First Year First Self-assessment Test

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1 Name: Ulg student ID: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine First Year First Self-assessment Test BMV1 English Length: 2:00 hours This examination is machine marked. Use only black or blue biro. Make sure the boxes are completely filled with ink or you will not receive credit for the answer. Make sure you read the questions and answer choices very carefully and remember that the correct answer refers to what is said in the text, so do not answer from your general knowledge. If you think several choices are plausible, always select the most precise and accurate one. Wrong answers are penalized: -0.5 point in True/False questions and point in MCQs. u Please put your name and student ID on both sheets as required. I. Reading Comprehension The Good, the Bad and the Scaly: Choosing Small Pets for Kids By Petra Spiess 1. Mom, pleeeeeze, I promise to always take care of it and to always do all my chores, homework, all the dishes every night for eternity if you let me have it! What parent hasn t heard some form of this plea when visiting a pet store? Pets are a special part of childhood; the right pet can capture a child s imagination and create fond memories that last a lifetime. But how do you know if that pet for which your child swears she will never, EVER hit her sister again is appropriate? 2. There are many inexpensive small animals commonly seen for sale in pet stores that do not make good children s pets. What makes a pet a good or bad pet for children? Ease of care. Although older children may be responsible enough to care for a small pet on their own, younger children always require supervision to ensure the health and safety of the animal. Acceptance of handling. Children love to handle their pets, but small animals differ significantly in their acceptance of this. The following is a list of commonly seen pets that are not the best choice for children, followed by more suitable alternatives. Not Great for Kids: Hamsters and Gerbils 3. Hamsters and gerbils are the perennial children s pet. They are inexpensive and have a high cuteness factor. However, most hamster and gerbil species are primarily nocturnal animals, and are always awake at night. As a result, they prefer to sleep during the day and are very grumpy (particularly hamsters) when awakened by small, poking fingers. It is at these times that they are particularly inclined to bite. 4. Hamsters and gerbils can become tame over time with gentle handling, but as every parent of young children knows, most young children have a difficult time with the concept of gentle or gradual. MISSING LINK A -, hamsters and gerbils are quite small, and are difficult for children to handle gently. Both are master escape artists; they seem to be able to find the tiniest crack in their cage, or 1

2 opportunity for escape, and make the most of it (arguably, this is a rodent-wide trait). Although they are easy to care for, their nocturnal habits and small size make them less-than-ideal pets for young children. Better Bet: Rat! 5. Although they have never recovered from the bad press of the plague, rats are excellent pets and superior to hamsters and gerbils in many ways. Many people mistakenly believe rats are dirty. MISSING LINK B -, they are fastidious cleaners and, as far as any rodent can be called so, hygienic. 6. Highly social and intelligent, rats often form strong bonds with their owner and love to be handled (although, like most small pets, they require a gentle touch). Rats are much larger than hamsters or gerbils, making them easier to hold, but they also require larger housing. Pet rats need a cage that is at least a foot deep, a foot high, and 2 feet in width. Wire cages are the best choice as they allow for better ventilation. 7. Rats are easy to care for, needing fresh water, rat chow (sold in pet stores) and some toys, such as an exercise wheel. Because rats are so social, they do best with the companionship of another rat, but make sure to get rats of the same sex or two rats will quickly become six to eight. If you can get over the creepiness of the naked tail which in many cases makes them more, not less attractive to kids rats can make excellent pets for children. Not Great for Kids: Iguanas and Box Turtles 8. Because reptiles naturally carry salmonella bacteria, which can cause illness in humans, the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends reptiles not be kept in households with children under 5, pregnant women or people with compromised immune systems. 9. MISSING LINK C - their being commonly found in pet stores, there are few pets more inappropriate for children (and many adults) than green iguanas. Iguanas are beautiful animals, but the 6-inch long lizard seen in the pet store rapidly becomes the 6-foot long adult iguana. There is no aquarium large enough to house an adult animal. Iguanas have elaborate care requirements. They do not produce their own body heat, so they require a supplemental heat source as well as additional, full spectrum lighting to provide the vitamin D that is required to keep them healthy. And feeding adult iguanas is not just a matter of throwing in some iceberg lettuce once in a while; iguanas need daily feeding of a wide variety of high-quality greens and vegetables, as well as calcium supplementation. 10. Children like to be able to handle their pets, and iguanas are not very happy to oblige. Reptiles in general do not like to be handled; they are not social animals and are often stressed by human handling. And while iguanas can become tame over time, the effort required to make them so is much greater than with other reptiles and certainly much higher than with most fuzzy pets. Adult iguanas, particularly males, can be very aggressive during some parts of the year. 11. Meanwhile, box turtles are also routinely found for sale in pet stores and are a common children s pet. Although box turtles are very docile and will tolerate handling, their care requirements are much more challenging than children, and most adults, realize or can accommodate (unless the turtle is kept outside year round in an area that falls within its natural habitat). Box turtles require a fairly large cage, sufficient heating, high quality food, calcium supplementation, full spectrum lighting and a hibernation period of four to six months. 2

3 12. Of all common children s pets, box turtles have by far the longest life span, possibly living up to 100 years. Your child s box turtle would still be hale and hearty when the first grandchildren arrive a time commitment most people are unwilling to make to a pet. Better Bet: Corn Snake or Leopard Gecko 13. MISSING LINK D - reptiles are not recommended as pets in households with children under 5, some reptiles can make excellent and easy-to-care-for pets for older children. Even children with the strongest allergies to fuzzy pets can own a pet reptile because they are totally non-allergenic. 14. One of the easiest-to-care-for reptile pets is the corn snake. Corn snakes are native to the southeastern United States, but are very commonly bred in captivity and come in a dazzling variety of colors and patterns. The adult length of a corn snake is around 4 to 5 feet, and their circumference is about that of an average garden hose. This is in contrast to some snakes, such as Burmese pythons and Colombian boa constrictors, which start out as small baby snakes but soon reach gigantic and totally inappropriate sizes. Corn snakes can be easily housed in a 15- to 20-gallon aquarium with a secure wire top, but they do require a heat source, such as a heat lamp or under-tank heating pad on one side of the cage. Corn snakes need to be fed an appropriately sized mouse once a week, which may be off-putting to some families. 15. As far as handling is concerned, corn snakes are generally very docile and tolerate handling well. Parents should not allow unsupervised handling of any reptile by children under age 12, and all children should be taught to wash their hands afterward. 16. MISSING LINK E - the lack of legs and mouse feeding is undesirable, consider a leopard gecko. Leopard geckos are large (approximately 8 to 10 inches long as adults), ground-dwelling geckos that make excellent pets for older children. A pair of adult leopard geckos can be comfortably housed in a 15-gallon aquarium with a screen top. As with other reptiles, leopard geckos require a heat source on one side of the cage in order to digest their food properly. Leopard geckos cannot climb glass like other geckos, which makes them much less likely to escape. The primary diet of leopard geckos is crickets and mealworms, in addition to a calcium supplement. 17. Adult leopard geckos are very gentle and easily handled, but again, kids under age 12 should always be supervised when handling their pet. Everyone who handles leopard geckos must wash their hands afterward. Although their care is significantly different from fuzzy pets, and they require some precautions, there are few other pets that can impress as much as a corn snake or leopard gecko at show and tell! [--- GAP A ---] Not Great for Kids: Rabbits 18. Many rabbits are given as gifts on Easter, only to be turned in to an animal shelter weeks later. Although rabbits have many good qualities, they have several detractions as pets. With the exception of the very dwarf varieties, rabbits can get quite big, requiring large housing. As a prey species, rabbits are easily frightened by loud noises and sudden handling-conditions. In these situations, rabbits can bite or inflict serious scratches. If the animal is allowed to run loose in the house, and rabbits do need time outside their cages for exercise, they can be very destructive chewers. [--- GAP B ---] 19. Even outdoor rabbits have their share of disadvantages, mainly their health. Outdoor rabbits are more susceptible to diseases especially those caused by parasites. They also require special care during extreme weather conditions. Extreme heat can cause heatstroke, which can lead to the death of your rabbit. [--- GAP C ---] 3

4 20. These mammals are also prey to most carnivores and need close monitoring especially when outdoors. Birds of prey and roaming dogs and cats all would like to have a bite of your pet which requires owners to supervise their rabbits whenever they are roaming free. Even indoor rabbits that socialize with other pets have been known to be injured by their housemates - remember, rabbits really have no way to protect themselves except by running away. [--- GAP D ---] Better Bet: Guinea Pig 21. One of the best overall pets for children in nearly every department is the guinea pig. Guinea pigs are easily tamed, love to be handled, don t require large housing, and are easily cared for. As with all pets, gentle handling is required, but guinea pigs rarely bite or scratch and can become very attached to their owners. When petted, guinea pigs make adorable purring type noises that delight adults and children alike. 22. Cages to house guinea pigs can be easily and inexpensively purchased at a local pet supply store, but make sure not to purchase a cage that has a wire mesh bottom (generally used for rabbits) as guinea pigs have small feet and can hurt themselves in this type of cage. Guinea pigs are easy to feed, requiring only pressed alfalfa pellets, alfalfa hay, fresh water and a variety of different fresh vegetables to supplement their diet. 23. To conclude, pets and children are an excellent combination. Owning and caring for the right pet is often one of the best, and most memorable, parts of childhood. Pet ownership leads to a wealth of educational opportunities, as children are often excited to read and learn about their new friend. Although some children, especially older children, may be responsible enough to care for their pet, it is always the parent s responsibility to ensure the animal is receiving the care it requires. Selecting the right small animal pet will increase the pleasure of pet ownership for children and parents alike provided hygiene precautions are taken. I. Five linking words have been deleted from the article. Decide which of the following fit in the gaps left in your text. 1. MISSING LINK A ( 4) 1) However 2) In addition 3) In fact 4) Therefore 2. MISSING LINK B ( 5) 1) As a consequence 2) By contrast 3) For example 4) In fact 3. MISSING LINK C ( 9) 1) Although 2) Because 3) Despite 4) Due to 4. MISSING LINK D ( 13) 1) Although 2) Despite 3) Since 4) So long as 5. MISSING LINK E ( 16) 1) By contrast 2) If 3) Unless 4) While II. Decide whether the following ideas are True (1), or False or Not Given (2). Answer ALL questions based on what is stated or implied in the article. 6. In order to be a good choice for small children, pocket pets should be easy to maintain and tolerate handling. 7. Hamsters are described as more apt to bite when awakened by surprise than gerbils. 4

5 8. That they are nocturnal animals is only one of the reasons mentioned in the text why hamsters and gerbils are not suitable pets for young children. 9. Rats are presented as better choices than either hamsters or gerbils for a number of reasons, among which the size of the cage they need. 10. According to the author of the article, domestic rats make great pets because they are cheaper to keep, cleaner, smarter, and much easier to handle than all other pet rodents. 11. According to the author, the rat s naked tail often proves to be off-putting to children. 12. A full-grown green iguana is more than 10 times longer than a baby one. 13. Even though it is not impossible to tame an iguana over time, taming and training it is generally much more difficult than taming a rodent or another type of reptile. 14. One of the reasons why snakes would make suitable pets for young allergy-prone children is that, contrary to furry pets, they are hypo-allergenic. 15. Although corn snakes never become very big, their having to be fed mice is likely to discourage some people from keeping such pet reptiles. 16. Leopard geckos are relatively big lizards which live on the ground and feed on insects and small rodents. 17. According to the author of the article, guinea pigs would make great small pets for children because they need little maintenance and like to be handled and petted. 18. It can be inferred from the article that pet reptiles are notorious for passing on disease but not for causing allergies. 19. When she says in paragraph 17 that there are few pets that can impress as much as a corn snake or leopard gecko at show and tell, the writer means that those two reptile species can become very aggressive. 20. The article contains a number of clues indicating that its author is American. III. Choose the correct answer. 21. Which of the following ideas best corresponds to the author s opinion? 1) Having to care for a pet is certainly something that can help children to grow up. 2) Owning a small pet is both wonderful and useful to a child provided it has been chosen well. 3) Parents very often select inappropriate pets for their children. 4) Pets are better off without children and very few children actually need pets. 22. Which of the following characteristics of leopard geckos is NOT presented as an advantage? 1) Adult leopard geckos can be 10 inches in length. 2) Leopard geckos feed on insects and mealworms rather than on mice. 3) Unlike other gecko breeds, leopard geckos are not good climbers. 4) NONE OF THE ABOVE 23. Which of the following negative points of pet rabbits is NOT mentioned in the article? 1) Grown rabbits often require very large cages. 2) Indoor rabbits are not easily litter-box trained and need to bathe regularly to prevent odors. 3) Pet rabbits are very likely to bite and get bitten. 4) While they are roaming, pet rabbits tend to gnaw on anything they can get their teeth into. 24. Why does the author advise some categories of people not to opt for pet reptiles? 1) Because most grow to giant sizes, which may cause problems in small houses. 2) Because they carry bacteria and can contaminate immune-deficient people. 3) Because they cause allergies and carry lots of parasites. 4) Because they hibernate, which means they can t be played with several months a year. 25. Which of the following types of small pets are NOT mentioned in the text? 1) birds 2) mammals 3) reptiles 5

6 4) NONE OF THESE 26. Which of the following characteristics of leopard geckos is EITHER clearly mentioned OR alluded to in the article? 1) Sufficient calcium is very important for their diet. 2) Their name refers to the animal's natural spotted markings. 3) They are nocturnal animals. 4) Unlike other geckos, they possess eyelids. 27. Which of the following ideas is NOT stated in the article? 1) Green iguanas require a lot of maintenance and females tend to be aggressive in some periods of the year. 2) If they can t stay outdoors all the time in an environment similar their natural one, box turtles are very demanding pets. 3) Lots of pet rabbits are abandoned every year. 4) Not all ready-made cages sold in pet stores are suitable for guinea pigs. 28. Which of the following ideas is NOT presented in the article as a reason for keeping guinea pigs as pets? 1) Guinea pigs are extremely easy to keep for they require little maintenance. 2) Guinea pigs are such robust little creatures that they will hardly ever get injured whatever the way they are manipulated provided they are cared for properly. 3) Guinea pigs are very docile and easy-going pets, very unlikely to become aggressive. 4) Guinea pigs can be very delightful pets when they emit cat-like soft vibrant sounds when they are content and happy. 29. This is an insert text question. You can see four gaps between square brackets in paragraphs 17 to 20 that represent possible answer choices. Decide at which gap the sentence below is best inserted. Outdoor cages need sanitized regularly and droppings removed from underneath hutches to prevent flies and odors. 1) Gap A 2) Gap B 3) Gap C 4) Gap D 30. In paragraph 12, the author uses the phrase hale and hearty. Which of the following explanations best conveys the same idea? 1) Alive and well 2) Fit and well 3) Healthy and snaky 4) Lively and awake IV. Provide synonyms for the words below (underlined in the article). 31. grumpy ( 3) 1) bad-tempered 2) demanding 3) excited 4) exhausted 32. requirements ( 9) 1) methods 2) needs 3) purposes 4) recommendations 33. challenging ( 11) 1) compelling 2) difficult 3) disgusting 4) time-consuming 6

7 34. scratches ( 18) 1) bumps 2) claws 3) clumps 4) wounds 35. petted ( 21) 1) fed 2) handled 3) squeezed 4) stroked II. Veterinary Vocabulary 36. Which of the following objects CANNOT be used after the verb shed? 1) chickens 2) hair 37. Which of the following actions is NOT done voluntarily? 3) horns 4) pounds 1) groom 3) rub 2) lick 4) sneeze 38. Which of the following words designates a symptom? 1) bedding 2) bleeding 3) breathing 4) breeding 39. Which of the following verbs is NEVER connoted positively? 1) recover 2) relapse 40. Which of the following animals is necessarily dead? 1) calf 2) donkey 3) relieve 4) remove 3) goat 4) mutton 41. Which of the following terms does NOT designate a disease? 1) distemper 2) diabetes 3) rabies 4) spleen 42. Which of the following animals is necessarily female? 1) foal 2) gelding 3) heifer 4) piglet 43. Which of the following is NEVER used to describe a place where animals are kept? 1) cage 2) nest 44. Which of the following is NOT found in cattle? 1) fat 2) herd 3) niche 4) pen 3) hoof 4) horn 45. Which of the following nouns designates «a brood of chickens»? 7

8 1) clump 2) cluster 3) clutch 4) hutch III. Language 46. Which of the following sentences is linguistically correct? 1) I can t give you any advice on how to raise goats and sheep. 2) I can t give you any advices on how to raise goats and sheeps. 3) I can t give you many advices on how to raise goat and sheep. 4) I can t give you much advice on how to raise goat and sheeps. 47. Which of the following sentences is linguistically correct? 1) As a vet I spend 10% of the time vaccinating and sterilizing kittens and puppies. 2) As vet I spend 10% of the time vaccinating and sterilizing kittens and puppies. 3) Like a vet I spend 10% of the time vaccinating and sterilizing kittens and puppies. 4) Like vet I spend 10% of the time vaccinating and sterilizing kittens and puppies. 48. Which of the following sentences is linguistically correct? 1) There are new evidences that dairy cattle are slightly more susceptible to this strain of bacteria than beef cattle. 2) There are new evidences that dairy cattle is slightly more susceptible to this strain of bacterium than beef cattle. 3) There is new evidence that dairy cattle are slightly more susceptible to this strain of bacterium than beef cattle. 4) There is new evidence that dairy cattle is slightly more susceptible to this strain of bacteria than beef cattle. 49. Which of the following sentences is linguistically correct? 1) Cows are very useful to humans because they yield meat, milk, leather and glue. 2) Cows are very useful to the humans because they yield the meat, the milk, the leather and the glue. 3) The cows are very useful to humans because they yield the meat, milk, leather and glue. 4) The cows are very useful to the humans because they yield meat, milk, leather and glue. 50. Which of the following sentences is linguistically correct? 1) This old female tabby ugly cat keeps hanging around trying to eat from my puppy s dish. 2) This old ugly tabby female cat keeps hanging around trying to eat from my puppy s dish. 3) This tabby old ugly female cat keeps hanging around trying to eat from my puppy s dish. 4) This ugly old tabby female cat keeps hanging around trying to eat from my puppy s dish. 51. Which of the following sentences is linguistically correct? 1) Sooner subluxation is treated in a dog, better the dog's chances of regaining a normal life. 2) The sooner is treated subluxation in a dog, the better is the dog's chances of regaining a normal life. 3) The sooner subluxation in a dog is treated, the better chances has the dog of regaining a normal life. 4) The sooner subluxation is treated in a dog, the better the dog's chances of regaining a normal life. 52. Which of the following sentences is linguistically correct? 8

9 1) A lot of stray cats has to be euthanized every year because too many of them are not spayed or neutered. 2) A lot of stray cats has to be euthanized every year because too much of them are not spayed or neutered. 3) A lot of stray cats have to be euthanized every year because too many of them are not spayed or neutered. 4) Lots of stray cats have to be euthanized all years because too many of them are not spayed or neutered. 53. According to a recent survey, keep exotic pets like reptiles or spiders. 1) more than twenty million Americans 2) more than twenty millions Americans 3) more than twenty millions of Americans 4) several millions of Americans 54. I in this animal park for 20 years now. I in ) have been working - graduated 2) have worked have graduated 3) work have graduated 4) worked graduated 55. I have always wanted to become an equine vet. I crazy on horses ever since I horse-riding as a little girl. 1) am have started 2) am - started 3) have been - started 4) was started 56. Golden retrievers to be prone to arthritis, especially when they. 1) are know were been overfed 2) are knowed overfeed 3) are known - have been overfed 4) know are overfeeded 57. Choose the question corresponding to this sentence: This foal has been gelded by an incompetent veterinary surgeon. 1) Does this foal gelded by an incompetent veterinary surgeon? 2) Does this foal have been gelded by an incompetent veterinary surgeon? 3) Has this foal been gelded by an incompetent veterinary surgeon? 4) Is this foal been gelded by an incompetent veterinary surgeon? 58. What if my Doberman you? 1) had you done had started chasing 2) would you do had started chasing 3) would you have done had started chasing 4) would you have done was starting chasing 59. He on his post-mortem report for one and a half hours when his computer and most of his work. 1) had been working went down was lost 2) had worked was going down was lost 3) has been working went down lost 4) was working went down has been lost 9

10 60. When my German shepherd birth to her 3 puppies, I one if there is a male and give away the other two. Would you take one? 1) give will keep 2) has given will keep 3) will give will keep 4) will have given will keep 61. Although there is no scientific proof, greyhounds far more easily leash trained than cocker spaniels. 1) are said to be 2) are said to have been 3) are told to be 4) have been told to be 62. When I vacuum-clean my house, I often wish I hairless cats instead of my two Persian kittens. 1) did purchase 2) had not purchased 3) had purchased 4) would have purchased 63. If you before she ever goes into heat, the risk of her developing mammary tumours. 1) have spayed your dog almost completely erases 2) have your dog spay is almost completely erased 3) have your dog spayed is almost completely erased 4) make your dog spay has almost completely erased 64. The poor dog was run over by a car this morning. Fortunately, the vet the internal haemorrhage and save it. 1) could stop 2) might stop 3) was able to stop 4) was allowed to stop 65. Twenty years ago a vet to resect a spinal tumour of that size. The dog. 1) could not have been able should have been euthanized 2) might not be able had to have been euthanized 3) must not have been able could have been euthanized 4) would not have been able would have had to be euthanized 66. Drool will accumulate in the bottom of your puppy s dish. the pup will not drink its own drool, the dish should be rinsed out daily. 1) Although 2) If 3) Provided 4) Since 67. the deer had been trying to give birth for several hours, the animal park vet decided to perform an emergency caesarian section in the field. 1) As 10

11 2) As if 3) Though 4) While 68. broad-spectrum insecticides are used, pests like lice, flies and ticks cannot be rid of in large herds. 1) Given 2) If 3) Since 4) Unless 69. Some animals are used for their muscular power, e.g. for pulling carts or sleighs. They are called draught animals. 1) for example 2) however 3) nevertheless 4) therefore 70. The biggest horse in the world is the Percheron reaches 1 meter 73 or more when fully grown. It can weigh up to 1181 kilos. 1) that 2) which 3),which 4),whom 11

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