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1 IMPACT OF INBREEDING AND HERITABILITY OF CANINE HIP DYSPLASIA IN GERMAN SHEPHERDS POPULATION Kasarda, R. Mészáros, G. Kadlečík, O. Buleca, J. ABSTRACT The Aim of the study was genetic analysis of hip dysplasia of German Shepherds breed population in Slovakia and influence of inbreeding on presence of hip dysplasia in population of inbreed animals. Based on information from German Shepherds breeders association in Slovakia all purebred animals from the herd book were analyzed. Information of hip dysplasia presence and evaluation on degree of hip dysplasia was known for all parents and their progeny. For estimation of heritability of hip dysplasia mixed animal model was established where sex, father and mother of animals respectively were used as fixed effects and animal represented random effect. Sex of animals has no significant effect on presence of hip dysplasia. Effect of father was significant high with coefficient of determination R 2 = Estimated coefficient of heritability was medium, ± Frequency of hip dysplasia decreases with increase of inbreeding of animals. For future development of breed will be essential strict negative selection of animals with presence of hip dysplasia and increased rigorousness of selection criterions. Key words: hip dysplasia; heritability; inbreeding; german shepherd INTRODUCTION Canine elbow dysplasia and hip dysplasia are widespread skeletal diseases in many dog breeds. These degenerative joint diseases are characterized by conformational changes in the affected joints, and can result in clinical lameness and considerable impairment of the dog (5). S a m o y et al. (11) defined incongruity at dogs as a result of bad alignment of the joint surfaces of the elbow. They suggested that the abnormal shape of the ulnar trochlear notch or a stap caused by short radius or ulna can result in loose fragments in different locations. R e m y et al. (9) analyzed joint incongruity, fragmented medial coronoid process, osteochondrosis or osteochondritis of the medial humeral condyle and ununited anconeal process as the probable primary lesions of elbow dysplasia in German shepherd dogs. ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE Kasarda, R. Ing., PhD, Slovak University of Agriculture, Dept. of Genetics and Breeding Biology, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, Nitra, the Slovak Republic

2 The most frequent lesion was the joint incongruity, ununited anconeal process was diagnosed rarely. Also the combinations of lesions were very frequent. They stated joint incongruity and fragmented medial coronoid process as the most common lesions of elbow dysplasia in German shepherd. The genetic correlation between canine hip and elbow dysplasia was estimated by (5) with value of r = They were also the most frequent developmental orthopedic diseases in dogs during a ten year study period, done by (6). They were found at the highest number of breeds compared to other evaluated diseases. Dysplasia also occurs in humans, with frequency approximately about 4 from 1000 births, with greater probability at girls and newborns. Higher birth weight was a special high-risk factor in humans (4). This could be also true for dogs, while larger and heavier breeds like the German Shepard, Labrador, Rotweiler and others were considered to be most endangered. W o o d et al. (12) observed strong positive relationship between offspring and parental (particularly dam) hip scores. M ä k i et al. (7) observed higher proportion of males with some degree of dysplasia compared to females, during estimation of genetic parameters for dysplasia for Finnish Rotweiler population. The difference between sexes was significant only for the elbow dysplasia (p<0.001). W o o d et al. (13) also stated significantly higher occurrence of hip dysplasia at male Labradors compared to females, while (10) found no significant difference between sexes. Although several radiographic features to diagnose dysplasia have been described, scoring is subjective because there is currently no objective method to measure the degree of dysplasia (11). According to M ä k i et al. (7) differences between panelists in evaluating elbow dysplasia were large. They also stated significant effect of experience of the x-raying veterinarian measured as number of x-rayed dogs. The differences between classes were small and no clear tendency was observed. As an alternative approach, (4) suggested to use ultrasound visualization, when the clinical findings were uncertain. This way the need of radiography was reduced. Computer tomography and arthroscopy was suggested to measure incongruity of the elbow joints (11). The occurrence of canine hip and elbow dysplasia in the populations suggests some kind of genetic basis for these diseases. M ä k i et al. (7) stated the inheritance of elbow and hip dysplasia as quantitative and close to continuous, with a major gene affecting the trait jointly with numerous minor genes. The favorable gene A1 was found as nearly completely dominant over its unfavorable counterpart A2. The heterozygote (A1A2) was more similar to the favorable homozygote (A1A1). They found at least two major genes for hip dysplasia, but the evidence for their effects on elbow joints was equivocal. W o o d et al. (12) found highly significant genetic heritability h 2 =0.34 from both parents, h 2 =0.41 from sire alone and h 2 =0.30 from dam alone in Labrador retriever breed. H a m a n n et al. (3) compared the heritability from the additive genetic animal (h 2 =0.26) and maternal (h 2 =0.10) effect. The direct animal and maternal effects were negatively correlated, with genetic correlation coefficient of r = All authors emphasized the importance of selective breeding of parents to reduce the occurrence of the disease. The aim of the study was genetic analysis of hip dysplasia of German Shepherds breed population in Slovakia and influences of inbreeding on presence of hip dysplasia in population of inbreed animals.

3 MATERIAL AND METHODS Based on information from German Shepherds breeders association in Slovakia were into analysis included all purebred animals from the herd book. In data file were present animal of both sexes (10870 males and females). Information of hip dysplasia presence and evaluation on degree of hip dysplasia was known for 7094 parents and their progeny (animals in first and second generation). Intensity of inbreeding (F X ) in pedigree of individual was estimated using formula of (14), implemented in proc inbreed of SAS (15), where pedigree matrix was build and diagonal elements of which present coefficients of intensity of inbreeding (F X ). Data were then split to two separate parts to inbreed and outbreed animals. Influence of intensity of inbreeding on presence of hip dysplasia was tested. Also influence of sex was tested as part of the analysis separately for inbreed and outbreed group. For estimation of heritability of hip dysplasia mixed animal model was established where sex, father and mother of animals respectively were used as fixed effects and animal represented random effect. For estimation of heritability REML (random estimated maximum likelihood) method was used under AS REML software (2). Model equation: y ijklm = μ + sex i + father j + mother k + individual l + e ijklm y ijklm degree of dysplasia μ average e ijklm random error Degree of hip dysplasia was indexed as follows: (1) Negative (dysplasia not present) (2) Marginal dysplasia (3) Light degree of dysplasia (4) Medium degree of dysplasia (5) Heavy dysplasia RESULTS Data file included 512 inbreed animals (282 males and 230 females) of first generation having evaluation on degree of hip dysplasia. Distribution of first generation of inbreed animals over degree of dysplasia is in Table 1. Average degree of dysplasia in group of inbreed males was 1.79 ± Average intensity of inbreeding of males was 0.02 with minimum (common ancestor of parents in 3 rd generation) and maximum (mating of half-sibs). Average degree of dysplasia in group of females was 1.70 ± Intensity of inbreeding in females was in average 0.02 with distribution from minimum to maximum 0.25 (mating parent offspring).

4 Table 1: Distribution of inbreed animals over degree of hip dysplasia by sex and intensity of inbreeding in their pedigree Sex Degree of hip n x σ P Min. Max. % dysplasia distribution Females Males Table 2: Distribution of outbreed animals over degree of hip dysplasia by sex Sex Degree of hip dysplasia n % distribution Females Males Group of outbreed animals consists 6582 animals having evaluation of degree of hip dysplasia. Results of evaluation of outbreed animals according to degree of hip dysplasia is in Table 2. Average degree of dysplasia in group of outbreed males was 2.17 ± Average degree of dysplasia in group of outbreed females was 2.16 ± Differences between males and females were small (higher in males) not significant neither in inbreed nor outbreed animals. Differences between groups of animals were tested under Student s t-test (15). When comparing differences in degree of hip dysplasia presence between inbreed and outbreed animals, significant differences were found between groups. Where outbreed animals have higher degree of dysplasia as inbreed animals. Differences and their significances are shown in Table 3.

5 Degree of Hip Dysplasia FOLIA VETERINARIA, XX, X: XX XX, 2008 Table 3: Significance of t - test for differences in degree of hip dysplasia between groups of animals Group 1 Group 2 Difference Outbreed females Outbreed males Outbreed females Inbreed females Outbreed males Inbreed males Outbreed animals Inbreed animals Inbreed females Inbreed males Picture 1: Proposed trend in evolution of degree of hip dysplasia in group of inbreed animals R 2 = 0, ,005 0,01 0,015 0,02 0,025 Coefficent of Inbreeding Picture 1 shows distribution of degree of hip dysplasia over inbreed animals and trend showing proposed general evolution of distribution over inbreed animals, that with increased inbreeding deceases presence of hip dysplasia with reliability of trend R 2 = 0,775. Setting up mixed model for genetic evaluation and running AS REML, variance parameters were estimated for hip dysplasia and coefficient of heritability was computed. Several models were tested. From selected fixed effects, only father had statistically significant influence on hip dysplasia (R 2 = 0.654). Effect of mother and sex was not significant, which is in agreement with present state of knowledge. Analysis resulted in heritability of value h 2 = with low standard error 0.011, estimated heritability is therefore of high reliability.

6 DISCUSSION In analyzed population were observed % dogs with presence of hip dysplasia in some degree (1898 out of 7094 examined). When comparing to results observed in German Shepherds in USA in years 1974 to 2005, only 19 % of population there showed presence of hip dysplasia. J a n u t t a et al. (5) observed in Germany presence of hip dysplasia in population of German Shepherd dog to 21.3 %. Prevention of increased presence of hip dysplasia is rigorous selection of parents which is relation with different standards of breeders association in different countries. Our results on relation of inbreeding and hip dysplasia are in agreement with paper of (8), who observed in group of inbreed dogs with inbreeding between 5 7 %, lowest presence of hip dysplasia. With inbreeding increases possibility to fix traits, therefore after accurate selection decreases chance for presence of hip dysplasia, which is in agreement also with (7) and knowledge that heritability of dysplasia shows to be polygenic affected by more genes with different expression with one of them with higher effect. This is shown also in medium height coefficient of heritability B l i s s et al. (1) similarly estimated medium heritability of hip dysplasia between Lower heritability of hip dysplasia was observed by H a m a n n et al. (3). CONCLUSIONS Sex of animals has no significant effect on presence of hip dysplasia. Effect of father was significant high with coefficient of determination R 2 = Estimated coefficient of heritability was medium, ± Frequency of hip dysplasia decreases with increase of inbreeding of animals. For the future development of breed will be essential strict negative selection of animals with presence of hip dysplasia and increased rigorousness of selection criterions. Actually are allowed for mating animals with hip dysplasia up to degree 2. Because of large selection basis in Slovakia this criterion could be stricter, to eliminate possibility of inherit hip dysplasia from parents. Breeders providing inbreeding represent positive trend, fixing in animals traits connected with hip development of required quality. These trends should be confirmed by larger genetic study on molecular level. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Authors acknowledge VEGA 1/3449/06, KEGA 3/5186/07 and German Shepherds Breeders Association in Slovakia. REFERENCES 1. Bliss, S., Todhunter, R., J., Quaas, R., Casella, G., Wu, R., Lust, G., Williams, A., J., et al. (2002): Quantitative genetics of traits associated with canine hip dysplasia in a canine pedigree constructed by mating dysplastic Labrador Retrievers and unaffected Greyhounds. In: Am. J. Vet. Res. 63,

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