The Pilgrims: The First Month of Encounters in the New World

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1 The Pilgrims: The First Month of Encounters in the New World Libby Wehling Senior Division Historical Paper Paper Length: 2,491 words

2 2 On September 6, 1620, the Mayflower, overcrowded with 102 aboard, set sail from Plymouth, England to North America (Eskridge, 32). Twelve years the former, a group of Protestants and their pastor fled England for Leiden, Holland, a place they could worship freely without persecution from the Church of England. However, a troubled era of and a time of civil unrest was beginning, and the puritans were tired of the hardships of working in the cloth industry (Philbrick). The English children had grown older, and parents were realizing that their children had turned Dutch, much to their dismay (Gaustad). In addition, many missed English village life, and had a vision of regaining the lifestyle they considerably missed. Moreover, these people wanted to create their own model Christian community (Philbrick 4; Bremer 62). So, in this pursuit, 35 members of the Leiden Congregation, accompanied by relatives, friends, and crew members, known as the Strangers, made the decision to start over by building a colony in the New World (Drake 50). Despite homesickness and fears of starvation, violence, and anything else that could happen during the unexpectedly strenuous passage across the Atlantic Ocean, this group as a whole, the Pilgrims, remained optimistic, as depicted in Edward Winslow s description of the land at arrival: And the appearance of it much comforted us, especially, seeing so goodly, a land, and wooded to the brink of the sea, it caused us to rejoice together, and praise God (Cushman; Winslow 6). However, the Pilgrims came to the New World knowing that they would be starting over in an unknown place, and especially with winter advancing upon them rapidly, they were aware that they were taking a tremendous risk (Bradford, History of Plimoth Plantation 95). It would shortly become apparent that the degree of hardships faced in beginning a colony would be higher than ever expected. From the time the Mayflower anchored in the New World on November 11, 1620, through the beginning of Plymouth Plantation s construction, the encounters made by the Pilgrims at Cape Cod would

3 3 prove to play an essential role in shaping Plymouth Colony and the United States for the years to come. On that sunny, Indian summer day, from nine miles out, the Pilgrims glimpsed Cape Cod (D. Carpenter 77). They had aimed for the Hudson River Valley, close to modern day New York City, a northern part of Virginia during that time period. However, it was due to unfavorable winds and shallow waters, that Master Christopher Jones was forced to sail the Mayflower 200 miles north to a safe place to harbor (Harrigan). However, the patent they had secured was for the Virginia Company, and with this location being part of New England, it belonged to a different government (D. Carpenter 11). With this in mind, the Pilgrims decided that due to their poor health and with winter quickly advancing upon them, they would settle where they were (Bremer). This would cause murmurings and threats against the leaders by the rebels of the group, who had planned on having their own liberty and power after coming ashore. The need for a system of rules to be put in place deal to with these sort of issues intensified, causing William Bradford to draft the Mayflower Compact, the first government document of Plymouth Colony (Bradford, History of Plimoth Plantation ). The 41 men aboard agreed to sign, with the justification of being allowed to leave the ship (Eskridge 32). The leaders knew that the colony s survival would be dependent on a government keeping order, as other colonies had failed from lack thereof previously ("Mayflower Compact of 1620, Its American Legacy"). This is a prime example of natural law: a philosophy, in which a system of justice naturally takes place, that has held true for thousands of years. In years later, when the American Declaration of Independence was written, this same system of natural law would be a main component ( natural law ). The Mayflower Compact, which stated that the Pilgrims would be governed by equal and just laws, would, in some ways, be what the beginning of what United States government

4 4 would be based off of. In composing the document, it was decided that...there should be an association and agreement, that we should combine together in one body, and to submit to such government and governors, as we should by common consent agree to make and choose, and set out hands to this that follows word for word (Bradford, Mayflower Compact; Winslow, Bradford, and Morton 6). This would prove to be an essential component in the government for times to come, enabling the colonists to govern themselves, which would begin the allowance of the people to elect leaders in the form of an early democracy (Eskridge 31). When writing the Constitution over a century later, John Adams and other founding fathers would look back to the Mayflower Compact for reference ("Mayflower Compact of 1620, Its American Legacy"). Later on, the Bill of Rights would be influenced by the Mayflower Compact, as well (Eskridge 32). Subsequently, the first of the Pilgrim men would set foot on the shore of Long Point, a small neck of land, that they would reach after wading through three quarters of a mile of freezing waters; the Mayflower was unable to anchor any closer to land due to shallow waters (Winslow, Bradford, and Morton 6). The men would come back with hopeful reports of the land being similar to Holland s, but better. In order for the men to explore the area further, they would need a shallop: a smaller vessel for sailing shallow waters. However, after being stored in the ship s quarters during severe storms during the voyage, the shallop needed extensive repairs. Impatiently, sixteen men, with leaders being Captain Myles Standish, William Bradford, Stephen Hopkins, and Edward Tilley, would set out to look around on foot(7). It was not long before the men glimpsed of a small group of Native Americans, who had quickly run off, which startled the Pilgrims, as they had heard rumor that the land was devoid of all civil inhabitants (Winslow, Bradford, and Morton 8; Harrigan) In hopes of finding a Native American village, the explorers set out to follow the Native Americans path, only to never find them, even though the

5 5 search had taken three days (Winslow, Bradford, and Morton 8). Despite this, the men had found a desperately needed spring, and a clear water pond, and drank fresh water for the first time since departing from England (Bradford, History of Plimoth Plantation 99; Winslow, Bradford, and Morton 8). Pilgrim Pond, is known to be 50 to 60 yards wide, and is located in present day North Truro, Massachusetts (Harrigan). Aboard the Mayflower, there had been only wine and beer, most of which had been consumed. Back in England, it was not unusual for the people drink mostly beer, as the drinking water was poor, and often would lead to illness (Philbrick 3). In a later part of this exploration, the group came to a 50 acre plot, in which they named Corn-hill, where there was signs of formerly planted corn, plus other goods, such as bows, arrows, walnuts, vines, a European kettle, baskets, dried strawberries, which were later deemed to be cranberries, and most importantly, dried corn, buried nearby (Winslow, Bradford, and Morton 8; E. Carpenter 86). With great satisfaction, the kettle and baskets were heaped with as much corn as could be carried, and brought back to camp to be saved for seed (Winslow, Bradford, and Morton 9). Two days after the return from this first exploration, the shallop was finally suitable for use, which would allow for a group of 34 men, armed with matchlock muskets, to set out in search of a supposed river (Winslow, Bradford, and Morton 9; Harrigan). The weather, though, had taken a turn for the worse, and the men, being in either a shallop or a long boat, became soaked with salt water by the rough waves (Winslow, Bradford, and Morton 10). The snow then began, and the wind blew harder, continuing until late the next day. From this, the first deaths of the Pilgrims in the New World took place. The remaining men would continue to Corn-hill, where they would uncover more corn, as well as baskets of Indian wheat, dried colored beans, and a bottle of oil (Winslow, Bradford, and Morton 10; Bradford, History of Plimoth Plantation

6 6 100). Following deer tracks and beaten paths in the snow, the group of explorers then came to a Native American grave site; they would dig up two graves of whom were thought to be an Indian lord and king, and would find items such as bowls, trays, dishes, and bracelets, in which they would take with them (11). It was noticed that homes of Native Americans were nearby, and with no one around, the men went in the houses, and took some of the best things away with them, including tobacco and other unknown seeds and fish, with intentions of paying back the owners when they could (12). At this point, the explorers had become very optimistic, as they were looking forward to spring, and growing food so that they wouldn t starve (Bradford, History of Plimoth Plantation 100). Meanwhile, as the men were exploring, the servants, women, and children were living on the ship, which was anchored in the harbor. Peregrine White, daughter of William and Susanna White, was born, and was the first Pilgrim child to be born in America. Ironically, on the same day, the family s servant Edward Thompson died. Drama was brewing, and Dorothy May Bradford, William Bradford s girl-wife was drowned while he was gone (Marble). Those aboard the Mayflower were becoming restless, forcing a decision regarding where to settle be made (Winslow, Bradford, and Morton 13). Consequently, a group of eighteen discoverers set out to find the best place to start village construction. By now, it was the beginning of December, and many of the men had become very ill. Scurvy and other diseases had affected most of the Pilgrims; some were weakened to the point of death (Bradford, History of Plymouth Plantation 111). Regardless, the Pilgrim explorers sailed in the shallop until they came a sandy point where they noticed close to a dozen Native Americans who were gathered around a fish on shore. After catching sight of the explorers, though, they ran off (Winslow, Bradford, and Morton 6). Since it was getting late, the men set up their usual sleeping barricade on shore; the next morning they would split up in pursuit, some

7 7 in the shallop and others on foot (7). However, the next day, little was found to be significant other than the many large grampus fish washed up--it was not unusual for this to happen after storms--so the two groups merged back together at Grampus Bay, the place where the Native American were first seen, to set up their usual nighttime barricade for sleeping (Bradford, History of Plimoth Plantation 102; Winslow, Bradford, and Morton 13). Early in the morning, the Pilgrim explorers ate breakfast, and then brought their supplies down to shore to be loaded into the shallop. Suddenly, arrows starting flying among the men, which was frightening, since only four of the men were armed, and had not brought their guns to the shallop yet. Captain Myles Standish had arms ready, and shot in hopes of scaring off the 30 to 40 attackers. The Native Americans were not discouraged, but soon retreated on their own anyway. The explorers were fortunate to have had their sleeping barricade, which was made out of logs, sticks, and pine bows, as all were able to escape being hit (Bradford, History of Plimoth Plantation 102). It was decided to name this place First Encounter Beach, which still exists today, and is located outside of the present day town of Eastham, Massachusetts (Winslow, Bradford, and Morton 15; Harrigan). This first encounter, was not the Native Americans first encounter at all; they had had close to a century of negative encounters with Europeans, making it clear that they had attacked out of fear (D. Carpenter 4; Harrigan). The Pilgrims continued exploration for days to come, and decided, after assessing nearby islands as well as much of the mainland, on a place previously used to grow corn, as described by Winslow in Mourt s Relation:... 4 or 5 small running brooks of very sweet fresh water, that all run into the sea: the land land for the crust of the earth is a spit s depth, excellent black mould and fat in some places, 2 or 3 great oaks but not very thick, pines, walnuts, beech, ash birch, hazel, holly, asp, sassafras, in abundance, and vines

8 8 everywhere, cherry trees, plum trees, and many other which we know not; many kinds of herbs, we found here in winter, as strawberry leaves innumerable, sorrel, yarrow, carvel, brooklime, liverwort, watercresses, great store of leeks, and onions, and an excellent strong kind of flax, and hemp; here is sand, gravel, and excellent clay no better in the world, excellent for pots, and will wash like soap, and great store of stone, though somewhat soft, and the best water that ever we drunk, and the brooks now begin to be full of fish (16). The Pilgrims would learn, later on, that they were building at Patuxet, a Native American village that had been wiped out by a plague four years before (Winslow, Bradford, and Morton 21). So, 38 days after first spotting Cape Cod, it was decided where they would settle, and the strenuous labor of fetching wood, which would first be used to build the twenty square foot common house, would begin (Winslow, Bradford and Morton 17; Marble). From the time the Mayflower anchored in the New World on November 11, 1620, through the beginning of Plymouth Plantation s construction, the encounters made by the Pilgrims at Cape Cod would prove to play an essential role in shaping Plymouth Colony and the United States for the years to come. Before even coming ashore, the first government document, the Mayflower Compact, would be signed by all men aboard, and would be influential in the shaping of not only the colony, but the United States government over a century later, with it s impression still lasting today (Bradford, Mayflower Compact; Eskridge 31-32). The first explorations, and finding of Corn-hill, would provide much of the seed needed in the spring; it largely would be because of this that the Pilgrims would not have a starving time, unlike the other American colonies before (Gaustad). Without the seed and other necessities from the Native Americans, the colony most likely would not have survived. Patuxet would prove to be a

9 9 suitable place to build Plymouth Plantation, setting up the Pilgrims for success. In only a little over a month in the New World, the first encounters made by the Pilgrims would be principal in constructing a prosperous colony, and later, nation.

10 10 Annotated Bibliography Primary Sources Bradford, William. History of Plimoth Plantation. Boston: Wright & Potter Printing, Applewood Books, Web. This journal was written by William Bradford, who was the long time governor of Plymouth Colony. This is known to be the most complete source of documentation of the colony, and was therefore essential to writing my paper. Bradford, William. Mayflower Compact. Hoboken, NJ: BiblioBytes, NetLibrary. Web. 30 Jan The Mayflower Compact was Plymouth Colony s first governing document. This document showed how the Pilgrims were to establish a government and organization, so it was important in my paper. Cushman, Robert. Letter to Edward Southworth. 17 Aug MS. Dartmouth, Devon. Robert Cushman was a leader and organizer for the Mayflower s voyage to the New World. He was a passenger on the Mayflower from London to Southampton, where he would board the Speedwell, which was later forced to abandon. Although he didn t come to the New World until later, this letter, which was sent to his good friend, Edward Southworth, showed the hopes and fears of those making the voyage. Winslow, Edward, William Bradford, and George Morton. Mourt's Relation (1622): Web. 7 Jan The beginning of this first-hand account was written by William Bradford, and the latter half was written by Edward Winslow, both of whom were Mayflower passengers. George Morton, who came to Plymouth later on, aided in writing and publication. This journal is very important to my paper, because it made me aware of the Pilgrims thoughts, encounters, and daily routines. Secondary Sources Berkley, Jerri. Phone interview. 23 Jan As a genealogist and a Mayflower descendant, herself, Jerri Berkley has an extensive knowledge of Plymouth and Cape Cod, as well as of the Mayflower passengers. This interview was important to my project because I was given insight into putting information I already had into context and where to look to next for research.

11 11 Bremer, Francis J. Library of New England : Puritan Experiment : New England Society from Bradford to Edwards. Lebanon: U of New England, Web. The Pilgrims did not only want to escape religious persecution; they wanted to create a model Christian community. Of the Mayflower passengers, the majority were Strangers, not actually Separatists. This source made me more aware of the religious reasons behind the voyage. Carpenter, Delores B. Early Encounters : Native Americans and Europeans in New England - Selected Papers of W. Sears. East Lansing: Michigan State UP, Web. Before the Pilgrims arrived, Native Americans had already had numerous encounters with Europeans. This would shape the encounters taking place between the Pilgrims and Native peoples. This book helped me to understand why the encounters happened the way they did. Carpenter, Edmund J. The Mayflower Pilgrims. Abingdon, Web. This book, originally from Yale University, explains and breaks down William Bradford s History of Plimoth Plantation using modern day language. This was important to my paper because it explained what I had already read, and made it so it would relate to my paper s theme. Drake, Samuel A. The Making of New England. North Scituate: Digital Scanning, Incorporated, Web. The Pilgrims fled England to go to Leiden, Holland to worship freely. This sources tells of how, twelve years later, the Pilgrims decided it was time to make a move and start a colony in the New World. Eskridge III, Charles R. "Modern Lessons From Original Steps Towards The American Bill Of Rights." Texas Review Of Law & Politics 19.1 (2014): Academic Search Complete. Web. 30 Jan The Mayflower Compact was the first government document in United States history. It is from that, that government evolved from. This article gives insight into the beginning of our country s government, and was therefore useful in helping me put this knowledge into context. Gaustad, Edwin S. "Quest For Pure Christianity." Christian History13.1 (1994): 8. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 30 Jan Although the Pilgrims were able to freely worship in Holland, there were drawbacks to Dutch life. Because of this, the Separatists decided to plan on starting a colony in the New World. This article made me aware of how the Pilgrims life in Holland gave them the skills they would need in the New World.

12 12 Harrigan, Stephen. "First Encounter." American History 47.5 (2012): Military & Government Collection. Web. 30 Jan The Pilgrim s first encounter with Native Americans was unexpected, and had the potential to leave a lasting impression. In this article, the author breaks down the original account, and includes modern day locations and facts pertaining to the encounter. This was important to my paper, as this event was significant. Marble, Annie Russell. The Women Who Came in the Mayflower Web. The women on the Mayflower had numerous experiences that often went unheard, while the men were off. Before a place to live was built, they remained on the ship with the crew. This book explains the women s roles in the creation of Plymouth Colony. Maxwell, Richard Howland. "Pilgrim and Puritan: A Delicate Distinction." Pilgrim Society Note, Series Two 1 (2003). The difference between Puritans and Pilgrims is often confused. This article made me aware that although the Pilgrims were puritans, they were not Puritans, as Puritans refer to colonists of Massachusetts Bay Colony. "Mayflower Compact of 1620, Its American Legacy." Rights of the People. Web. 03 Feb The Mayflower Compact was the first important document of Plymouth Colony. This would lead to the establishment of a government, which would help the colony to succeed. This article was important to my paper because it helped make me aware of the Mayflower Compact s impact. "The Mayflower Murderer." Legal Studies Forum 29.2 (2005): Academic Search Complete. Web. 30 Jan This article was useful in showing social problems occurring on the Mayflower and in early Plymouth Colony. It was because of the threat of mutiny that a government was put into place. My paper benefitted from this because of the exhibition of early-on problems by this source. "natural law". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., Web. 04 Feb The establishment of government in Plymouth Colony, beginning with the Mayflower Compact is a prime example of natural law: the philosophy that a justice system is derived naturally. This source helped me understand why the Mayflower Compact was written. Philbrick, Nathaniel. Mayflower: A story of courage, community, and war. Penguin, 2006.

13 Although the Pilgrims experience in Holland was not negative, their children were becoming Dutch, and they were missing English village life. In hopes of recreating the life they were missing, but with religious freedom, the Pilgrims voyaged to the New World. This book was important for my paper because it explained background prior to the Mayflower s voyage. 13

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