Six million is a drastic number of deaths when you really think about it, especially

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2 Six million is a drastic number of deaths when you really think about it, especially when these deaths could easily be prevented by one compassionate, sophisticated choice. Imagine being in the position of being asked if you want to dissect a cat or not. Remember that furry friend you have at home who you consider your best friend, does its similar anatomy to a human really make it necessary to dissect on? This is the question that many students ask themselves when finding out that their school requires them to dissect a cat for a grade. But, for those of us who do not have a pet at home or realize that animals have empathy, it may be difficult to fully grasp that the dissection of these animals may seem beneficial, but in reality, is harmful. To others, the amount of cats dissected in schools may not seem significant but in fact, it is estimated that approximately 6 million animals are dissected annually across the country (The National Anti-Vivisection Society). That tragic number is almost nearly as much as the amount of annual deaths caused by cancer! Unfortunately, we are unable to prevent the deaths caused by this deadly, relentless disease. Conversely, the lives of animals dissected in schools lies within your hands. You hold the key to their fate, so why not make the moral and ethical choice for those who cannot make the choice themselves? Many students are unaware that dissection is even a choice, but the practices of cat dissection in schools have caused many students, and even professionals, to later regret their uneducated decision. To put an end to the amount of deaths caused by dissection, educators must stop the unnecessary practices of cat dissect in schools because it is not only cruel and unethical towards life, but costly, making alternatives the most efficient practice. 2

3 Cat dissection affects millions of cats worldwide who are cruelly killed for educational purposes. Unlike humans, who voluntarily donate their bodies to science, animals such as cats have no say in their own fate. In fact, their fate is often caused by the horrifying procedures that occur before they are even dissected. After all, these cats are purchased for one reason only: death for education. Specifically, cats have been purchased in Mexico, only to be killed (by being drowned or having their throats slit), then sent to the U.S. for distribution (Last Chance for Animals). As if this wouldn t already be a horrifying death, further cruelty includes [being] forcibly injected with preserving fluids after being only partially euthanized, [or] thrown into [a] gas chamber (Last Chance for Animals). Why should any creature have to be brutally killed for education? Education is supposed to be life changing, which animal dissection can be, however, it can be done without exploiting lives. Sadly, students are unaware that many of these cats are obtained from breeders, pet stores, animal dealers, or thieves who redistribute them to dissection companies for students use (Last Chance for Animals). While lots of students dissect cats for education, the majority of them do not take the time to realize how these cats became dead. Many could 3

4 argue that those who do realize the lives they are taking disregard the cruelty to cats because they are believed to be already dead or simply euthanized. Although these cats may already be dead when dissection begins, more than likely, these cats were not found this way but found in the wild or captured, forced to give up their lives to education ( Why Students and Teachers are Concerned ). Therefore, to simply believe that these cats were already dead, may be true, but is greatly missing the behind-the-scenes outlook on the real lives they live before they are cut up. Not only is the cruelty these animals face severe and devastating, but completely unnecessary, making those who tell themselves they were already dead, simply arrogant. Because these cats were permanently put to rest, in a cruel and preventable manner, cat dissection is an unnecessary practice that can easily be avoided. Besides the cruelty these cats face prior to dissection, cat dissection goes beyond teaching body structures and functions; it teaches disrespect for other forms of nonhuman life. When dissecting a cat, most students do not end up getting the benefits that the teacher had in mind. In fact, what many do not realize is that not only is cat dissection a choice, but a right that students often end up taking advantage of and as a result, learn to disvalue life (The National Anti-Vivisection Society). Further proof of this lack of respect that is resulted from cat dissection is that killing thousands of animals every year so that secondary school biology students can look inside them reinforces the belief that animals are just 'things' which humans may use for any purpose (Animals Australia). What students often do not realize is that whether or not the cat was or was not dead, does not matter. What matters is that the animal s life was important, maybe not to you, 4

5 but to them. After all, when a student sees that it is acceptable to dissect an impregnated cat, it teaches them that nonhuman life can be easily spent. Why is this the case for a cat, but if a pregnant mother s life would never be disvalued in this sort of way? Clearly, whether dissecting a cat, impregnated or not, or even a mother, dissection itself is not only harmful to the animals whom are then disregarded, but the student s, themselves. According to The National Anti-Vivisection Society, dissection teaches violence to students by presuming them as expendable. In fact, this holds true to a Florida dissection student who was held accountable for the mutilation and slaughter of 19 cats... (PETA). It is said that 18-year-old Tyler Weinman who was later arrested and charged in connection with the killings, was later found to have participated in cat dissection last year in high school (PETA). Because these cats were treated as objects during dissection, when leaving the classroom, students can mistakably make the connection that these animals are for human use, just as Tyler Weinman did. There is no mistake in saying that the dissection of cats was linked to this disruptive and violent behavior. Although there are many ways to teach anatomy without the dieselization of students, still today, many could argue that cat dissection is a once in a life time experience and is something you should take advantage of while given the opportunity. While this may be true, most students do not consider the negative outcome that results in dissection such as impertinence or the learning of rude behaviors towards animals and possibly humans as well, such as the case of Tyler Weinman. Whether this is a once in a life time experience or not, there are plenty of ways to further educate students about anatomy or biology through alternatives without the chance of violent behaviors. Why risk the desensitization of students but rather teach them to respect all life? After all, isn t that what biology is all 5

6 about? All in all, by using alternatives instead of dissection, students can easily reject the choice to disrespect animal lives, making dissection an unnecessary practice by educators who wish to teach anatomy and the beauty of how the body functions. For those who do not wish to dissect from the cruelty and lack of respect that these cats receive, there is a quite effective solution. In fact, this solution is not only beneficial to students that wish to not participate, but for schools who are looking for affordability while still providing quality education. Cat dissection alternatives are great because they come in a variety of options that a school only needs to purchase once, as opposed to continuing to repurchase these cats for students who do not even get the benefit anyways. In fact, it is stated by the American Anti-Vivisection Society that cats are advertised in the biological supply company catalogs from $27.50 for a 12 pound cat to $58.50 for a pregnant 15 pound cat; a skinned cat is $39.50 and a pregnant skinned cat is $ These prices can not only be out of a school s price range, but costly towards animal lives. For those who cannot afford dissections or are wishing to cut their budget by a vast majority, dissection alternatives are surely the solution. Even The Humane Society offers a loan program which allows schools to borrow alternatives for those who can not afford or simply do not wish to partake in cruel dissection practices. Over all, the expenses that are followed by dissection can quickly add up with the continual purchase of these cats along with the costly dangerous equipment like scalpels or dissection pans (Last Chance for Animals). Essentially, it is not only a waste of animal lives but a waste of money when a school could easily save money while still educating students. As a matter of fact, Cheryl L. Ross, a research assistant for animal research issues, argues that 6

7 students usually end up learning the exact same thing or even more from alternatives. Also, students who use alternatives find that it enables questions to be answered, more control, and allows room for mistakes; resulting in the achievement of dexterity and precision (Animals Australia). Clearly, it is unquestionable that students who are allowed to make mistakes and redo dissection can easily have a similar or even better learning experience than those who actually dissect. Although there are many positives to using dissection alternatives, many people are opposed to alternatives to cat dissection because they believe the hands on experience is far more effective. Although this may be true, there is a multitude of alternatives available that allows educators to choose which best suits their curriculum: anatomical models, computer programs, CD-ROMs such as the Cat Dissection Library CD-ROM, videotapes, videodiscs, charts, transparencies, slides, books and manuals, virtual dissection, and many more (Last Chance for Animals). With the use of these other choices, it is clear that dissection alternatives can be just as effective by allowing students the ability to use them again and again until they fully grasp the material (Last Chance for Animals). All in all, with the use of alternatives as an effective way of teaching anatomy to students, there is clearly no need to continue this cruel and unnecessary practice of cat dissection. 7

8 For many students who are not aware of alternatives, pursing a career in science leads to the belief that cat dissection is a must-do. In today s age, it may seem necessary to dissect an animal to get a better feel for a career in a science but according to pathologist Nancy L. Harrison, M.D., majoring in physiology and anatomy do not require dissection of animals. In fact, in a survey conducted by the National Anti-Vivisection Society of state boards of education, there was no policy or regulation requiring participation in dissection as a condition of graduation, or, to anyone s knowledge, a requirement for entrance into college or university studies (The National Anti- Vivisection Society). Because many students may have their hopes and dreams on going to a veterinary school, they become unsuccessful in reaching out for other options prior to the choice their teachers approve: dissection. Although this may seem evident that dissection in not the only option, unfortunately, many students are unaware that it is due to the lack of information given by educators. Worse yet, along with the hopes of becoming a science major, many students who have the potential to become great scientists or health care professionals may be discouraged to pursue further studies in the sciences because they do not wish to take part in senseless killing (The National Anti- Vivisection Society). Little did they know that there are many acceptions to rejecting cat dissection without giving up their future. In fact, in America, a survey in 1988 by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine found that most medical schools do not require participation in animal labs, and several medical schools do not offer animal labs to their students at all. Of 127 US medical schools only three said they would penalize students who declined to participate in animal labs, making dissection an 8

9 inconsiderably unnecessary practice (Animals Australia). Those wishing to pursue a career in science could argue that although dissection may not be mandatory, it is necessary to participate in order to get the hands on experience. However, along with creating respect for all forms of life and limiting cruelty, alternatives can easily mimic dissection making it an overall better experience. According to the National Anti- Vivisection Society, even for those who wish to pursue a career in science, dissection is not an essential preparation for students who will study medicine or veterinary science, especially when there are alternatives that teach the value of life, along with the misuse of lives for science, pursing it or not. All in all, whether a student wishes to study or purse a career in any sort of science, statistics have shown that the practice of cat dissection is completely unnecessary when there are far more advanced options available. Finding a solution to this awful medical practice can be as simple as awareness. Because many educators do not inform students of their ability to protest against dissection, students against this practice end up dissecting anyways without knowing there are laws to support them. These students need to know that laws in many states for student pro-choice have been set up to provide students a chance to voice their opinions. In fact, if you live in California, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont or Virginia, you have the legal right to refuse to participate in dissection in class! (Last Chance for Animals). Unfortunately, for students who do not live in these states, it may be difficult to get their voice heard without risk consequences. One solution to this problem would be for more states to set up legal refusal to dissect in class. Although this may seem like a lot to ask, there is an even 9

10 simpler solution: awareness from educators. While students many not live in a state like California, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont or Virginia, students who live in Maine and Maryland have student choice policies, while Michigan and Tennessee have legislation proposing student choice (Last Chance for Animals). If educators did a better job of providing students with the specific rights or choices they have in these states, students would be further aware of their ability to protest dissection. Better yet, the 1 st Amendment covers student s right to protest dissection. Specifically, according to the Constitution by the 1 st Amendment, students have the legal right to refuse to [take] part in dissection if the situation is nontraditional and tied negatively towards [their] personal beliefs (C.L. Lindsay III). If educators simply educate future dissectors of what the other options are, how these cats were obtained, and what rights these students have, most students would come to the conclusion that dissection is not necessary after all. Another simple thing that educators could do is provide a participation form so students know exactly what their rights are. In fact, there are laws in many states that require substitutes for students who do not participate, providing no excuse for students who do not want to partake in this practice, especially after being further educated from teachers themselves (Technology Aids 10

11 Dissection Foes). After all, when a regretful student later finds out that they had the choice of dissection, it could be truly devastating. By providing awareness to all students, those who wish to not participate but feel forced to because of a bad grade, or those who are not even truly aware of these cruel practices can make the decision that is not only best for themselves and their education, but also for what is best for the animals as well. The cruelty that occurs from life to death of these cats is a choice. However, providing students with the awareness of their ability to protest dissection can help provide a solution to unnecessary cat dissection. In short, with over 6 million animals killed for dissection each year, cat dissection is becoming more and more of an unnecessary practice for not only cats to go through but students, themselves. Although dissection in schools may seem like a necessity, with all the alternatives available, there is really no excuse. Compared to the number of cancerous deaths, dissection rates are almost nearly as high and this is a severe problem. Luckily, a change can effortlessly be made through awareness as long as dissection rights, choices, and alternatives are brought into the picture. These problems can effectively take place by switching to alternatives in which can bring down dissection rates of cats while still providing quality education, cost, and efficiency. Unfortunately, for those who are unaware that dissection alternatives are even an option, end up facing dissection in a regretful manner. By reminding students of their choices and rights to refuse to dissect, students who do not wish to dissect can easily do so. This will not only provide equal learning opportunities for all, but it may even provoke enhanced learning. Better yet, the amount of cats killed solely for dissection will drastically decrease. There is always room 11

12 for improvement in education, especially when it triggers the keeping of a life. It is now time to act now and realize that the practice of cat dissection is unnecessary when there are equivalent, possibly more effective ways to replace it and you can help, too. Contact your school s Board of Education, talk to students themselves, and protest for your right to not dissect! After following through with my own advice and creating an online petition that can be found at my High School is now reconsidering their learning techniques when it comes to using lives of those once alive. 12

13 Works Cited American Anti-Vivisection Society. Paw Prints and Purrs, Inc. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb < Bullard, Madeline. AP Biology Cat Dissection Proves to be Memorable. CHS Globe. N.p., 17 Mar Web. 13 Dec < 03/ap-biology-cat-dissection-proves-to-be-memorable/>. C.L. Lindsay III. Right to Refuse Participation in Dissection Lies in First Amendment. Knight Ridder/Tribune 18 Aug. 2003: n. pag. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 5 Jan Hoff, David J. Technology Aids Dissection Foes. Education Week (2001): +1. SIRS Knowledge Source. Web. 16 Dec Last Chance for Animals. Dissection. Last Chance for Animals. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan < 13

14 Nancy L. Harrison, M.D. A Doctor s View of Dissection. Dissection Alternatives. A Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, n.d. Web. 13 Dec < The National Anti-Vivisection. Dissection in the Classroom. The National Anti- Vivisection. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan < The National Anti-Vivisection Society. Dissection in Education. The National Anti- Vivisection Society. N.p., 25 Jan Web. 25 Jan < People of the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Does High School Dissection Breed Cat Killers? People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar < A Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. Why Students and Teachers are Concerned. Dissection Alternatives. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, n.d. Web. 13 Dec < concerned.cfm>. 14


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