Marbled White. Heath Fritillary Mellicl<l<llh<l/i<l

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1 * Spotted Fritillary Melil<le<l didy1l1<l Rather similar to the Glanville, but highly variable in colouring. The undersides of the hindwings show the main differences: there is a clear row of orange patches near the margin, without dots; the upper side often looks slightly redder than the average fritillary. Habitat Flowery pastures, on various soils. Food-plants include speedwells and plantains. on the Continent from N France and S Germany southwards. Season S-9. Heath Fritillary Mellicl<l<llh<l/i<l A very variable species; wingspan 40 45mm. The upper sides of the wings tend to be more darkly marked and evenly chequered than other species, with dark edges to the wings. Underwings very variable. Habitat Open woods and flowery pastures, not usually on heaths. Status and distribution Very rare in the UK, in a few southern sites, but beginning to increase as a result of correct management. Widespread and moderately common Season 6-7 in UK; 6-9 Marsh Fritillary Eurodryas auril1ia Similar to Heath Fritillary in size. May be recognized from above by its duller colour, with more pale patches - almost like the underwings of some species. The underwings lack any silvery-white patches, and are mottled yellow and orange-brown, with yellowish margins. The larvae are black and bristly, livinggregariously in loose webs, often basking openly. Habitat Most frequent in damp rough pasture and heath, though also occurs on dry limestone grassland. The food-plant is Devil's Bit Scabious, less frequently plall tains and other herbs. Status and distribution Uncommoll and declining, with a strong western tell dency in the UK; widespread declining Marbled White but local and MeI<ll1<lrgi<l ga/<llhea A beautiful and distinctive butterfly, similar to no other N European species. Wingspall 53-58mm. The upper surfaces of the wing'. are boldly chequered black and white; till' undersides are usually yellowish, marked with grey and black. Habitat Rough ungrazed or lightly grazed flowery grassland. The food-plants are var ious finer grasses. Status and distribution A souther 1I species, absent from N Britain and Scandi navia; locally common and sometime" abundant further south. Season 6-8. Grayling ffiptjarchi<l semele A medium-large butterfly, with a wingspall of 55~Omm (though normally seen restini: with wings closed). Not particularly distinctive; the visible hindwing underside h banded dark brown, pale greyish, then mid brown; the forewings are orange below, with 2 'eye-spots'. NW European race~ (including British ones) are smaller thall more southern ones. Habitat Heaths and rough grassy places, especially near coasts. around the coasts of the UK, less commonly inland; widespread and locally common * Tree Grayling Neohipporchia stotilinus is similar, but duller in colour, and lower 'eyespot' lacks the white pupil. In open woodland and scrub, from N France southwards. ~ 142 LEPIDOPTERA

2 * Dryad Millois dryas A medium-large butterfly, with a wingspan of about 60mm. Generally mid to dark brown in colour, with 2 'eyes' on each forewing that have orange outer rings and blue 'pupils'. Habitat In dry grassy places, rarely fens. Status and distribution Locai, from central Germany southwards. Season 7-9. Mountain Ringlet Erehia efiifihroll A small butterfly; wingspan 3S-40mm. Predominantly dark brown, with orange patches containing black dots; highiy variable where it occurs elsewhere in Europe. Habitat Grassy places in mountains, or moorlands. The main food-plant is Mat Grass. Status and distribution A mountain species, occurring locally in the UK from the Lake District northwards; otherwise in mountains from the Alps southwards. Season 6->8. Scotch Argus E. aethiops is similar in size and general appearance, though this species has bolder 'eye-spots' with white 'pupils', and more pronounced orange patches. Similar habitats, though rather more widespread Meadow Brown Mallio/a IlIrtilla A familiar medium-sized butterfly, with a wingspan of SO-S8mm. Basically brown, with darker patches and orange towards the tip, in which there is a single biack 'eyespot' with I white 'pupil'. The undersides are undistinguished brown. Habitat Rough flowery grasslands. Status and distribution Widespll',IIj and common throughout. See Gatekeeper, below. Gatekeeper l'yrollia lilholl/is This species resembles a smaller version (,f the Meadow Brown, with a wingspan (,f 40-48mm. The predominant colour of till upper surfaces of the wings is orange, willi a broad brown border; the forewings havii single brown 'eye-spots', each with 2 whit" 'pupils'; these are also present on tho undersides of the forewings. Habitat Sheltered grassy places, hedge rows, woodland rides and so on. and common generally, though absent frolll N Britain and mainland Europe north 01 Holland. Season 7-9. Ringlet Afihalltopl/s hyfiera11/l/s A medium-sized dark velvety brown but terfly, with a wingspan of about SOmm.The general appearance is dark brown, but the undersurfaces of both wings have sev 'eral yellow-ringed 'eye-spots' with white 'pupils', also present in more subdued form on the upper surface of the hindwings. A weak flier. Habitat Hedges. edges of grassy areas, damp meadows and occasionally bogs. in UK, but local and absent from many areas. Widespread and moderately common on the Continent. Season 6-8 (7-8 in UK). 144 LEPIDOPTERA

3 Large Heath (;'I('I/(J1I)'IIl/Jf.>,I/II/lid A medium-sized. I'athel' greyish butterfly, food-plants White Beaked Sedge, Cotton Grass or various sedges occur. Status and distribution A northern species, very local in 5 Britain, becoming commoner northwards; absent from most with a wingspan of about 40mm. Settles with wings closed, so the hind undelwings are normally seen - these are grey, irregularly banded with cream, and with 6 or so dark 'eye-spots'; northern forms (var. sco( ico) are larger and the eye-spots are much reduced, with no 'pupils'. Habitat Bogs and moorland, whel'e the of France, but increasingly common northwards and eastwards. Season 6-B. * Pearly Heath C. arcania is similar in size, but has a marked white band on the underside hindwing, which has a prominent ocellus to the inside of it. A widespread species in rough grassy places, especially in hilly areas. * Chestnut Heath C.glycerion resembles Pearly Heath, but has a more marked orange marginal band, and less distinctive eyespots on the forewings, An eastern species, mainly in the uplands, just reaching into our area. Small Heath COC/1()//)'lIlph<l/'<llllphi/IIS Resembles a smaller version of Large Heath, with a wingspan of only 3Smm. The hindwings are greyish and furry-looking below, with a poorly defined pale band; the forewings, which al'e often revealed when the butterfly is resting, are orange below, edged brown, with a single 'eye-spot'. Habitat Rough grassy places. The main food-plants are soft grasses such as fescues, and common throughout. Season Speckled Wood P~lrdrg(' ~l('g,lti~l A medium-sized butterfly with a win):"i,1 of 46-50mm. Northern forms (WilliI occur over most of the area) are vel'y II tinctive mottled cream and brown abo with scalloped wing margins. South"11 forms (which reach NW France) orange in place of cream.!lnd resel"i.1 Wall Brown (see below). It rarely vi," flowers. Habitat Shady or partially shaded plar, such as woodland rides. The food-plalll include various soft grasses. Status and distribution A comn)(." species through most of the area, tholl)',h very local in N Britain. Season Wall Brown l,tls;()j11111at,l l11cgcra An attractive medium-sized butterfly, with a wingspan of about 45mm. They alway' bask with wings open, revealing the beaut I fully marked orange and brown uppet sides, with a single large 'eye-spot' on tlw forewings, and 4 smaller ones on the hind wings (similal'-sized fritillarles do not haw these spots). Habitat Rough grassy places, with bare ground. The food-plants include variou, coarse grasses such as Cocksfoot. Status and distribution Mainly south ern in Britain, where it is moderately com mon but declining. Widespread and quite common over most of the Continent. Season The * southern form of Speckled Wood (see above) looks very similar, but has scalloped wing margins and is less orange. * Large Wall Brown L maero is rather similar, very slightly larger, and with a dou ble 'eye-spot' on each forewing. It is generally less bright in colour. In rough grassy places. widespread, though absent from many lowland areas. 146 LEPIDOPTERA

4 Skippers, Family Hesperiidae A distinctive family of small butterflies with 40 representatives in Europe. These mostly share the habit of a darting flight, 'skipping' from flower to flower, rather than fluttering or gliding. Some of the skippers tend to hold their wings angled at about 45' when sunbathing, and the Dingy Skipper wraps its wings around the body when roosting. Skippers are generally the most moth-like of the butterflies. Grizzled Skipper l'yrglls maluae A small butterfly; wingspan 25-28mm. The upper surfaces of the wings are attractively chequered white and dark brown, and the fringes are barred with brown. The undersides are similar but duller. A distinctive species in Britain, but there are increasing numbers of similar species further south. Habitat In sheltered flowery sites, such as woodland clearings. The food-plants include Wild Strawberry, cinquefoils and other members of the rose family. Status and distribution Only in the south of the UK, where it is local; widespread but local Season 5-6 in UK, 5-B in Europe. * Large Grizzled Skipper l'yrglls alueus Similar in general appearance to Grizzled Skipper, but distinctly larger (wingspan up to 33mm), and with much less white on the upper surfaces of the hindwings; the undersides of the hindwings have larger white patches, and a greenish tinge. Habitat Rough flowery grassland, mainly in hilly areas. on the Continent generally, though absent from much of the Low Countries. Season 5-9. Dingy Skipper ErY11lzis/ages Similar in shape and size to Grizzled Ski!, per, but duller, overall brown with sm,11 blurred white and darker patches. Th.' underwings are light greyish-orange. Habitat Rough, warm, flowery placc", with bare ground. The main food-plants al" Bird's-foot Trefoil and other legumes. Status and distribution Scattered III the UK, mainly southern, becoming coast:!1 further north. Widespread throughout 011 the Continent. Season 5-B. * Large Chequered Skipper He/erop/ems 11l0rphells Slightly larger than Dingy Skipper. UppCI sides of wings brown flecked with yellow: undersides conspicuous and distinctiv,', with numerous large oval white spots on ;, brownish-yellow background. Habitat Rough, damp, grassy area" Food-plants include various larger grassc" Status and distribution Local in heathy and upland areas Season 6-8. Chequered Skipper Carterocephaills palaemoll A beautiful little butterfly, with a wingspall of about 30mm. Upper wing surfaces boldly chequered with white or yellow patches 011 brown; the underwings are similar but duller. Habitat Woodland clearings and shel tered scrubby grassland. Food-plant~, include Purple Moor Grass and other grasses. Status and distribution In the UK, it has become extinct in England, but is very locally common in the W Highlands of Scotland. More widespread on the Conti nent, but local. Season LEPIDOPTERA

5 Lulworth Skipper TiJ)'lIlclicliS acteejil One of the 'golden skippers' (as are all the following species) which rest with their wings at 4So. This is both the smallest (wingspan about 26mm) and the darkest of the group, and the females have a gold circle on the forewings (upper side). The undersides of the antennae tips are creamcoloured. Habitat Rough g,-assland. where Tor Grass or b.-omes occur. Status and distribution Very,-estricwd in UK. on the Dorset and Devon coasts. Widespread on the Continent f.-om N Germany southwards, rare in the north. Small Skipper ThYJJ]elinlS sylzl('s/ris A small golden-brown butterfly, with few positive distinguishing features. Brighter than Lulworth (above) and lacking the golden circles; smaller and less boldly marked than Large Skipper (see below). Essex Skipper can only be satisfactorily separated by looking at the undersides of the antennae: black in Essex, orange in Small. Habitat Many kinds of rough grassy places with flowers. Food-plants include various coarse grasses. Status and distribution Common in S Britain, absent from Scotland; widespread Season 5-8. Essex Skipper TiJ)'lIle/iCl/s Ii"e()/a Resembles Small Skipper very closely. It can only be reliably distinguished by the black undersides to the antennae, though with experience the slightly paler colour and the slightly shorter sex brand on the male's forewing, which runs roughly parallel to the wing margin (angled slightly towards it in the Small Skipper) can be used. Habitat Found in rough grassy places, including fens and the upper parts of saltmarshes. Status and distribution Locally common in south-eastern parts of Britain; absent elsewhere. Widespread throughout N Europe. Season 5-8. Silver-spotted Skipper J /cs/)(tid ("()1n1Jhl An attractive skipper; wingspan 30--3Smm. Its most distinctive feature is the undersides of the wings, which are greenishbrown marked with conspicuous white spots, brighter in females. The upper surfaces are similar but less boldly marked, with more orange. Habitat Chalk grassland and similar places with short grass and ba,-e soil. Foodplants include fescues and other fine grasses. Status and distribution Rare and declining in the UK, confined to S England. Widespread and locally frequent on the Continent. Season Large Skipper ()cij/()des uc/iiiiiis 6-9 in Europe, 8--9 in UK. Rather similar to Small Skipper, but larger (to 36mm), and with upper surfaces of wings distinctly marked with squarish orange patches towards the edges, separated by dark veins. The undersides are similar but less boldly marked, though distinct from the plain undersides of Small, Essex and Lulworth. Habitat Grassy, flowery places of all kinds. Food-plants include Cocksfoot and other coarse grasses. Status and distribution Increasingly common southwards in England and Wales; widespread and common on the Continent. 150 LEPIDOPTERA

Lulworth Skipper. Habitat Found in rough grassy 1)1.11' including fens and the upper parts of ",11 marshes.

Lulworth Skipper. Habitat Found in rough grassy 1)1.11' including fens and the upper parts of ,11 marshes. Lulworth Skipper ThYlIlcliclfs actctjl/ One of the 'golden skippers' (as are all the following species) which rest with their wings at 45. This is both the smallest (wingspan about 26mm) and the darkest

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