browse th e Journal online at: W.B. S a u n d e r s C o m p a n y A Division o f Harcourt Brace & Company W.B. Saunders Company Add the applicable sales tax for your area. All prices subject to change without notice. ISSN:

13 T h e A s s o c i a t i o n o f R e p t i l i a n a n d A m p h i b i a n V e t e r i n a r i a n s What is the ARAV? The Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians (ARAV) is a nonprofit international organization of veterinarians and herpetologists founded in Our goal is to improve reptilian and amphibian husbandry and veterinary care through education, exchange of ideas and research. The ARAV promotes conservation and humane treatment of all reptilian and amphibian species through education, captive breeding and reptilian and amphibian habitat preservation. Benefits of Membership Membership is open to anyone with an interest in veterinary care of reptiles and amphibians. Membership benefits include subscription to the quarterly Journal of H erpetological M edicine and Surgery, reduced tuition for the annual conference, annual conference proceedings, support of conservation and research funds, and pride in supporting the advancement of reptilian and am phibian m edicine and surgery. The Journal o f H erp etological Medicine and Surgery is peer reviewed, referenced, indexed and features state-ofthe-art approaches to quality veterinary care of diverse reptiles and amphibians. Sections within the Journal include: Techniques Roundtable Case Reports Nutrition Notes Announcements Pathology Pages Care-in-Captivity In My Experience Message to Members What s Your Diagnosis Original & Review Articles Literature and Book Reviews The Journal of H erp etological M edicin e and Surgery is p rim arily designed to benefit practicing veterinarians, from novice to advanced. ARAV Membership Application The A nnual C onference and Proceedings includes the most current inform ation on nutrition, husbandry, infectious diseases, basic and advanced diagnostics, surgical and medical therapeutics and veterinary care, and tips you can incorporate immediately into practice. A variety of wetlabs and workshops are designed to keep you current with this ever changing field. The ARAV needs your participation! We invite you to join forces with over a thousand other professionals by filling out the membership application and supporting the organ ization that is improving veterinary care for reptiles and amphibians. Membership Dues N orth A m erica $70.00, L ibraries N orth A m erica $110.00, V eterinary Technicians $55.00, Veterinary Students $45.00, (add $15.00 to all previous categories if outside N orth A m erica). Payments must be in US dollars drawn on a US bank, or by International/World Money Order, or by Visa or Mastercard. Dues payable on a calendar year basis to the A ssociation of R eptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians (ARAV), PO Box 1897, Lawrence, Kansas, , USA. Please Print or Type Legibly (information supplied hereon will appear in the membership directory). M a ilin g AHHrp.ss p i Renewal New Member Telephone: Business Home (optional) - F a x Dues*: North America $70.00 Veterinary Technicians $55.00 *Add $15.0 to all categories if Libraries North America $ Veterinary Students $45.00 outside North America. Amount Enclosed: Credit Card Payment Visa Mastercard. Amount_ Name (print) Card No._ - Signature -. E xp.. For more information contact Wilbur Amand, VMD, ARAV Executive Director, , fax

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15 N E W A UNIQUE ATLAS'STYLE JOURNAL! C l i n i c a l T e c h n i q u e s i n S m a l l A n i m a l P r a c t i c e Editor: Robert J. Murtaugh, DVM, MS linic^ j. Techni6#SS I# S mall A nimal Practice is uniqueu ly suitea^^ xpanding the success of your practice. No*8ther ( periodical focuses on the broad spectrum of diagnostic and 1 therapeutic procedures tnauyou perform in your clinic. In each issue, you ll find coverage that encompasses radiographic, dental, reproductive, emergency, and critical-care procedures as well as many others. The journal makes these procedures easy to master with a wealth of brilliant images and original illustrations. These enable you to clearly visualize the information provided by the expert contributors. Every nuance of technique is clear, vivid, and readily comprehensible. Of course, Clinical Techniques in Small A nimal Practice offers the timeliness and authority you demand. A n outstanding editorial board ensures every issue explores only the latest and most clinically relevant developments. The result is a journal of the highest quality that will enhance your practice. Subscribe today! Issues February Anesthetic Techniques (L. Wetmore & A. Karas) May C T & MRI, Part I (A. Tidwell) August CT & MRI, Part II (A. Tidwell) N ovember Pulmonary Diagnostics (L. Rozanski) To order, please call , 7:30 am - 5:00 pm EST For more information, or for foreign prices, write: A nnual subscription rates: Individual Institution Student/Resident j.oo $ $59.00* * Please supply, on institution letterhead, your name, dates of study /residency, and signature of program coordinator. Orders will be billed at the individual rate until proof of status is received. W.B. Saunders C ompany A Division of Harcourt Brace & Company The Curtis Center, Independence Square West Philadelphia, PA A ttn: Periodicals Marketing Or visit our home page at ISSN W.B. Saunders Company Offer valid in U SA only. Prices are subject to change without notice. Add the applicable sales tax for your area.

16 T h e A s s o c ia t io n o f R e p t il ia n a n d A m p h ib ia n V e t e r in a r ia n s S a l m o n e l l a B r o c h u r e A v a i l a b l e N o w! The Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has developed a brochure intended to inform your clients of the presence of the Salmonella bacteria in their reptiles and the possible zoonotic transmission threat it poses along with preventive measures. This brochure is client friendly clearly stating the problem and the simple steps to prevent the disease spread. Authoritative and handsomely illustrated, a must for the private practitioner treating reptiles and amphibians. Salmonella Brochure Order Form (Please print) Name Mailing Address ^J ARAV City Check Enclosed (payable to ARAV) Credit Card Payment Visa Mastercard Amount Card No. Name (print). Signature. State Exp. Zip Price of brochures (sold in lots of 100 brochures at $30.00 per 100) Postage and Handling (USA) ($3.70 per 100) TOTAL Send brochure orders to: JHMS 3454 Chasewood Drive San Diego, CA Please allow 2 to 3 weeks for delivery.

17 Mark Your?)palendar! The EIGHTH m npi^l Conference Assoc A t ib ^ o f R e p i i e i a n a n d A m p h ib ia n V e t e r in a r ia n s ^?^f)tembef 19?23, 2001 OrlandoJ Florida in conjunetipn"w ith AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF ZOO VETERINARIANS Scientific Program G et th e latest inform ation on: N utrition Basic Veterinary C are & Husbandry Case Reports Chelonian M edicine and Surgery Snake M edicine and Surgery Lizard M edicine and Surgery T herapeutics and D iagnostics Wet Labs & Workshops Get hands on experience in: Venomous Snake Techniques C rocodilian Techniques Chelonian Surgery D igital Im aging and Storage Endoscopy of Reptiles Special Focus G roups For C onference registration inform ation contact: W ilbur Amand, VM D, PO Box 605, Chester Heights, PA 19017, USA Fax: Program Chair Charles J. Innis, VMD VCA Westboro Animal Hospital, 155 Turnpike Road, Westboro, MA (fax) aol.com

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